Analysis of Educational Curriculum Evolution in Indonesia and Its Impact on Increasing Education Quality


  • Raodatul Jannah Graduate Program Universitas Agama Islam Bunga Bangsa Cirebon



Curriculum Evolution, Education, Impact, Quality Improvement


The evolution of the education curriculum in Indonesia has undergone significant changes in line with the times and global demands. This study aims to analyze the process of evolution of the education curriculum in Indonesia from the period 1947 to 2013, and identify its impacts on improving the quality of education. This research is a descriptive analysis research using a qualitative approach. The data collection technique was carried out by means of a literature review. The data that has been collected is analyzed in three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that the evolution of the education curriculum in Indonesia has undergone many changes from time to time. These changes were made to adapt to the growing needs of society. Changes in the education curriculum in Indonesia have had a positive impact on improving the quality of education, this can be seen from the increased skills and competencies of students who are more in line with the demands of the times, by adopting a curriculum that is more relevant and responsive to social, technological and economic developments, students will have the opportunity to develop skills needed in the real world.


The results of the study show that the development of the education curriculum in Indonesia has undergone significant changes from time to time. These changes were made to adapt to the dynamics of the development of society that continues to develop. The evolution of the education curriculum in Indonesia has had a positive impact which can be seen from the improvement in the quality of education. One indicator of this increase is in terms of increasing the skills and competencies of students who are more in line with the demands of the times. Through a more relevant and responsive approach to social, technological and economic changes, the adapted curriculum is able to provide opportunities for students to develop skills that have direct relevance to the real world. The use of a curriculum that accommodates the latest developments also allows students to understand and face global changes more readily. Improving the quality of education is also reflected in students' ability to solve real problems, think critically, and adapt to a rapidly changing environment. Through curriculum changes, students are better prepared to face the challenges of the world of work and everyday life. In addition, an increase in the quality of education can also be observed in an increase in student learning motivation. A curriculum that is more attractive and in accordance with the interests and needs of students can encourage active participation in learning. This has an impact on a deeper understanding and the development of soft skills such as communication and collaboration skills.


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