The Influence of Education, Training, and Individual Characteristics on The Performance of Civil Servants in State Administrative Institutions


Meta Lorenta1, Herry Krisnandi2, Kumba Digdowiseiso3

Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas National, Indonesia1,2,3

*E-mail: [email protected]1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3




Education, Training, Individual Characteristics, Employee Performance.


This study aims to explore the influence of education, training, and individual characteristics on the performance of civil servants within state administration institutions, focusing on a sample of 101 employees randomly selected from the population of 135 at the Jakarta State Administration Institute. This research is included in quantitative research, where the research instrument uses a questionnaire. Utilizing the "Multiple Linear Regression" analysis, the findings reveal nuanced relationships. While education positively correlates with employee performance, the effect is not statistically significant. This non-significant result should be interpreted with caution, emphasizing the need for further exploration and nuanced consideration of the role of education in enhancing performance. Conversely, training exhibits a positive and statistically significant impact on performance, emphasizing its crucial role in bolstering employee effectiveness. Furthermore, individual characteristics have a positive and statistically significant influence on performance. It is essential to convey that the positive effect of education should not be dismissed due to its non-significant nature; rather, it prompts a deeper examination of the intricate dynamics between education and performance. This research underscores the importance of understanding these factors in the context of state administration institutions, providing valuable insights for optimizing the contributions of civil servants and enhancing overall institutional effectiveness.





The Covid-19 pandemic has inflicted considerable challenges on the Indonesian community, particularly in Jakarta. Mandatory self-restriction measures aimed at curbing virus spread have led to the cessation of diverse activities, ranging from work and study to various social engagements. Public events, including music concerts, weddings, and social gatherings, have been cancelled, and economic sectors, such as the market, have experienced temporary paralysis. The pandemic's impact spans various educational levels, from higher education to elementary education, including within the State Administration Institute (LAN). Responding to this situation, the LAN government instituted a Work From Home (WFH) policy for employees, including Civil Servants (PNS). This policy, aligned with health decisions and emergencies, strives to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Moreover, it aims to not only afford free time to civil servants but also mandates regular reporting of work results. This measure aligns with government policies promoting Social and Physical Distancing to combat the pandemic.

In the context of contemporary organizations, leaders must adapt to changes and advancements across various domains to impact performance and productivity. Human resources play a pivotal role in achieving organizational goals, necessitating effective management, particularly in terms of human resource development. Education and training are crucial factors in enhancing employee performance, shaping individual characteristics, and attaining organizational effectiveness. Focusing on education and training within government agencies aims to enhance the knowledge and skills of employees, providing benefits for both individuals and organizational progress. Continuous education and training are deemed essential to cultivate high-quality civil servants. Individual characteristics, encompassing interests, attitudes, and needs, significantly influence employee performance. Human resource development through education and training aims to create employees who are competent in their duties and possess individual characteristics supporting work effectiveness. Consequently, this study scrutinizes the impact of education, training, and individual characteristics on the performance of Civil Servants in State Administration Institutions, aiming to offer valuable insights and serve as a foundation for future research in the realm of employee development and organizational effectiveness.

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This research method uses a survey method by collecting data through questionnaires. The object of research is the performance of employees in the State Administration Institute, focusing on the influence of education, training, and individual characteristics on employee performance. The research was conducted at the State Administration Institute (LAN RI) of DKI Jakarta Regional Provision. The research time includes observations and surveys in September 2021, while the research was carried out in November 2021 until completion. The research variables consist of three independent variables, namely education (X1), training (X2), and individual characteristics (X3), and one dependent variable, namely employee performance (Y). The research plan includes the preparation of proposals, proposal seminars, data collection, data processing, and the preparation of the final thesis report. Data sources are divided into two types, namely primary data obtained through questionnaires distributed to civil servants at the State Administration Institute, and secondary data obtained from interviews with the head of personnel, including data on the number of employees, qualifications, competencies, discipline, and employee performance.

