The Influence of Organizational Culture, Work
Attitudes, Work Behavior and Work Conflict On The Employee's Performance of PT.
Dita Amanda Letitia1,
Herry Krisnandi2, Kumba Digdowiseiso3
Faculty of Economics and
Business, Universitas Nasional, Indonesia1,2,3
Email : [email protected]1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3
Culture, Work Attitudes, Work Behavior, Work Conflicts, Employee
Performance. |
The purpose
of this study is to understand the Influence of Organizational Culture, Work
Attitudes, Work Behavior, and Work Conflicts on the Performance of PT.
HASTARI in South Jakarta. The survey population used primary data by
distributing the survey to 100 respondents. Analysis of this data uses
inference and descriptive analysis. The survey in this study used primary
data obtained from the distribution of questionnaires and processed in SPSS
25. From the results of the study, it is known that variables of
organizational culture, work attitudes, work behavior, and work conflicts
have a positive and significant impact on employee performance are classified
as very strong. Dependent variables, or changes in employee performance, are
understandably independent variables, a combination of organizational
culture, work attitudes, work behavior, and work conflicts. This can be
predicted by the ups and downs of employee performance. |
Human resources have various work styles and ways of
working in fulfilling their roles in an organization. Assessing their work
ethic is not the same from one employee to another. The culture brought by each
employee influences the employee's attitude. Workplace attitudes include
people's positive or negative evaluations of the work environment.
Organizational culture is related to the values, norms, attitudes and work
ethics shared by all parts of the organization. The basis for monitoring
employee behavior, thinking, cooperation, and interactions with the environment
is determined by these factors. Increasing employee performance and
contribution to organizational success is determined by a good organization.
In HR management, studies of work attitudes focus on job
satisfaction, work involvement, and organizational commitment (Robbins, 2006).
Attitude is a determinant of behavior. Attitudes can be seen positively or
negatively towards things, people, concepts, or anything. Human behavior can be
influenced by organizations, and make organizations form habits that can become
culture over time. Organizational behavior is a science that contains the
determinants of behavior in organizations and relationships between people
based on the behavior and attitudes of individuals and organizations.
Organizational behavior is directly related to the
attitudes and personalities of individuals in an organization. The scope of
organizational behavior refers to the behavior of individuals and groups that
influence organizations. Therefore, research material on organizational
behavior includes the need to pay attention to an employee or his attitude
towards his work, colleagues, managers, etc., and his behavior in conflict,
cooperation, communication, etc.
The background of
conflict is caused by differences in characteristics in interaction, including
knowledge, skills, habits and beliefs. Labor disputes are differences between
individuals or groups within a company who need to share resources or limitations
in work activities who have unequal status, goals, values, or perceptions. The
fact is that (Rivai and Sagala, 2009: 1008).
Conflict can result
in poor employee performance, disrupted work activities, planned goals not
being achieved, and low work morale, resulting in employees failing to function
optimally. There is. According to a survey conducted by Subechi Maulana (2015),
conflict has an impact on employee performance, the more serious the dispute,
the worse the employee's performance will be. Second, there is a positive
impact that influences the work environment on employee performance.
Performance comes
from the term work outcome or actual results. This means the work done or the
work an individual does. Performance is the result of the quantity and quality
of work completed by employees in carrying out tasks according to their obligations.
2000: 41 According to Dessler, performance is work performance, a comparison of
work results and the criteria provided.
Table 1. Percentage of PT Employee
Performance. HASTAR 2019-2021
No |
Performance Indicators Employee |
Target |
Performance assessment |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
1 |
Have a comprehensive work plan and strive to achieve
these goals |
100% |
21.0% |
20.65% |
22.65% |
2 |
Have the ability to use specific feedback in all work
activities carried out |
22.05% |
22.10% |
21.65% |
3 |
Have the ability to complete work on time |
23.05% |
22.75% |
20.05% |
4 |
Have responsibility and good ability to work together
to complete work |
22.10% |
22.05% |
22.0% |
Total |
88.2% |
87.55% |
86.35% |
aim of this research is to determine and analyze the influence of
organizational culture, work attitudes, work behavior, work conflict on
employee performance at PT. HASTARI.
The research object that the author examined was employee performance at
PT. HASTARI which is located at Talavera Office Park, Jalan TB Simatupang Kav.
22-26, 8th floor, West Cilandak, South Jakarta. The research object that the
author studied was employee performance at PT. HASTARI which is located at
Talavera Office Park, Jalan TB Simatupang Kav. 22-26, 8th floor, West Cilandak,
South Jakarta. Meanwhile, the data measurement technique is carried out
using a questionnaire. Respondents only choose one answer to each question
presented in the questionnaire that matches the reality faced in the company
environment. So the questionnaire that will be filled out by respondents is
written quantitatively in the form of a Likert scale.
collection was carried out through data obtained from literature studies
related to this research, internal company data such as documents that were
already available at the company. The final method is a questionnaire, namely a
method of collecting information through a list of questions that are prepared
systematically and then asked to the respondent, then the respondent is asked
to answer information about something they have experienced with the problem
being studied. In
this case the author uses two data analysis methods, namely descriptive
analysis, inferential analysis and multiple linear regression analysis.
