The Influence of Career
Development, Positive Psychology, Organizational Communication, and Strategic
Digital Leadership on the Improvement of Performance in the Aviation School
Organization of the Ministry of Transportation, Mediated by Employee Motivation
Fatonah1*, Willy Arafah2, Sarfilianty Anggiani3
Universitas Trisakti , West Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia1,2,3
Email: [email protected]1*, [email protected]2, [email protected]3
Development, Positive Psychology, Organizational Communication, Improvement
of Performance, Aviation School Organization, Employee Motivation. |
This research investigates the
factors influencing organizational performance within the Flight School of
the Ministry of Transportation, focusing on the unique structure of the
Public Service Agency (BLU) and its technical implementation units. It explores
challenges faced by aviation service schools in meeting BLU revenue targets
and highlights the significance of human resource management. Drawing on
insights from scholars, the study examines the impact of career development,
positive psychology, organizational communication, and digital leadership
strategies on organizational performance, mediated by employee motivation.
Using a quantitative approach involving a survey of 175 officials and
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the research
finds positive influences of these factors on organizational performance,
with employee motivation playing a mediating role. However, limitations such
as reliance on self-reported data and the sample size constrain the
generalizability of findings. Future research could employ qualitative
methods and longitudinal studies to deepen understanding and investigate
long-term effects. |
Public Service Agency (BLU) is an independent legal entity that can manage its
finances and operations autonomously. As part of the transportation ministry,
technical implementation units under BLU, such as airports and health centers,
are expected to be more flexible in resource management and decision-making.
The purpose of establishing BLU is to provide community services without
prioritizing profits by implementing flexible financial management patterns and
focusing on productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness. Performance
measurement is key in assessing the success of public sector organizations, as
it contributes to public legitimacy and support. Organizational performance,
including employees, determines the success or failure of an organization, and
human resource management plays a crucial role as an organizational
competitiveness factor
to Djoko Setyo Widodo (2022), the success of an organization
can be seen from employee performance and organizational performance; this is related to how the human resources
in an organization have played a role in organizational progress. To achieve
the best goals in an organization, it is necessary to manage clear human
resources through various organizational policies, to adjust the common
interests between the organization's and employees' interests
Research conducted by Liying He & Kamisah Ismail
The background of the problem in
this study is The current condition. Almost all aviation service schools
of the Ministry of Transportation have not been able to meet the achievement of
their BLU revenue targets. For example, the achievement of the BLU target from
PPI Curug data taken from the PPICurug
Strategic Plan in 2021-2022 is as follows: from Table 1., it can be seen that
the realization of BLU PPICurug revenue in 2021 is
47.85% and the realization in 2022 is 49.51%, the realization in 2021 and 2022 is
below 50%, even though the Government's expectation is between the revenue
target and the realization of BLU is 100%.
Research shows that
performance factors are very influential in increasing BLU revenue because
human resources are important for an organization. High-performance human
resources play a dominant role in running an organization's operations to
achieve the goals set. Employee performance is very important for the
organization because whether or not employees are effective will greatly affect
the success of the organization because every member of the organization wants
good performance (
Government organizations rely
heavily on the contributions of employees to achieve organizational goals,
necessitating good, effective, and efficient performance
The productivity and creativity of
human resources will be enhanced by good career development management, which
allows them to work harder and help the company achieve its goals; meanwhile,
career development programs will improve employee performance and increase
promotion opportunities for employees to reach the next career path in a
directed manner
From an employee perspective,
career development provides a snapshot of the future career path and reflects
the organization's long-term importance to employees. For companies, this
guarantees the availability of employees who can fill vacant positions. Therefore,
career development is significant in employee career coaching
According to Annisa Nur Islami
et al.
Effective organizational
communication will increase employee productivity because it has a conducive,
good, and comfortable work environment, which will also encourage
organizational and employee performance
ability to manage the organization is expected to come from leaders who have
the strength and ability to handle activities that are the lifeblood of the
organization, and strategic leadership style is considered a strategic aspect
in an organization, it has also been observed as the leader's ability to
anticipate, create vision, empower others and flexibility, to create a
strategic and viable organizational future,
and related to the ability of managers to develop and express strategic
visions for employees in an organization, because to be able to build strategic
leadership requires the ability to build strong communication, be able to be a
good listener, enthusiastic at work, think and have a positive attitude,
empathy for employees, have humility and be able to improve the ability in
diplomacy characterized by its ability to inspire, motivate, and work together with his team to
produce extraordinary results, because a leader must be smart and can continue
to improve himself, and requires a leadership attitude of quality and integrity
In the
industrial era 4.0, leaders must follow the pattern of organizational needs.