The study population was employees of the State Administration Institute with a total of 135 people, and a sample of 101 respondents was taken using random sampling techniques. The data collection method uses questionnaires distributed through Google Forms. The data were analyzed by quantitative descriptive methods and multiple linear regression analysis. The operational definition of research variables includes education, training, individual characteristics, and employee performance with measurable indicators. The validity and reliability of the research instruments were tested using statistical analysis such as the Pearson product moment formula and Cronbach alpha. The classical assumption test involves tests of normality, multicollinearity, autocorrelation, and heteroscedasticity. Multiple linear regression analysis is performed to determine the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. The feasibility test of the model uses the F test, the coefficient of determination (R2), and the t test for each partially independent variable. The entire research process aims to gain a deep understanding of the factors affecting the performance of employees in the State Administration Institution.



The descriptive test results for the average of each statement on each variable are shown in the following tables. The variables studied include education (X1), training (X2), and individual characteristics (X3) as independent variables, and employee performance (Y) as dependent variables. Each variable was measured using several question items, and data analysis was carried out using statistical calculation methods through the SPSS 25 program. Education (X1): The mean mean for the education variable is 4.13. The statement with the highest mean value was "Education programs organized by LAN aim to improve employee intelligence" (4.26), while the statement with the lowest mean value was "Improved mental health and self-confidence can be achieved through regular education programs" (3.95). Training (X2): The mean mean for the training variable is 4.02. The statements with the highest mean values were "Training programs in LAN can improve employee performance productivity" (4.11) and "Training programs organized by LAN in Human Resources develop a better work ethic" (4.11), while the statements with the lowest mean values were "I was able to complete the work given by my boss within a predetermined time" (3.88). Individual Characteristics (X3): The mean mean for individual characteristic variables is 4.24. The statement with the highest mean value is "With the interectual ability I have I find it easy to understand a job" (4.29), while the statement with the lowest mean value is "My assigned value in the job" (4.01).

Employee Performance (Y): The mean mean for employee performance variables is 4.16. The statement with the highest mean value is "I am responsible for each other's assigned work" (4.39), while the statement with the lowest mean value is "My current job matches the skills I have" (3.95). Next, a validity test is carried out to ensure the accuracy of the measuring instrument. All variables, namely education (X1), training (X2), individual characteristics (X3), and employee performance (Y), were declared valid based on the results of the item-total statistics validity test. Reliability tests using the Cronbach Alpha method showed that the four variables had high reliability values, namely education (X1) of 0.918, training (X2) of 0.953, individual characteristics (X3) of 0.884, and employee performance (Y) of 0.933. Finally, the normality test using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test shows that the data on all variables are normally distributed with significance values (Asymp. Sig.) above 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that the test model has met the conditions of data normality. With these results, it can be relied upon that this study has used valid, reliable, and normally distributed measurement tools, so as to provide accurate and reliable research results.

The multicolonearity test can be seen from the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) and Tolerance, if the VIF value is less than 10 and the Tolerance is more than 0.1, it is stated that multicollinearity does not occur. A good regression model does not have a perfect or near-perfect correlation between independent variables (Multicollinearity). Based on the results of the Multicholinerity Coefficient Test above, it is known that the VIF count for four variables < 10 VIF values and Tolerance values of more than 0.1 which means that the regression model does not contain multicollinearity. Autocorrelation is useful to find out whether in a linear regression model there is a strong relationship both positive and negative between data on research variables. In autocorrelation testing, researchers used the Durbin-Watson (DW) method. The results of autocorrelation testing are as follows: Based on the results of the autocorrelation test table 24 it is known that the magnitude of Durbin-Watson = 1.889 compared to the value of Durbin-Watson table using a significance of 5% of the number of samples 101 (n) and the number of independent variables 4 (K = 3), then in the Durbin-Watson table obtained dL = 1.615 and dU = 1.737. Because the Durbin-Watson value of 1.889 is greater than the upper bound (dU) of 1.615 and less than 4-1.737 = 2.263(4-dU). This is in accordance with the decision criteria, namely dU < DW < 4-dU (1,737 < 1,889 < 2,263) then DW lies between dU and 4-dU, so it can be concluded that there is no autocorrelation. The heteroscedasticity test using the glacier test aims to test whether in a regression model, there is an inequality of variance from the residual from another observation. A good regression model does not occur heteroscedasticity. The results of hetroscedasticity testing can be seen in Table 1 below:

