The Influence of Outdoor Study Method in Social Studies Learning at Subang Museum on Historical Awareness and Patriotism


Much Luthfi Fauzan Nugraha1*, Mamat Ruhimat2, Erlina Wiyanarti3

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia1,2,3

Email: muchluthfi[email protected]1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3




Outdoor Study, Social Studies Learning, Subang Museum, Historical Awareness, Love for the Fatherland.


This study assesses the impact of outdoor learning methods at Subang Museum on the historical consciousness and patriotism of eighth-grade students from SMPN (State Junior High School) 1 Subang, utilizing a quasi-experimental design with an experimental and control class comprising 33 students from class 8F. Data collection involved pre-tests, post-tests, questionnaires, observation, and documentation, with statistical analyses including normality tests, homogeneity tests, mean difference tests, N-Gain score tests, and observation data tests, each briefly explained for clarity. Results demonstrate a significant increase in post-test scores for historical consciousness (50 to 75) and patriotism (49 to 74), with a significant difference observed between experimental and control groups in post-test results, despite an overall lack of statistical significance. These findings suggest that outdoor learning positively influences students' historical awareness and love for their homeland, with implications for educational practices and future research directions emphasizing the potential benefits of outdoor learning in fostering historical consciousness and patriotism.Top of Form





Successful learning becomes the teacher's dream in every learning process at school. According to Feiyue (2022), several learning indicators are said to be successful, including effective, efficient, and interesting factors. Learning is effective if it can help students achieve the expected learning goals. Efficient learning is described as learning activities that take place using relatively little time and resources, and the teacher must create the learning into an interesting event to increase interest and motivation from the student. Diep et al. (2017) also add that the learning process is said to be successful if it meets criteria such as students actively interacting with learning resources intensively, students often practice continuously to master feedback competencies immediately after carrying out the learning process, then apply these abilities in real contexts, and interact in acquiring knowledge and skills.

To succeed in the learning process, teachers must prepare a good learning design and create a unified system between schools, teachers and students. Learning design is a work procedure used in the learning process so that the learning can be carried out as well as possible and produce good outputs. The work procedure consists of analysis, planning, development, implementation and evaluation (Cai et al., 2018; Hanafi et al., 2020; Mudlofir, 2021; Widjaja & Aslan, 2022). Then, Suparman (2014) explained the purpose of Instrumental Design or learning design itself, which is to help students learn more than just carrying out the learning process that students in the learning process must be more directed, structured, systematic with all teacher tools in teaching, be it media or learning resources to achieve an increase in the ability of these students. This statement is supported by Banathy in Suparman, (2014), who states that the instructional activity is an interaction between students and their learning environment to achieve the goals of instructional activities as expected, namely related to aspects of knowledge, skills and attitudes.

Learning design has a scientific foundation of learning theory, which includes behavioristic learning theory, cognitive learning theory, humanistic learning theory and constructivist learning theory. Learning theory contains a structured set of principles about how individuals learn and acquire new knowledge and skills. Behavioristic learning theory explains how external roles and their impact change one's behaviour, while cognitive learning theory holds that learning is an active mental process to acquire, remember, and use knowledge; humanistic learning theory is a learning theory that uses a motivational approach that emphasizes personal freedom, choice-making, self-determination, and individual growth. Finally, constructivist learning theory is an approach that emphasizes the need for one's mental processes to be actively involved in the learning process and building knowledge. In addition, learning design is also influenced by learning theory, which contributes to studying the conditions needed to support the learning process effectively. In other words, learning theory always focuses on how conditions can make the student learning process more optimal and meaningful (Hajariani, 2017; Muhajirah, 2020; Retnaningsih & Khairiyah, 2022; Vargas-Hernández & Vargas-González, 2022).

