Rr. Sri Widhi Astuti
Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Negeri 3 Teluk Keramat, Sambas, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
This class action research (PTK) aims to improve students' rhythmic reading skills in playing similar music ensembles by using model song media in class VII-A SMP Negeri 3 sacred bay sambas west Kalimantan. The study was conducted with two cycles of 35 students. Based on the results of the processing of research data and test results obtained as follows: The results of the pre-observation stage assessment showed students who met the assessment indicator only five out of 33 numbers students, namely: 15.15% of the expected 100%. In cycle 1, students were notified about the assessment indicators, divided groups of students into two groups, prepared teaching materials about notes and silent sign materials and similar musical ensemble materials and students were given an explanation of the meaning of musical ensembles, rhythms, and time signatures. The researcher showed several videos about playing ensembles. Evaluation is carried out individually/individually to play the scores that have been distributed using applause. The average score of the initial Test results is 67.6. The results of the assessment stage of the cycle test stage I students who meet the assessment indicator or reach KKM are 16 students or 48.5%. Students who have not earned the Teaching Completion Criteria are 17, 51.5%. Assessment activities are categorized into two types, namely individual test taking and group testing. The assessment is carried out individually first and then followed by a group assessment. The researcher will call one by one the students who are adjusted to the serial number in the student absent list to play a rhythmic pattern according to the musical instrument they carry. After doing the individual test, then a group test is carried out with the aim of seeing the cohesiveness of students in playing ensemble music. The results of the assessment stage of the cycle II test showed that students who met the assessment indicator or achieved the Minimum Completion Criteria (KKM) were as many as 33 students or 100%. The average score of students' rhythmic reading ability in cycle 2 was 83.3 with the Good category. From the study results, it can be concluded that using model song media can improve the ability to read rhythmically in playing similar music ensembles for students of grade VII-A.
Keywords: Ensembles of Music; Learning; Media; Model Song; Rhythmic
Received 20 Januari 2022, Revised 30 Januari 2022, Accepted 10 Februari 2022
Humans are born inseparable from the nature that Allah SWT has determined. Starting from birth, they have been given knowledge, talents, and abilities within themselves. A person's knowledge, talents, and skills do not just appear suddenly so that
they only depend on that nature (Nugroho, Florentinus, & Lestari, 2020). Certain things must be done. A person's knowledge, talents, and abilities will be realized through a process, namely the learning process (Nugroho, Istiandini, & Muniir, 2019). In learning music, one's musicality is indeed one of the determining factors for maximum success. Still, it is not a form of nature/inheritance that automatically follows the individual in a birth. Musical behavior is obtained from a person's long interaction process with musical stimuli (Julia, 2017) . This attitude will only be possible to grow if a series of artistic activity processes are carried out. It can be said that a person's essential musical ability is one of the absolute requirements in the music learning process (Eko, dkk, 2017).
The 2013 curriculum is designed to strengthen students' potential in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. There are several topics regarding the appreciation and expression of music (Ikhlas, enggi Maihendra, Mastro, Esy, & Kadir, 2018). The main targets achieved in appreciation and expression learning are inculcating a sense of musicality, analyzing and assessing the quality of the beauty of a musical work, developing attitudes and expressive abilities, appreciating art and increasing creativity so that students can cultivate a sense of art in themselves through the development of music and art. assumptions about music Some essential competencies refer to the achievement of abilities based on basic knowledge of music (Pratama, 2015).
One of the basic knowledge of music is rhythm/rhythm. Rhythm or rhythmic is one of the essential elements and essential capital in music. So it can be said that the ability of students to read rhythm/rhythm is an absolute requirement in the process of learning music at school (Aton, Rustandi Mulyana, 2021). Ironically, many students have not been able to read the rhythm/rhythm, let alone play it, and do not even know rhythm at all (YUNI, 2020). There is a gap between the pattern of teaching music in elementary schools and the teaching pattern in secondary schools. Elementary schools emphasize thematic teaching, which leads teachers only to teach songs that follow the prevailing theme.
In contrast, in secondary schools, it refers to integrated and complete learning, manifested in a series that every knowledge taught, education must be continued until students are skilled in presenting the knowledge taught. Mastered concretely and abstractly in a form related to works of art and culture. Students' essential ability to understand rhythm in elementary school is critical to the subsequent learning of the art of music. If students do not master rhythm, these students will have difficulty playing ensemble music.
