Effect of Work Discipline, Compensation, and Motivation on Employee Performance at PT. Main Creation Synthesis
Tasya Shafa Nabila1, Herry Krisnandi2,
Kumba Digdowiseiso3*
of Economics and Business, National University, Indonesia1,2,3
Email: [email protected]1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3*
This study aims to investigate the impact of Work
Discipline, Compensation, and Motivation on Employee Performance at PT. Main
Creation Synthesis, particularly focusing on whether these factors contribute
to meeting performance targets. Primary data was collected through a
questionnaire distributed to 127 respondents. The data analysis employed
inferential analysis using multiple linear regression. The findings of the
multiple linear regression analysis revealed that Work Discipline (X1)
exhibits a positive and significant impact on employee performance. Similarly,
the Compensation variable (X2) positively and significantly influences
employee performance, as does Motivation (X3). These results suggest that
improvements in work discipline, compensation, and motivation can enhance the
performance of employees at PT. Main Creation Synthesis. The implications of
this study emphasize the potential for employees at PT. Main Creation
Synthesis to enhance their performance by fostering a strong work discipline,
providing fair compensation, and promoting motivational factors. The study
underscores the importance of addressing these aspects to contribute
positively to overall employee performance and, consequently, achieving
organizational targets. |
Human resources are one of the supporting
factors for the company's success. As the main element of the organization,
human resources play a very important role in achieving the goals that have
been set. Human resources play a very important role, because no matter how
great and complex the technology used cannot produce high-efficiency results
without human support as an operational service.
The role of human resources develops along
with the development of organizations, science and technology. Therefore, the
development of human resources in an organization becomes very important, it
all starts with discipline. In an organization, human resources are resources
that play a very important role compared to other resources. This is because
human resources are the most important factor in achieving organizational
The Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) reveals
that employees are people who work in an agency (office, company, etc.) by
getting an employee or worker's salary. Sugiyono (2015: p.38) revealed that
variables are attributes or objects that have variations between one another. Sutrisno (2014: 87) revealed that
discipline is an attitude of willingness and willingness of a person to comply
with the norms of regulations that apply around him. Work discipline is the
attitude of a person who shows obedience, loyalty and order to company rules
and prevailing social norms. Work discipline is very important for companies
because it will have an impact on a pleasant work atmosphere so that it can
increase morale for employees. Unconsciously, the incentives provided by the
organization can motivate employees to work as well as possible.
Hasibuan (2017: 9) revealed that management
is a science and art that regulates the use of human resources and other
resources effectively and efficiently to achieve certain goals. Human resource
management is the science and art of managing the relationships and roles of
the workforce to be effective and efficient in helping to realize the goals of
the company, employees and society. Meanwhile, Sedarmayanti (2017: 3) revealed
that human resources are the elaboration of the effective and efficient use of
human resources through planning, mobilizing and controlling all values that
become human strength to achieve goals.
The Big Dictionary Indonesian states that
motivation is a drive that arises in a person consciously or unconsciously in
performing certain actions or goals. One of the factors that influence employee
motivation is leadership. Leadership is the ability to influence a group to
achieve a vision or goal. Leadership is very influential in the life of
organizations and groups to achieve common goals.
In this case, the
organization plays an important role in producing qualified employees who can
contribute optimally. However, in its implementation, there are several
obstacles caused by several employees. These obstacles include work discipline,
compensation, and work motivation. This obstacle is a very deadly thing that
will adversely affect the continuity of the organization.
Erwinsyah (2016) and Handayani (2018)
revealed that compensation is one of the factors that directly or indirectly
affects the level of employee motivation and performance. Therefore,
compensation must receive special attention from agencies so that employee
performance is expected to continue to increase (Anwar, 2018; Siregar and
Hamdani, 2018).
Employee performance for the company has an
important role in determining a policy to determine a decision about human
resources in a company. Problems that still arise in the company are the level
of employee satisfaction that has not been maximized and employee discipline is
still low, even though the company has tried to increase employee satisfaction
through various programs such as increasing incentives, creating comfortable
working conditions or environments. As much as possible, but the level of employee
discipline in the company is still relatively low. small.
