Transformational Leadership Influence, Intrinsic Motivation and Compensation for Employees Performance PT. ABC


Dian Mega Sari1, Herry Krisnandi2, Kumba Digdowiseiso3

Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Nasional, Indonesia1,2,3

Email: dinamega.sari@gmail.com1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3




Transformational Leadership, Intrinsic Motivation, Compensation, Employee Performance.


This research investigates the multifaceted influences of transformational leadership, intrinsic motivation, and compensation on employee performance within the context of PT. A B C. Employing a quantitative approach, data was gathered from 125 respondents through the administration of structured questionnaires. The study utilized both descriptive and inferential analyses, incorporating techniques such as linear regression and modeling tests. The findings revealed a positive and significant impact on employee performance, as demonstrated by the regression equation: Employee Performance = 0.317 (Transformational Leadership) + 0.220 (Intrinsic Motivation) + 0.328 (Compensation). The overall model proved to be statistically significant (ANOVA p-value < 0.001). Notably, transformational leadership (p < 0.001) and intrinsic motivation (p = 0.005) exhibited substantial effects on performance, while compensation, although included in the model, did not show a statistically significant impact (p = 0.10000). Based on the results, recommendations are proposed to enhance organizational performance. These include fostering improved communication skills among leaders, addressing intrinsic motivation factors among employees, and reassessing compensation strategies for greater effectiveness. Implementing these recommendations is anticipated to contribute to overall performance enhancement and organizational success.





Meeting the demands of changing times in the era of globalization which has also entered the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 with increasingly rapid technological advances and human mobility that continues to increase every year, making competition in any field increasingly tight, which makes forcing companies to empower by optimizing as much as possible their human resources so that the company's survival is maintained. With the increasing business competition in any field, both in domestic and international markets, a business that wants to grow or at least survive must be able to take advantage of the important function of marketing implementation that is better than its competitors.

In pursuing set goals, government organizations and private companies, irrespective of their size, heavily rely on the active involvement of individuals or groups serving as key actors. Organizational performance, consequently, hinges on the effectiveness of its employees. Human resource management is pivotal in facilitating overall organizational performance by efficiently managing and unifying employees towards achieving organizational objectives. The alignment of perceptions and perspectives between company leaders and employees becomes paramount in this endeavour.

Achieving these goals requires a series of activities known as the management process, consisting of planning, organizing, actuating and controlling, which is carried out to determine and achieve predetermined goals using human resources and other resources (Hasibuan, 2013). Therefore, to meet the achievement of organizational goals does not only depend on modern equipment, complete facilities and infrastructure but rather depends more on the humans who carry out the work To be able to compete in this era of globalization, we must implement a strategic plan to improve human resources to turn it into a competitive strength factor.

Many factors can affect employee performance in general, one of which can be influenced by the implementation of a leader in leading his subordinates. As many experts argue, alliances, synergies, competition, and co-creation are the main forces that can also be the key to success in facing various existing obstacles. Therefore, an attitude of alliance and synergy between leaders and leaders must be developed in the face of global competition. Even good leadership sometimes cannot make its workers excel in their performance. Leadership factors can and do not directly affect one's performance. This influence is also reflected in how to motivate employees to improve their performance.

In the situation and conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic that is currently sweeping the world, Indonesia is no exception which is currently happening where no scenario has ever been simulated, making it a challenge and obstacle that needs to be followed up immediately with special handling quickly, precisely and strategically. Support from various elements is needed in the current situation, including companies, both red plate companies and black plate companies. Tak terkecuali dengan PT. ABC, which is engaged in the state of oil and gas, also needs cooperation considering PT's business scope. ABC is a services company that is very strategic in supporting synergy programs in the Pertamina Group environment.

As a supporting services company in the energy sector, PT. ABC must optimize its workforce's performance to fulfil its obligations effectively. Employee motivation is a critical factor in achieving this, with performance appraisal emerging as a key tool to evaluate and enhance performance across various divisions. The recent performance evaluation at PT. ABC indicates a decline in performance over the last three years, underscoring the urgency for organizational intervention to address obstacles and improve overall performance.