The culmination of previous research underscores the pivotal role of effective learning in educational settings, as elucidated by Feiyue (2022) and Diep et al. (2017). Success in learning hinges on various factors such as effectiveness, efficiency, and engagement. Effectiveness entails achieving predetermined learning objectives, while efficiency involves optimizing learning outcomes with minimal time and resources. Moreover, an engaging learning environment fosters student motivation and active participation. To achieve these goals, educators must meticulously craft learning designs that encompass analysis, planning, development, implementation, and evaluation, as advocated by Cai et al. (2018), Hanafi et al. (2020), Mudlofir (2021), and Widjaja & Aslan (2022). As articulated by Suparman (2014), the essence of learning design lies in guiding students systematically through the learning process, thereby enhancing their abilities. This sentiment is echoed by Banathy, who emphasizes the dynamic interaction between students and their learning environment to attain desired learning outcomes. Furthermore, learning design draws upon foundational theories of learning, including behavioristic, cognitive, humanistic, and constructivist perspectives, which collectively shape instructional methodologies and foster meaningful learning experiences. A synthesis of research findings shows that an integrated approach to learning design, grounded in theoretical frameworks and informed by empirical evidence, is indispensable for promoting successful learning outcomes in educational settings.Top of Form


The theme of this study is to examine "The Influence of Outdoor Study Method in Social Studies Learning at Subang Museum on Historical Awareness and Love for the Fatherland". The next section reviews the concepts and theories based on the available literature, especially books and articles published in various scientific journals. The goal is to strengthen this research.



The approach utilized in this research employs quantitative methods through a quasi-experimental design. Sugiyono (2017) defines experimentation as a research technique aimed at assessing the impact of specific interventions on others within controlled parameters. Sugiyono et al. (2020) also emphasize that quasi-experiments incorporate control groups yet lack complete control over external variables influencing the experiment's execution. This study employed a quasi-experimental design, specifically a Nonequivalent Control Group Design (pre-test and post-test). As outlined by Creswell (2015), this involves delineating an experimental group (Group A) and a control group (Group B), administering pre-tests and post-tests to both, with only the experimental group receiving the intervention.

The rationale behind adopting this quasi-experimental quantitative approach is to gauge the influence of the Outdoor Study method on social studies learning at the Subang Museum within the experimental group, juxtaposed with a simulation learning model applied in the control group within the classroom context. The aim is to ascertain disparities in students' historical awareness and patriotism between the two groups, subsequently subjecting the data to statistical analysis, specifically the T-Test.

The chosen design, a Nonequivalent Control Group Design, signifies that the control group doesn't receive the specialized treatment allocated to the experimental group. Nevertheless, both groups undergo pre-test and post-test assessments, albeit without random selection.



Differences in pre-test and post-test results related to students' Historical Awareness in social studies learning in class Experiments with the Outdoor Study method at Subang Museum

Social Science (IPS) learning with the material "Nationalism and National Identity" is an important part of the educational curriculum. IPS learns about how to study the resistance efforts of the Indonesian nation so that it can realize the aspired independence. In this study, the material "Nationalism and National Identity" discusses analyzing the geographical influences that caused the arrival of Western nations to Indonesia. The arrival of the nation became the beginning of colonialism and imperialism that tormented the Indonesian people. You will analyze the influence of colonialism and imperialism from various points of view, ranging from social, economic, political, cultural, and other perspectives. In the next section, you will study the equitable development process after Indonesia's independence to overcome various problems or conflicts due to differences in interests and achieve social integration in the Indonesian state.

This learning is expected to provide students with an understanding of Historical Awareness. Social studies learning in this study was designed by applying the outdoor study method in social studies learning at the Subang Museum, which can influence deeper historical awareness in each student.

After calculating the score, hypothesis testing related to students' historical awareness in the experimental class resulted in a difference between pre-test and post-test scores. The results of these calculations are described in the following table:


Table 1. Pre-test and post-test results related to students' Historical Awareness in the Experimental Class


Score Range














Based on the pre-test average score of students' historical awareness ability in the table above, the average pre-test score obtained a value of 50 with a standard deviation of 12.2. In contrast, the average post-test score was 75, with a standard deviation of 9.1. Before carrying out the paired sample t-test to see the effect, an assumption test is carried out, namely the normality test. The following are the results of the pre-test and post-test normality tests related to students' historical awareness:


Table 2. Experimental Class Normality Test Results



Normality Test


Historical Awareness




Normal Distributed




The results of the normality test in the table above show that the significance value of the pre-test and post-test in the experimental class > 0.05, so the data is normally distributed. Then, a paired sample t-test was conducted to determine the influence of the outdoor study method on social studies learning at the Subang Museum on student historical awareness. The following are the statistical test results of the pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental class:


Table 3. Statistical Test Pre-test and Post-test Scores Historical Awareness of Experimental Class Students

