The Influence of Product Quality, Brand Image, and Lifestyle on The Purchase Decision of Yamaha NMAX Motorcycles at Yamaha Mega Utama Motor Depok Dealers


Mufida Alfian Prasetya1, Resti Hardini2, Kumba Digdowiseiso3

Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Nasional, Indonesia1,2,3

Email: [email protected]1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3




Product Quality, Brand Image, Lifestyle, Purchase Decision.


The study investigates the influence of product quality, brand image, and lifestyle on the purchase decision of Yamaha Nmax motorcycles using primary data collected from a sample of one hundred users. Employing multiple linear regression and the SPSS program for analysis, the findings reveal positive effects between product quality (X1) and purchase decision (0.157), brand image (X2) and purchase decision (0.174), and lifestyle (X3) and purchase decision (0.609). The simultaneous impact of these variables is significant, with lifestyle demonstrating the most substantial effect (0.000). While these results offer valuable insights for Yamaha, future research could explore additional factors, and it's essential to consider potential limitations, such as respondent biases. The findings underscore the importance of enhancing product quality to positively influence purchase decisions and suggest avenues for further research and strategic development.





Today, the development of the automotive industry in Indonesia is increasing, marked by a higher level of competition between companies in the automotive sector. One of them is the motorcycle industry which is experiencing significant growth (Susilo, 2019; Thoburn & Natsuda, 2018). Motorcycles are the most popular means of transportation by various levels of society in carrying out daily activities. Motorcycles are the most appropriate and practical choice to use to pass traffic jams both in the city and outside the city (Negara & Hidayat, 2021; Syah, 2019). Besides being practical, motorcycles are considered more economical both in terms of fuel consumption and maintenance costs which are quite cheap compared to other means of transportation (Adyas & Setiawan, 2019; Kester S. Ong et al., 2024; Sakas et al., 2023).

Currently, there are two largest motorcycle manufacturers, Honda and Yamaha. In addition, several motorcycle manufacturers control their respective market shares. The following is sales and market share data from AISI (Indonesian Motorcycle Industry Association) data from 2017 to 2018.

Based on the results of the study, Yamaha ranked second in motorcycle sales from 2017 to 2018. Yamaha motorcycle sales from 2017 to 2018 increased by 106,877 units, but the market share fell by 0.1%. Yamaha motorcycle sales have not been able to beat the dominance of Honda motorcycle sales with a market share gain in 2018 of 74.6%, up by 0.09% from 2017. Honda motorcycle sales from 2017 to 2018 increased by 373,314 units. Yamaha must work harder to be able to beat Honda's dominance in seizing motorcycle market share.

One of the motorcycles from the Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing (YMM) company that can compete with Honda in the Maxi Scooter class is the Yamaha Nmax motorcycle. Yamaha Nmax motorcycles were launched in early 2015, since its launch Yamaha Nmax motorcycles are working hard to dominate market share in Indonesia. It can be said that Yamaha Nmax motorcycles are able to compete with its closest competitors in the Maxi Scooter 150cc class, namely Honda PCX.

Based on the results of research sales of Yamaha Nmax motorcycles dominate compared to its competitors, namely Honda PCX in the Maxi Scooter 150cc class, but sales of Yamaha Nmax motorcycles fluctuate. Sales of Yamaha Nmax motorcycles in January to March increased, but sales of Yamaha Nmax motorcycles in April to June experienced a significant decline. The highest sales of Yamaha Nmax motorcycles were achieved in March at 40,965 units, while the lowest sales occurred in June at 24,875 units. The decline in sales of Yamaha Nmax motorcycles is a phenomenon that indicates a problem, this can also illustrate the level of purchasing decisions for Yamaha Nmax motorcycles that have fluctuated. The fluctuating purchase decisions of Yamaha Nmax motorcycles can be influenced by product quality, brand image, and lifestyle (Delima et al., 2019; Kartikasari & Albari, 2019; Noviardhi, 2022; Serrano & Innocentius Bernarto, 2023; Trisnayani et al., 2023).

Kotler and Armstrong (2016, p. 177) define purchasing decisions as Consumer behavior is the study of how individuals, groups, and organizations select, buy, use, and dispose of goods, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy their needs and want. Purchasing decisions can be influenced by product quality. According to Kotler and Armstrong (2012, p. 283), product quality is the ability of a product to carry out its functions, including durability, reliability, accuracy, ease of operation and repair, and other valuable attributes. Another factor in purchasing decisions is influenced by brand image. Kotler and Keller (2016, p. 330) put forward the definition of brand image, namely Brand image describes the extrinsic properties of the product or service, including how the brand attempts to meet customers' psychological or social needs. In addition, purchasing decisions are also influenced by lifestyle. According to Kotler and Keller (2012, p. 192), Lifestyle is a person's lifestyle in the world that is expressed in his activities, interests, and opinions. Lifestyle describes the whole person in interacting with his environment. Lifestyle describes the entire pattern of a person in action and interaction in the world.

