Yasir Attamimi, Johanis R. Wanma
Universitas Cenderawasih, Papua, Indonesia
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
On March 2, 2020, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia experienced a coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak with the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, resulting in a shift in learning practices that were previously carried out conventionally to become digital. Simultaneously, this shift from conventional to digital learning practices forces a teacher to quickly adapt and use digital technology to remain able to provide optimal educational services and not be reduced in terms of the quality of education. It is the adaptation of a teacher to digital technology which in practice in the field there are still shortcomings due to the presence of several limitations such as lack of facilities or lack of teacher competence in developing interactive learning media, which has resulted in not all teachers being able to implement online teaching and learning activities due to limitations. The. During a pandemic like this, the ability of teachers to use learning media by utilizing digital technology is essential, one of the learning applications that is currently being used as a tool for making learning materials in Indonesia is the Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) studio application which is an application video recording and live streaming that can help a teacher in making learning materials in the form of video recordings. The use of this application is very useful so that teachers can continue to provide lecture material effectively and efficiently. The implementation of the training on making interactive learning media based on Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) studio for elementary school teachers in the city of Jayapura, Inpres Ardipura 1, begins with the process of preparing for the implementation of activities after that, planning activities and training for the introduction of Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) studio in which the team will introduce the Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) studio application as a whole, starting with how to download the application, install the application, application functions to all the features contained in the application with the expected end result that all trainees can use this application. After that, then proceed to the practice of making interactive learning materials based on the Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) studio, at this stage, all participants will directly make video recordings using the Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) studio application.
Keywords: Interactive Learning; Open Broadcaster Software (OBS); School Teachers Impress
Received December 20 2021, Revised December 30 2021, Accepted January 10, 2022
On March 2, 2020, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia experienced coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Two people were confirmed to have contracted it from a Japanese citizen on March 2, 2020.
On April 9, 2020, it was recorded that the pandemic had spread to almost all provinces in Indonesia. The province of Papua was also not spared from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); the first confirmed case was recorded on March 22, 2020, which came from Merauke Regency and continues to increase. With the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, the entire order of human life is disrupted and does not run as stable as usual due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); it also has an impact on the world. Education, where since the issuance of the Circular Letter of the Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Number 4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Education in the Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) Emergency, which requires to carry out educational learning activities through the home (Work From Home). In the world of education, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused a very felt impact, namely the shift in learning practices that were previously carried out conventionally to become digital simultaneously. The shift that occurred forced all parties involved, namely teachers, students, and parents, to adapt to the shift quickly.
This shift in conventional learning practices to digital also forces a teacher as a teacher to quickly adapt and use digital technology to remain able to provide optimal educational services and not be reduced in terms of the quality of education. This teacher's adaptation to digital technology is what is in practice in the field. There are still shortcomings due to several limitations, such as lack of facilities or lack of teacher competence in developing interactive learning media, which has resulted in not all teachers being able to implement online teaching and learning activities due to these limitations. Even if we look at various other regions at this time, the learning process during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) period can still be carried out effectively and maximally by using interactive learning models and media. Appropriate learning media is one of the determining factors for learning success in mastering learning materials. One of the learning media widely used in Indonesia today is information technology-based media. Information technology can provide broader access and provide a more exciting learning experience to increase learner motivation in learning. Increasing learners' motivation to achieve the goals of a learning process is the main task of a teacher (Nandi, 2006). During a pandemic like this, the ability of teachers to use learning media by utilizing digital technology is essential, so parents do not have to worry about their children not being able to study well.
One of the learning applications currently being used as a tool for making learning materials in Indonesia is the Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) studio application, a video recording and live streaming application that can help a teacher make learning materials in the form of video recordings. The use of this application is very useful so that teachers can continue to provide lecture material effectively and efficiently. Therefore, it is crucial to conduct training on creating interactive learning media based on the Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) studio for elementary school teachers in the Presidential Instruction of Ardipura 1, Jayapura City.
The training is divided into three stages where. The first stage is the preparation stage. Namely, the service team prepares the needs that will be used to support the training, namely training materials, training questions, partisan place, permits, and equipment used in training. Moreover, the last stage is evaluating and strengthening. The service team will see and study the results of making videos from each participant so that they can provide conclusions about the shortcomings of each participant then evaluate and strengthen again. The problem is that the passing percentage of passing grades in the selection of essential skills for civil servants candidates for the formation of Papua & West Papua is deemed necessary to conduct training in order to be able to solve this problem.
The second stage is the training stage in which it will be oriented to 3 things, namely the introduction of the materials that will be followed when carrying out the Computer Assisted Test (CAT), which will discuss the Personal Characteristics Test (TKP), General Intelligence Test (TIU), and the National Insight Test (TWK) as well as the threshold value or Passing Grade of each of these tests as well as the number of questions for each test and the processing time. Tips and tricks on how to quickly do the questions which will discuss how to quickly solve each question item on each test; at this stage, the service team will conduct a detailed discussion of each question so that it can provide participants with a detailed description of the questions to be addressed. Computer Assisted Test (CAT) Simulation, which will discuss how to use the Computer Assisted Test (CAT) application and simulate it directly so that participants have an understanding of how to use the Computer Assisted Test (CAT) application.
Moreover, the last stage is conducting evaluation and strengthening. It is felt that the participants are still having difficulties in doing it, so it is hoped that all participants can optimally understand each material given in this training. The service team will see and study the final simulation results from each participant so that they can provide conclusions about the shortcomings of each participant then evaluate and reinforce / re-teach in the tests carried out.
Based on the training that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the training on making interactive learning media based on Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) studio for teachers at the Inpres Ardipura 1 Elementary School in Jayapura City is essential because most of the trainees who are teachers admit that the use of applications like this will help them in doing learning amid the covid period like now. This training also increases the mastery of communication technology among teachers to have a positive impact.
Http:// 2020
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� 2020 by the authors. It was submitted for possible open access publication under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license (