Stella Ovinda, Zakaria Wahab, Isni Andriana, Diah Natalisa

University Sriwijaya, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]



This study aims to determine the effect of endorsements and online promotions on purchase intention in the MSME culinary business in Palembang City. This study uses the Theory of Planned Behavior. The total population in this study was 1.66 million respondents. The sampling method is through the Slovin formula with a total sample of 399 respondents. The data analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression. The results obtained are endorsements and online promotions have a significant positive effect on purchase intention in the MSME culinary business in the city of Palembang. Suggestions that can be given for further research are so that MSMEs are more selective in choosing the role of influencers who can be trusted, have culinary knowledge, are honest with the message conveyed, and can display culinary qualities that are easy to understand when doing online promotions on social media.� Further researchers are expected to add other variables such as celebrity endorsement variables, word of mouth, online advertising, brand image, discount framing, and so on.


Keywords: Endorsements; Online Promotion; Purchase Intention.


Received 20 February 2022, Revised 30 February 2022, Accepted 10 March 2022




The development of business in Indonesia is one of the things that is most in the spotlight for the community to date. One of the businesses that are experiencing development is the culinary business. This culinary business is a business in the sale of food and beverages of various types. (Maria, Yoanita, & Aritonang, 2020) said that the food and beverage industry in 2021 is predicted to increase by almost 7%. The potential for this business can be said as a business that is quite difficult to die because humans will always need food and drink. Compared to some businesses in other fields, the culinary business has a higher level promising to be run especially by business beginners.

According to (Nugroho & Andhita, 2021), several factors are quite large that can

be obtained by business people in doing culinary business, among others, the culinary business is very easily known to the public, has various kinds that can be created from the culinary business, businesses that can be done anywhere because it does not have limited locations, it is easy to innovate, and it has quite promising advantages to be obtained by business people with an initial capital that is not too large.

One of the culinary businesses that are increasingly in demand is coming from Small, Micro, and Medium Enterprises or often referred to by its abbreviation, namely UMKM. The presence of these Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is one of the strongest factors and supporting factors for the Indonesian economy (Febriyantoro & Arisandi, 2018) . The following graph will show support the above statement regarding the number of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia which continues to increase from year to year.


Figure 1

Number of MSMEs in Indonesia 1997-2019

Source:, 2021.


Based on this figure, it can be seen that the growth in the number of MSMEs from 1997 continued to increase until 2019. In 1997 the number of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) reached 40 million. Then the number of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia until 2019 reached 65.5 million. (Karningsih et al., 2020) said that the number in 2019 increased by 1.98% from the previous year 2018.


Figure 2

Impact of Covid-19 on Indonesian MSMEs

Source:, 2020.


The picture above is data on the number of Small Micro and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The business phenomenon experienced a decline in line with the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 which had quite an impact on the number of MSMEs in Indonesia. (Bayu & Triastuti, 2020) said that one of the pairwise sectors affected by Covid-19 was Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), especially in the culinary business. The culinary business was impacted by a fairly large decline, reaching 27%.

Table 1

Number of Culinary Business MSME Developments in Palembang City in 2019-2020

Source:, 2020.


However, the culinary business SMEs in the city of Palembang did not experience the impact of the decline, this is in line with the table data above. From the table data on the development of the number of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) of South Sumatra Province in 2020, it is known that MSMEs in the city of Palembang has increased from 2019 to 2020. The number of MSMEs per 2019 was 37,101, then in 2020, the number of MSMEs increased to 37,351. From these results, there was an increase in the number of MSMEs by 250 from 2019 to 2020.

����� Figure 3

Total Population of Palembang City in 2020

Source:, 2021.


Based on the picture above regarding data on the population of Palembang City in 2020, there are 18 sub-districts that have data on the population. It is known that from the data of each sub-district there is a total population of Palembang City which is around 1.66 million people.

The strategy carried out by MSME culinary business actors is by endorsement on social media which is usually done by an influencer and by promoting online on social media. Newspaper. id (2020) says that currently carrying out an endorsed��� strategy is the most effective thing in attracting the market, especially the younger generation who use social media a lot. Likewise, the Kominfo news discusses MSME actors who carry out online promotions with government encouragement in the MSME Go Online program. By switching marketing strategies to online, it will be a solution for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to be able to continue to grow following today's times.

