Sharah Rizqiyyah

Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]



Indonesia has entered the era of society 5.0 where technology is part of people's lives that have been closely attached and become a major part of people's lives themselves. In using this technology, it is not uncommon for users to first register by entering personal data. The number of cases of leaked personal data, both in private and government agencies, shows the weakness of personal data protection in Indonesia. Therefore, it is necessary to have a law that explicitly regulates and an independent commission for the protection of personal data is needed in order to monitor, take action and enforce justice for victims whose data has been leaked either intentionally or unintentionally. When compared to neighboring countries such as Malaysia and Singapore, Indonesia does not yet have an independent commission to protect and monitor personal data. In addition, referring to several international legal instruments, actually an independent commission for the protection of personal data is a necessity as well as an obligation. Therefore, in this paper, we will discuss the mandate of establishing an independent commission for the protection of personal data in terms of international legal instruments.


Keywords: Mandate, personal data, independent commision, personal data protection


Received December 20 2021, Revised December 30 2021, Accepted January 10, 2022




In the company, employees play an important role in every activity in order to achieve company goals. Employees are required to provide the best possible performance. To achieve company goals, one way that can be taken is to motivate employees to give the best possible performance to the company. Employees who are active in carrying out their work are the encouragement of high motivation.

According to Early (Astria, 2018) Employees who are dissatisfied with their work tend to withdraw or avoid work situations, both physically and psychologically. When a person is motivated, he does his best to achieve what he wants. Without motivation, employees cannot perform tasks or even exceed standards because they are not motivated (Ekhsan, 2019).

Griffin (2008) in Hanifah (2015: 171) says motivation is an iterative process that affects inner needs and actively promotes, nurtures, and maintains behavior. Performance is determined by three factors: ability, motivation, and environment. The motivational approach is the traditional approach (traditional approach: the element of money that motivates employees), the element of cooperative (relations relationship approach), mutual support, motivating employees) and the people resource approach (human approach as a source that must be motivated).

If a company wants to make profit solely without thinking about its employees, their performance will gradually decline because they lose motivation. This decrease will have an impact on employees and the company's goals, namely profits are not maximized and can suffer losses if employee performance decreases. According to Donnelly, Gibson and Ivancevich in Sari, et al (2017: 168) Performance refers to the level of success in carrying out tasks and the ability to achieve the goals set.

Work discipline according to Drever (1952) in Mulyanto (2018: 1279) is the ability to control behavior that comes from within a person in accordance with what is regulated by external or existing norms. The company is obliged to improve employee performance and maintain the existence of existing resources effectively and efficiently. One of the things that companies can do is enforce strict discipline to create a comfortable work environment (Usman & Akbar, 2009).

Discipline must be applied in the company because without the support of good employee discipline, it will be difficult for the company to achieve its goals. Discipline as an ideal situation in supporting the implementation of tasks according to the rules in order to support work optimization (Rukhayati., 2018). Existing regulations will be followed by penalties or sanctions if anyone commits a violation. The sanctions imposed require employees to be disciplined in obeying the regulations imposed by the company. According to Macquarrie (2012) in Mulyanto (2018: 1279) Discipline is the willingness and action of individuals to comply with all the rules set for a particular purpose. Therefore, from any point of view, we can conclude that discipline is an attitude that must exist in every individual. In this study, the author has determined the object of research at PT. Dizamatra Powerindo. PT. Dizamatra Powerindo is a company engaged in coal exploration with an open-pit mining system located in Merapi District, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra Province. The following table is a table of employee attendance at PT. Dizamatra Powerindo. The author takes data for the period 2017 - 2020.


Table 1

Employee Attendance Data PT. Dizamatra Powerindo Period 2017-2020



Not present (%)





















Source: PT Dizamatra Powerindo


Table 1 shows the percentage of employee attendance at PT. Dizamatra Powerindo in the last four years for the period 2017 - 2019 experienced an increase in the percentage of absenteeism without permission or


negligence. Table 1 shows that employee discipline is not optimal because some employees do not comply with company regulations regarding employee discipline, for example not attending without explanation.


Table 2

Data on the Percentage of Discipline Level Based on Punctuality in Attendance of Employees of PT. Dizamatra Powerindo Period 2017-2020








Total Employees



�  163































Source: PT Dizamatra Powerindo


Table 2 shows the percentage of discipline level based on punctual attendance at PT. Dizamatra Powerindo's 2017 data in the last four years 2017-2020 was 71.34%, 2018 percentage was 66.25%, 2019 data was 59.51, 2020 data was 55.03%. Table 1.2 above shows that in 2017-2020 the level of employee discipline has decreased based on the list of employee attendance in 2017-2020. The low awareness of employees about discipline in terms of enforcing discipline is the cause of this happening and has an impact on the lack of performance of employees, In this case PT. Dizamatra


Powerindo must take steps to impose sanctions on employees who do not arrive on time as a step to improve employee performance through discipline.