Experimental Class





Paired Sample t test








There is Influence






From the table above, it is known that there is a difference in students' average historical awareness between the average pre-test score and the average post-test score in the experimental class. In addition, the results of the paired sample t-test show that students' historical awareness in the experimental class obtained sig. (2-tailed) 0.00 < 0.05. Ho was rejected, meaning that the outdoor study method in social studies learning at the Subang Museum influences student historical awareness. Further details can be seen in the following graph:


Graph 1. Differences in pre-test and post-test averages related to students' Historical Awareness in the Experimental class


Based on the graph above, it shows that the average pre-test score is higher compared to the average post-test score. In addition, to determine the magnitude of the increase in students' historical awareness in the experimental class, the following difference in gain values is seen:


Table 4. Gain Value related to students' Historical Awareness in the Experiment class


Score Range



N Gain















From the table above, it is known that students' historical awareness in the experimental class obtained a gain value of 0.3 with a moderate category. Based on the calculation results with the average score test, paired sample t-test and with gain value, it can be concluded that there is an influence of the Outdoor Study Method in Social Studies Learning at the Subang Museum on Student Historical Awareness. The influence given is a positive influence, namely by increasing student historical awareness after the implementation of the Outdoor Study method.

Increased ability of students' historical awareness is shown after treatment. The experimental class received treatment with the outdoor study method at the Subang Museum, while the control class received a different treatment. Thus, the control class received another learning method, namely the simulation method with the same social studies subject matter about nationalism and national identity in theme 3. The factor that supports the increasing awareness of student history in this experimental class is the use of learning methods not used by the control class, namely the outdoor study method. Husamah (2013) explains the understanding of the outdoor study method as a method where teachers invite students to learn outside the classroom by seeing direct events in the field, such as museums, and the goal is to familiarize students with their environment. The environment must provide a concrete source of knowledge (really needed by students). In addition, Outdoor Study learning activities will be more active, creative, and varied by utilizing the surrounding environment. Vera (2012) adds that outdoor study is an activity to deliver lessons outside the classroom that involve students directly with their surroundings, according to the material taught. So, education outside the classroom refers more to experience, and environmental education is very influential not only on the intelligence of the student's knowledge but also on attitudes and skills. Especially in this case, it affects the aspect of students' historical awareness.

Based on observations, learning activities went well. Teachers try quite well during learning to encourage students to be actively involved in social studies learning through the outdoor study method at the Subang Museum. This can be seen from the first meeting, where the teacher gave a kind of pre-test to students related to the students' historical awareness. Then, in the second meeting, the teacher began to apply the treatment by using the outdoor study method at the Subang Museum and explaining social studies materials that were in accordance with what was displayed in the museum. Then, in the third meeting, the teacher gave the same treatment, namely applying the outdoor study method to the Subang Museum with observation techniques, where all students were instructed to make notes of their respective observations of what they found in the Subang Museum related to the material they learned in social studies learning. Fourth, the teacher again applied the outdoor study method treatment to the Subang Museum with assignment techniques, where all students were divided into 5-6 groups and then given the task of each group according to what had been previously conveyed. And finally, the teacher conducted a post-test to all students regarding their learning results during an outdoor study in social studies learning at the Subang Museum.

With regard to the student's historical awareness, the teacher must create a rich learning environment with various models, strategies and methods to create a meaningful learning experience for the student. This aligns with what Ausubel (1960) explained: meaningful learning is formed during direct experience-based learning, which is different from learning through rote. As stated in the Independent Curriculum (Kemendikbudristek RI, 2022), the scope of historical learning skills in students is expected to include mastery of historical consciousness; then, to develop historical consciousness, teachers must be able to create reflective and experience-based student learning experiences. In this case, the learning experience goes directly to the learning resources through outdoor study at the Subang Museum.

Komalasari (2013) added that in addition to storing historical objects, museums also function as conveyors of high-value information in the learning process, and directly, historical objects contained in the museum can be used as a medium or real learning resource. They can be seen directly by students other than at school or in textbooks. In addition, according to Wiyanarti et al. (2020), As a medium for building values and character, history should play a greater role, especially in providing inspiration, motivation, and, more importantly, introducing students to themselves and their environment. This research is related to the Subang Museum as a source of social studies learning, which is expected to provide more inspiration and motivation for students' historical awareness and love of their homeland.