Research by (Erlangga, 2021) shows that social media marketing has a significant effect on consumer buying interest in MSME products. Likewise, research by (Galdeano, Fati, Ogalo, & Abro, 2019) states that social media has a significant influence on increasing consumer buying interest. (Naeem, 2019) and research by (Hutter, Hautz, Dennhardt, & F�ller, 2013) show that the involvement of social networks such as Facebook has a positive influence on consumers' buying interest. This is in line with research by (Eti, Horaira, & Bari, 2021) which states that marketing using social media such as Facebook and Instagram has a significant influence on consumer buying interest during the Covid-19 period. Research by (Al-Hadban & Almotairi, 2020) says that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, critical mass, and perceived playfulness have a significant positive influence on consumer purchase intentions at Saudi Foodservice. Research by (Hafeez, Hafsa Abdul, Amir Manzoor, 2017) also states that information search, use, and communication carried out on social media have a significant positive effect on consumer buying interest.

However, it is different from research conducted by (Aggad, Ahmad, & Kamarudin, 2021) and research by (D�LEK & AYDIN, 2020) that according to their research, marketing on social media does not directly affect the buying interest of potential consumers. (Nik Abdullah, Halim, & Singam, 2014) research states that there is a negative relationship between communication on social media and potential consumers' buying interest in food. Likewise, research by (Wong, 2018) states that information from social media networking platforms has no significant effect on consumer trust and buying interest.

The research of (Teo, Rathkopf, & Kantoff, 2019) also states that social influence does not affect consumer buying interest. The research of (Shaari, Hamidi, & Ahmad, 2021) shows that social media also cannot moderate the factors to influence consumer buying interest. (Aliyev, 2021) states that support from celebrities and influencers in carrying out promotions with approaches through telecommunication platforms and digital marketing can influence consumer buying interest. (Apejoye, 2013) states that celebrity endorsement has a significant effect on students' buying interest in food products. However, research by (Zeren & G�kdağlı, 2020) states that using influencers is more active and more effective than using celebrity endorsers on Instagram to present their product brands. Research by (Aypar & KAZANCIOĞLU, n.d.) states that the information conveyed by food influencers has a significant effect on consumers' intention to buy the food offered. Likewise, research by (Gayathri & Anwar, 2019) shows a significant positive relationship between the credibility factor, attractiveness factor, and expertise factor of influencers on consumer buying interest, it is known that business is growing rapidly so business people collaborate with influencers in influencing consumer interest. consumer buy. In line with research by (Keme� & Y�ksel, 2021) which states that influencer credibility has a significant positive effect on purchase intention. Research by (Tahirah Abdullah et al., 2020) also states that social media influencers on Instagram and Facebook with items likeability, trustworthiness, familiarity, expertise, and similarity have a positive influence on consumer buying interest.

However, the studies above are quite inline and interrelated, in contrast to the studies conducted such as the research by

which states that using influencers is not effective in posting on buying interest. In line with the research by (Folkvord & de Bruijne, 2020) that there is no influence from social influencers in promoting consumer buying interest. Likewise, research by (Aggad et al., 2021) states that the trustworthiness of influencers does not affect consumer buying interest. Research by Taillon et al (2020) said that through the moderating variable closeness only moderated item attractiveness and likeability on purchase intention, while item similarity hurt purchase intention.

Research by (Xiao, Guo, Yu, & Liu, 2019) states that to increase consumer buying interest, several promotional methods such as discounts and the application of advertising strategies can be used, it is known that online promotion has a significant positive effect on consumer buying interest. Likewise, research by (Luo et al., 2021) states that online promotions have a significant effect on consumer buying interest, but through an intermediary effect, namely the expected regret. Research by (Khaleeli, 2020) also states that social media sales promotion affects online purchase intention. Konggrapunt and Pupat's (2018) research states that generation Y with several variables such as the promotion variable has a significant positive influence on online purchase intention. Research by (Al Mahmud, 2020) and research by (Jermsittiparsert, 2019) state that promotions on Facebook with Facebook advertising attributes or Facebook page credibility items as well as through Facebook features such as "fan page" and "like" have a significantly positive effect on purchase intention.