Problems that still arise in a company
towards employees are low work discipline, compensation, and motivation that
will affect employee performance in a company. One of them is the influence of
work discipline, compensation, and motivation on employee performance at PT.
The main creation synthesis.
In 1992 Blend Advance was founded. Blend
started as ProLease, a property consultancy specializing in shopping mall
consulting and management. After a few short years, the company's business
scope expanded to include office, residential and industrial property
management. A big leap came in 1999 when we started our own property
development activities, starting with the Square Clover project. The
development of the Semanggi Project is an important milestone for us in the
property development business. In 2005 Prolease was renamed Blend and began
concentrating solely on property development.
From the results of the study, it is known
that the work of employees can be known that the quality of employees of PT.
The synthesis of the Main Creation has not been said to be ideal because the
percentage fluctuates. It also explains that there are some activities that
have not been carried out properly as planned. With this, employees have not
had good performance, so they have not been able to carry out activities in
accordance with predetermined goals and targets. Based on the background of the
above problem, the author is interested in conducting research entitled
"The Effect of Work Discipline, Compensation and Motivation on Employee
Performance at PT. Synthesis of the Ultimate Creation".
The research method
used in this study is a quantitative descriptive method with the object of
research in the form of employee performance which is influenced by work
discipline, compensation, and work motivation at PT. Synthesis of the main
creations. This study uses three independent variables, namely work discipline
(X1), compensation (X2), and work motivation (X3), and one dependent variable,
namely employee performance (Y). The data collection technique was carried out
through a questionnaire with a Likert scale, and respondents gave scores
according to predetermined score guidelines. Primary data is obtained directly
from employees of PT. Synthesis of Key Creations through questionnaires. The
population of this study is all employees at PT. Main Creation Synthesis, with
a sample of 127 employees selected using the slovin method. Data analysis
involves quantitative descriptive methods, inferential analysis, and multiple
linear regression. Classical assumption tests, F tests, t tests, and validity
and reliability tests are also used to ensure the quality of data and research
results. The results of this study are expected to provide a deeper
understanding of the influence of work discipline, compensation, and work
motivation on employee performance at PT. Synthesis of the main creations.
The normality test aims to check whether in a
regression model the dependent variable, the independent variable or both are
normally distributed or not. The normality test in this study was used by
looking at the normal probability plot that compares the cumulative
distribution of actual data with the cumulative distribution of normal data.
The results of the study were then compared with the value of the crisis.
Guidelines in taking significant (sig) > α = 0.05 then the data is normally
distributed, otherwise if significant (sig) < α = 0.05 then it is not
normally distributed. as follows:
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Residual |
N |
127 |
Parametersa,b |
Mean |
,0000000 |
Deviation |
2,85689495 |
Extreme Differences |
Absolute |
,067 |
Positive |
,052 |
Negative |
-,067 |
Statistics |
,067 |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
,200c,d |
processed data SPSS 23
Based on table 4.12 of the test results
above, it can be seen that the value of Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) of 0.200 which
means that the regression model of the dependent variable and the independent
variable in this study the data is normally distributed because of the
significance of 0.200 > 0.05.
The multicollinearity test aims to test
regression models by looking for correlations between independent variables.
The consequence of multicholinerity is that the correlation coefficient is not
certain and the error becomes very large. If the tolerance value > 0.1 and
the VIF value > 10, then it can be concluded that there is multicollinearity
between independent variables in the regression model. As follows in table 2
can be known the results:
Type |
Statistics |
Tolerance |
1 |
Discipline (X1) |
,649 |
1,540 |
(X2) |
,716 |
1,397 |
(X3) |
,601 |
1,665 |
processed data SPSS 23
Based on the test results of Table 4.13
above, it can be seen that the independent variable, namely Work Discipline, has a Variance Inflation
Factor (VIF) value of 1,540 < 10 and a tolerance value of 0.649 > 0.1,
and Compensation has a Variance
Inflation Factor (VIF) value of 1,397 < 10 and a tolerance value of 0.716
> 0.1, and so does Motivation has a Variance Inflation
Factor (VIF) value of 1.665 < 10 and a tolerance value of 0.601 > 0.1. So
it can be concluded that the regression model does not occur multicollinearity.