Table 2. Normality test results
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test |
Residuals |
N |
100 |
Normal Parametersa, b |
Mean |
.0000000 |
Std. Deviation |
1.93226425 |
Most Extreme Differences |
Absolute |
.105 |
Positive |
.105 |
Negative |
-.047 |
Tests |
.105 |
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) |
,008c |
a. Test distribution is Normal. |
b. Calculated from data. |
c. Lilliefors Significance Correction. |
Based on the results of the Normality Test which refers
to the table, it can be seen that the significant value obtained is 0.008. This
figure is greater than 0.05, so there is a conclusion that 0.008 > 0.05,
which means the data is normally distributed.
Table 3. Multicollinearity Test Results
Coefficientsa |
Model |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
Standardize d Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
Statistics |
B |
Std. Error |
Beta |
Tolerance e |
1 |
(Constant) |
-4,909 |
3,218 |
-1,525 |
,130 |
,257 |
,081 |
,254 |
3,166 |
,002 |
,961 |
1,041 |
,370 |
.103 |
,312 |
3,606 |
,000 |
,822 |
1,217 |
,280 |
,093 |
,239 |
3,011 |
,003 |
,979 |
1,022 |
,240 |
,066 |
,312 |
3,652 |
,000 |
,845 |
1,184 |
a. Dependent Variable: TOTAL_Y |
Based on table 2, it can be seen that each variable has a
VIF value > 1, so multicollinearity does not occur in this value.
Table 4. Heteroscedasticity Test results
Coefficientsa |
Model |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Std. Error |
Beta |
1 |
(Constant) |
1.066E-16 |
3,218 |
,000 |
1,000 |
,000 |
,081 |
,000 |
,000 |
1,000 |
,000 |
.103 |
,000 |
,000 |
1,000 |
,000 |
,093 |
,000 |
,000 |
1,000 |
,000 |
,066 |
,000 |
,000 |
1,000 |
a. Dependent Variable: Unstandardized Residual |
Based on table 3, it can be seen that the significant
value of the four independent variables is more than 0.05. Thus it can be
concluded that there is no heteroscedasticity problem in the regression model.
Table 5. Autocorrelation Test Results
Model Summary b |
Model |
R |
Square |
Adjusted R Square |
Std. Error of the Estimate |
Durbin-Watson |
1 |
,644a |
,414 |
,390 |
1,973 |
1,852 |
a. Predictors: (Constant), TOTAL_X4, TOTAL_X1, TOTAL_X3,
Dependent Variable: TOTAL_Y |
Based on the Autocorrelation Test results in Table 4, it
is known that the Durbin Watson value is 1.852. So that it can be concluded
that the influence is good and there are no symptoms of autocorrelation.
Table 6. Results of Multiple Linear
Regression Analysis
Coefficientsa |
Model |
Coefficients |
Standardized Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Error |
Beta |
1 |
(Constant) |
-4,909 |
3,218 |
-1,525 |
,130 |
,257 |
,081 |
,254 |
3,166 |
,002 |
,370 |
.103 |
,312 |
3,606 |
,000 |
,280 |
,093 |
,239 |
3,011 |
,003 |
,240 |
,066 |
,312 |
3,652 |
,000 |
Dependent Variable: TOTAL_Y |
Based on table 5, the results of multiple linear
regression analysis show that the multiple regression equation model takes into
account employee performance which is caused by organizational culture, work
attitudes, work behavior and conflict.
Table 7. F test
Model |
of Squares |
df |
Mean Square |
F |
Sig. |
1 |
Regression |
261,359 |
4 |
65,340 |
16,793 |
,000b |
Residual |
369,631 |
95 |
3,891 |
Total |
630,990 |
99 |
a. Dependent Variable: TOTAL_Y |
b. Predictors: (Constant), TOTAL_X4,
From table 4.21 above, the ANOVA table shows that Fcount
= 16.793 with a significance level of 0.000 < 0.05. So it can be concluded
that H0 is rejected and H2 is accepted, meaning that this model is suitable for
use or is valid with the variables organizational culture, work attitudes, work
behavior and conflict. Simultaneous work influences employee performance.
8. Coefficient of Determination
Summaryb |
Model |
R |
R Square |
Adjusted R Square |
Std. Error of the Estimate |
Durbin-Watson |
1 |
,644a |
,414 |
,390 |
1,973 |
1,852 |
a. Predictors: (Constant), TOTAL_X4,
b. Dependent Variable: TOTAL_Y |
Based on table 7, the results of the data above obtained
R square = 0.414 = 41.4% and it appears that the Adjusted R Square is 39.0%,
which means that the dependent variable of employee performance can be
explained by organizational culture, work attitudes, work behavior and work
conflict, whereas the rest is influenced by other variables that were not
included in this research.