Based on the background exposure above, the researcher was interested in examining the thesis entitled "The Influence of Product Quality, Brand Image and Lifestyle on Yamaha Nmax Motorcycle Purchase Decisions at Yamaha Mega Utama Motor Depok Dealers".



Population and Sample

According to Sugiyono (2018: 80) suggests that population is a generalized area consisting of objects or subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics determined by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions. The population in this study is consumers who have purchased Yamaha Nmax motorcycles at Yamaha Mega Utama Motor Depok dealers in 2015 to 2018 amounting to 857 people. According to Sugiyono (2018: 81) Samples are part of the number and characteristics possessed by the population. In this study, researchers used a purposive sampling approach, according to Sugiyono (2019) purposive sampling is a sampling technique with certain considerations.

The reason for selecting samples using purposive sampling is because not all samples have criteria according to what the author has determined. The criteria used as samples in this study are as follows:

1)    Consumers have used or owned a Yamaha Nmax motorcycle for at least 1 year.

2)    Consumers experience the purchase decision process of Yamaha Nmax motorcycles (not from raffles or prizes).

To determine the number of samples used through the calculation of the Slovin Formula, in determining the sample size of a known population of 857 people. With a tolerance limit of 10% as follows:


n               = Sample Size

N              = Population Size

e                = Fault Tolerance Limit (error)


Based on the slovin formula, the number of samples is obtained as many as 100 samples.



Test Instruments

Validity Test

The validity test aims to find out whether there are statements on the questionnaire that should be discarded or replaced because they are considered irrelevant. The validity test is calculated by comparing the value of r calculate (corrected item-total correlation) with r table, if r calculates > rtabel (at a significant rate of 0.05) then the statement is declared valid. This study was tested using n = 100 then the rtable was 0.1966.

Reliability Test

Reliability Test is used to determine whether the measuring instrument will get a precise, consistent, measurement if the measurement is repeated again. The following test results for the level of reliability were carried out significance tests by comparing Cronbach's Alpha value  with a value of 0.6. If Cronbach r alpha (for each statement item) > 0.6, then the statement item is said to be reliable.

Inferential Analysis


Table 1. Multiple Linear Test Results







Std. Error








Kualitas Produk






Citra Merek






Gaya Hidup






Source: SPSS 22, processed 2020

Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis in the table above, the multiple linear regression model equation is obtained as follows:

Y = b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3

KP = 0.157 KLP + 0.174 CM + 0.609 GH


KP            = Purchase Decision

KL. P      = Product Quality

CM           = Brand Image

GH           = Lifestyle

Multiple linear regression is used to explain that the influence of Product Quality, Brand Image and Lifestyle on Purchasing Decisions. The multiple linear regression equation above, it can be explained that:

a)    The Product Quality regression coefficient has a positive effect of 0.157, meaning that if the product quality variable is increased by 1%, then purchasing decisions will also increase by 0.157. Ceteris paribus.

b)    The Brand Image regression coefficient has a positive effect of 0.174, meaning that if the brand image variable is increased by 1%, then purchasing decisions will also increase by 0.174. Ceteris paribus.

c)     The Lifestyle regression coefficient has a positive effect of 0.609, meaning that if the lifestyle variable is increased by 1%, then purchasing decisions will also increase by 0.609. Ceteris paribus.

Based on the three independent variables, namely product quality, brand image, and lifestyle, have a positive and significant influence on the purchase decision of Yamaha Nmax motorcycles. Thus, if the variables of product quality, brand image, and lifestyle are improved, the variables of purchasing decisions will increase.

Classic Asusmtion Test

Normality Test Results


Table 2. One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test



Unstandardized Residual




Normal Parameters




Std. Deviation











Test Statistic



Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)



                Source: SPSS 22, processed 2020

Based on the table it can be seen that in the column Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) for 2-sided test is 0.200. The results of the Kolmogrov-Smirnov One Sample can be known for the above data is 0.200 > 0.05 so it can be stated that the data on product quality, brand image, lifestyle and purchasing decisions are distributed normally.