This is different from research by (Bhatti, 2018) and research by (Razy & Lajevardi, 2015) which states that online promotions such as price discounts do not affect consumer buying interest. Research by (Rakesh & Khare, 2012) also states that discount promotions do not affect consumer buying interest in India. Likewise, research by (Aldoreno & Chairy, n.d.) states that online promotions with discounts have no significant effect on purchase intention. Research by (Nazari & Fathi, 2020) states that the impact of limited quantity and time of discount promotions has no significant effect on consumer buying interest. Research by (Santini, Sampaio, Perin, & Vieira, 2015) states that there is a negative relationship between discounts and buying interest.

Based on the results of the description of the research gap and the business phenomenon, the authors are interested in conducting research with the title "The Effect of Endorsement and Online Promotion in Social Media on Buying Interest in the Culinary Business (Study on MSMEs in Palembang City)".

Previous research supports social media influencers' support on buying, more specifically, advertising outcome intentions and sourcing in this process. the proposed framework argues that advertising has a significant impact on the sub-dimensions of attractiveness, trustworthiness and expertise; subdimensions that positively affect consumer purchase intentions.

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the purpose of this study is to test empirically by analyzing and seeing the application of the influence of endorsement strategies and online promotions on social media on buying interest in the MSME culinary business in the city of Palembang.

The results of this study are expected to provide benefits to culinary business actors, especially MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) as a reference and reference regarding which variables are the most influential among product marketing strategies with endorsements or online promotions on social media on buying interest. This research is expected to provide information and an overview as well as theoretical input to be used as a reference and reference material for writers who want to continue this research which discusses the effect of endorsements and online promotions on social media on buying interest in the UMKM culinary business in the city of Palembang. Then this research is also expected to provide input for future readers or writers in researching Facebook and Instagram social media accounts.



The type of data used in this research is using quantitative data research. Quantitative data is data that is measured on a numerical scale or in the form of numbers (Sugiyono, 2014). The population is a general area consisting of objects with characteristics and characters that will be used as references and used to conclude (Sugiyono, 2013).

Then the Non-Probability Sampling technique will be used to be able to take a more definite number of samples in this study. This Non-Probability Sampling technique is taken from population elements selected based on the availability of respondents, namely when the respondent is voluntarily willing to become a respondent or when the researcher considers that the respondent can represent the population (Ferdinand, 2014).

The data collection technique in this research is using questionnaires that will be given to culinary consumers of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the city of Palembang. A questionnaire is a technique in collecting data by providing a list of questions or statements to be answered by the respondents.

According to (Ghozali, 2013) regression analysis was carried out to measure the strength of the relationship between variables, and to show the direction of the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable, where the dependent variable was assumed to be random, i.e. having a probabilistic distribution. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Test is used in answering all problem formulations that have been included in a study, and the analytical technique used in this study is using multiple linear regression analysis. The equation formula for this multiple linear regression analysis is as follows:



Y��������� = Buying Interest Variable

a��������� = constant

= Regression line coefficient

����������� = Endorsement

����������� = Promotion

e��������� = Standard error

1.  Overview of Research Respondents Profile

Before conducting the research analysis, a description of the respondent's profile will be presented first. The respondent's profile was obtained from the personal data of each respondent found on the front of the google questionnaire form. The parts of the respondent's profile that must be filled out include things such as name, age, gender, education, profession, frequently used social media accounts, length of time opening social media, and the period in opening social media to find culinary delights. will be purchased. The profile description of the respondents will be presented as follows:

2.  Profile of Respondents by Age

Figure 4

Profile of Respondents by Age


Based on Figure 4 above, it can be seen that the respondents in this study who came from <25 years of age were 282 respondents or 71.4%, then for the age of 26-50 years, there were 91 respondents or 22.8%, and age >50. years as many as 26 respondents or 6.6%. It can be concluded that the age <25 years is the largest group of respondents based on age.

a.   Profile of Respondents by Gender


Figure 5

Profile of Respondents by Gender

Based on Figure 5 above, it can be seen that the respondents in this study were mostly from the female group, namely as many as 244 respondents or 61.1%, and for the male group as many as 155 respondents or 38.9%. It can be concluded that women are the largest group of respondents based on gender.

b.  Respondent Profile Based on Last Education

Figure 6

Respondent Profile Based on Last Education

Based on Figure 6 above, it shows that the respondents in this study for the SMA group were 98 respondents or 24.6%, then for the S1 group there were 260 respondents or 65.1%, and for the S2 group, there were 41 respondents or 10.3 %. It can be concluded that the S1 group is the group of respondents with the most recent education.