Bane stated that the language of the ensemble comes from French. The ensemble has the meaning of a musical group. Then in the music dictionary, the definition of an ensemble is a group of musical instrument activities with the type of activity as stated in its designation (Fillamenta & Arfani, 2020). According to Schmidt (Evasanti & Kumara, 2015), the group process in learning activities of learning to play music ensembles has a relationship between motivation and outstanding performance and experience with music because there is a very strong cohesiveness between members of the musical ensemble team. While according to Kruse (Evasanti & Kumara, 2015), playing ensemble music can increase a person's self-esteem.
A similar musical ensemble presents ensemble music that uses similar musical instruments (Julia Julia, 2021). Based on the researcher's experience as a music teacher, the researcher found that many students had problems with rhythmic reading when learning similar ensemble music in the classroom every day. These obstacles can be seen from the low learning outcomes of students under the KKM that the school, namely 73, has set. Of course, the right way is needed to overcome these obstacles to understand them easily. Therefore, the author is interested in researching "Improving Rhythmic Reading Ability in Playing Similar Musical Ensembles by Using Model Song Media" in Class VII-A (Seven) A students at SMP Negeri 3 Teluk Keramat, Sambas Regency ".
Based on the background of the problem above, the writer formulates the research problem, "Can the use of model song media improve the ability to read rhythmically in playing a similar musical ensemble in seventh-grade students at SMP Negeri 3 Teluk Keramat, Sambas Regency". The research aims to improve the ability to read rhythmically in playing similar musical ensembles by using model song media, enhancing the quality of learning the art of music, especially in the learning process of similar musical ensembles. For students, it can be used as learning material to increase knowledge and understanding of music subjects.
Rhythmic or rhythm is a musical movement that runs regularly. The regularity of this movement makes the song pleasant to hear and feel. Rhythm relates to the length of the note and the severity of stress and accent on the message. The rhythm will still be felt through regular movement even though the melody is silent. Rhythm provides the beat in music (Utomo, 2013). In the Indonesian Dictionary, an ensemble is a small group of singers or musicians. The word can be interpreted that a costume is a form of presenting music games that are carried out together by involving groups of music players in small units, giving the music using one type of musical instrument or using various kinds of musical instruments (mixed).
The model song is a song chosen to convey material in learning activities, with the aim that the learning material is quickly understood and understood by students (Nugroho, et al., 2019). Model songs in learning activities are not mastery of the song but are used as tools or media to learn the desired material (Suhada & Indrapraja, n.d.). So the model song can be interpreted as a song that is chosen or used as a tool for something to be made or done. The thing that is being done is learn Similar Music ensembles.
This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 3 Teluk Keramat, Sambas, West Kalimantan. The research method used is classroom action research with research procedures or steps carried out in an activity cycle that refers to the Hopkins model (Muhammad Arvin Nugroho et al., 2019). Each process consists of four main activities: planning, action implementation, observation, and reflection. The performance of this research was in the odd semester of the 2017/2018 academic year, with 33 students consisting of 16 male students and 17 female students.
Data in the form of qualitative data and quantitative data. The research data was collected and compiled through the data collection techniques used namely
1. Observation Techniques,
2. Documentation Techniques, and
3. Performance Test Techniques. Researchers used triangulation to test the validity of the data in this study. The data collection technique was carried out using observation, interviews, and questionnaires for qualitative data and tests for quantitative data. Interviews were conducted to obtain direct data or opinions from students so that weaknesses in learning to read rhythm can be brought to be continued in the next cycle. The 2-cycle research procedure in this study consisted of four stages, namely: (1) planning stage; (2) implementation stage; (3) the observation stage; (4) reflection stage.
According to Usman & Purnomo (2003: 87), The level of data validity is measured by the triangulation method, namely checking the truth of the data obtained by trusted parties. (Sanjaya, 2011) states triangulation is a way to get accurate information in various forms so that the data can be charged its validity so that the author is not wrong in making decisions. Triangulation can be done in three ways, namely source triangulation, method triangulation, and data triangulation. The data analysis techniques used are (1) Data Reduction, (2) Data Display, (3) Conclusion Drawing.
Research results from Suharnik media as all forms and channels used for the process of delivering information. Briggs argues that "the media are all musical instruments that can present messages and stimulate students to learn. Model songs as learning media for children today are very important effective (Suharni, Imma, & Chirtianly, 2017).
The learning method through this song has become material research for some people who have done in learning activities especially for language learning. Through the results of these studies, satisfactory results are seen from this method. As a study found that children who love music and who can sing to regular rhymes tend to have an easier time learning to speak and they also become more creative and confident (Febriyona, Supartini, & Pangemanan, 2019).
The difference in learning outcomes was significant between the experimental class using the model song media compared to the control class using the conventional method without the media. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between the model song media on student learning outcomes (Firda & Yermiandhoko, 2019).
