Analysis Of Agency Level Financial Application Systems In The Secretariat General Work Unit Ministry Of Internal Affairs


  • Heni Suryanti Accountancy, Universitas Nasional, Jakarta



Agency Level, Financial Application System, Ministry, Internal Affairs, SAKTI, Net Benefit


This Study aim for analyze influence success system application finance level agency (SAKTI) towards net benefits through satisfaction user through mediating variables . The purpose of study This is For measure how much success implementation of Financial Institutions System Application (SAKTI) is medium in trial stage beginning and for investigate influencing factors  success use of success models information DeLone and McLean systems. Data from studies causal-explanatory This is collected from distributed questionnaires  to 46 users working at Secretariat Elected General of the Ministry of Home Affairs through purposive sampling method . The result of analysis using Partial Least Square (PLS), method alternative Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), shows that quality system , quality information and quality SAKTI services are influential positive to satisfaction user . The results also show that satisfaction user influential positive to benefit SILENTLY clean .


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