Effect of Work Motivation, Physical Work Environment and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance at PT Binajasa Abadikarya Jakarta


Zahwa Assabilliyah Saputri1, Subur Karyatun2, Kumba Digdowiseiso3*

Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas National, Indonesia1,2,3

Email: [email protected]1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3*




Work Motivation, Physical Work Environment, Organizational Culture, Employee Performance.


This study aims to assess the impact of Work Motivation, Physical Work Environment, and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance at PT Binajasa Abadikarya Jakarta. Recognizing the critical role of employee performance in organizational success, this research endeavors to shed light on the specific factors that contribute to or hinder it. The study employed a primary data collection method, utilizing questionnaires distributed to 160 respondents. The analysis was conducted using multiple linear regression analysis through the Statistical Product and Service (SPSS) version 25. The findings indicate that Work Motivation (X1) and Organizational Culture (X3) exhibit a positive and significant influence on employee performance. Surprisingly, the Physical Work Environment variable (X2) did not show a significant effect on employee performance. PT Binajasa Abadikarya must consider these results seriously, as they suggest the need for targeted interventions in the realms of Work Motivation and Organizational Culture. While Physical Work Environment may not have demonstrated a significant impact in this study, future investigations could delve deeper into this aspect. The study timeframe and sample size should be considered when interpreting the results, and recommendations are proposed for PT Binajasa Abadikarya to focus on enhancing Work Motivation, Organizational Culture, and further exploration of the Physical Work Environment to optimize overall employee performance. This research contributes to the broader understanding of factors influencing employee performance and provides practical insights for organizational improvement strategies.





The development of the times has certainly occurred and cannot be avoided by all humans from various parts of the world. Various kinds of positive and negative impacts are also felt simultaneously, one example of positive and negative impacts that are felt simultaneously, namely human resources are threatened to no longer be needed, because all have been transferred using sophisticated machines and tools and so on. With the positive impact given, namely making time more effective and efficient at work, resulting in human resources will be eliminated with sophisticated tools and machines.

However, if everything is done using sophisticated equipment without any operation or supervision from my human resources, it is undeniable that there must also be technical errors that occur during the work. Therefore, human resources still have to be needed to assist the operation and supervision of the course of these sophisticated machines and tools in carrying out the tasks given. Therefore, human resources are now required to know and study every thing that happens in the development of the times both technologically and socially, in order to adapt themselves in various kinds of advanced technological tools that can help in terms of work and other interactions, where all of these things have developed according to the times.

These human resources are indeed very influential on the survival of a company. Where there are factors that affect human resources, so that it will cause a diversity of results from the level of performance of each employee. Therefore, it is appropriate for a human resource to have high discipline and must have competence, skills in general and specifically that can be an added value of a human resource (HR) and can develop all talents and abilities in accordance with  the passion they have and the placement of the appropriate work environment. By maximizing all abilities and upholding discipline in terms of time and work accompanied by adequate technology will produce company achievements according to plan.

It must also be accompanied by a motivation for employees. According to Sedarmayanti (2017: 154), motivation is a force that drives someone to take an action or not which in essence exists internally and externally positive or negarive, work motivation is something that causes encouragement / work enthusiasm / encouragement of work enthusiasm. Because if you continue to work accompanied by a responsibility from each job that is carried out without any motivational encouragement, it will also affect the psyche of an employee in facing a pressure at work, by providing a motivation this will have a very good impact on the performance of employees. So if this is done it will have a very good impact on the achievement of each job assigned to employees.

According to McClelland, translated by Suwanto (2020: 161), motivation is a set of forces both from within and outside oneself that encourage them to start working behavior according to a certain format, direction, intensity and time period. The importance of this motivation has a small or large influence on each employee that will have an impact on the running of a company. In addition, the work environment and organizational culture must also be supportive, because if you only rely on a motivation without being accompanied by the comfort of the physical work environment and organizational culture, it will also not be balanced. This will cause an unwanted event, so that it will interfere with the performance of each employee In addition, a comfortable physical work environment and organizational culture will provide encouragement to do a job seriously so that it can be done effectively and efficiently.