Table 9. T Test Results
Coefficientsa |
Model |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
Standardized Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Std. Error |
Beta |
1 |
(Constant) |
-4,909 |
3,218 |
-1,525 |
,130 |
,257 |
,081 |
,254 |
3,166 |
,002 |
,370 |
.103 |
,312 |
3,606 |
,000 |
,280 |
,093 |
,239 |
3,011 |
,003 |
Based on table 8 above, it can be concluded that the
results of the t test are as follows:
a. The
organizational culture variable (X1) has a tcount of 3.166 with a significance
level of 0.002. Meanwhile, the ttable value with df 100 and a significance
level of 5% obtained a value of 1.985. Because tcount>ttable
(3.166>1.985), Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that
organizational culture variables have a positive and significant effect on
employee performance.
b. The
work attitude variable (X2) has a tcount of 3.606 with a significance level of
0.002. Meanwhile, the ttable value with df 100 and a significance level of 5%
obtained a value of 1.985. Because tcount>ttable (3.606>1.985), Ho is
rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that the work attitude variable has a
positive and significant effect on employee performance.
c. The
work behavior variable (X3) has a tcount of 3.011 with a significance level of
0.002. Meanwhile, the ttable value with df 100 and a significance level of 5%
obtained a value of 1.985. Because tcount>ttable (3.011>1.985), Ho is
rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that the work behavior variable has a
positive and significant effect on employee performance.
d. The
work conflict variable (X4) has a tcount of 3.652 with a significance level of
0.002. Meanwhile, the ttable value with df 100 and a significance level of 5%
obtained a value of 1.985. Because tcount>ttable (3.652>1.985), Ho is
rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that the work conflict variable has no
positive and significant effect on employee performance.
Influence of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance
Based on the results of research conducted,
organizational culture variables have a positive and significant effect on PT.
HASTARI employee performance. Based on the results of the Multiple Linear
Regression Test, the organizational culture variable (X1) is 0.257, meaning
that if organizational culture increases, employee performance will increase by
0.257 or 25.7%, assuming the values of other independent variables remain
constant. Organizational culture influences employee work performance. Having a
well-established organizational culture in a company makes employees feel
comfortable at work and is able to improve employee work performance.
The Influence of Work
Attitudes on Employee Performance
Based on the
results of research conducted, the work attitude variable has a positive and
significant effect on PT employee performance. HASTARI. Based on the results of
the Multiple Linear Regression Test, namely: The Work Attitude Variable (X2) is
0.370, meaning that if job training increases, employee performance will
increase by 0.370 or 37.0%, assuming the values of other independent
variables remain constant. A good work attitude can create and develop human
resources in a company. Through this, employee performance levels will
The Influence of Work
Behavior on Employee Performance
Based on the
results of research conducted, work behavior variables have a positive and
significant effect on PT employee performance. HASTARI. Based on the results of
the Multiple Linear Regression Test, namely: Work Behavior Variable (X3) is
0.280, meaning that if compensation increases, employee performance will
increase by 0.280 or 28.0%, assuming the values of other independent
variables remain constant. The better the behavior, the better the employee's
work performance.
The Effect of Work Conflict
on Employee Performance
Based on the
results of research conducted, conflict variables can have a negative effect on
PT employee performance. HASTARI. Based on the results of the Multiple Linear
Regression Test, namely: The Work Conflict Variable (X4) is 0.240, meaning that
if work conflict decreases, employee performance will increase by 0.240 or
24.0%, assuming the other independent variables have constant values.
Work conflict
is one aspect that can influence the progress of a job. In the absence of
conflict, comfort will be created within a company, making it easier to carry
out work, complete work, coordinate work, so that company goals can be achieved
and improve employee performance.
Based on the
research carried out and analyzed using the SPSS 25 application which was
specifically explained in the previous chapter, the author can conclude several
important things in this research. That is; Based on the results of the
Hypothesis Test which shows that Organizational Culture has a positive and
significant effect on PT. HASTARI Employee Performance. This means that
organizational culture has a good influence and can improve employee work
performance. Furthermore, based on the results of the Hypothesis Test which
shows that work attitude has a positive and significant effect on PT Employee
Performance. HASTARI. This means that in this case the company in improving the
performance of its employees is influenced by work attitudes. Based on the
results of the Hypothesis Test which shows that work behavior has a positive
and significant effect on PT Employee Performance. HASTARI. This means that
employees must create good behavior. With good behavior, employee performance
in the company will improve. Based on the results of the Hypothesis Test which
shows that work conflict has a negative effect on the performance of PT
employees. HASTARI. This means that if conflict exists within the company, it
can reduce employee performance. However, if there is no conflict, it will
create a good work environment and be able to improve employee work performance.
This article is a part of joint research and publication
between Faculty of Economics and Business, National University, Jakarta and
Faculty of Business, Economics, and Social Development, Universiti Malaysia
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Dita Amanda Letitia, Herry Krisnandi, Kumba Digdowiseiso (2024) |
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