The test method uses an autocorrelation test
using Durbin Watson (DW). Decision making in the Durbin Watson test if there is
a strong relationship between the data then autocorrelation occurs. A good
regression model is regression that is free from autocorrelation, to detect
autocorrelation is to use the Durbin Watson (DW) method. The comparison results
will produce a conclusion if du < d < 4-dU, meaning no autocorrelation
occurs, if d < dL or d > 4-dL, it means autocorrelation occurs and if
4-dU < d < 4-dL, it means doubtful autocorrelation occurs or there is no
conclusion. In autocorrelation testing, the authors used 50tatistic Durbin
Watson (DW).
Model Summaryb
Type |
R |
R Square |
R Square |
Error of the Estimate |
Durbin-Watson |
1 |
.690a |
,476 |
,463 |
2,892 |
1,835 |
processed data SPSS 23
Based on the table of
Durbin Watson values of 1.835 to detect the presence or absence of
autocorrelation, Durbin Watson testing was carried out from the number of
independent variables 3 (K = 4), then obtained a dL value of 1.662 and a dU
value of 1.758 with the following conditions:
< dW < 4 – dU
< 1,835 < 4 – 1,662
< 1,835 < 2,226
From this explanation, it can be concluded
that there is no autocorrelation in the linear regression of this study.
To find the test results from the
heteroscedasticity test results, it can be concluded from several existing
conclusions from the following: if heteroscedasticity does not occur, the
regression model is good if the significance value > 0.05. Heteroscedasticity
occurs, if the significance value < 0.05. To determine whether there is
heteroscedasticity with the Glejser Test, namely by progressing independent
variables to the value of Absolute Residual or Abs RES. The results of the
heteroscedasticity test can be seen in Table 4. next:
Type |
Coefficients |
Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Error |
Beta |
1 |
(Constant) |
7,813 |
1,505 |
5,190 |
,000 |
Discipline (X1) |
-,111 |
,053 |
-,220 |
-2,083 |
,039 |
(X2) |
-,021 |
,048 |
-,045 |
-,446 |
,657 |
(X3) |
-,071 |
,066 |
-,118 |
-1,070 |
,287 |
processed data SPSS 23
Based on the results of the
heteroscedasticity test above, it can be seen that each value of independent
variables, namely work discipline (X1), compensation (X2), motivation (X3) with
the glacier model obtained significant results greater than 0.05, so this
research data did not occur heteroscedasticity so that this research can be
Hypothesis testing using the F test or
commonly called the Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA) can be done by looking at the
significant level or by comparing F count and F table. To get the results of
the statistical test F has a conclusion in the result that is a significance of
0.05. The decision-making criterion in the F test if the probability with a sig
value of < 0.05 then H0 is rejected, means that it has a positive and
significant effect. If the probability with a sig value of > 0.05 then H0 is
accepted, meaning that it has no positive and significant effect. The following
results of the f test can be seen in table 5. as follows:
Table 5. F Test Results
Type |
Sum of
Squares |
Df |
Square |
F |
Sig. |
1 |
Regression |
933,702 |
3 |
311,234 |
37,225 |
,000b |
Residuals |
1028,393 |
123 |
8,361 |
Total |
1962,094 |
126 |
processed data SPSS 23
Based on table 4.16 shows a calculated F
value of 37.225 with a significant value of 0.000. Based on these data, the sig
value < 0.05, it can be said to be sigifikan and feasible to be used in
research based on the sig value obtained that the variables of work discipline,
compensation, and motivation can explain any changes in the value of employee
performance variables because they have a significant influence.
The coefficient of determination basically
calculates how far the model's capacity to clarify the diversity of dependent
variables is. The consequences of the coefficient of determination (R2) test
are as follows:
Model Summaryb
Type |
R |
R Square |
R Square |
Error of the Estimate |
Durbin-Watson |
1 |
.690a |
,476 |
,463 |
2,892 |
1,835 |
processed data SPSS 23
The result of the calculation in the Adjust
R.Square (R2) value in the table can be obtained the number of determinant
coefficients R2 = 0.463 or 46.3%. This means making the ability of independent
variables consisting of work discipline, compensation, and motivation explain
the dependent variable, namely employee performance at PT. The synthesis of
Main Creation amounted to 46.3%, the rest (100% - 46.3% = 53.7%) was influenced
by other variables that were not studied in this study.