Another phenomenon that occurs is motivation, another policy carried out by the company to improve employee performance is to carry out work assessments. According to Maslow (1970) in (Utami, 2017) motivation is the driving force from within that causes humans to do something or try to fulfill their needs. This is done so that employees' motivation is fulfilled to improve employee performance better.


Table 3

Data on Performance Assessment of PT PT. Dizamatra Powerindo 2020






75,00 � 80,99




81,00 � 85,99




86,00 � 90,99




91,00 � 95,99




96,00 � 100







Source: PT Dizamatra Powerindo


Table 3 shows that there is no employee who has a performance score of 100. The lowest performance score ranges from 75.00 to 80.99, with 49 employees contributing 29%. This is judged by the lack of employees working on reports or assignments according to the specified time. The weighted values ​​range from 81.00 to 85.99, with 66 employees and a percentage of 39.05%. The weighted values ​​range from 86.00 to 90.99, with 35 employees accounting for 20.71%. The weighted value is 91.00-95.5 with 19 employees the percentage is 11.24%. In this assessment there is a weight of research to assess and promote the position. This performance appraisal is carried out by the head of the department per unit part per year. The data above shows that employee performance is not optimal because there are still many employees who get small scores.

�After the performance appraisal process, the next is job promotion, where job promotion is included in the factors that influence and encourage the performance of employees because it includes an award. With a promotion, the employee's reward needs can be met and with a promotion, of course, the incentives will increase and the need for food and housing can be fulfilled, this has been mentioned by Maslow in his motivation theory. According to Maslow, motivation will be created if the individual needs are met. Below is the number of employees of PT Dizamatra Powerindo who received promotions for the 2017-2020 period:


Table 4

Number of Employees Promoted by PT. Dizamatra Powerindo


Total Employees

Number of Employees Promoted

Percentage (%)



















A.    Scope of Research

Based on the description previously described, the author conducted research in accordance with the title of the study, namely those related to the influence of motivation and work discipline on employee performance at PT Dizamatra Powerindo. The research was conducted at PT Dizamatra Powerindo which is located at Kebur village, West Merapi district, Lahat district, South Sumatra 31471.

B.    Research Design The

Type of research used is descriptive research with a quantitative approach. According to Sekaran (2017: 100) descriptive research is a type of conclusive research that has the main goal of describing something,





usually an explanation of market characteristics or functions.

C.    Types of Data and Data Sources This Research Data Type

1)   Qualitative data The

Method used in this study is a qualitative approach. Sekaran (2017: 77), states that qualitative research is research that intends to collect and analyze data in the form of numbers which are generally obtained through structured questions. It can also be interpreted as information data in the form of punctuation marks rather than number marks or numeric form. Qualitative data were obtained from the use of in-depth analysis techniques and were not obtained directly.

2)   Quantitative data The

Following is the definition of quantitative method according to Sekaran (2017: 76) which is a scientific method whose data is in the form of numbers or numbers that can be processed and analyzed using mathematical calculations or statistics. A quantitative approach is used to find detailed factual information about current symptoms and to identify problems.

The type of data used in this study is qualitative data that has been quantified.

D.    Data Source

1)   Primary Data Primary

Data is data obtained from the field (field research), by conducting direct research on the object. Primary data will be obtained through interviews and providing a questionnaire that the author will give to each employee. According to According to Sekaran (2017: 130) Primary data (primary data) refers to information obtained directly (from the first hand by researchers related to variables of interest for certain purposes of the study.

2)   Secondary Data Secondary

Data refers to information collected from existing sources. (Now, 2017: 130). In this study using primary data. Data obtained directly from PT. Dizamatra Powerindo through a questionnaire.

E.    Data Collection Techniques

1)   Questionnaires

According to Sekaran and Bougie (2017:170) a questionnaire is a pre-formulated list of written questions in which respondents will write down their answers, usually in clearly defined alternatives. The data collection technique used in this research is a questionnaire.

F.    Population and Sample

1)   Population

Population according to Sekaran (2017: 53) population is defined as "A group of people, events, or interesting things where the researcher wants to make an opinion (based on sample statistics)". The population used in this study were all employees of PT. Dizamatra Powerindo, which is 169 employees. The entire population is used as respondents in the study, in other words, all employees will be asked for information regarding data searches.


Table 5

Total Employee Population of PT Dizamatra Powerindo in 2020



Number of Employees

Technician (Eng)




Management Staff

Knowledge (Km)


K3LL (Hse)




Human Resources

Development & General (HRGA)


Licensing (Legal)


Information Technology (IT)


Corporate Responsibility

social (PR CSR)


clerk parts purchasing





Total HR


Source: PT. Dizamatra Powerindo


2)   Sample

According to Sekaran (2017: 54) the sample is defined as �Part of the population. The sample consists of a number of members selected from the population. The number of employees at PT Dizamatra Powerindo, which is 169 people, based on the sampling technique in this study the author uses the saturated sampling method. The sampling


technique used is total sampling/saturated sampling. Another term for saturated sample is census, where all members of the population are sampled.

