Johanis R. Wanma, Yasir Attamimi

University Cenderawasih, Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected]



Jobs as a State Civil Apparatus (ASN) are still in demand by most job seekers throughout Indonesia and especially job seekers in Papua Province. Based on the Governor of Papua Letter Number: 800 / 4407 / Set regarding procurement, The 2018 general formation of civil servant candidates at the Papua provincial government held in the 2019 fiscal year stated that the Papua Provincial Government needed 606 formations with the distribution of 20% formation allocations for Non-Papuans and 80% formation allocations for Papuan poeple. Data from the Papua Province Regional Personnel Agency shows that there are 2896 applicants for prospective civil servants at the provincial level who have passed the administration and will then participate in the basic skills selection, which will be held in June 2019. This shows that job seekers' high interest in becoming Civil Apparatus The State (ASN) increased sharply until it reached almost 500% of the available formations (source: BKD Papua Province). The problem for the Papua Provincial Government is that the high interest has not been aligned with the ability to understand and do the Computer Assisted Test (CAT). By looking at the phenomenon in the field, especially for job seekers, it is necessary to have training related to the CAT Test for job seekers registered with the Jayapura City Manpower Office so that job seekers do not hesitate when taking the test. The training is divided into three stages. The stages first are the preparation after that, An introduction to the materials that will be followed when carrying out the Computer Assisted Test (CAT), and Tips and Tricks on how to do the questions quickly.


Keywords: Training; Enhancement; Jayapura City


Received 02 March 2022, Revised 04 March 2022, Accepted 10 April 2022




Jobs as a State Civil Apparatus (ASN) are still in demand by most job seekers throughout Indonesia in general and especially job seekers in Papua Province, due to the assumption that working as a State Civil Apparatus (ASN) has a steady income, also guarantee in old age or retirement, even get health services through BPJS (Healthy Indonesia Card) and so on, all of which are regulated by the State.

Based on the Papua Governor's Letter Number: 800 / 4407 / Set regarding the procurement of civil servant candidates for


general formations in 2018 at the Papua provincial government held in the 2019 fiscal year, it is stated that the Papua Provincial Government requires as many as 606 formations with a 20% distribution of formation allocations for non-Papuans. Moreover, 80% of the formation allocation is for Papuan Orang Asli, while Papuan natives can only apply it for other technical formations. Data from the Papua Province Regional Personnel Agency shows that there are 2896 applicants for prospective civil servants at the provincial level who have passed the administration and will then participate in the basic skills selection, which will be held in June 2019. This shows that the high interest of job seekers to become Civil Apparatus The State (ASN) has increased sharply to almost 500% of the available formations (source: BKD Papua Province), not to mention the addition of applicants and formations in districts/cities and ministries in Papua Province. The problem for the Papuan Provincial Government is that this high interest is not in line with the ability to understand and perform the Computer Assisted Test (CAT). The meaning of Computer Assisted Test (CAT) is a selection method to obtain a minimum standard of basic competence for prospective civil servant applicants using computer aids. To realize the professionalism of civil servants, the basic competency standards for civil servants are very much needed, and CAT is believed to be able to guarantee the basic competency standards for civil servants in the basic competency test. From the information circulating, the results of the CAT test followed by job seekers at the Papua Province level were not optimal, thus affecting the determination of the final results for applicants (Suryanto & Sudrajat, n.d.) (Matippanna, 2020).

By looking at the phenomenon in the field, especially for job seekers, it is necessary to have training about the CAT Test for job seekers registered with the Jayapura City Manpower Office so that job seekers do not hesitate when taking the test (Natos, 2021).

From the preliminary description described above, the formulation of the problem is as follows:

a)   Is CAT training necessary for job seekers (Papuan men and women) registered with the Jayapura City Manpower Office?

b)  To what extent is the effect of training on increasing the passing grade of job seekers (Papuan men and women) registered with the Jayapura City Manpower Office?

(Handoko, 2019) Based on the regulation of the minister for the utilization of state apparatus and bureaucratic reform of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2019 regarding the criteria for determining the needs of civil servants, and the implementation of the selection of candidates for civil servants in 2019 pointe it is explained that the determination of CPNS needs is divided into two formations (Loen, 2020) (Redaksi, 2019) (Bramasta, 2020), namely extraordinary formations and general formations.

(Nurtiyasari, Gunawan, & Wulandari, 2021) It was further explained that the determination of the need for extraordinary formations consisted of:

a)   Diaspora;

b)  Persons with Disabilities;

c)   Son/Daughter of the Best Graduates with �With Praise�/ Cumlaude;

d)  Sons / Daughters of Papua and West Papua;

e)   Cyber ​​Security Personnel (cyber security).

Furthermore, it is also explained in the ministerial regulation regarding what is meant by the formation of sons/daughters of Papua and West Papua, namely applicants who are descendants of Papua / West Papua based on the lineage of parents (father and mother native Papua / West Papua), proven by a certificate birth and birth certificate in question and strengthened by a certificate from the village head/tribal head this is explained in point G number 4 in the ministerial regulation.

(NEGARA & DAN, 2010) Furthermore, it is also explained in the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2019 concerning the threshold value for the selection of essential competencies for the procurement of prospective civil servants in 2019 Article 6 paragraph c explains that the cumulative value of essential competency selection for Papuan sons/girls and West Papua with a minimum of 260 (two hundred and sixty), with a general intelligence test score of at least 60 (sixty). When viewed from all the existing formations, the cumulative score for the sons/daughters of Papua and West Papua in the selection of essential competencies is the lowest cumulative value compared to the entire current formation.

