Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Vol. 04, No. 01, January 2024
e-ISSN: 2807-8691 | p-ISSN: 2807-839X
IJSSR Page 298
This work is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
The Influence of Workload, Work Motivation, and Work
Discipline on Employee Performance at The Center for
Chemistry and Packaging of The Ministry of Industry
Rosa Dameria Muhani1, Herry Krisnandi2, Kumba Digdowiseiso3
1,2,3Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Nasional Jakarta, Indonesia
Email: rosadamer[email protected]1,,
Workload, Work Motivation, Work
Discipline, Employee Performance
This study aims to investigate the impact of Workload, Work
Motivation, and Work Discipline on Employee Performance at the
Center for Chemistry and Packaging of the Ministry of Industry.
The research adopts a quantitative approach, employing a
questionnaire as the primary research instrument. The population
for this study encompasses 120 employees at the Center for
Chemistry and Packaging of the Ministry of Industry, with a
sample of 92 employees chosen through a simple random
sampling technique, facilitated by the slovin formula. The research
instrument's validity and reliability are assessed through directed
validity and reliability tests. Data analysis is conducted using
multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The findings reveal
that Workload, Work Motivation, and Work Discipline each exert
a significant impact on the performance of employees at the
Ministry of Industry's Center for Chemistry and Packaging when
analyzed individually.
Human resources (HR) is one element that plays an important role in achieving organizational
company goals. Human resources (HR) are valuable assets for companies / organizations, because they
are the main axis in carrying out actions, determining goals, and making the right decisions to achieve
the expected goals. Therefore, human resources are one element of various kinds of resources that are
very important for organizational / company management, where human resources are central to the
success of an organization/company.
In achieving goals, the organization / company provides standards that every employee must
meet. To optimize employees' work results in carrying out their duties and responsibilities can be
assessed by looking at employee work performance. The important thing in human resource
management is about employee performance. Employee performance according to (Mangkunegara,
2009) is as a result of work in accordance with the quality and quantity that can be achieved by an
employee in carrying out duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him.
For the lives of individuals and groups in organizations/companies, the success of an
organization/company, among others, can be seen from the performance of its employees. By having
high performance, employees will work based on plans, pay attention to work processes and be results-
oriented. If this can be done, employees will be able to meet performance standards. Employee
performance is important because without improving work results and the quality of human resources,
the vision that has been proclaimed will be difficult to realize.
The company's development, the changes in the company's environmental conditions that occur
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within the organization/company and outside the organization / company either have a direct or
indirect impact will increase productivity targets and be more complex. High performance demands or
performance target standards determined by the company must try to achieve the performance targets
set by the organization / company. However, if the quality of development, human resources (HR)
owned are not able to adapt to environmental changes that occur, it will cause stress levels at work and
workload pressure on employees which has an impact on employee performance.
Many factors affect employee performance, including workload, motivation, and work
discipline. The way that must be taken to improve employee performance is by conducting an analysis
of the workload in the organization/company. Workload analysis is very important to do, one of which
is to create a pleasant working atmosphere characterized by employees getting positions according to
their performance abilities.
Workload is a process of analyzing the time used by a person or group in completing the tasks
of a job (position) or group of positions (work unit) carried out under normal conditions (Kurnia, 2010).
Workload analysis is a process in determining the number of working hours of human resources that
work, use, and are needed in completing a job for a certain period of time (Koesomowidjojo, 2017)
Workload is very important for an organization/company. By providing an effective workload,
the company will be able to find out the extent to which its employees can carry out the maximum
workload and the extent of influence on the performance of the company/organization employees
themselves. Employees who are not disciplined in utilizing work time will have an impact on the
workload that accumulates, so it takes more time than the normal time specified to complete the tasks
charged. The number of tasks and responsibilities given to an employee causes the results achieved to
be less than optimal because employees only have a little time to complete many tasks. If this happens
often, it will also impact the performance of the employees themselves.
Motivation according to (Wexley &; Yukl, 1977) is something that raises the spirit or
encouragement of work. Motivation as a willingness to try as optimally as possible in achieving
organizational goals that are influenced by the ability to satisfy several individual needs.
