The Situation of the Education of Refugee Children in the Republic of Congo from1960-2017


  • Boueya Fladimind Castro Marien Ngouabi University, Brazzaville
  • Dominique Oba Marien Ngouabi University, Brazzaville



Situation, schooling, education, refugee, UNHCR


Schooling is defined as the fact of schooling a child, that is to say, putting him on the school bench. It is actually compulsory for all children of school age. Due to its political stability, the Republic of Congo is a country that has received many refugees from Central African countries over the past twenty years. Since the return of peace to the Congo in 1998, after a period of turmoil and political instability, the Republic of the Congo has continued to attract many refugees from all directions. The practical application of the education of refugee children who have suffered war trauma is essential. National and international organizations are working in this sector to enable these children to have access to school education in Congo. They provide refugee children with various school supplies. Well educated, these refugee children help fight against illiteracy. Once schooled and trained, these children will be able to support themselves in the host country. On the other hand, the failure of their education would make them marginalized, embittered, bandits.


BOUBOUTOU (M) and PETIT (M), Geography of the People's Republic of Congo , HATIER, 8 rue d' Arsa Paris 6, P.83.

DE LANDSHEERE (V & G), defining the aims of education . Franco Pocket collection.

UNHCR, A Mandate to Protect and Assist Refugees , Geneva 1971, p. 77.

UNHCR, the experience of UNHCR missions with displaced persons . Geneva September 1994. P.223.

UNHCR, Protecting Refugees: Field Service Handbook for NGOs . Geneva 1999, P.189.

UNHCR, refugees around the world . 2000 Edition, Otherwise, P.337.

UNHCR , Revised Guidelines (1995) for Educational Assistance to Refugees , PTSS, Geneva June 1996. P. 103.

UNHCR, Community Services for Urban Refugees Geneva 1994 P. 57.

OCHA, Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement . United Nations. New York 1999. P. 14.

UN : Statute of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees , December 14, 1950.

UN: United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees , July 28, 1967.

UN : United Nations Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees , October 4, 1967.

UN: United Nations Protocol on the Rights of the Child , 20 November 1989.

OAU: Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa , 1969.

Law n°25/95 of November 17, 1995 amending law n°008/90 of September 6 on the reorganization of the education system in the Republic of Congo.

Decree No. 98-150 of May 12, 1998; relating to the attributions and organization of the General Directorate of Basic Education.

Decree No. 98-173 of May 12, 1998, on the powers and organization of the Humanitarian Action Department.

Decree 99-310 of December 312, 1999 on the creation, powers, organization and operation of the National Committee for Assistance to Refugees.

Order No. 80/40 of December 28, 2001 establishing the organization, powers and functioning of the eligibility commission.

Order 81/41 of December 28, 2001 on the creation, organization, attributions and functioning of the Appeals Commission.