Autocorrelation Test Results


Table 3. Model Summary



R Square

Adjusted R


Std. Ettor of The Estimate








Source: SPSS 22, processed 2020

Based on Durbin Watson's table, it is known that the DW value is 2.225, then this value will be compared with the DW table value by a significant 5%. The number of samples is 100 and the number of independent variables is 3, so a DU of 1,736 is obtained. The DW value of 2.225 is greater than the upper limit (DU), which is 1.736, and less than (4-DU) = 4-1.736 = 2.264. So the results were obtained, namely: (1,736 < 2,225 < 2,264), then based on this explanation, there is no autocorrelation in the linear regression model of this study.

Heteroskedasticity Test Results

Table 4. Heteroskedasticity







Std. Error








Kualitas Produk






Citra Merek






Gaya Hidup






Source: SPSS 22, processed 2020

From the output results above, it can be seen that the significant value of each independent variable, both product quality, brand image and lifestyle is greater than α=0.05, meaning that there is no single independent variable that affects the dependent variable so that it can be concluded that the regression model does not contain heteroscedasticity and research can be continued.

Multicollinearity Test Results


Table 5. Multicollinearity Test






Collinearity Statistics


Std. Error












Kualitas Produk








Citra Merek








Gaya Hidup








  Source: SPSS 22, processed 2020

Based on the coefficients table above, it is known that each variable of product quality, brand image and lifestyle have a tolerance value of > 0.1. It is known that the VIF calculated from the product quality table (X 1) is 1,016, the brand image variable (X 2) is ­1,275, and lifestyle (X3) is 1,262 these values show smaller than the value of VIF < 10 so that it can be concluded that the regression equation model does not exist Multicollinearity between independent variables in this regression model.

Model Due Diligence

F Test Results

Table 6. F Test Results


Sum of Squares


Mean Square





















Source: SPSS 22, processed 2020

Based on the ANOVA table of F test results, it can be explained that the F value is calculated > Ftable or 37.935 > 2.70 and a significant value of 0.000 < 0.05, then this calculation illustrates that the independent variable in this study is considered able to explain variations in changes inbound variables so that the regression model developed in this research model can meet the feasibility requirements.

Coefficient of Determination Test Results


Table 7. Coefficient of determination



R Square

Adjusted R


Std. Ettor of The Estimate






  Source: SPSS 22, processed 2020

Based on table 7, the value of the correlation coefficient (R) is 0.736 and R 2 (R square) is 0.542 or 54.2%. The value of the coefficient of determination (R 2) of 54.2% means that product quality, brand image and lifestyle variables can explain 54.2% of the related variables of the purchase decision. In comparison, 45.8% is explained by other variables that are not included in this study.


Table 8. Test Results t







Std. Error








Kualitas Produk






Citra Merek






Gaya Hidup






Source: SPSS 22, processed 2020

According to the findings presented in Table 8, the impact of product quality variables on purchasing decisions is evident through the calculated value exceeding the table value, with 2.254 being greater than 1.984. Additionally, the significance value falls below the error rate (alpha) of 0.026, which is less than 0.05. This indicates a positive and significant influence of product quality on the purchase decision of Yamaha Nmax motorcycles, thereby substantiating the confirmation of the H1 hypothesis. Similarly, the examination of brand image variables, as per Table 8, reveals a calculated value surpassing the table value (2.231 > 1.984), with a significance value below the error rate (alpha) of 0.028 < 0.05. This signifies a positive and significant impact of brand image on the purchase decision of Yamaha Nmax motorcycles, affirming the validation of the H2 hypothesis. Furthermore, the analysis of lifestyle variables, based on Table 8, shows a calculated t value exceeding the table t value (7.853 > 1.984), with a significance value below the error rate (alpha) of 0.000 < 0.05. Consequently, it is elucidated that lifestyle has a positive and significant effect on the purchase decision of Yamaha Nmax motorcycles, providing empirical support for confirming the H3 hypothesis.


The Effect of Product Quality on Purchasing Decisions

Based on the results of multiple linear regression tests, the product quality variable has a positive effect of 0.157 on purchasing decisions. If product quality is improved by 1%, then purchasing decisions will increase by 0.157, assuming other independent variables remain. The t-test results show a significant value of 0.026 < 0.05, meaning that product quality positively and significantly affects purchasing decisions. This shows that if the quality of Yamaha Nmax motorcycle products is in accordance with the standards and the quality promised, it will increase the purchase decision of Yamaha Nmax motorcycles; this is because the quality of products that are in accordance with the promised quality will make new customers attracted to buy Yamaha Nmax motorcycles.

According to Kotler and Armstrong (2012, p. 283), product quality is the ability of a product to carry out its functions, including durability, reliability, accuracy, ease of operation and repair, and other valuable attributes.

