Analysis of the Influence of Social Media Marketing and E-WOM on Purchase Decisions Mediated by Brand Awareness and Trust at "X" Ice Cream Outlets


  • Regina Raina Rania Citrasumidi Master of Management, Faculty Of Economics And Business, Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Lamhot Henry Pasaribu Master of Management, Faculty Of Economics And Business, Universitas Pelita Harapan



Social Media Marketing, Electronic Word Of Mouth, Brand Awareness, Trust, Purchase Decision


With the evolution of the times, there has been a rise in the number of internet and social media users, leading to a shift from traditional marketing methods to digital marketing. The aim of this research was to explore how social media marketing and electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) affect the choices made in purchasing, with brand awareness and trust serving as mediating factors. Employing a quantitative approach, an online survey was conducted with 200 participants, and data processing was carried out using SmartPLS software. The findings revealed a notable and meaningful connection was observed, showing a positive influence among social media marketing, e-WOM, and purchasing decisions, wherein brand awareness and trust played intermediary roles., specifically in "X" ice cream outlets. Notably, brand awareness and trust were identified to have a partially mediating effect concerning the connection among social media marketing, e-WOM, and purchasing decisions, this study underscores the managerial significance of improving social media marketing, e-WOM, trust, and brand awareness to positively impact purchase choices.


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