G.    Measurement ofVariable Data was

Interval Scalechosen for use in this study. When investigating the variables to be tested, all the answers are given a score according to the table below:


Table 6

Scores of Respondents' Opinions



Strongly Agree (SS)


Agree (S)


Disagree (KS)


Disagree (TS)


Strongly Disagree (STS)








Results And Discussion

A.    The Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance (Study at PT. Dizamatra Powerindo)

The results showed that there was a positive influence of motivation on employee performance. This first hypothesis is accepted. This means that statistically on both sides of the partial test of motivation (X1)a significant and positive effect on employee performance (Y) at PT. Dizamatra Powerindo. This is because the motivation given by the leadership at PT. Dizamatra Powerindo overall is very good.

According to Gibson (Agnus, 2020), individual performance is influenced by motivation, ability, and work environment factors. Motivation factors have a direct relationship with individual employee performance. With encouragement or motivation, employee performance will be optimal.

The results of the frequency of respondents' answers to the questionnaire indicate that motivation has an effect on employee performance at PT. Dizamatra Powerindo is also in accordance with previous research conducted by Nur Avni Roazalia (2015); Chandra (2017); Kenny (2018); Rukhayati (2018); Panca (2019); Jasman (2019); Suwanto (2019); and Salman (2020) which shows that motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

Based on the results of the respondents' responses, the highest was in the award dimension, showing the percentage of answers agreeing at 44.1% and strongly agreeing at 37.6%. Several respondents stated that their superiors had never reprimanded employees with harsh words and that their superiors gave praise and appreciation to employees who excel and do a good job. However, there are still some respondents who answered disagree by 3.9%. This shows that there are still respondents who feel that they have not been given praise and appreciation, even though they feel they have done a good job.

The lowest respondent's response was in the physiological dimension, showing the percentage of answers agreeing at 38.8% and strongly agreeing at 10.1%. This shows that the employee's income can meet housing needs and the family's economic needs are quite good. However, there are still employees who do not agree with this statement. There are some employees who judge less on the income received and have not been able to meet housing needs and economic and family needs.

Statements from respondents' answers, most of whom agree with motivation, which is more directed to the rewards given to employees. PT. Dizamatra Powerindo needs to give awards to employees who are considered able to work well and achieve company targets to improve employee performance, and motivate other employees at work. Employees who are given awards will be more enthusiastic at work, and set an example for other employees. The company expects that employees can be motivated by the awards given and are able to improve their performance better than before.

B.    The Effect of Work Discipline on Employee Performance (Study at PT. Dizamatra Powerindo)

The results showed that there was a positive influence of work discipline on employee performance. This means that the second hypothesis is accepted. This means that statistically for the two-sided test, partially work discipline (X2) has a positive and significant effect on employee performance (Y) at PT. Dizamatra Powerindo. This is because the existing work discipline at PT. Dizamatra Powerindo will affect employee performance. The strength and weakness of the employee's work discipline will determine the size of the employee's performance.

Sutrisno (2017:47) puts forward work discipline on employee performance, namely: "The better the work discipline of an employee/employee, the higher the work results (performance) that will be achieved". (Mangkunegara and Waris, 2015) stated the same theory, Work discipline includes working on time, obedience in carrying out their work. In short, working on time is part of a work discipline that is obedient in doing the work given.

The results of the frequency of respondents' answers to the questionnaire show that work discipline has an effect on employee performance at PT. Dizamatra Powerindo which is in accordance with previous research by Nur Avni Roazalia (2015); Chandra (2017); Kenny (2018); Rukhayati (2018); Panca (2019); Natalia (2019); Desti (2019); Petrina (2019) and Salman (2020) which show that work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

Based on the results of the respondents' responses, the highest is in the dimension of rule compliance, showing the percentage of answers agreeing at 46.9% and strongly agreeing at 31.8%. This shows that several respondents stated that employees obey the company's working hours, work according to their duties and functions and are also careful in using company tools and facilities. However, there are still some respondents who answered strongly disagree by 0.4% and disagree by 3.8%. This shows that there are still respondents who feel they do not comply with company rules, but overall it is good.

The lowest respondents' responses are in the timeliness dimension which shows the percentage of answers agreeing at 52.6% and strongly agreeing at 22.8%. Thus, employees go to the office on time and complete tasks on time are still in the fairly good category. This is because there are still employees who do not agree with this statement. There are some employees who judge that they are not on time to go to the office and do not complete their assignments on time.

The answers of respondents who mostly agree about work discipline are more directed to the obedience of employee rules. Employees who obey company rules such as obeying working hours, working according to their duties and functions and using company tools and facilities properly. It is hoped that employees will be able to complete their duties properly in accordance with the company's plans and predetermined targets. So that later this work discipline will set an example for new employees in the company. This is very important, given that good work discipline can improve employee performance better than before,



Based on the results of research and analysis that has been done, the conclusions that can be drawn are:

1)    Motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at pt. Dizamatra powerindo.

2)    Work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at pt. Dizamatra powerindo.




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� 2020 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access publication under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license (