Table 1. Gletjer Test Results













Source: SPSS 26.00 processed data


Based on Table 1, it can be explained the heteroscedasticity test with the glacier method from the independent variable and variable X showing 0.669, 0.409, and 0.400. This value obtained a significance value greater than 0.05 so that it can be said that the three variables above do not experience heteroscedasticity problems. Multiple linear regression analysis is a form of analysis that discusses the extent of the influence of the independent variable (X) on the dependent variable (Y). Where the independent variables are education (X1), training (X2), individual characteristics (X3). While the dependent variable is employee performance (Y). In calculating the regression coefficient in this study using SPSS 26.00, the calculation results are as follows:


Table 2. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Results

Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients



Std. Error



















Source: SPSS 26.00 processed data


The regression equation provides an overview of the relationship between independent variables, namely education, training, and individual characteristics, with variables tied to employee performance. In the equation, a constant value (Constant) of 14.141 indicates that if the independent variable (education, training, and individual characteristics) has a fixed value, then the value of the variable tied to employee performance will be 14.141. Furthermore, the regression coefficient for the education variable of 0.193 illustrates that if education increases by one unit, then employee performance will increase by 0.193, with a standard error of 0.133 when the education variable is considered constant. Similarly, the training variable has a regression coefficient of 0.251, indicating that a one-unit increase in training will lead to an increase in employee performance of 0.251, with a standard error of 0.114 when the training variable is considered constant.

Finally, the individual characteristic variable has a regression coefficient of 0.888, which explains that if the individual characteristic increases by one unit, employee performance will increase by 0.888, with a standard error of 0.154 when the training variable is considered constant. Of the three independent variables, namely education, training and individual characteristics have a positive influence on employee performance. Thus, if education, training and individual characteristics increase, employee performance variables will experience the same.

The F test is used to test the significance of the regression coefficient together, namely whether the independent variable has an influence on the dependent variable tested at a significant level of 0.05. In this case, the ANOVA table is used to examine the significant effect of education, training and individual characteristics on the performance of employees of the State Administration Institution. In this study the significance of the value of Sig. Fcalculate will be compared with 0.05.If sig. Fcalculate < 0.05 then H0 is rejected meaning that the proposed hypothesis is acceptable. Conversely, if sig. Fcalculate > 0.05 then H0 is accepted, meaning that the proposed hypothesis is rejected. The results of SPSS 26.00 management show the following:


Table 3. Hasil Uji F



Sum of Squares


Mean Square























From table 3 above, it is obtained that Sig 0.000 is smaller than the alpha probability limit of 5% (0.05). Sig in table 3 is said to be significant because it is below the limit of the alpha probability value specified 0.000 < 0.05. Then the hypothesis of no F test is accepted based on the resulting significance value smaller than 0.05. So it can be concluded that in this study the model is said to be of significance and worthy of use in this study based on the Sig value obtained, that all variables are independent because they have a significant influence. Coefficient of determination (R2) analysis is used to determine how much the percentage of the dependent variable contribution can be explained by the independent variable. The output results are as follows:


Table 4. Results of the Coefficient of Determination (R2)



R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate







Based on Table 4, the coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.714, which means that the variable level of employee performance can be influenced by education, training and individual characteristics 71.4%, while the remaining 28.6% is explained by other factors outside the regression model analyzed. T test to determine whether education, training and individual characteristics have a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The tester uses a significant level of 0.05. The test results are as follows:

Table 5. Hasil Uji t























Based on Table 5 presented, conclusions can be drawn regarding the results of t-test testing on research variables. First, the effect of education on employee performance, as reflected in Table 28, shows that the calculated value is 2.701 with a significance of 0.485 (0.015 < 0.05). Therefore, Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted, implying that education had a positive but not significant effect on employee performance. Second, regarding the effect of training, Table 29 reflects that the tcount is 2.210 with a significance of 0.029 (0.029 < 0.05). With Ho's rejection and Ha's acceptance, it can be concluded that training has a positive and significant influence on employee performance. Finally, the influence of individual characteristics, as illustrated from Table 29, shows a calculated value of 5.761 with a significance of 0.000 (0.000 < 0.05). With Ho's refusal and Ha's acceptance, it can be concluded that individual characteristics have a positive and significant influence on employee performance. The overall results of the t-test test confirmed that education had a positive but not significant influence, while training and individual characteristics had a positive and significant influence on employee performance.