Differences in pre-test and post-test results related to students' Love for the Motherland in social studies learning in class Experiments with the Outdoor Study method at the Subang Museum

Love of the homeland is not just a definition as an attitude or behaviour of pride, care and care for the country of birth. Still, more than that, it describes a citizen's love for his homeland, where he was born, by sacrificing all his body and soul to defend his nation. Thus, love for the homeland can later foster the spirit of patriotism of a citizen (Kusuma, 2017). In this case, love for the homeland is described through attitudes or behaviours that show care and appreciation, which is based on the spirit of nationality and is willing to sacrifice for the nation's sake. The behaviour of love for the homeland means that it is exemplified as loving domestic products, diligently studying for the progress of their nation, loving the surrounding environment, carrying out a clean and healthy living for themselves and others, and knowing their country without excessive regional fanaticism, and things like that the attitude of love for each individual's homeland can be reflected through the behaviour of their daily lives. There are several indicators of the character of love for the homeland, according to Mustari (2017), including:

1.   Knowing and Appreciating the services of national figures/heroes.

2.   Willing to use domestic products.

3.   Appreciating, maintaining natural beauty and preserving Indonesian culture.

4.   Memorize national anthems and national holidays, know the regional language and Indonesian that is good and correct, and memorize things related to the country's history.

5.   Choose to travel within the country, be it nature or historical tourism, such as museums.

Related to the description above, that to grow the character of love for the homeland can be through outdoor study activities at the Museum, and it can be seen in the results in the experimental class there is a difference between the pre-test score and the post-test score of love for the motherland. The results of these calculations are described in the following table:


Table 5. Pre-test and post-test results related to the Love of the Motherland students in the Experiment class


Score Range














Based on the results of the recapitulation of students' homeland love in the table above, it shows that the average pre-test score obtained a value of 49 with a standard deviation of 12 while the average post-test score obtained a value of 74 with a standard deviation of 9.4. Before carrying out the paired sample t-test to see the effect, an assumption test is carried out, namely the normality test. The following are the results of the pre-test and post-test normality tests related to the love of students' homeland:


Table 6. Experimental Class Normality Test Results



Normality Test


Love of the Motherland




Normal Distributed


Based on the results of the normality test in the table above, it shows that the significance value of pre-test and post-test in the experimental class > 0.05 so that the data is said to be normally distributed. Then a paired sample t-test was carried out to see the influence of the Outdoor Study Method in Social Studies Learning at the Subang Museum on the Love  of the Students' Homeland. The following are the statistical test results of the experimental class pre-test and post-test scores:


Table 7. Statistical Test Pre-Test and Post-Test Scores Love for the Homeland of Experimental Class Students

Experimental Class





Paired Sample t test








There is Influence






From the table above, it is known that there is a difference in the average love of students' homeland between the average pre-test score and the average post-test score in the experimental class. In addition, based on the results of the paired sample t-test, it shows that the love of the students' homeland in the experimental class obtained sig. (2-tailed) 0.00 < 0.05. then H0 is rejected, meaning that the Outdoor Study Method in Social Studies Learning at the Subang Museum influences the Love of the Students' Homeland. Further details can be seen in the following graph:


Graph 2. Differences in the average pre-test and post-test related to the love of the homeland of students in the Experimental class


Based on the graph above shows that the average pre-test score is higher compared to the average post-test score. In addition, to find out the magnitude of the increase  in students' love for the homeland in the experimental class, the following differences in gain values are seen:


Table 8. Gain Value related to Love of Homeland students in the Experiment class


Score Range



N Gain















The table above shows that the love of the students' homeland in the experimental class obtained a gain value of 0.2 in the low category. Based on the calculation results with the average score test, paired sample t-test and gain value, it can be concluded that the Outdoor Study Method in Social Studies Learning at the Subang Museum influences the Love of the Student Homeland. The influence is positive, namely by increasing students' Love for the Motherland after implementing the Outdoor Study method.

An increase in the ability to love students' homeland was shown after treatment. The experimental class received treatment with the outdoor study method at the Subang Museum, while the control class received a different treatment. Thus, the control class received another learning method, namely the simulation method with the same social studies subject matter about nationalism and national identity in theme 3. The factor that supports the increasing love of students' homeland in this experimental class is the use of learning methods not used by the control class, namely the outdoor study method.