c.   Profile of Respondents by Profession

Figure 7

Profile of Respondents by Profession


Based on Figure 7 above, it shows that the respondents in this study for the Student / Student group were 150 respondents or 37.7% and for the Working group, there were 259 respondents or 65.1%. It can be concluded that the Working group is the largest group of respondents based on profession.

d.  Respondent Profile Based on Domicile


Figure 8

Respondent Profile Based on Domicile


Based on Figure 8 above, shows that all respondents in this study were 399 people or 100% came from domiciles within the city of Palembang and none for domiciles outside the city of Palembang. It can be concluded that the domicile group in Palembang City is the largest group of respondents based on domicile.

e.   Respondent Profile Based on Social Media Account


Figure 9

Respondent Profiles Based on Social Media Accounts


Based on Figure 9 above, it can be seen that the respondents in this study who chose Instagram social media accounts were 388 respondents or 97.5% and those who chose Facebook social media accounts were 56 respondents or 14.1%. It can be concluded that most respondents choose Instagram social media accounts to use when they want to find the culinary they want. Based on the classification of age groups described in the previous section, the majority are from the age of <25 years, where in this age group the most choose Instagram social media accounts. Then for the 26-50 year age group, they choose Instagram and Facebook, while those aged > 50 years choose Facebook social media accounts.

f.    Respondent Profiles Based on Frequency of Opening Social Media Accounts


Figure 10

Respondent Profiles Based on Frequency of Opening Social Media Accounts


Based on Figure 10 above, it can be seen that the respondents in this study for 1 hour were 37 respondents or 9.3%, for 2 hours were 92 respondents or 23.1%, for 3 hours were 154 respondents or 38 ,7%, and for time > 5 hours as many as 120 respondents or 30.2%. It can be concluded that the most respondents are 3 hours based on the length of time they open social media accounts.


g.  Respondent Profiles Based on Frequency of Opening Social Media Accounts

Figure 11

Respondent Profiles Based on Frequency of Opening Social Media Accounts


Based on Figure 11 above, it can be seen that the respondents in this study were for the Frequent group as many as 193 respondents or 48.5%, for the Sometimes group as many as 177 respondents or 44.5%, and for the Never group as many as 29 respondents or 7.3%. It can be concluded that the frequency of respondents in opening social media accounts is the most in the Frequent group to find the desired culinary.

3.  Respondents' Responses to Research Variables

Based on the results of the distribution of the questionnaire, further data will be obtained regarding the answers of each respondent to each variable based on the range of average score values.





Table 2

Research Variable Score Scale


Score Range



1,00 � 1.80

Very Not good


1,81 � 2,60

Not good


2,61 � 3,40



3,41 � 4,20



4,21 � 5,00

Very good

Data Source: Sugiyono (2006)

4.  Endorsement Variable (X_1)

Table 3

Endorsement Variable Frequency Distribution






















Influencers are honest about the message conveyed.










Influencers can be trusted in delivering messages.










Influencers have culinary knowledge.










Influencers are experts in marketing various culinary delights.










Influencers have an attractive appearance.








Very good


Influencers can attract the attention of consumers.








Very good










Based on table 3 above, shows that the endorsement variable has an average value of 3.98 of the 6 statement items. Then the lowest value is 3.88 in statement 2 which states that influencers can be trusted in delivering messages.

Meanwhile, the highest value is 4.14 in statement number 5 which states that influencers have an attractive appearance. Behind that although the 3.88 score has a good scale, the value is still below the average value. It can be said that not all messages conveyed by influencers can be trusted at the time of endorsement, but influencers are believed to have an attractive appearance when making an endorsement to attract the attention of potential consumers to buy culinary.

5.  Online Promotion Variable (X_2)

Table 4

Online Promotion Variable Frequency Distribution






















Online promotions are always updated for new culinary










Online promotions showcase culinary qualities in an easy-to-understand manner.










Online promotion has a wide reach where all consumers can see it.








Very good


Online promotion is a strategy that is in great demand by consumers.










Online promotion can save consumers time in finding the desired culinary.


















Based on table 4 above, shows that in the online promotion variable there is an average value of 4.10 out of the 5 statement items. Then for the lowest value, which is 3.97 in statement number 2 which states that online promotions display culinary quality in an easy


to understand manner. Meanwhile, the highest value is 4.21 in statement number 3. Which states that online promotion has a wide reach where all consumers can see it. It is known that although the value of 3.97 has a good scale, it is still below the average value.