One of the successes of a company can be seen by performance evaluation with a comparison between the company's targets and objectives with its overall realization. Performance evaluation at PT. ABC as a company in the field of supporting services in the energy sector with business lines including EPC, HDD, Food & Lodging, Man Power Services, HTE, and Marines, as a whole, which uses Key Performance Indicators (KPI) with a system that includes targets determined by the achievement of its realization in the last 2 years.

Based on the results of the study, it shows a decrease in performance in the last three years, which is shown in the results of achievement in performance performance in 2018, reached 125.5%, followed by a decrease in two consecutive years, namely 90% in 2019 and continued to experience a decrease in performance at the end of 2020, namely the final evaluation results with an achievement of 82.8%. This can mean paying attention to the existence of an obstacle or problem in achieving a goal or what is said to be a target that management has planned and expected. Therefore, the company must improve its performance in all departments; in this case, it is none other than the performance of its employees.

Achievement of employee performance is important to produce maximum performance and how to maintain existing performance. Many factors can affect the rise and fall of performance. In this study, researchers specialized in transformational leadership factors, intrinsic motivation and compensation. Of these three factors, which factor is the biggest in influencing performance, in terms of superiors, employees, and management, will be analyzed, which may help maintain and improve performance at PT. ABC

Transformational leadership is a leader who stimulates and inspires (transforms) followers to achieve extraordinary results. Transformational leadership develops from transactional leadership. Moreover, transformational leadership is more than charisma leadership because transformational leaders try to instill in followers the ability to question not only established views but views held by the leader. Leaders pay attention to the needs, care and development of individual followers, change followers' awareness of problems by helping them to see old problems in new ways and they are able to arouse and inspire followers to extinguish extra effort in achieving group goals (Robbins and Coulter, 2012).

This study focuses on understanding the impact of transformational leadership, intrinsic motivation, and compensation on employee performance at PT. ABC. Despite the decline in performance, the organization's strategic importance within the Pertamina Group emphasizes the need for comprehensive research to identify and address the factors influencing employee performance. This study aims to bridge the existing gap in the literature and provide valuable insights for the organization to enhance its workforce's effectiveness and contribute to its overall success. Hasibuan (2017: 119) said that "Compensation is an opinion in the form of money, direct or indirect goods received by employees or employees in return or services provided to organizations or companies. Compensation has a huge effect on a person's performance, this has been proven in Yohny's research (2016), which found that compensation is proven to affect performance. Based on the background of the above problems, the author is interested in conducting research with the title "The Effect of Transformational Leadership, Intrinsic Motivation and Compensation on Employee Performance of PT. ABC".



This study uses descriptive research methods and inferential analysis to examine the effect of transformational leadership, intrinsic motivation, and compensation on employee performance at PT. ABC. The object of research is employee performance which is influenced by three independent variables, namely transformational leadership, intrinsic motivation, and compensation. Employees of PT. ABC becomes a source of data through filling out questionnaires designed to measure the level of these variables.

The population in this study was all employees of PT. ABC, and samples were taken using probability sampling techniques. With reference to the Slovin formula, as many as 125 respondents were taken to represent the population. The data collected are primary and obtained through questionnaires filled out by respondents.

The data analysis method used involves descriptive analysis to describe the characteristics of the variables studied, as well as inferential analysis such as multiple linear regression. Hypothesis testing is performed with a t-test to determine whether the independent variable has a significant influence on the dependent variable.

As a first step, the validity and reliability of measuring instruments are tested using validity and reliability tests with the Pearson Product Moment and Cronbach's Alpha methods. Descriptive analysis is carried out to provide a general overview of the characteristics of respondents and research variables. Furthermore, classical assumption tests such as normality tests, multicollinearity tests, autocorrelation tests, and heteroscedasticity tests are performed to ensure that the regression models used meet statistical assumptions.