At the pre-observation stage, students' difficulties in rhythmic reading were identified by asking students about their playing experiences in playing music. The researcher asked whether students had practiced playing music in arts and culture subjects while sitting in elementary school. From these questions, it is known that students have never played music in previous lessons. The researcher also asked whether the students were familiar with the song "Cik-Cik Periok." Simultaneously the students answered tau, and the researcher asked the students to sing the song while clapping to apply the rhythmic pattern of the music. In the learning process, students are given a model song sheet. Then the teacher only gives a brief explanation about rhythmic reading. Students only pay attention and listen to the short description. From the results of the initial test activities above regarding students' rhythmic reading ability in playing similar musical ensembles, the results of the initial test stage assessment show that only five students meet the assessment indicators, the rest are still lacking, students who achieve the criteria for teaching completeness are only five students out of 33 total students is 15.15% of the expected 100 percent. The average value of the initial test results is 67.6. The value is in the less category.
Cycle 1 action research will be carried out on October 16, 23, and 30, 2018. At the first meeting of cycle 1, students are notified about the assessment indicators, dividing students into two groups, preparing teaching materials for notes, and silent signs and material. Similar musical ensembles and students explain the meaning of ensemble music, rhythm, and time signatures. The researcher showed several videos about playing ensembles. Students listen to videos that are offered about mixed ensembles and similar ensembles. So that students can understand what the meaning of a matching ensemble is. The researcher explains the types of symbols from the shape and value of notes and silent signs as elements of forming rhythmic patterns. Students listen to the researcher's explanations about the forms of letters and silent symbols as elements of developing rhythmic patterns.
In the second meeting, the students were given exercises about rhythm patterns at the second meeting. The researcher asked students to sit in groups based on the groups formed at the previous session. After all the students had calmed down and sat in groups, the researcher immediately distributed the score pattern of the song Cut Duck Goose to the students. The researchers did this intending to make it easier for researchers to assess and control students in learning activities.
Figure 1
The score of Cycle 1 Lagu
Then the teacher gives the students 15 minutes to study the scores of the rhythm patterns that have been distributed. Some of the students whom the researcher pointed to read the score for the song "Cut the Bebek Angsa" by mentioning the note values according to what is written on the score.
The researchers intended to know the students' ability to apply the value of beats into a rhythm pattern. The ability to use the shape and values of the moment is essential; it is the necessary element for forming rhythm patterns by delivering the learning material. The researcher continued the learning activities by giving examples to students on how to read the notes or beats and how to apply them in rhythm. Students listen to the teacher's explanation then imitate reading the note's value according to the example that the researcher conveys using applause. Students repeatedly perform these rhythmic reading activities so that the time for learning art and culture has run out.
At the third meeting, an evaluation will be carried out, and if the results are not significant, it will be continued to the next cycle. The researcher allowed students to practice rhythmic reading before the test was carried out according to the sheet music distributed for one hour of lessons. Evaluation is carried out individually/individually to play the scores that have been distributed using applause. From the results of the first cycle of test activities regarding the ability to read rhythmically in playing a similar musical ensemble above, the results of the assessment stage of the cycle 1 test show that students who meet the assessment indicators or reach the KKM are 16 students or 48.5%, students who have not achieved the criteria for teaching mastery is 17 students that is 51.5%.
Figure 2
Graph of Cycle 1. Resul
Then it is known that the advantages in cycle one students can understand the material of similar musical ensembles and the shape and value of notes and silent signs explained at the beginning of the meeting. Some students can understand can read rhythmic patterns. The drawbacks are that a small number of students still look passive, students look less confident when practicing rhythmic patterns, students are still not fluent in doing the rhythmic reading, many students are still unable to read rhythmically with the right beat, and the tempo is less regular when transferring students' notation. Students are still unable to concentrate and seem to have difficulty moving notes.
The researchers' solution aims to overcome the shortcomings in cycle 1, namely, to motivate them to continue to study seriously and to use model songs so that they will get maximum results in rhythmic reading. To fix the deficiencies that occurred in cycle 1, the researcher will make improvements that will be carried out in cycle 2 using a model song. In cycle 2, the researcher used the model song in a way, before the students knew the rhythmic pattern, listening to the rhythmic patterns in the model song. With this strategy, the researcher assumes that students will remember faster and can understand more quickly by listening. When the second cycle takes place, students immediately apply these rhythmic patterns into a predetermined instrument, namely a non-conventional musical instrument. Before using non-conventional musical instruments, the researcher first discussed the tools to be used during the lesson.