The effect of education on employee performance

                  Based on the results of the study, it shows that testing the first hypothesis, namely the influence of education on employee performance, shows that the education variable (X1) has a positive and significant effect on employee performance variables (Y). In the educational variable, a calculated t value of 2.701 was obtained with a significant value of 0.015 < 0.05, then H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted, therefore it can be said that in this study the educational variable had a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees of the State Administration Institution. Based on skunder data, it is stated that 34% of employees have education that is not linear with the position currently occupied. This is reinforced by respondents' answers about the researcher's statement in the questionnaire with redaction sounds. From there it can be concluded that the factors that cause education to have a small or low influence on employee performance, which is 19.3%.

The purpose of employee education is not linear with the position currently occupied is the discrepancy of the last education major pursued by employees when formal education. Thus, if employees do not have education in accordance with their work unit will affect their performance. But on the contrary, if employees have an even education, it will increasingly affect the improvement of employee performance, then it takes someone's interest in doing work, an attitude that can work together with other employees in completing a job, have the ability and competence in accordance with the position placed, have extensive knowledge about their work, not easily emotional in doing a job.

The effect of training on employee performance

Based on the results of the study, it shows that testing the second hypothesis, namely the effect of training on employee performance, shows that the training variable (X2) has a positive and significant effect on the employee performance variable (Y). In the training variable, a calculated t value of 2.210 was obtained with a significant value of 0.029 < 0.05, then H0 was rejected, and H1 was accepted. Therefore it can be said that in this study, the training variable had a positive and significant effect on the performance of the State Administration Institute employees. Similar research entitled "The Effect of Education and Training on Employee Performance (Study on the Regional Civil Service Agency of Malang City)" (Pakpahan et al., 2014). This research shows that there is a significant influence between training and employee performance and there is a significant influence of education on employee performance. This is shown by Fcalculate = 45.222 > Ftable = 3.195 as well as a partial test with a t test, for the educational variable (X1) obtained, the calculated value is greater than table (3.298 > 2.011) and the significant value is greater than α = 0.05 and the training variable (X2) obtained a calculated value of 4.593 with a significance of 0.000. The calculated value is greater than that of table (4.593 < 2.011), and the significant value is greater than α = 0.05. This research uses theories related to indicators of formal and non-formal education, leadership training, functional training, and technical training. The value criteria examined in this study are by looking at quality, quantity, and attitude/reliability towards performance.

The influence of individual characteristics on employee performance

                  Based on the results of the study show that testing the third hypothesis, namely the influence of individual characteristics on employee performance, shows that individual characteristic variables individual characteristics (X3) have a positive and significant effect on employee performance variables (Y). In the training variable, a calculated t value of 5.761 was obtained with a significant value of 0.000 < 0.05, then H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted, therefore it can be said that in this study the training variable had a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees of the State Administration Institute. This statement is also in accordance with Nopiani's opinion (2016) Individual characteristics have a positive and significant effect on the performance of TVRI Lampung employees. So characteristics play an important role in improving employee performance.



Employee performance is 0.647, which means that individual characteristics have a positive and significant influence on employee performance. From the overall results of the study, it can be concluded that education, training, and individual characteristics have a positive effect on the performance of employees in the State Administration Institute. Although the influence of education on employee performance is not significant, the role of education still contributes positively. Job training and individual characteristics significantly influence employee performance, which shows that investment in training and attention to individual characteristics can improve employee performance in State Administration Institutions. The results of this study can be used by the management of the State Administration Institute to pay more attention to aspects of education, training, and individual characteristics in human resource management to improve employee performance. In addition, this research can also be the basis for further research and comparison with research results in similar institutions or different contexts. However, remember that this study has limitations, such as a limited population of State Administration Institutions, and the results may not be directly applicable to other organizational contexts. Therefore, conducting further research by involving more institutions or organizations is recommended to get more general and widely applicable results. Employees are valued at 0.888, meaning that individual characteristics have a positive and significant influence on employee performance.

This article is a part of joint research and publication between Faculty of Economics and Business, National University, Jakarta and Faculty of Business, Economics, and Social Development, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu.



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Copyright holder:

Meta Lorenta, Herry Krisnandi, Kumba Digdowiseiso (2024)


First publication rights:

International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)


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