The feasibility test of the model is carried out with the F Anova test and the coefficient of determination (R2) to assess how well the model can explain the phenomenon under study. Hypothesis testing uses a t-test to evaluate the significance of the effect of each independent variable on the dependent variable. With these steps, this research is expected to provide a deep understanding of the factors that affect employee performance at PT. ABC, as well as contributing to the development of knowledge in human resource management.Top of Form



Instrument Validity Test

This study involved 125 respondents as a sample, and validity and reliability tests were conducted on the questionnaire instrument. The validity test aims to determine whether the questionnaire items are suitable for use in the study. The author compares the calculation results with the r-product-moment table to decide the validity of the questionnaire, with the criterion if the r-count > the r-table, then the instrument is considered valid.

The results of the detailed validity test showed that all questionnaire items on the variables Transformational Leadership (X1), Intrinsic Motivation (X2), Compensation (X3), and Performance (Y) had a Corrected Item-Total Correlation value greater than r table (0.174) in the sample N = 125. This indicates that all questionnaire items are considered valid.

Based on the SPSS output, the largest coefficient value for the Transformational Leadership variable (X1) was found in the seventh questionnaire (0.798). While the Intrinsic Motivation variable (X2) has the largest value in the second statement (0.827), and the Compensation variable (X3) shows the largest value in the fifth statement (0.799). Similarly, the dependent variable Performance (Y) has the largest coefficient value on the fifth statement (0.679).

Based on these results, all questionnaires in this study were declared valid, with a calculated value greater than rtable. The next stage is reliability testing to ensure the consistency of the instruments used in the study.

Reliability Test

Reliability tests are used to determine the consistency of measuring instruments, whether the measuring instruments are reliable for further use. After the Validity Test was carried out and valid question items were obtained, a reliability test was carried out, in this study using a Cronbach Alpha coefficient of more than 0.6 or more. The results of the Reliability Test are presented in the table below:


Table 1. Instrument Reliability Test Results of Each Variable




N of









transformational (X1)






Intrinsic motivation (X2)






Compensation (X3)






Performance (Y)





Source : SPSS output, Cronbach's Alpha. Data processed 2021.


From the output of data processing carried out with the SPSS program as a calculation tool, the values shown in table 4.10 above, it can be said that all questionnaire items used to measure all variables in this study are declared valid and reliable, which is shown in Cronbach's alpha value all variables have a value level above sufficient, which is above 0.7. This means that all variable values are said to be good and acceptable because they are above the level of not good even the results are good, which is shown in the outputReliability statistic where all values of Cronbach's alpha of all variables above the level are sufficient.

Inferential Analysis

Multiple Linear Regression

Multiple linear regression analysis is a form of analysis that discusses the extent of the influence of the independent variable (X) on the dependent variable (Y), which for the independent variable is transformational leadership (X1), intrinsic motivation (X2) and compensation (X3) and the dependent variable is performance (Y). The calculation of the regression coefficient in this study using SPSS software, the output results are as follows:


Table 2. OutputCoefficients on the Effect of Transformational Leadership, Intrinsic Motivation and Compensation on Performance






















Transformational leadership











Intrinsic motivation












Source : SPSS output. Coefficients,linear regression. Processed 2021


The results shown in the coefficients table above, then the regression equation is; KK=0.317(B1KT) + 0.220 (B2MI)+ 0.328 (B3K).  From the results of the multiple linear regression equation above, it is interpreted that: The regression coefficient of the transformational leadership variable (X1) of  0.317 means that if intrinsic motivation and compensation are assumed to be constant or fixed, then every increase of 1 (one) point of value in transformational leadership, can affect the increase in performance by 0.317.

The regression coefficient of the intrinsic motivation variable is positive 0.220 which means that if the value of compensation and transformational leadership is assumed to be constant, then any change or increase in the value of intrinsic motivation will affect employee performance by 0.220. The compensatory regression coefficient (X3) is  0.328 which means that if the value of the variables transformational leadership and intrinsic motivation is assumed to have a constant value, then each increase in the value of compensation will affect the increase in performance by 0.328.