According to the Ministry of Education and Culture (2002, p. 778), love of the homeland is a person's feelings that arise from the deepest heartstrings as citizens to serve, maintain, defend, and protect their homeland from all threats and disturbances. As explained by Yulianto et al. (2020), love of the homeland is described as a form of high appreciation for language, culture and so on that arises from within and is reflected through one's attitude or behaviour so that a sense of love for one's own country, where he lives rather than loving a foreign country. In addition, love for the homeland is also considered an inherent feeling or can be said to be a desire from within to give the best to his country. As a good citizen, he must instil a love for the homeland in his heart and self so that the current homeland is safe and comfortable from all threats.

Differences in pre-test and post-test results related to students' Historical Awareness of social studies learning in the Control class with the Simulation method

The way the teacher delivers the material and the way students receive the material delivered by the teacher greatly determines the understanding of the material they get, especially about the students' own Historical Awareness. The control class was used as a comparison in this study, where the control class applied a simulation learning method used by social studies subject teachers of the material "Nationalism and National Identity", which discussed the efforts of the Indonesian nation’s resistance so that it could realize the aspired independence. The material's beginning analyzes the geographical influences that led to the arrival of Western nations to Indonesia. The arrival of the nation became the beginning of colonialism and imperialism that tormented the Indonesian people. Then students will analyze the influence of colonialism and imperialism in various points of view ranging from social, economic, political, cultural, and other lives. In the next section, students will study the equitable development process after Indonesia's independence to overcome various problems or conflicts due to differences in interests to achieve social integration in the Indonesian state.

In the control class, the teacher carries out learning by prioritizing the Simulation and Lecture methods. The Simulation Method has an important role in Social Studies (Social Sciences) subjects because it can be an effective tool to encourage active learning, especially for Historical awareness; by using the simulation method, students will actively role-play to relive historical events, create future possibilities, uncover current events, etc. Then, when conducting simulation methods, teachers must pay attention to the following principles: 1) groups of students carry out simulations, and each group has the opportunity to do the same or different simulations; 2) all students must participate according to their functions, 3) topic determination can be discussed together, 4) simulation instructions are prepared in advance in detail or outline according to the form and purpose of the simulation,  5) simulation activities should cover all areas of learning; both cognitive, affective and psychomotor, 6) simulation is the exercise of coping skills with reality well, 7) simulation must describe the complete situation and the sequential process expected in real situations, etc. (Ahyat, 2017).

Learning activities in the control class take place with a clear structure seen by the teacher, and students know the expected learning and the procedures or stages followed to obtain learning objectives. However, in its implementation, teachers and students have difficulties when choosing what material to simulate, then to simulate the material, students, and teachers lack learning media, it takes a relatively long time, and many students are not serious when implementing the simulation, so it is not effective. Therefore, although the simulation method has many advantages, it still has weaknesses as a learning method. These various advantages and weaknesses must be known to a teacher to maximize student potential. Although the simulation method learning emphasizes student activity, the hypothesis test results indicate that after calculating scores related to students' historical awareness in the control class, there is a difference between pre-test and post-test scores. The results of these calculations are described in the following table:


Table 9. Pre-test and post-test results related to Historical Awareness of students in the control class


Score Range














Based on the results of the recapitulation of students' historical awareness in the table above using the simulation method show that the average pre-test score obtained a value of 53 with a standard deviation of 8.4. Meanwhile, the average post-test score obtained a value of 74 with a standard deviation of 7.4. Before carrying out the paired sample t-test to see the effect, an assumption test is carried out, namely the normality test. The following are the results of the pre-test and post-test normality tests related to students' historical awareness:


Table 10. Control Class Normality Test Results



Normality Test


Historical Awareness




Normal Distributed




Based on the results of the normality test in the table above, it shows that the significance value of the pre-test and post-test in the control class > 0.05 so that the data is said to be normally distributed. Then a paired sample t-test was carried out to see the influence of the Simulation Method in Social Studies Learning in the classroom on Student Historical Awareness. The following are the statistical test results of pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental class:


Table 11. Statistical Test Pre-Test and Post-Test Scores of Historical Awareness of Control Class Students