In cycle 2, learning activities will be carried out which will be carried out with three meetings, namely on 6,13, and 20 November 2018. In this learning, the model song media is applied. The material presented by the researcher in cycle 2 discussed the value of beats on rhythmic patterns in model songs. At the first meeting
of cycle 2, the researcher played the "Sipatokaan" Model Song, arranged with percussion instruments. Students were asked to listen to the song and were instructed to practice rhythmically from the song played. Students played a rhythmic pattern with applause, the result of playing the music that students do, the results are still not satisfactory.
Figure 3
Score 2 Cycle Model Song
The researcher continued the learning by replaying the model song that the students had heard at a slow tempo. It is intended that students understand every beat on the rhythmic patterns of the model song they hear. Next, the researcher invites students to analyze the sheet music on the model song so that the note values in the sheet can be known. The researchers carried out rhythmic reading learning activities by inviting students to play the rhythmic pattern with applause. After students see the rhythm, the researcher asks students to come forward with their study groups to practice their learning outcomes individually first and then in groups using the applause instrument. It aims to allow researchers to know the ability to read rhythmically individually in students. The researcher looked at the students' rhythmic ability using a model song.
At the second meeting, the researchers divided the student study groups again according to the musical instrument brought. According to the needs of each group, four students then distributed the sheet music and gave directions to the students about what to do with the sheet music. Researchers provide suggestions for studying the sheet music according to the tools used during these training activities. Researchers continuously monitor the exercise course so that students do the exercise seriously. Groups who feel there are difficulties can consult their learning results to researchers to get input and guidance.
The third meeting of the researchers started the activity by giving each group time to prepare for one hour of lessons (40 minutes) to practice with their group. Until a bell is heard, indicating that learning time has lasted for 1 hour of classes, a test/evaluation of rhythmic reading is immediately carried out according to the sheet music that has been given. Assessment activities are categorized into two types, namely individual test-taking and group testing. The assessment is carried out individually first and then followed by a group assessment. The researcher will call one by one the students who are adjusted to the serial number in the student absent list to play a rhythmic pattern according to the musical instrument they carry. After doing the individual test, a group test is carried out to see the cohesiveness of students in playing ensemble music.
The results obtained through observations in cycle 2 learning activities using model songs are that students' rhythmic reading abilities have increased more than before. This is indicated by the increasing number of students who can read rhythmically in the rhythmic patterns that the researcher provides. Each student tries and works hard to put together a musical ensemble game in groups by counting the beats on their respective rhythm patterns. Students also look cooperative with their separate groups and try to complete the researcher's tasks.
Figure 4
�Results of Cycle 2
Improved learning outcomes that have been signed with the completeness that has been achieved. The results of the second cycle of test activities regarding the ability to read rhythmically in playing a similar musical ensemble above are: The results of the second cycle test stage assessment show that students who meet the assessment indicators or reach the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) are 33 students or 100%, the average score The average rhythmic reading ability of students in cycle two is 83.3 in the Good category, the highest score that can be achieved by students in rhythmic reading in cycle 2 is 98 with an outstanding class. The lowest score achieved by students in rhythmic reading in cycle 2 was 74, with good variety. Based on the presentation of the percentage test results above, it can be concluded that, through the use of model song media, it can improve the ability to read rhythmically in playing similar ensemble music in seventh-grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Teluk Keramat.
Based on the research results, the researchers concluded that learning rhythmic reading music to students by using model song learning media could improve the rhythmic reading ability of grade VII-A students of SMP Negeri 3 Teluk Keramat. From the results of the stimulus given to students using model song media observations of researchers during the initial learning activities to evaluation activities, researchers concluded that there was an increase in each cycle in students' rhythmic reading. This increase can be seen from the test of each individual.
The model song media was successfully applied because, during the learning process, children who previously could not read rhythmically could be overcome because of an adequate understanding and stimulation from their group friends. Each group seemed to work together to complete their respective group tasks. The average value of students' rhythmic reading ability in cycle 1 is 48.5%, increasing to 100% in cycle 2. Based on the performance test assessment in cycle 1, mastery of rhythmic beats is still low; most students have not been able to master rhythmic patterns. Well, the rhythmic way that is sung is still not following the best value. Likewise, the ability of students to read rhythmically, most of the students have not been able to read rhythmically well because students are learning rhythmic material for the first time, so they do not have the basic knowledge.
In cycle II, the students' ability to read rhythmically increased because the researchers used the model song learning media well and motivated them to practice and study it at home consistently. Students' ability to read rhythmically also increases because researchers guide students in rhythmic learning, especially students who can't do it at all. For the following research, it is hoped that the model song media can be developed again to learn the art of music for other materials.
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