Acumen in applying digital leadership benchmarks shows a rapid,
cross-hierarchical, cooperative, and team-oriented approach that often
integrates innovation; this is in line with research that in good leadership,
the dissemination of leadership information to several people who work
cooperatively and interdependently to achieve group goals
Beibeirapa reasons Share organization intuik
can be Iradaptation The face of digital
transformation is reconsiderImpeir Maintain Facing Change
Technology so that organizations can improve their lives. Invent Value for
Update and Organizational Editing
To produce employee and
organizational performance by what is expected, one of the efforts that can be made
is to motivate employees. Motivation must be done continuously, considering
that employee morale is not always high but can increase and also decrease
Meanwhile, several
factors affect performance. According to Rahadyan Wicaksono
This research was
conducted to fill the gap in the relationship between positive psychology,
employee motivation, organizational performance, and the strategic context of
digital leadership. Two major gaps were identified from previous studies:
limitations in considering the impact of positive psychology on organizational
performance by involving employee motivation as mediation and limitations in
research on digital leadership strategies that affect organizational
performance by mediating employee motivation. This research brings innovation
by investigating these two aspects. It is titled "The Effect of Career
Development, Positive Psychology, Organizational Communication, and Digital
Leadership Strategies on the Organizational Performance of the Flight School of
the Ministry of Transportation Mediated by Employee Motivation." It is
hoped that this research will make an important contribution to understanding
the relationship between these factors and organizational performance,
especially at the Ministry of Transportation's Flight School.
This study uses a quantitative approach referring to Arikunto
(2013) and Sinollah et al. (2020). This research method aims to identify the relationship
between variables by measuring the relationship between two variables, namely
the independent variable to the dependent variable, to test the direct effect
and involving mediation variables to test the indirect effect (Sekaran &
Bougie, 2010; Amen, 2018).
Data collection was carried out with a survey approach using
questionnaires distributed to officials within the Aviation Service School of
the Ministry of Transportation. The research sample was taken by census,
involving 175 officials who had implemented the Balanced Scorecard (BSC).
The research data source involved respondents consisting of
Directors, Deputy Directors, Section Heads, Coordinators, Kapus, Heads of Study
Programs, Kanit, and Unit Heads at various Aviation Polytechnics in Indonesia.
Data were collected through the dissemination of questionnaires and interviews,
as well as documentation studies. Literature studies are also carried out to
understand theories relevant to research variables.
Data analysis
was performed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and SmartPLS data
analysis tool version 3. The study also involved testing the validity of
convergent and discriminants. The results of the convergent validity test show
that all indicators on the variables of career development, positive
psychology, organizational communication, digital leadership strategy, employee
motivation, and organizational performance have a loading factor value greater
than 0.70, so it can be considered valid.
validity can be known through the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) method for
each variable tested. A variable is valid if it has an Average Variance
Extracted (AVE) value greater than 0.50 or an AVE > 0.50. Vice versa, if the
AVE value < 0.50 then the variable is considered invalid. The results of
discriminant validity are presented in the table as follows.
Table 1. Discriminant Validity Test Results
Variable |
Condition |
Average Variance
Extracted (AVE) |
Conclusion |
Career Development |
> 0.50 |
0,624 |
Valid |
Positive Psychology |
> 0.50 |
0,725 |
Valid |
Organizational Communication |
> 0.50 |
0,724 |
Valid |
Digital Leadership Strategy |
> 0.50 |
0,695 |
Valid |
Employee Motivation |
> 0.50 |
0,681 |
Valid |
Organizational Performance |
> 0.50 |
0,720 |
Valid |
Source: SmartPLS
Processed Data, 2024
Based on
the results of the discriminant validity test presented in the table above, it
was obtained that the AVE value for the Career Development variable was greater
than 0.50 with a value of 0.624; the AVE value for the Positive Psychology
variable is greater than 0.50 with a value of 0.725; the AVE value for the
Organizational Communication variable is greater than 0.50 with a value of
0.724; the AVE value for the Digital Leadership Strategic variable is greater
than 0.50 with a value of 0.695; value AVE for the Employee Motivation variable
is greater than 0.50 with a value of 0.681; and the AVE value for the
Organizational Performance variable is greater than 0.50 with a value of 0.720.
