Evaluating The Effectiveness of Information and Communication Technologies (Icts) in Fire Response in Disaster Management in Batam, Indonesia


  • Said Firman Maulana Department of International Program of Government Affairs and Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah
  • Sakir Department of International Program of Government Affairs and Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah




Fire response, Disaster management, Effectiveness, ICT


This research aims to evaluate the utilization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the context of fire response for disaster management in Batam, Indonesia, spanning the years 2018 to 2023. Employing a mixed-methods approach involving surveys and case studies, the study investigates strategies and provides recommendations for health adaptation actions during climate-related disasters. The research assesses the effectiveness of ICTs in disaster risk management, with a specific focus on evaluating the role of the Disaster Management Act in Indonesia. The findings reveal that ICT-based early warning systems, enhanced communication networks, and efficient data management significantly contribute to improving Batam's preparedness and response to disasters. Despite these positive outcomes, the study identifies challenges, including issues related to equitable technology access, infrastructure limitations in remote areas, and privacy concerns that warrant attention. This study presents valuable quantitative insights into the effectiveness of ICTs in disaster management in Batam, Indonesia. It emphasizes the importance of addressing the identified challenges for a more robust disaster mitigation framework. The results have significant implications for policymakers and practitioners, underscoring the need for targeted interventions to overcome barriers and ensure the effective integration of ICTs in disaster response and management practices in Indonesia.


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