Application of Business Model Canvas in MSMEs in Karangwuni Village


  • Adam Hernawan Politeknik Siber Cerdika Internasional, Cirebon, West Jawa
  • Septien Dwi Savandha Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Cirebon, West Jawa
  • Aldo Hermaya Aditia Nur Karsa Universitas Catur Insan Cendekia Cirebon, Cirebon, West Java
  • Muhamad Zaenal Asikin Politeknik Siber Cerdika Internasional, Cirebon, West Jawa
  • Muhamad Opan Fadilah Politeknik Siber Cerdika Internasional, Cirebon, West Jawa



Business Model Canvas, Business, MSMEs, Application


This qualitative research, employing a literature review approach, examines the pivotal role of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in fostering economic development amidst the ongoing wave of globalization. Specifically focused on Karangwuni Village, the study elucidates how the adoption of the Business Model Canvas framework positively impacts MSMEs, fortifying their operational infrastructure and catalyzing avenues for sustainable expansion, thereby underscoring the significance of strategic frameworks in bolstering the resilience and growth trajectory of MSMEs within the broader economic landscape.


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