This shows that each variable in this study has good discriminant validity. So
it can be concluded that all latent
variables have met the validity test.
2. Hypothesis Test Results (Direct Effect)
Research Hypothesis |
Koef. |
t-count |
P-Values |
Information |
Direct Effect |
H1: Career development has a positive influence on
organizational performance. |
0,218 |
3,489 |
0,001 |
Supported |
H2: Positive psychology has a positive influence on
organizational performance. |
-0,012 |
0,153 |
0,878 |
Not Supported |
H3: Organizational communication has a positive influence on
organizational performance. |
0,278 |
2,945 |
0,003 |
Supported |
H4: Digital leadership strategies have a positive influence
on organizational performance. |
0,177 |
2,113 |
0,035 |
Supported |
H5: Employee motivation has a positive influence on
organizational performance. |
0,307 |
3,206 |
0,001 |
Supported |
H6: Career development has a positive effect on employee
motivation. |
0,205 |
2,954 |
0,003 |
Supported |
H7: Positive psychology positively affects employee
motivation. |
0,215 |
3,134 |
0,002 |
Supported |
H8: Organizational communication has a positive influence on
employee motivation. |
0,261 |
2,912 |
0,004 |
Supported |
H9: Digital leadership strategies have a positive influence
on employee motivation. |
0,297 |
3,756 |
0,000 |
Supported |
Indirect Effect |
Career development has a positive influence on organizational
performance, through employee motivation. |
0,063 |
2,101 |
0,036 |
Supported |
Positive psychology has a positive influence on
organizational performance, through employee motivation. |
0,066 |
2,293 |
0,022 |
Supported |
Organizational communication has a positive influence on
organizational performance, through employee motivation. |
0,080 |
2,093 |
0,038 |
Supported |
Digital leadership strategies have a positive influence on
organizational performance, through employee motivation. |
0,091 |
2,298 |
0,022 |
Supported |
Source: SmartPLS Processed Data, 2024
Based on the results of the hypothesis test
on the direct effect and indirect effect between the independent variable (X)
and the dependent variable (Y) in this study, the results are described as
H0.1: Career
development does not have a positive influence on organizational performance.
Ha.1: Career
development has a positive influence on organizational performance.
Based on the results of the hypothesis
test shown in the table above, it is known that Hypothesis 1, which states that
career development positively influences organizational performance, shows
significant results, with a coefficient value of 0.218 and
a p-value of 0.001.
It is said that the results are important because the p-value obtained is
declared to have met the requirements for the hypothesis to be accepted or
supported, namely with a significance level of 5%
and a p-value value of < 0.05. Based on the
hypothesis test results, a p-value of 0.022 < 0.05 was
obtained. So, Ha.1 is supported, and H0.1 is not
supported. Based on this analysis, it was found that career development positively
influences organizational performance.
H0.2: Positive psychology does not have a
positive influence on organizational performance.
Ha.2: Positive psychology has a positive
influence on organizational performance.
Based on the results of the hypothesis
test shown in the table above, it is known that Hypothesis 2, which states that
positive psychology has a positive influence on organizational performance,
shows insignificant results, with a coefficient value of -0.012 and
a p-value of 0.878.
It said the results were negligible because the p-value obtained was declared
ineligible for the hypothesis to be accepted or supported, namely with a
significance level of 5% and a p-value of < 0.05. Based on
the hypothesis test results, a p-value of 0.878 >
0.05 was obtained. So, Ha.2 is not supported,
and H0.2 is supported. Based on this analysis, it was found that positive psychology
does not positively influence organizational performance.
H0.3: Organizational communication does not have
a positive influence on organizational performance.
Ha.3: Organizational communication has a
positive influence on organizational performance.
Based on the results of the hypothesis
test shown in the table above, it is known that Hypothesis 3, which states that
organizational communication positively influences organizational performance,
shows significant results, with a coefficient value of 0.278 and
a p-value of 0.003.
It is said that the results are important because the p-value obtained is
declared to have met the requirements for the hypothesis to be accepted or
supported, namely with a significance level of 5%
and a p-value value of < 0.05. Based on
the hypothesis test results, a p-value of 0.003
< 0.05 was obtained. So, Ha.3 is supported,
and H0.3 is not supported. Based on this analysis, it was found that organizational communication has a
positive influence on organizational performance.
H0.4: Digital leadership strategies do not positively
influence organizational performance.
Ha.4: Digital leadership strategies have a
positive influence on organizational performance.