According to (Darmadi, 2020: 242), the work environment includes something that is around employees so that it affects an individual in carrying out the obligations that have been assigned to him, such as air conditioning, good lighting and others. Meanwhile, organizational culture is the values and norms adopted and carried out by an organization related to the environment in which the organization carries out its activities (Sule &; Saefullah, 2019). If this is done, the result will create competent and qualified employees who strengthen and maintain the image of a company so that it will result in an effort to face external challenges.

Prawirosentono in (Sinambela, 2018) performance is a result of employee work that can be achieved by a person or group of people in the organization, in accordance with their respective authorities so that organizational goals can be achieved. Employee performance is a good work performance in quantity and quality achieved from employees to carry out their duties based on the responsibilities that have been applied by the company (Sherlie &; Hikmah, 2020: 756). So, the achievement of employee performance results is a benchmark for achieving or not achieving work motivation, physical work environment and organizational culture as well as the goals of a company.

The results showed the results of employee performance achievements from PT Binajasa Abadikarya Jakarta, in the table it can be seen from the average performance achievements in 2019 to 2021. The company always tries to maximize employee performance well so that the achievement of employee performance continues to be stable, so that it can achieve the planned targets. Based on the background and previous researchers related to the influence of work motivation, physical work environment and organizational culture on employee performance, this study takes the title  "The Influence of Work Motivation, Physical Work Environment and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance of PT Binajasa Abadikaya Jakarta"



The research employs a quantitative method with a descriptive analysis approach and multiple linear regression analysis. The object of the study is employee performance, with independent variables including work motivation, physical work environment, and organizational culture. The study is conducted at Plaza BP Jamsostek and PT Binajasa Abadikarya in Jakarta.

Data sources consist of primary data obtained through the distribution of questionnaires to employees of PT Binajasa Abadikarya and secondary data obtained from Company Data and previous research journals. The research population includes all employees of PT Binajasa Abadikarya at BP Jamsostek Central, totaling 269 employees. The sample is determined using purposive sampling method, with criteria such as permanent and contract employees, aged between 20-50 years, having worked for at least 1 year, and willing to fill out the questionnaire.

Data collection is carried out through the distribution of questionnaires using Likert scales to measure variables such as work motivation, physical work environment, organizational culture, and employee performance. The quantitative data collected will be processed using statistical software SPSS version 25.

Operational definitions are used to explain the operationalization of variables, including work motivation, physical work environment, organizational culture, and employee performance. Independent variables involve work motivation, physical work environment, and organizational culture, while the dependent variable is employee performance.

Data analysis methods include descriptive analysis to describe the collected data and multiple linear regression analysis to determine the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. Classical assumption tests are also conducted, including normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroskedasticity test, and autocorrelation test.

Validity and reliability tests are performed to ensure that the instruments used can accurately and consistently measure the variables. Additionally, hypothesis tests such as t-test (partial test) and F-test (simultaneous test) are used to examine the significance of the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. The results of data analysis will be interpreted to draw conclusions regarding the influence of work motivation, physical work environment, and organizational culture on employee performance at PT Binajasa Abadikarya.

Top of Form

Bottom of Form



Instrument Feasibility Test Results

Validity Test

Validity is the accuracy or accuracy of an instrument in measuring what it wants to measure. In testing data collection instruments, validity can be divided into factor validity and item validity. Factor validity is measured when items are arranged using more than one factor (there are similarities between one factor and another).




Table 1. Validity Test Results

Item Number


Calculated r value

Table r value




Work Motivation














Physical Work Environment























Organizational Culture
















Employee Performance











Source : SPSS Version 25 Processing Results


Based on table 1. Explaining that the validity test results for a research instrument have a calculated r value > r table (0.1305). So it can be concluded that all instruments in this study can be called valid

Reliability Test

The multicollinearity test of data is used to determine the presence or absence of deviations from the classical assumption of multicollinearity, namely the existence of linear relationships between independent variables in regression models. A prerequisite that must be met in a regression model is the absence of multicollinearity.