The results of this study are in line with research conducted by Syaleh (2017) with the research title "The Effect of Product Quality, Price, Promotion and Place of Distribution on Motorcycle Purchase Decisions on CV. Tjahaja Baru Bukit Tinggi" stated that product quality has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Meanwhile, in a study conducted by Adyas and Setiawan (2019) with the research title "The Influence of Product Quality, Price and Brand Image on the Purchase Decision of Honda CBR 150 R Motorcycle in Cibinong" the results of this study stated that product quality has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions.

The Influence of Brand Image on Purchasing Decisions

Based on the results of multiple linear regression tests, the brand image variable has a positive effect of 0.174 on purchasing decisions. If the brand image is increased by 1%, then the purchase decision will increase by 0.174, assuming other independent variables remain. The t-test results show a significant value of 0.028 < 0.05, meaning that brand image positively and significantly affects purchasing decisions. This is because consumers view Yamaha Nmax motorcycle products as one that can be relied on, both seen from the model and attractive type, so it is easy for consumers to remember. This indicates that if the brand image of Yamaha Nmax motorcycles is improved, the purchase decision of Yamaha Nmax motorcycles will increase.

Kotler and Keller (Kotler & Keller, 2016, p. 330) define brand image as Brand image describes the extrinsic properties of the product or service, including how the brand attempts to meet customers' psychological or social needs which means Brand image describes the extrinsic nature of a product or service, including the way in which a brand seeks to meet the psychological or social needs of customers.

The results of the study are in line with research conducted by Wangean and Mandey (2014) with the research title "Analysis of Brand Image, Product Quality and Price Influence on Consumer Purchasing Decisions on All New Kia Rio Cars in Manado City", stating that brand image has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Meanwhile, research conducted by Hakim and Saragih (2019) with the research title "The Influence of Brand Image, Price Perception, and Product Quality on Consumer Purchasing Decisions of Npk Mutiara at UD. Barelang Tani Jaya Batam" stated that brand image has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions.

The Influence of Lifestyle on Purchasing Decisions

Based on the results of multiple linear regression tests, lifestyle variables have a positive effect of 0.609 on purchasing decisions, meaning that if the lifestyle is increased by 1%, then purchasing decisions will increase by 0.609, assuming other independent variables remain the results of the t-test show that significant values of 0.000 < 0.05 which means that lifestyle has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. This can be seen from how consumers carry out daily activities, fill their spare time, and spend their money and time using Yamaha Nmax motorcycles. This shows that if the higher the lifestyle or trend of using Yamaha Nmax motorcycles, the higher the decision to buy Yamaha Nmax motorcycles.

According to Kotler and Keller (Kotler et al., 2012, p. 192), Lifestyle is a person's lifestyle in the world that is expressed in his activities, interests, and opinions. Lifestyle describes the whole person in interacting with his environment. Lifestyle describes the entire pattern of a person in action and interaction in the world.

The results of this study are in line with research conducted by Putri and Permatasari (2018) entitled "The Influence of Lifestyle and Price on the Purchase Decision of Moslem Fashion Products in Elzatta Kawi Malang" stating that lifestyle has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Research conducted by Wahyuni and Irfani (2019) titled "The Influence of Lifestyle, Perceived Ease of Use and Trust on Purchasing Decisions in Online Clothing Stores" with the results of research states that lifestyle has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions.



Based on the results of research on the influence of product quality, brand image, and lifestyle on purchasing decisions, the following conclusions can be drawn: First, Product Quality has a positive and significant influence on the Purchase Decision of Yamaha Nmax motorcycles at Yamaha Mega Utama Motor Depok dealers. This means that if the product quality is improved, the purchase decision for Yamaha Nmax motorcycles will increase. Second, Brand Image positively and significantly influences the Purchase Decision of Yamaha Nmax motorcycles at Yamaha Mega Utama Motor Depok dealers. In other words, if the brand image is enhanced, the purchase decision for Yamaha Nmax motorcycles will increase. Third, Lifestyle positively and significantly influences the Purchase Decision of Yamaha Nmax motorcycles at Yamaha Mega Utama Motor Depok dealers. This implies that if the lifestyle is improved, the decision to buy a Yamaha Nmax motorcycle will increase. This research provides valuable insights for Yamaha Mega Utama Motor Depok in enhancing the sales of Yamaha Nmax motorcycles by focusing on improving product quality, brand image, and consumer lifestyle.

This article is a part of joint research and publication between Faculty of Economics and Business, National University, Jakarta and Faculty of Business, Economics, and Social Development, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu.



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Copyright holder:

Mufida Alfian Prasetya, Resti Hardini, Kumba Digdowiseiso (2024)


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International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)


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