Based on the results of the hypothesis
test shown in the table above, it is known that Hypothesis 4, which states that
digital leadership strategies positively influence organizational performance,
shows significant results, with a coefficient value of 0.177 and
a p-value of 0.035.
It is said that the results are important because the p-value obtained is
declared to have met the requirements for the hypothesis to be accepted or
supported, namely with a significance level of 5%
and a p-value value of < 0.05. Based on
the hypothesis test results, a p-value of 0.035
< 0.05 was obtained. So, Ha 4 is supported,
and H0.4 is not supported. Based on this analysis, it was found that digital leadership strategies have a
positive influence on organizational performance.
H0.5: Employee motivation does not have a
positive influence on organizational performance.
Ha.5: Employee motivation has a positive
influence on organizational performance.
Based on the results of the hypothesis
test shown in the table above, it is known that Hypothesis 5, which states that
employee motivation has a positive influence on organizational performance,
shows significant results, with a coefficient value of 0.307 and
a p-value of 0.001.
It is said that the results are important because the p-value obtained is
declared to have met the requirements for the hypothesis to be accepted or
supported, namely with a significance level of 5%
and a p-value value of < 0.05. Based on
the hypothesis test results, a p-value of 0.001
< 0.05 was obtained. So, 5 Ha is supported,
and H0.5 is not supported. Based on this analysis, it was found that employee motivation has a positive
influence on organizational performance.
H0.6: Career development does not have a
positive effect on employee motivation.
Ha.6: Career development has a positive effect
on employee motivation.
Based on the results of the hypothesis
test shown in the table above, it is known that Hypothesis 6, which states that
career development has a positive effect on employee motivation, shows
significant results, with a coefficient value of 0.205 and
a p-value of 0.003. It
is said that the results are important because the p-value obtained is declared
to have met the requirements for the hypothesis to be accepted or supported,
namely with a significance level of 5%
and a p-value value of < 0.05. Based on
the hypothesis test results, a p-value of 0.003
< 0.05 was obtained, so Ha .6 is supported,
and H0.6 is not. Based on this analysis, it was found that career development positively affects
employee motivation.
H0.7: Positive psychology has no positive effect
on employee motivation.
Ha.7: Positive psychology positively affects
employee motivation.
Based on the results of the hypothesis
test shown in the table above, it is known that Hypothesis 7, which states that
positive psychology has a positive effect on employee motivation, shows
significant results, with a coefficient value of 0.215 and
a p-value of 0.002.
It is said that the results are important because the p-value obtained is
declared to have met the requirements for the hypothesis to be accepted or
supported, namely with a significance level of 5%
and a p-value value of < 0.05. Based on
the hypothesis test results, a p-value of 0.002
< 0.05 was obtained. So, Ha. 7 is supported,
and H0.7 is not supported. Based on this analysis, it was found that positive psychology positively affects
employee motivation.
H0.8: Organizational communication does not have
a positive influence on employee motivation.
Ha.8: Organizational communication has a
positive influence on employee motivation.
Based on the results of the hypothesis
test shown in the table above, it is known that Hypothesis 8, which states that
organizational communication positively influences employee motivation, shows
significant results, with a coefficient value of 0.261 and
a p-value of 0.004.
It is said that the results are important because the p-value obtained is
declared to have met the requirements for the hypothesis to be accepted or
supported, namely with a significance level of 5%
and a p-value value of < 0.05. Based on
the hypothesis test results, a p-value of 0.004
< 0.05 was obtained. So, Ha.8 is supported,
and H0.8 is not supported. Based on this analysis, it was found that organizational communication has a
positive influence on employee motivation.
H0.9: Digital leadership strategies do not positively
influence employee motivation.
Ha.9: Digital leadership strategies have a
positive influence on employee motivation.
Based on the results of the hypothesis
test shown in the table above, it is known that Hypothesis 9, which states that
digital leadership strategies positively influence employee motivation, shows
significant results, with a coefficient value of 0.297 and
a p-value of 0.000. It
is said that the results are important because the p-value obtained is declared
to have met the requirements for the hypothesis to be accepted or supported,
namely with a significance level of 5%
and a p-value value of < 0.05. Based on
the hypothesis test results, a p-value of 0.000
< 0.05 was obtained. So, Ha.9 is supported,
and H0.9 is not supported. Based on this analysis, it was found that digital leadership strategies have a
positive influence on employee motivation.
Hypothesis 10:
H0.10: Career development does not positively
influence organizational performance through employee motivation.
Ha.10: Career development positively
influences organizational performance through employee motivation.