Of all the independent variables studied, transformational leadership, intrinsic motivation and compensation had a positive relationship to employee performance. The largest contribution is in the compensation factor shown in the Standardized Coefficient Beta value column of 0.328.Which means that the compensation factor is more considered and other factors in this study to be maintained to achieve the main goals of the company.

Classical Assumption Deviation Test

Normality Test

The Normality Test is used to determine the distribution of the population, whether it follows the distribution theoretically (normal, poisson or uniform), which aims to test whether in the regression model, the dependent variable and the independent variable both have a normal distribution. The distribution data is said to be normal if the significance value level is > 0.05 and if the opposite is < 0.05 then it is said to be abnormal. Test normality in this study with One Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test. The following are the results of the Normality test in this study shown in table 3.


Table 3. One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


Unstandardized Residual



Normal Parametersa,b




Std. Deviation


Most Extreme









Test Statistics


Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


Source: SPSS output. Data processed 2021.


Based on the results shown in Table 4.12, the Sig value is 0.200, which is interpreted in the formulation of the hypothesis in this study; if the Significance value is < 0.05, then Ho is rejected, and if the Sig value is > 0.05, then Ho is accepted. From these results, it can be said that the normality test results based on the significance value are (0.200 > 0.05). Ho is accepted, which concludes that the population distribution or employee performance results derived from transformational leadership, intrinsic motivation, and compensation are normally distributed at a significant level of 0.05.

Multicollinearity Test

Multicollinearity is a state in which between two or more independent variables in a regression model a perfect or near-perfect linear relationship occurs. The multicollinearity test tests whether the regression model found a correlation between independent variables. A good regression model should be multicollinearity-free or do not correlate with independent variables.

The following is a table of results from the multicollinearity test by looking at the results in the Tolerance and VIF columns below:


Table 4. Coefficientsa Multicollinearity Test Output



Collinearity Statistics




Transformational leadership




Intrinsic motivation







Source: Multicollinearity output data. Data processed 2021.


Based on the results of the Coefficient table above, the value of variance inflation factor (VIF) is below 10 for all variables X1, X2, and X3, namely in transformational leadership of 1.121 then in the intrinsic motivation variable of 1.104 and the compensation variable of 1.031. While obtaining the results of tolerance values for all each variable, on the transformational leadership variable (X1) = 0.892 >0.10, then on the intrinsic motivation variable (X2) = 0.906> 0.10 and for the compensation variable (X3) = 0.970> 0.10. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the regression equation model between independent variables does not have multicollinearity.

Autocorrelation Test

The autocorrelation test in this study aims to see whether, in this model, there is a problem of deviation in autocorrelation, which is a strong correlation in an observation between one and another. The regression model is said to be good if it has no problems in autocorrelation; if it has problems in autocorrelation, then the model is not good for research. Below are the results of the autocorrelation test in the study

Table 5. Model Summaryb






R Square

Adjusted R


Std. Error of

the Estimate










Judging from the results of the table above, it is known that the value of Durbin-Watson is 1.809. In this case, it is said to be in the area of no autocorrelation. Based on the formulation of the theory used in this study, which refers to the comparison with the DW table with a significance level of 0.05, with the entire sample in this study amounting to (N = 125), with a value (K) of three (3). Then the value in the DL table is = 1.6592, and the DU value is = 1.7574, then at the value (4 - DL = 2.3408) and the value (4 - DU = 2.2426).

Based on the formulation criteria explained in the research method used in this study to conclude the results of the autocorrelation test. The DW value is 1.809, then the DW value lies in DU and (4 - DU), = 1.7574< 1.809< 2.2426. So, in this study, the regression model is stated either because it is not present or is in the area of autocorrelation in the model.