Test t
The partial test (t-test) is used to show how
much influence an independent variable consisting of work discipline,
compensation, and motivation in explaining the independent variable, namely
employee performance at PT. Synthesis of the main creations. According to the
results of the calculation of the value of t-count and its significance is
known as follows:
Type |
Coefficients |
Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Error |
Beta |
1 |
(Constant) |
5,660 |
2,411 |
2,348 |
,020 |
Discipline (X1) |
,282 |
,085 |
,267 |
3,301 |
,001 |
(X2) |
,312 |
,076 |
,316 |
4,096 |
,000 |
(X3) |
,331 |
,106 |
,262 |
3,115 |
,002 |
processed data SPSS 23
impact of each factor of work discipline, compensation, and motivation on
employee performance:
1. H1: work discipline has a positive
and significant effect on employee performance.
Based on the results of the T test in the table, it can
be explained that the influence of work discipline variables on employee
performance as seen from the calculated t value of 3.301 with a sig value of
0.001 < 0.05, therefore it can be concluded that work discipline has a
positive and significant effect on employee performance.
2. H2: Compensation has a positive and
significant effect on employee performance.
on the results of the t test results in the table, it is explained where the
effect of compensation variables on employee performance as seen from the
calculated t value of 4.096 and the sig value of 0.000 < 0.05, therefore it
can be concluded that compensation has a positive and significant effect on
employee performance.
H3: Motivation has a positive and
significant effect on employee performance Based on the results of the T test
in the table, it can be explained that the influence of motivation variables on
employee performance as seen from the calculated t value of 3.115 with a sig
value of 0.002 < 0.05, therefore it can be interpreted that motivation has a
positive and significant effect on employee performance.
The Effect of Work Discipline on
the Performance of PT. Synthesis of the Main Creations
Based on the results of the study above, the
hypothesis test (t test) shows that work
discipline (X1) affects employee performance (Y) by 0.267 which
means that if work discipline increases, employee
performance will increase by 2.67% > t
table 1.978 with a significant level of 0.001 < 0.05 when it is explained
that work discipline has
a positive and significant effect on employee
performance. This shows that work discipline has a great effort in
influencing consumers in order to achieve the goals of companies that seek to
increase purchases of company products. The results of respondents' answers to
the questionnaire given by the author with indicators of providing information,
that most agree with work discipline so
that it has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.
The Effect of Compensation on the
Performance of PT. Synthesis of the Main Creations
Based on the results of the study above, the
hypothesis test (t-test) shows that compensation (X2) affects employee performance (Y) by 0.316 which means
that if compensation increases, employee performance will increase by 3.16%. And the results of
the t test show that t count > t table, namely the value of t count 4.096
> t table 1.978 with a significant level of 0.000 < 0.05, it can be
explained that compensation has a
positive and significant effect on employee
performance. This shows that compensation has a great effort in influencing
consumers in order to achieve the company's goals that seek to increase
consumer confidence in the company's products. The results of respondents'
answers to the questionnaire given by the author showed that most respondents
agreed to compensation so that it had a positive and significant effect on
employee performance.
The Effect of Motivation on the
Performance of PT. Synthesis of the Main Creations
Based on the results of the study above, the
hypothesis test (t test) shows that motivation (X3) affects employee performance (Y) by 0.262 which means
that if motivation increases
, employee performance will increase by 2.62%. And the results of
the t test show that t count > t table, namely the value of t count 3.115
> t table 1.978 with a significant level of 0.002 < 0.05, it can be
explained that motivation has a
positive and significant effect on employee
performance. This shows that motivation has a great effort in influencing
consumers in order to achieve the company's goals that strive to increase
consumer confidence in the company's products. The results of respondents'
answers to the questionnaire given by the author showed that most respondents
agreed on motivation so that it had a positive and significant effect on
employee performance. Meanwhile, the results of this study are not in line with
research (Abdullah, 2018) which says that motivation has a significant negative
effect on employee performance, in research it is stated that motivation has a
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Copyright holder: Tasya Shafa Nabila, Herry Krisnandi, Kumba
Digdowiseiso (2024) |
First publication rights: International Journal of Social Service and
Research (IJSSR) |
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