Table 2. Reliability Test Results


Cronbach's Alpha


Work Motivation (X1)



Physical Work Environment (X2)



Organizational Culture (X3)



Employee Performance (Y)



Source : SPSS Management Results Version 25


Based on table 2, explains that the reliability test results with Cronbach's Alpha values are shown at 0.557, 0.820, 0.680 and 0.595. So it can be concluded that from this value the variables tested in the study are reliable.

Classical Assumption Test

Normality Test

The normality test in the regression model is used to test whether the residual values resulting from the regression are normally distributed or not. A good regression model is one that has normally distributed residual values.


Table 3. Kolmogorov-Smirnov Normality Test Results


Statistics Kolmogorov


Asymp. Sig


Source : SPSS version 25 Processing Results


Based on table 3, it can be seen that the residual data of this study are not normally distributed. After several times tested again in different ways, detecting with outliners, transforming data, and adding the number of samples, the results remained abnormal. So conclusions can be drawn according to the theory  of Central Limit Theorem in (Zulfikar &; Budiantara, 2015), which states that data that has a sample of more than 30 is considered normal. So from these results, it can proceed to the next test

Multicholinerity Test

The multicollinearity test of data is used to determine the presence or absence of deviations from the classical assumption of multicollinearity, namely the existence of linear relationships between independent variables in regression models. A prerequisite that must be met in a regression model is the absence of multicollinearity.


Table 4. Multicholinerity Test Results


VIF value

Work Motivation (X1)


Physical Work Environment (X2)


Organizational Culture (X3)


Source : SPSS version 25 Processing Results

Based on table 4. The results of the Multicholinerity Test show the overall results of each variable with a VIF value of < 5, so it is said that Multicholinerity does not occur. Because generally if VIF > 5, then the variable has a multicollinearity problem with other independent variables.

Heteroskedesticity Test

The heteroscedasticity test is a test that assesses whether there is a variance inequality from the residual for all observations on a linear regression model. This test is one of the classical assumption tests that must be performed on linear regression


Table 5. Heteroskedesticity Test Results




Work Motivation (X1)


No Hesterocedacity

Physical Work Environment (X2)


No Hesterocedacity

Organizational Culture (X3)


Hesterocedacity occurs

Source : SPSS version 25 Processing Results


1.     The significance value > 0.05, so the conclusion is that there are no symptoms of Hesterocedacity

2.     The significance value < 0.05, so the conclusion is that there is a hesterocedacity

It can be concluded that the variables are Work Motivation and Physical Work Environment, this does not experience symptoms of Hesterocedacity While this Organizational Culture variable occurs Hesterokedacity. Try testing again using data transformation and the results are as follows.


Table 6. Heteroskedesticity Test Results




Work Motivation (X1)


Not                                                      happen


Physical Work Environment (X2)


Not                                                      happen


Organizational Culture (X3)


Not                                                      happen


Source : SPSS version 25 Processing Results


1.     The significance value > 0.05, so the conclusion is that there are no symptoms of Hesterocedacity

2.     The significance value < 0.05, so the conclusion is that there is a hesterocedacity

It can be concluded that the variables namely Work Motivation, Physical Work Environment, and Organizational Culture do not experience symptoms of Hesterocedacity

Auto Correlation Test

This autocorrelation test is used to determine whether or not there are deviations from the classical assumption of autocorrelation, namely the correlation that occurs between residuals in one observation with other observations in regression models.


Table 7. Auto Correlation Test





Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate

Durbin- Watson






Source : SPSS version 25 Processing Results

Based on table 7. The results of the autocorrelation test, Durbin Watson obtained 2,277. Data requirements so that it can be said that there is no DW > DU autocorrelation. Based on the Durbin Watson DU table of 1.7668, it can be concluded that DW 2.277 > DU 1.7668 which means that no auto correlation occurs.