In (Sutrisno, 2009) is something that raises enthusiasm or work encouragement. Motivation as
a willingness to try as optimally as possible in achieving organizational goals that are influenced by the
ability to satisfy several individual needs. One important aspect in the company to improve or maintain
the work ethic of employees to remain persistent and active in working to increase or maintain work
productivity is to provide motivation (stimulating power) for employees so that the enthusiasm to work
of employees does not decrease. The enthusiasm of these workers is needed by a company because with
high enthusiasm employees can work with all the power and effort they have (not half-hearted) so that
maximum productivity and allow the realization of the goals to be achieved. According to George
R.Terry, et al, 2005 (in his book Matutina. et al, 1993) said that motivation is to make someone work
more accomplished.
While Ravianto, 1986 in his book there are several factors that can affect performance
motivation, namely superiors, colleagues, physical means, policies and regulations, monetary service
rewards, types of work. Thus, it can be said that motivation is basically a mental state that encourages
action or activities and provides strength that leads to the achievement of needs, gives satisfaction or
reduces imbalances.
Work discipline according to (Malayu Hasibuan 2005) is a person's awareness and willingness
to obey company regulations and applicable social norms. The results of research conducted by Susanto
(2019: 10-11) stated that work discipline has a positive and significant influence on employee
performance variables, because it is formed by leaders to be applied by their subordinates so as to create
a sense of responsibility for their work because employees are aware of their obligations and will
certainly prioritize work results
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which is good according to the established standards. Work Discipline is a force that develops in the
body of employees and causes employees to adjust to voluntary and regulatory decisions and high
values of work and behavior (Hamali, 2016)
The Center for Chemistry and Packaging (BBKK) is a technical implementation unit structurally
under the Industrial Research and Development Agency (BPPI), Ministry of Industry. BBKK has the task
and function to carry out research and development and provide technical services in the chemistry and
packaging to the business world. So the success achieved by the Center for Chemistry and Packaging is
certainly greatly influenced by the success of its employees. So that the success or failure of an employee
at work will be known if the company implements an employee performance appraisal system. Human
Resources are the main actors in every organizational activity because humans are always planners,
actors, and determinants of achieving an organizational goal.
In accordance with the problem formulation, this research was conducted with the following
objectives: 1) To determine and analyze the effect of workload on employee performance. 2) To know
and analyze the effect of work motivation on employee performance. 3) To know and analyze the effect
of work discipline on employee performance.
With the results of this research, it is expected to contribute to further research to develop
science in general and human resource management in particular. This research is a requirement for
researchers to obtain a bachelor's degree in management. In addition, this research is also expected to
be able to add insight and knowledge and become a reference for the community in general and writers
in particular. As input that can be considered by the leadership in determining policy, especially in
Subag. Staffing about workload, work motivation, and work discipline. The results of this research are
expected to be a study of science and add references in the world of science related to human resource
management, especially workload, motivation, and work discipline on employee performance.
The object of research studied is Employee Performance which Workload, Work Motivation, and
Work Discipline in employees of the Center for Chemistry and Packaging influence. In this study there
are 3 independent variables (X) and one dependent variable (Y), namely:
a) The independent variables consist of: Workload (X1), Work Motivation (X2), and Work Discipline
b) The dependent variable (Y) is Employee Performance.
As for data measurement techniques, it is carried out using questionnaires. Respondents only
choose one answer from each question item presented in the questionnaire that is in accordance with
the reality faced in the organization/company environment. So the questionnaire filled out by
respondents was written quantitatively in the form of a Likert scale, namely Strongly Agree (SS) was
given a score of 5 (five), Agree (S) was given a score of 4 (four), Neutral (N) was given a score of 3 (three),
Disagree (TS) was given a score of 2 (two), Strongly Disagree (STS) was given a score of 1 (one).
Table 1. Weighting Respondents' Answers with Likert Scale
Assessment Score
Totally Agree
Strongly Disagree
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Rosa Dameria Muhani1, Herry Krisnandi2, Kumba Digdowiseiso3
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Source: Sugiyono (2014:168)
Research instruments that use the Likert scale can be made in the form of checklists or multiple
choice. In the process of this research there are plans and stages prepared by researchers. The plans and
stages of research activities are as follows:
Table 2. Research Plan and Stages
Action Plan
September 2021
October 2021
November 2021
Data Collection
Data Report
Preparation of
Final Report /
Data Sources
The data source in this study was obtained from the distribution of questionnaires through
google forms filled out by respondents employees of the Center for Chemistry and Packaging of the
Ministry of Industry. The method used is data collection by providing questions to respondents by
questionnaire guide containing questions about the Effect of Workload, Work Motivation, and Work
Discipline on Employee Performance.