Based on the results of the hypothesis
test shown in the table above, it is known that Hypothesis 10, which states
that career development positively influences organizational performance
through Employee Motivation, shows significant results. It
is said that the results are important because the probability value obtained
is declared qualified for the hypothesis to be accepted or supported, namely
with a probability value of < 0.05. Based on the hypothesis test results, a
probability value of 0.036> 0.05 was
obtained so that Ha.10 was supported, and H0.10
was not supported. Based on this, it was obtained that career development positively
influences organizational performance through Employee Motivation. This proves
that employee motivation can mediate the relationship between career
development and organizational performance. Partial mediation occurs because
there is an influence between the mediating variable and the dependent variable,
and there is an influence between the independent variable and mediation.
Hypothesis 11:
H0.11: Positive psychology does not positively
influence organizational performance, through employee motivation.
Ha.11: Positive psychology positively
influences organizational performance through employee motivation.
Based on the results of the hypothesis
test shown in the table above, it is known that Hypothesis 11, which states
that positive psychology implies a positive influence on organizational
performance through
Employee Motivation, shows significant results. It
is said that the results are important because the probability value obtained
is declared qualified for the hypothesis to be accepted or supported, namely
with a probability value of < 0.05. Based on the hypothesis test results, a
probability value of 0.022 > 0.05 was
obtained so that Ha.11 was supported, and H0.11
was not supported. Based on this, it is obtained that positive psychology implies a positive
influence on the organization's work through employee motivation. This proves that employee
motivation can mediate the relationship between positive psychology and
organizational performance. Partial mediation occurs because there is an
influence between the mediating variable and the dependent variable, and there
is an influence between the independent variable and mediation.
H0.12: Organizational communication does not positively
influence organizational performance through employee motivation.
Ha.12: Organizational communication has a
positive influence on organizational performance through employee motivation.
Based on the results of the hypothesis
test shown in the table above, it is known that Hypothesis 12, which states
that the initiation of the organization has a positive influence on the
organization's performance through employee motivation, shows significant
results. It is said that the results are important
because the probability value obtained is declared qualified for the hypothesis
to be accepted or supported, namely with a probability value of < 0.05.
Based on the hypothesis test results, a probability value of 0.038 > 0.05 was
obtained so that Ha.12 was supported, and H0.12
was not supported. Based on this, it is obtained that organizational communication implies a
positive influence on the organization's linework through employee motivation.
This proves that employee motivation can mediate the relationship between organizational Performance. Partial mediation occurs because there is an influence between
the mediating variable and the dependent variable, and there is an influence
between the independent variable and mediation.
Hypothesis 13:
H0.13: Digital leadership strategies do not positively
influence organizational performance through employee motivation.
Ha.13: Digital leadership strategies have a
positive influence on organizational performance through employee motivation.
Based on the results of the hypothesis
test shown in the table above, it is known that Hypothesis 13, which states
that digital leadership strategies have a positive influence on organizational
performance through employee motivation, shows significant results. It
is said that the results are important because the probability value obtained
is declared qualified for the hypothesis to be accepted or supported, namely
with a probability value of < 0.05. Based on the hypothesis test results, a
probability value of 0.022 > 0.05 was
obtained so that Ha.13 was supported, and H0.13
was not supported. Based on this, it was found that digital leadership strategies positively
influence organizational performance through employee motivation. This proves
that employee motivation can mediate the relationship between digital
leadership and organizational performance. Partial mediation occurs because
there is an influence between the mediating variable and the dependent variable,
and there is an influence between the independent variable and mediation.
The research delves into the factors influencing organizational performance, particularly within the Flight School of the Ministry of Transportation context. The study identifies significant positive influences of career development, organizational communication, digital leadership strategies, and employee motivation on organizational performance. Additionally, positive psychology is found not to have a significant direct impact on organizational performance. The research underscores the importance of human resources, emphasizing the role of high-performance employees in organizational success. It also highlights the critical role of effective communication, career development, and digital leadership in fostering employee motivation, thereby influencing overall organizational performance. The findings contribute to bridging gaps in the existing literature by exploring the mediating role of employee motivation in the relationships between career development, positive psychology, organizational communication, digital leadership strategies, and organizational performance. The study aims to provide valuable insights for the Flight School of the Ministry of Transportation and similar organizations, shedding light on areas that can be improved to enhance overall performance.
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Copyright holder: Feti
Fatonah, Willy Arafah, Sarfilianty Anggiani (2024) |
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