Multiple Linear Analysis

This analysis is used to determine the effect between the independent variable on the dependent variable whether each independent variable has a positive or negative effect and to predict the value of the dependent variable if the value of the independent variable increases or decreases

Table 8. Multiple Linear Analysis


Regression Coefficient







Work Motivation(X1)




Physical Work Environment (X2)




Organizational Culture (X3)








R Square




Source : SPSS version 25 Processing Results


Based on table 8, the multiple linear regression equation KR= (2.558) + 0.263MK + 0.066LKF + 0.319BO is obtained


KR : Employee Performance

K : Constant

MK : Work Motivation

LK : Physical Work Environment BO : Organizational Culture

From the regression model above, the following conclusions can be drawn.

1.     The constant value has a positive value of 2.558. Which means that it shows a unidirectional influence between the independent variable and the dependent variable.

2.     The Work Motivation variable has a regression coefficient of 0.263 which means that every time there is an increase in work motivation, the performance of PT Binajasa Abadikarya employees will increase by 0.263

3.     The Physical Work Environment variable has a regression coefficient of 0.066 which means that every time there is an increase in the physical work environment, the performance of PT Binajasa Abadikarya employees will increase by 0.066

4.     The Organizational Culture variable has a regression coefficient of 0.319 which means that every time there is an increase in organizational culture, the performance of PT Binajasa Abadikarya employees will increase by 0.319

It can be concluded that all variables have a positive value which means that they show a unidirectional influence between the independent variable and the dependent variable.

Hypothesis Testing

Test f

The f test serves to examine all independent variables that have an influence together on the dependent variable. Test f in this study is used to test all independent variables, namely work motivation, work environment, and organizational culture against the dependent variable, namely employee performance

Table 9.  Test Results f





Source : SPSS version 25 Processing Results

If the value of Sig. > 0.05 the declared hypothesis is rejected

If the value of Sig. <0.05 the hypothesis is declared accepted


Based on table 9. test results f , obtained a Sig. value of 0.000b . Because the value of Sig. 0.000 < 0.05, according to the basis of decision making in this f test, it can be concluded that this hypothesis is accepted, or in other words the variables of work motivation, physical work environment and organizational culture simultaneously affect the performance of employees of PT Binajasa Abadikarya

Coefficient of determination

This coefficient of determination is used to examine how far the model is able to explain the variation of the dependent variable. The value of the coefficient of determination is between 0 and 100%. An R² value close to 100% indicates that the independent variable provides almost all the information needed to estimate the variation of the dependent variable and vice versa.


Table 10. Table of Coefficients of Determination





Source : SPSS 25 Processing Results

Based on table 4.20 of the coefficient of determination, the R-Square value is 0.619 or 61.9%. This figure can be interpreted that the variables of work motivation, physical work environment, and organizational culture can be explained by employee performance by 61.9%. While the remaining 38.1% was explained by other variables outside the variables studied.

Test t

In this study, the t test serves to examine the presence or absence of a significant influence of each independent variable, namely work motivation, physical work environment, and organizational culture on the dependent variable, namely employee performance. The t test can be measured using a significance value of 0.05


Table 10.  Test Results t


T count


Work Motivation



Physical Work Environment



Organizational Culture



Source : SPSS version 25 Processing Results

The results of each variable in table 10 can be explained as follows:

1.     The Work Motivation variable has a significant value of 0.000 which is smaller than the tolerable error limit of 5% (α = 0.05), then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. It can be stated that Work Motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

2.     The physical work environment variable has a significant value of 0.078 which is greater than the tolerable error limit of 5% (α = 0.05), then H0 is accepted and H2 is rejected. It can be stated that the physical work environment has no significant effect on employee performance.

3.     The Organizational Culture variable has a significant value of 0.000 which is smaller than the tolerable error limit of 5% (α = 0.05), then H0 is rejected and H3 is accepted. It can be stated that Organizational Culture has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.