6.  Purchase Intention Variable (Y)


Table 5

Frequency Distribution of Purchase Intention Variables






















Strategies on social media can influence consumer buying interest.










Consumers prefer promotions that are done online on social media.










Culinary recommendations from social media create a sense of desire to buy.










Searching for information to buy culinary is easy to get from social media.








Very Good










Based on table 5 above, shows that the buying interest variable has an average value of 4.15 from the 4 statement items. Then the lowest value, which is 4.05 in statement number 2 states that consumers prefer promotions conducted online on social media. Meanwhile, the highest value is 4.23 in statement number 4 which states that finding information to buy culinary is easy to get from social media. It is known that although the 4.05 score has a good scale, it is still below the average value. It can be concluded that not all consumers choose online promotions on social media, but consumers believe that finding culinary information can be easily obtained from online promotions on social media.


Results of Research Data Analysis

7.  Multiple Linear Regression Analysis


Table 6

Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Results





Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error

















Online Promotion






Data Source: Processed from questionnaire data using SPSS.


Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis in table 12 above, it can be expressed in the following equation:

Y = 5,133 + 0,227X_1 + 0,435X_2 + e

The linear regression equation can be explained in more detail as follows:

1)   The constant value with a value of 5.133 shows a positive value, namely that the endorsement variable and the online promotion variable are equal to zero, so consumer purchase intention in the MSME culinary business in Palembang City remains at 5.133.

2)   The regression coefficient value of the endorsement variable is 0.227 and the significance value is 0.000 <0.05, which indicates H_1 is accepted and H_0 is rejected. So it can be concluded that the endorsement variable has a positive effect on the buying interest variable, if the higher the use of endorsement it will have a positive impact on the high level of consumer buying interest in the UMKM culinary business in Palembang City.

3)   The regression coefficient value of the online promotion variable is 0.435 and the significance value is 0.000 <0.05, which indicates H_1 is accepted and H_0 is rejected. So it can be concluded that the online promotion variable has a positive effect on the buying interest variable, the higher the use of online promotion, the higher the consumer buying interest in the UMKM culinary business in Palembang City.

Coefficient of Determination Test

Table 7

Correlation Coefficient Test Results and Coefficient of Determination

Model Summary



R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. The error of the Estimate





Data Source: Processed from questionnaire data using SPSS.


Based on the results of the correlation coefficient test and the coefficient of determination in table 13 above, it shows that the magnitude of the influence of the endorsement variable and the online promotion variable is 0.762 or in percentage, it is 76.2%. Then for the value of R Square or (R^2), which is 0.581 or in percentage, it is 58.1%, where this figure is used to see how endorsements and online promotions affect buying interest in the MSME culinary business in Palembang City. The table above also shows the Adjusted R Square value of 0.579 or in percentage, it is 57.9%, where this figure shows that 57.9% of the buying interest variable is influenced by the endorsement variable and the online promotion variable.


Results and Discussion

The research results obtained based on original data in the field are to make it easier for business players to get information about how to do business by utilizing social media.

Based on the results of the research discussed above, the following is a summary of the results of the research test along with the discussion as follows:




Table 8

Summary of Hypothesis Test Results


Test results


: endorsement significant positive effect on buying interest.


0,000 < 0,05

Hypothesis 1 is accepted.

: online promotion has a significant positive effect on buying interest.


0,000 < 0,05

Hypothesis 2 is accepted.

Data Source: Processed from questionnaire data using SPSS.


A.  The Effect of Endorsements on Purchase Intention

The grand theory used in this study, namely Theory of Planned Behavior explains the behavior of a consumer can be formed when the emergence of intention (attention) is influenced by several factors. One of the factors of this theory is subjective norms, where this factor will arise from information about a person's views, behavior, comments, or testimonials about a product. One of the roles that can influence these factors is the role of an influencer.

Based on the results of the research above, it is known that endorsements have a significant positive effect on buying interest in the MSME culinary business in the city of Palembang. This is in line with the hypothesis in this study which states that endorsements have a significant positive effect on purchase intention. The results of the tests carried out in this study show that the Endorsement variable (X_1) has a significance value of 0.000 <0.05, which means that the Endorsement variable has a significant influence on the Purchase Interest variable of 58.1% and the remaining 41. 9% is influenced by other variables outside this study. The other variables are the celebrity endorsement variable, the word-of-mouth variable, the closeness variable, the influencer marketing strategy variable, the social media sponsored advertising variable, and so on.