Experimental Class





Paired Sample t test








There is Influence






From the table above, it is known that there is a difference in students' average historical awareness between the average pre-test score and the average post-test score in the control class. In addition, based on the results of the paired sample t-test, it shows that students' historical awareness in the control class obtained sig. (2-tailed) 0.00 < 0.05. then H0 rejected means that there is an influence of the Simulation Method in Social Studies Learning in the classroom on Student Historical Awareness. Further details can be seen in the following graph:


Graph 3. Differences in pre-test and post-test mean related to students' Historical Awareness in Control class


Based on the graph above, it shows that the average pre-test score is higher than the average post-test score. In addition, to determine the magnitude of the increase in students' historical awareness in the control class, the following difference in gain values is seen:

Table 12. Gain Value related to Historical Awareness of students in Control class


Score Range



N Gain















From the table above, it is known that students' historical awareness in the control class using the simulation method obtained a gain value of 0.2 with a low category. Based on the calculation results with the average score test, paired sample t-test and gain value, it can be concluded that the Simulation Method in Social Studies Learning in the classroom influences students' historical awareness. The influence is positive, namely by increasing students' historical awareness after applying the simulation method.

Differences in pre-test and post-test results related to students' Love for the Motherland in social studies learning in the Control class with the Simulation method

When the learning process occurs, several factors are often associated with affecting student achievement in learning, such as motivation, student response conditions during learning, study habits, facilities and infrastructure, and learning tools in the social environment. Although the control class used simulation methods and lectures by the teacher, the difference in the results of the initial test measurement (pres-test) and the final test measurement (post-test) of students' love for the homeland increased. Differences in learning conditions cause this increase in students' love for their homeland due to other factors, for example, when students' learning conditions or learning topics differ from one meeting to another. Some students better master the material and show their understanding through writing. In contrast, others may have a style of thought or way of expressing their understanding through role-playing simulations, in this case, related to History material in social studies learning material about The arrival of the nation became the beginning of colonialism and imperialism that tormented the Indonesian people (Aunurrahman, 2014, p. 178).

New experiences and knowledge are the drivers of behaviour change in each individual, identified with changes in students' cognitive and affective domains due to the feelings they feel and experience what they experience. likewise, after students do this simulation method, which is expected to increase knowledge and attitude of love for the motherland. According to Mayer in Karwono & Mursaliha (2014), learning involves relatively permanent responses and changes to one's knowledge or behaviour as a result of his experience. New knowledge and experience students gain through the learning process are the drivers of change to be better for each student in the future. This study showed that after calculating scores related to students' love of homeland in the control class, there was a difference between pre-test and post-test scores. The results of these calculations are described in the following table:


Table 13. Pre-test and post-test results related to the Love of the Motherland students in the control class


Score Range














Based on the results of the recapitulation of students' homeland love in the table above, it shows that the average pre-test score obtained a value of 47 with a standard deviation of 8, while the post-test average score obtained a value of 70 with a standard deviation of 6.2. Before carrying out the paired sample t-test to see the effect, an assumption test is carried out, namely the normality test. The following are the results of the pre-test and post-test normality tests related to the love of students' homeland:


Table 14. Control Class Normality Test Results



Normality Test


Love of the Motherland




Normal Distributed




Based on the results of the normality test in the table above, it shows that the significance value of the pre-test and post-test in the control class > 0.05 so that the data is said to be normally distributed. Then a paired sample t-test was carried out to see the influence of the Simulation Method in Social Studies Learning at the Subang Museum on the Love  of the Students' Homeland. The following are the statistical test results of the pre-test and post-test scores of the control class:


Table 15. Statistical Test Pre-Test and Post-Test Scores Love for the Homeland of Control Class Students

Experimental Class





Paired Sample t test








There is Influence






From the table above, it is known that there is a difference in the average love of students' homeland between the average pre-test score and the average post-test score in the control class. In addition, based on the results of the paired sample t-test, it showed that the students' love for the homeland in the control class obtained sig. (2-tailed) 0.00 < 0.05. then H0 is rejected, meaning that there is an influence of the Outdoor Simulation Method in Social Studies Learning at the Subang Museum on the Love  of the Students' Homeland. Further details can be seen in the following graph:

Graph 4. Differences in pre-test and post-test averages related to students' Love for the Motherland in the Control class


Based on the graph above, it shows that the average post-test score is higher than the average post-test score. In addition, to find out the magnitude of the increase  in students' love for the homeland in the control class, the following difference in gain values is seen:


Table 16. Gain Value related to Love of Homeland students in control class


Score Range



N Gain















From the table above, it is known that the love of the students' homeland in the control class obtained a gain value of 0.23 in the low category. Based on the calculation results with the average score test, paired sample t-test and gain value, it can be concluded that there is an influence of the Simulation Method in Social Studies Learning at the Subang Museum on the love of the student's homeland. The influence given is a positive influence, namely by increasing students' Love for the Motherland after the implementation of the Outdoor Study method.