Heteroscedasticity Test

A good regression model is one in which homoscedasticity or heteroskedasticity does not occur. The heteroscedasticity test aims to show whether, in the regression model, there is an inequality of variance from the residual of one observation to another observation that is fixed. Then, it is called homoscedasticity; if different, it is called heteroskedasticity. The authors used a heteroscedasticity test with Spearman's rho correlation method in this study.

The results of heteroskedasticity testing with Spearman's rho are presented in table 6 as follows:


Table 6. Heterokedasticity Correlations Test






M. I




Spearman's rho

Unstandardized Residual

Correlation Coefficient







Sig. (2-tailed)













Transformational leadership

Correlation Coefficient







Sig. (2-tailed)













Intrinsic motivation

Correlation Coefficient







Sig. (2-tailed)














Correlation Coefficient







Sig. (2-tailed)












Source : SPSS output. Data processed 2021.

Based on the results of the table above, it is interpreted that the correlation between transformational leadership variables and unstandardized residuals obtained a signification value of more than 0.05, which is 0.392. The correlation between intrinsic motivation and unstandardized residuals, the significance value is also more than 0.5, namely at 0.917. The correlation between compensation variables and unstandardized residuals, the results of the signification number are also more than 0.05, which is 0.295. Based on the results shown in the table above, it can be concluded that there is no heteroskedasticity problem.

Model Due Diligence

Test f

To test the significance of the effect between the independent variables transformational leadership (X1), intrinsic motivation (X2) and compensation (X3) on the performance-bound variable (Y) using the outcome assumptions in the ANOVA table. Test results that use a significance limit level of 0.05, then obtained the results shown in table 7. as follows:


Table 7. ANOVA


Sum of Squares


Mean Square

























Based on the results of calculations assisted by the SPSS program, the Sig value is  (0.000), smaller than the alpha probability limit or the allowable error limit level of 5% (0.05). The meaning of the Sig value in the Anova table, the results are said to be significant because they are below the specified alpha value limit of 0.000<0.05. So the feasibility test of the f test model is accepted based on the results of the significance value obtained which is smaller than 0.05.

So it can be said that in this study the model is said to be feasible to predict the dependent variable and is used in this study based on the significance value obtained, meaning that all independent variables can explain any changes in the value of the dependent variable because it has a significant influence.

Coefficient of Determination R2

The coefficient of determination to analyze how strong the relationship and influence of variables in this study are shown in the table below:


Table 8. Model Summaryb



R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate







Based on the results in the Model Summary table which shows the value of the R correlation coefficient of 0.590, this means that the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent can be concluded that the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent is not too strong because it is still far from the value number 1 (one).

While the results shown in the R Square column of 0.348, the results of the statistical calculation mean that the ability of the independent variable to explain each variation in changes in the dependent variable is only 34.8%. In comparison, the remaining 65.2% is explained by other factors and variables outside the regression model analyzed in this study.

Hypothesis Test (Test t)

This test is used to determine whether or not the influence of the independent variable partially or individually on the dependent variable. This influence can be seen from the significant value obtained. To find out whether transformational leadership (X1), intrinsic motivation (X2) and compensation (X3) have a significant influence on employee performance (Y), the test results in table 9 are presented.


Table 9. Coefficientsa



Standardized Coefficients





Transformational leadership




Intrinsic motivation








Source : SPSS output. Data processed 2021.


Based on the results of the research obtained, which are shown in table 4.18, it is concluded that the results of partial hypothesis testing (t-test) are as follows:

Partial hypothesis of transformational leadership coefficient to employee performance.

The result of the significance value obtained is 0.000, meaning that the influence of transformational leadership variables on employee performance seen based on the significance value obtained is smaller than bats alpha 5%, which is 0.000 <0.005. So it means that transformational leadership partially has a significant influence on the performance of PT ABC employees.

Partial hypothesis of the intrinsic coefficient of motivation on employee performance.