Work Motivation on Employee Performance

Based on the results of the research conducted, it can show that work motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, then it can be stated that work motivation variables affect employee performance. This can be shown in the T Test, the work motivation variable has a significant value of 0.000 which is smaller than the tolerable error limit of 5% (α = 0.05), which shows that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. So it can be interpreted that work motivation in this company greatly affects the improvement of employee performance

The regression coefficient is standardized if the variable work motivation is one – unit, then employee performance is 0.263 which means work motivation affects employee performance. The results of this study show that work motivation has a strong influence on employee performance, the importance of every company providing work motivation to its employees both positive and negative motivation, it will have a short and long term impact on the company in the future. This is in line with the theory of work motivation is "A set of forces either from within or from outside oneself that encourage to start working according to a certain format, direction, intensity and time period" (McClelland, translated Suwanto 2020: 161). The results of this study support the results of previous research conducted by Putra, K. A., &; Wijaksana, T. I. (2022), Munarwisyah, I. (2018), and Nurjaya, N (2021) which stated that work motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance

Physical Work Environment to Employee Performance

Based on the results of research conducted, it can show that the physical work environment does not affect employee performance. This can be shown in the t test, the physical work environment variable has a significant value of 0.078 which is greater than the tolerable error limit of 5% (α = 0.05), which shows that H0 is accepted and H2 is rejected. So it can be interpreted that the physical work environment in this company does not affect the improvement of employee performance. The regression coefficient is standardized if the physical work environment variables are one – unit, then employee performance is 0.066 which means that the physical work environment affects employee performance. There are differences in t-test results and regression coefficients. This can be concluded because the company that the author examined is an outsourcing company where the placement of employees always moves according to applicable regulations, not staying in the same and old environment. Basically, the physical work environment remains influential but does not really affect the level of performance of each individual employee. This is in line with the theory according to (Sedarmayanti, 2017), the physical work environment is all physical conditions around the workplace that can affect employees either directly or indirectly.

The results of this study support the results of previous research conducted by Wulan, W. C. (2019) and Warongan, B.U., Dotulong, L. O., &; Lumintang, G.G. (2022) which stated that the physical work environment has no effect on employee performance. And contrary to previous research Yuliantari, K., &; Prasasti, I. (2020) which stated that the physical work environment has a positive and significant effect

Organizational Culture on Employee Performance

Based on the results of the research conducted, it can show that Organizational Culture has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, then it can be stated that the variable Organizational Culture affects employee performance. This can be shown in the T Test, the work motivation variable has a significant value of 0.000 which is smaller than the tolerable error limit of 5% (α = 0.05), which shows that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. So it can be interpreted that the Organizational Culture in this company greatly affects the improvement of employee performance. The regression coefficient is standardized if the organizational culture variable is one – unit, then employee performance is 0.319 which means organizational culture affects employee performance.

The results of this study show that organizational culture is very influential on improving employee performance. Where if the company develops a good organizational culture, it will go down – decline in being run by employees to internal and external companies. This will be an additional value where the company will be considered to have good norms, rules and attitudes in the eyes of other companies or externally, and gain a high sense of trust between fellow employees or employees with superiors. This is in line with the theory according to Sedarmayanti (2017: 99), organizational culture is a belief, attitude and value that is generally owned, which arises in organizations, put forward more simply, culture is the way we do things here. The results of this study support the results of previous research conducted by Munarwisyah, I. (2018), Rivai, A. (2020) and Hendra (2020) which stated that organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.



Based on the analysis and discussion of data regarding "The Effect of Work Motivation, Physical Work Environment, and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance of PT Binajasa Abadikarya Jakarta," several conclusions can be drawn. First, Work Motivation has a positive and significant influence on employee performance, showing that employee motivation levels play an important role in improving their performance in the company. Second, the Physical Work Environment does not have a significant influence on employee performance, indicating that the physical aspects of the work environment do not directly affect performance levels. Third, Organizational Culture has a positive and significant influence on employee performance, indicating that the implementation of norms, values, and codes of ethics in organizational culture creates a bond of mutual trust between employees and the company. Thus, companies need to pay attention to and increase work motivation and strengthen organizational culture as a strategy to improve employee performance.

This article is a part of joint research and publication between Faculty of Economics and Business, National University, Jakarta and Faculty of Business, Economics, and Social Development, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu.



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Copyright holder:

Zahwa Assabilliyah Saputri, Subur Karyatun, Kumba Digdowiseiso (2024)


First publication rights:

International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)


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