Significant differences in Historical Awareness and Love of the Motherland between the Experimental Class and the Control Class at SMPN 1 Subang

The learning approach in the experimental class through the outdoor study method at the Subang Museum and the control class through the simulation method in the class related to historical awareness and love for the homeland uses a constructivistic approach. From psychological and philosophical perspectives, constructivism means that individuals form or build most of what they learn and understand (Schunk, 2012, p. 320). Meanwhile, Personal (2009, p. 158) defines constructivism as the process of meaning or experiential events experienced by students and building new knowledge through the events they experience.

Through observation and assignment techniques, this observation technique in the outdoor study method is a way of learning outside the classroom, which is done by seeing or observing the subject matter directly in the museum related to the material being discussed. This technique is done by direct observation and making specific notes objectively about something observed and then inferring itself (Vera, 2012, p. 134). Then Assignment: this assignment technique is a way of presenting learning materials carried out by teachers by giving specific assignments so that students can carry out learning activities. For example, in the context of teaching and learning activities held at the Subang Museum, teachers give assignments to students that must be carried out on the spot. The task is not homework that can be done at home, but must be done, assessed and concluded right away; in this study, the task is in groups. The tasks teachers give when teaching at the Subang Museum are closely related to the subject matter being discussed and contained in the Subang Museum. Class (Vera, 2012, p. 107).

This is related to students in experimental classes who conduct outdoor studies at the Subang Museum to find and build related materials they are learning in Social Studies Learning. Points of direct experience interaction with the physical environment and social environment become connected in this study; students are invited by teachers in the social studies learning process by utilizing the Subang Museum as a learning resource and as an environmental means that affects the student's historical awareness and love of homeland.

While in the control class using the simulation method, students imitate or role-play a historical event, one of which is the historical event that occurred in Subang Regency, namely the Kalijati Agreement, which is also contained in class VIII social studies textbook material. This is in accordance with what Anitah (2007, p. 23) explained: simulation methods are many and suitable for use in social studies learning, Civics, religious education, and appreciation education. The reason is that the simulation method can prioritize the ability to work in teams, communicate and interact, indirectly training the skills produced through the simulation learning. In addition, the simulation method will make more active students than the students themselves and can be used in context-based learning as well as learning materials can be taken from surrounding social life, social values and other social problems.

Then a recapitulation of the students' historical awareness and love of homeland scores was carried out in the experimental class and control class, then different average scores were obtained in the final measurement results (post-test) presented in the following table.


Table 17. Average Measurement Results (Post-Test) Values of Experimental Class and Control Class


Student History Awareness Attitude and Student Homeland Love


Number of Students








Source: Olah Data Researchers (2024)


Graph 5. Post-test Average Score of students' historical awareness and love of homeland Control class and Experiment Class


The table and graph above show that there is a difference in the average value of the final measurement (post-test) between the two classes which shows that the scores in the experimental class are greater than in the control class, so that the results of the final measurement (post-test) of historical awareness and love of the student's homeland strengthen the statistical test in the form of a t test with an independent parametric sample t test. Then to strengthen the above findings, testing the N Gain value of the students' awareness and love of homeland in social studies learning between the experimental class and the control class was carried out as follows.


Table 18. Results of N-Gain test of students' historical awareness and love of homeland social studies between experimental class and control class


Historical Awareness and Love of the Motherland



Category Gain







Source: Olah Data Researchers (2024)


Graph 6. N-Gain awareness of the history and love of the student's homeland Control class and Experiment Class

The table and graph above show that the gain value in the 0-1 range of the experimental class is greater than the gain value of the control class. Then the following are the test results of the average difference in the significant influence of the outdoor study method at the Subang Museum on historical awareness and significant love for the homeland between the experimental class and the control class using the simulation method.