Based on the results shown in Table 9, it can be explained that the influence of intrinsic motivation variables on employee performance, as seen from the significance value obtained by 0.005, which is smaller than 0.05, is partially interpreted that intrinsic motivation has a significant effect on employee performance.

Partial hypothesis of the coefficient of compensation to employee performance.

Based on the results of the partial hypothesis on compensation shown in Table 4.18 with a significance value of 0.000, it is interpreted in this study to prove the third hypothesis that compensation has a significant effect on employee performance.


Transformational leadership has a significant positive influence on the performance of PT ABC employees.

Based on the results of coefficients and testing hypotheses in this study, a regression coefficient of 0.317 was obtained with a significance value smaller than the set alpha probability limit of 5% (0.000< 0.05). This means that transformational leadership variables significantly positively influence PT ABC. This positive influence means that if the leader leads only what the employees at PT ABC want, it is possible that it will improve the performance of employees at PT ABC and improve their performance.

The findings of this study are as mentioned in the theory that leadership is a set of characteristics used by leaders to influence subordinates so that organizational goals are achieved, or it can also be said that leadership style is a pattern of behavior and strategy that is preferred and often applied by a leader". (Rivai, 2012). In addition, the results of this study also strengthen the results of research conducted (Ujang, 2015) with the findings in his research that transformational leadership has a significant influence on the performance of employees of KJKS BMT Tamziz Bandung.

There is a significant positive influence of intrinsic motivation on the performance of PT ABC employees.

Based on the analysis results in several tests in this study, the results obtained a significant value smaller than the probability limit of the error rate used, namely (0.005<0.05), and the value of a positive regression coefficient of 0.220. So it is interpreted that the intrinsic motivation variable has a significant positive effect on employee performance. This positive influence can be interpreted if employees have high motivation at work, it can affect the performance of PT ABC employees.

This study's results are similar to Herzberg's motivation theory, which states that motivational factors encourage intrinsic achievement, which means they originate in a person (Luthans, 2011). In addition, the results of this study also strengthen the results of research conducted (Abdul, 2018), which states in the results of his research that intrinsic motivation has a significant effect on the performance of PT

Permata Finance Banjarmasin.

There is a significant positive effect of compensation on performance.

Based on the results of hypothesis testing shown in the coefficients table in this study, a regression coefficient of 0.328 was obtained with a significance value below the 5% alpha probability limit, which is 0.000 < 0.05, which means that compensation has a significant positive influence on performance. This positive influence indicates that if the compensation of employees is getting better and it can be felt that employees are appropriate and sufficient, it will be able to bring employees in a positive direction, it is likely to be able to achieve common goals to maintain and improve the performance of PT ABC employees.

The similarity of theories and previous research results reinforces the findings of this study. It is said that compensation is a network of various subprocesses to provide remuneration to employees for the implementation of work and to motivate employees to achieve the desired level of achievement (Sunyoto, 2012: 29). The results of this study also strengthen the research conducted by Rifky. Silvia and Yantje (2016) who said in the results of their research that compensation has a significant influence on employee performance at the BPBD Sul-Sel office.



Based on the research results and discussion in the previous chapter, involving supporting theories and concepts, this study aims to evaluate the influence of transformational leadership, intrinsic motivation, and compensation on employee performance at PT ABC. The overall study found that transformational leadership has a significant positive influence on employee performance, which is evident through the results of the t test. In addition, intrinsic motivation also significantly impacts employee performance, as revealed in the t-test results. Similarly, compensation shows a significant positive influence on employee performance, as evidenced in the t-test results. Therefore, it can be concluded that in the context of PT ABC, transformational leadership, intrinsic motivation, and compensation each play an important role in improving employee performance, positively contributing to the achievement of company goals.Top of Form

This article is a part of joint research and publication between Faculty of Economics and Business, National University, Jakarta and Faculty of Business, Economics, and Social Development, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu.

Bottom of Form


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Copyright holder:

Dian Mega Sari, Herry Krisnandi, Kumba Digdowiseiso (2024)


First publication rights:

International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)


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