However, even though it has the lowest cumulative score, the lowest when compared to the current overall formation, from the results of the percentage issued by the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) of the Republic of Indonesia regarding the percentage of passing grade graduation rates in the selection of basic skills of prospective civil servants in In 2019, the lowest percentage of graduation was participants who registered using the Papua & West Papua formation with a passing percentage of only 26.54%, through the CAT test.

The aims of this training are:

a)   To determine the importance of CAT training for job seekers (Papuan sons and daughters) registered with the Jayapura City Manpower Office.

b)  To determine how far the effect of training on increasing the passing grade of job seekers (Papuan men and women) registered at the Jayapura City Manpower Office.

The benefits of holding this training are:

a)   Provide understanding and, at the same time, improve quality in the IT field for job seekers (Papuan men and women) who take the CAT test;

b)  Provide an overview of the importance of CAT for job seekers (Papuans);

c)   Introducing CAT to job seekers (Papuan men and women) through the Faculty of Economics and Business UNCEN-Jayapura;

d)  As input for the Jayapura City Manpower Office.



The problem is that the passing percentage of passing grades in the selection of essential skills for civil servants candidates for the formation of Papua & West Papua is deemed necessary to conduct training in order to be able to solve this problem.

The training is divided into three stages. The first stage is the preparation stage. The service team prepares the needs that will be used to support the training, namely training materials, training questions, partisan place, permits, and equipment used in training.

The second stage is the training stage in which it will be oriented to 3 things, namely:

An introduction to the materials that will be followed when carrying out the Computer Assisted Test (CAT), which will discuss the Personal Characteristics Test (TKP), General Intelligence Test (TIU), and National Insight Test (TWK) and threshold values or Passing Grade of each test and also the number of questions for each test and the processing time. Tips and tricks on how to quickly do the questions will discuss how to solve each question item on each test quickly (Septian, 2011). At this stage, the service team will conduct a detailed discussion of each question to provide participants with a detailed description of the questions to be addressed.

Computer Assisted Test (CAT) Simulation, which will discuss how to use the Computer Assisted Test (CAT) application and simulate it directly so that participants have an understanding of how to use the Computer Assisted Test (CAT) application. Moreover, the last stage is conducting evaluation and strengthening. It is felt that the participants are still having difficulties in doing it, so it is hoped that all participants can optimally understand each material given in this training. The service team will see and study the final simulation results from each participant so that they can provide conclusions about the shortcomings of each participant and then evaluate and reinforce / re-teach the tests carried out.


Results and Discussion

A.  Activity preparation

Training activities to increase the passing grade of job seekers registered with the Jayapura City Manpower Service begin by preparing the needs used to support training, namely training materials, questions, partisan places, permits, and equipment to be used in training. Training.

The training materials and questions are taken from various sources and prepared in hard and soft copies so that the trainees can study them anytime and anywhere. Attached are materials and questions. In addition, at this stage, coordination is also carried out with the Jayapura City Manpower Service to obtain the names of job seekers registered with the Service to be offered as training participants to increase the passing grade value of job seekers registered with the Jayapura City Manpower Service. Data regarding the names of job seekers in the Jayapura City Area, which is divided into five districts, namely :

1)   North Jayapura District.

2)   South Jayapura District

3)   Abepura District

4)   Muara Tami District

5)   Haram District.

Then the names of the job seekers were selected based on the level of education, age and ethnicity, so 250 job seekers were obtained who was then offered to become a training program for increasing passing grade values ​​. If interested, they would be directed to register using the google form link provided from that process. Twenty participants registered. The names of the participants are attached.

B.  Introduction to the material followed when carrying out the Computer Assisted Test (CAT).

The Computer Assisted Test (CAT) is a selection method with computer aids to obtain a minimum standard of basic competence for CPNS applicants (Oktutula, Ramat, & Sofino, 2019). This CAT test is considered so important that it needs to be introduced to the participants so that, in time, they can understand and understand what it is about. and how the CAT test is. Due to the prohibition on gathering tombs, this material was delivered using the zoom application, attached figure (Kurniawan, Sutrisno, & Nuhgroho, n.d.).

C.  Material Tips and Tricks on how to quickly work on questions

Working on the Computer Assisted Test (CAT) questions is not only about understanding and understanding the questions on the test, but also, the Computer Assisted Test (CAT) test participants are only given 90 minutes to complete the 100 questions that have been provided. Committee means that one question is only done in 54 seconds (Sedarmayanti & Pd, 2001) (Rabiudin & Katmas, 2021) (Heriyanto & Sulaiman, 2020).

Of course, in addition to understanding and understanding the Computer Assisted Test (CAT) questions, participants must also be provided with tips and tricks in working on these questions so that they are following the allotted time. Due to the prohibition on gathering tombs, this material was delivered using the zoom application, and the image is attached.



Based on the training that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the introduction of the materials that will be followed when carrying out the Computer Assisted Test (CAT) is critical to convey because most trainees admit that this test made them fail previous CPNS tests. In addition, because of the lack of information, some participants had an experience when taking the CPNS test. They did not understand what kind of questions they would be working on later. Tips and tricks in doing the questions are also essential because even though they understand the questions, participants find it difficult to solve them on time and sometimes feel nervous and lose concentration in doing the test.

Based on the conclusions above, the researcher's advice to convey is that this kind of training is very beneficial, so it must be carried out regularly. The implementation time and the number of participants must be increased again.




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