The character of Love for the Motherland which is the main objective in this study formulated by the Ministry of National Education (2010) as a way of thinking, behaving, and doing that shows loyalty, care, and high respect for the language, physical environment, social, culture, economy, politics of the nation. In this study, historical awareness is positioned as a form of Moral Knowing, while love of the homeland is part of Moral Feeling. Through the outdoor study method at the Subang Museum in Social Studies Learning, it is hoped that students can strengthen their historical awareness (students), one of which is by loving the homeland for the Indonesian nation. Because before having a sense of love for the homeland (Moral Feeling) students must first have historical awareness of their nation (Moral Knowing), because historical awareness in it must contain values that must be known, felt, realized by someone, and love of the homeland (Moral Feeling) is a manifestation of historical awareness shown to build love for the homeland for their country. Here, Historical Awareness is not listed into the 18 Characters set by the government, but this historical awareness can be the basis of a person before building the character component of love for the motherland. In addition, historical awareness can be a strategic tool because there is a connection with the constructivistic learning approach, which is about experience-based meaningful learning, one of which is when students visit the Subang Museum as a learning resource, and is supported by the theory of Character Education according to Lickona about moral knowing that humans before feeling love must first know and be aware of morals,  In this case, knowing and being aware of the history of his people. In essence, character education for Love of the Motherland is based on Historical Awareness, because no one loves the homeland without being aware of its history. Based on the results of the hypothesis test also produces with the following data:


Table 19. Test the difference in the average post-test of students' historical awareness and love of homeland in the experimental class and the Control Class in social studies learning at SMP Negeri 1 Subang

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances













Pooled Variance


Hypothesized Mean Difference




t Stat


P(T<=t) one-tail


t Critical one-tail


P(T<=t) two-tail


t Critical two-tail



Source: Olah Data Researchers (2024)


Based on the results of the paired sample t test above, it is known that t count is 1.318 while the label is obtained based on the significance level (a) 10% with a two-sided test, so that each side has a significance level of 5% with the number of experimental class students totaling 33 then df = n-1 or 33-1 = 32. Thus, obtained ttable 1.308 which indicates tcount 0.192 is greater than ttable 0.192 so that Ho is rejected and stated *(there are differences in: measurement results (post-test) historical awareness and love of homeland of experimental class students and control class)**.

Based on the results of the hypothesis test above, it is explained that the outdoor study method can be said to be appropriate when used in the Subang Museum, although the difference in post-test measurement results of historical awareness and love of homeland in the experimental class with the control class is not too significant. In addition, the Subang Museum is very relevant as a learning resource to find historical information, especially the history of regional struggles in Subang itself, such as "The Spirit of Resistance against Invaders in Cibuluh" contained in the Subang Museum to be used as a source of social studies learning through outdoor study methods that relate to historical awareness and love for the homeland of students at SMP Negeri 1 Subang. For this reason, character education is very important for us to interpret the relationship in learning. With historical awareness and love for the homeland instilled as characters through social studies learning, students are expected to be aware of various aspects of social life so that they can become good Indonesian citizens, appreciate the services of heroes and a stronger attitude of love for their homeland which is described consciously by being aware of the history of their nation. Researchers argue that the character of historical awareness and love for the homeland is very relevant to the objectives of social studies subjects and relevant to the content of the social studies education curriculum because students, as the next generation of the nation, are not only required to be smart in knowledge but also expected to have an attitude as citizens whose love for their country is depicted with historical awareness.



This research examines how nominee agreements affect the welfare of people in the mineral and coal mining sector. Nominee agreements, while serving as a legal workaround for foreign investors, do not fully comply with legal requirements. However, they provide investment security for investors in Indonesia's mining sector. Cost-benefit analyses in Morowali and Kutai Kartanegara reveal positive impacts on local welfare, including increased regional income, employment, and infrastructure development. To enhance legal certainty and investment security, proposed reforms include allowing up to 51% foreign ownership during the establishment stage and mandatory 49% share divestment after 10 years, supported by robust supervision. These reforms aim to eliminate the need for nominee agreements and ensure fair mining management beneficial to Indonesian welfare, especially in Morowali and Kutai Kartanegara.



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Copyright holder:

Much Luthfi Fauzan Nugraha, Mamat Ruhimat, Erlina Wiyanarti (2024)


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International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)


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