Then the results of the questionnaire data have been distributed to the respondents for the endorsement variable with an average value of 3.98 with a Good interpretation scale. Of the 6 statement items on the endorsement variable, it is known that 3 statement items have a value below the average, while for values ​​above the average there are 3 statement items as well. Even though there are statements whose values ​​are below the average, the items in the statement are still on a good scale. This proves that the endorsement variable is based on its three dimensions, namely trustworthy with honest and integrity indicators, expertise with knowledge and expertise indicators, and attractiveness with indicators of familiarity and likeability have been considered good by the respondents for use.

Endorsement is a strategy used by influencers in marketing a product, this strategy is one of the factors that can be used to influence consumer buying interest in the culinary business. Endorsement is a strategy that uses the services of someone who can be called an endorser or influencer to support product marketing (Terence, 1995). An influencer has a role to influence other people in delivering the message he does so that someone is willing to purchase the product being marketed. It is known that in marketing activities, using an endorsement strategy from an influencer can help increase sales of a product.

The results of this study are also in line with the results of previous studies that have been carried out, such as the results of research from (Erlangga, 2021) which states that MSME products promoted by influencers on social media have a significant positive effect on buying interest, research from (Aypar & KAZANCIOĞLU, n.d.) which states that the information conveyed by food influencers has a significant positive effect on buying interest in buying food, research from (Keme� & Y�ksel, 2021) which states that using influencers to make endorsements can influence consumer buying interest.

B.  The Effect of Online Promotion on Purchase Intention

Based on the results of the research above, it is known that online promotion has a significant positive effect on purchase intention in the MSME culinary business in the city of Palembang. These results are in line with the hypothesis in this study which states that online promotion has a significant positive effect on Purchase Interest. The results of the tests carried out in this study show that the Online Promotion variable (X_2) has a significance value of 0.000 <0.05, which means that the Online Promotion variable has a significant influence on the Purchase Interest variable of 58.1% and the rest is equal to 41.9% influenced by other variables outside this study. The other variables include online advertising variables, brand image variables, product knowledge variables, discount framing variables, and so on.

The results of this study are in line with the results of previous studies that have been carried out, such as the results of research from (Luo et al, 2021) which states that online promotion has a significant positive effect on consumer buying interest, research from (Xiao et al., 2019) states that online promotion online has a significant positive effect on consumer buying interest by providing discount promotions or advertising strategies on social media, research from (Khaleeli, 2020) which states that social media promotion has a significant positive effect on buying interest, research from (Bhatti, 2018) states that promotions are moderated by social media affects buying interest.


This study is intended to determine the effect of online endorsements and promotions on purchase intention in the culinary business in the city of Palembang. Based on the analysis and research results, as well as the discussion in the previous chapter, it can be concluded, Endorsement (X_1) and Online Promotion (X_2) have a significant positive effect on Purchase Intention (Y) in the MSME culinary business in Palembang City.

Based on the results of the research, discussion, and conclusions above, conclusions can be drawn for suggestions that can be submitted to get better results for further research. It is recommended for MSMEs to be more selective in choosing an influencer who can be trusted, has culinary knowledge, and is honest with the message conveyed. Then to carry out online promotions, it is also expected to be able to display culinary qualities such as a more attractive form of packaging so that consumers as targets will also be interested in making purchases after seeing endorsement and online promotion on social media.

The research results obtained based on original data in the field are to make it easier for business players to get information about how to do business by utilizing social media.

This research is certainly inseparable from the limitations that exist in the study. The limitations of this study can be a source of correction for further research. One of the limitations in this study lies in the variable factors that only examine two variables, namely the endorsement variable and the online promotion variable on the purchase intention variable in the UMKM culinary business in Palembang City. Then this research was only carried out on MSMEs in the city of Palembang.

Therefore, the researcher hopes for further researchers to be able to add other variables that can be used for further research such as celebrity endorsement variables, word of mouth, influencer marketing strategy, online advertising, brand image, and discount framing., as well as to expand research from Palembang City to research in South Sumatra.



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