Data Type
The type of data used in this study is quantitative descriptive, that is, the type of data used to
analyze the relationship between variables. This data can be measured or calculated directly, in the form
of information or explanations expressed by numbers or in the form of numbers.
The data source used in this study was questionnaire answers from all Chemical and Packaging
Center employees. According to (Sugiyono, 2014), a Questionnaire is a data collection technique where
participants/respondents fill in questions or statements and then, after being filled in, completely return
to the researcher.
And the type of data used in writing this thesis is primary data in the form of direct observation through
questionnaires distributed to respondents.
Population and sample
Sugiyono (2014: 119) Population is a generalized area consisting of: objects / subjects that have
certain qualities and characteristics determined by researchers to be studied and then drawn
conclusions. The population used in this study was 120 employees from several departments.
The sample taken as respondents is in employees using random sampling techniques that
provide equal opportunities for each member of the population to be selected as a member of the
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Sugiyono (2014: 120) Sample is part of the number of characteristics possessed by the population. If the
population is large, and it is not possible for the researcher to study everything in the population, for
example due to limited funds, energy, and time, then the researcher can use samples taken from that
To determine the sample size can use the method of Slovin and Isaac Michael as follows:
n = Sample size
N = Total population
1 = Constant
E2 = Error rate (5%)
1.1 n = 120
1 + (120 x (0.05)²)
= 92.30 Rounded up to 92 employees.
The calculation results with an error rate of 5%, the sample to be taken is 92 employees.
The object of this study is Employee Performance which is influenced by Workload, Work
Motivation and Work Discipline at the Center for Chemistry and Packaging. The target object to be
examined in this study is Employee Performance in terms of Workload, Work Discipline, and Work
Motivation. The characteristics of respondents were included in this study for descriptive analysis
purposes. Respondent characteristics are data about respondents' personal circumstances that are
needed to make it easier for the author to analyze respondent data, so that the characteristics of
respondents as a whole can be known based on a list of statements. Such as gender, age, level of
education and length of service.
Brief History of the Center for Chemistry and Packaging
Located in Pekayon Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta. The Center for Chemistry and Packaging (BBKK) is
a technical implementation unit structurally under the Industrial Research and Development Agency
(BPPI), Ministry of Industry. BBKK has the task and function to carry out research and development and
provide technical services in the field of chemistry and packaging to the business world. Great potential
in supporting the growth of national industry to meet domestic and international needs. BBKK has a
very important role in developing studies in the field of chemistry and packaging, both product studies,
processes and process technology BBKK is carrying out research, development, cooperation,
standardization, testing, certification, calibration and competency development of the chemical and
packaging industry. In carrying out its duties, the BBKK of the Ministry of Industry is equipped with
facilities and infrastructure like laboratory research laboratory test Test
house for the development of research, workshops, libraries and trained human resources.
Table 3. Brief History of BBKK Ministry of Industry
n =
1+(N x e2)
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Rosa Dameria Muhani1, Herry Krisnandi2, Kumba Digdowiseiso3
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Central Beeuraau Voor Techniche Onderzokingen
In 1938 in Batavia Central (now Central Jakarta) under the name Central
Beeuraau Voor Techniche Onderzokingen which later changed its name to
Central Beureaau Institute Techniche Onderzokingen with the address
Jl. Karang Anyar, Central Jakarta.
Central Beureaau Institute Techniche Onderzokingen
Renamed Industrial Research Hall.
Industrial Research Agency
Under the auspices of PN. PR Mupiksa Yasa Ministry of Industry under the
name Industrial Research Institute (BPI).
Industrial Research Institute
In 1968 the Industrial Research Center was managed by the Institute for
Industrial Research and Industrial Education, Ministry of Industry.
Industrial Research Institute
The Industrial Research Center is managed by the Center for Industrial
Research and Development of the Chemical Industry, Ministry of Industry.
Center for Chemical Industry
Changed its name to Balai Besar Industri KImia (BBIK) under the Industrial
Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Industry, with functions and
tasks directed at research and development of the Chemical Industry sector,
especially the fertilizer, petrochemical and organic chemical fermentation
Moved to the current location on Jl Balai Kimia No.1,
Pekayon, Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta.
Center for Chemistry and Packaging in 2002 changed to Balai Besar
Chemistry and Packaging (BBKK).
Source :
In this study, the author conducted a study on 92 respondents by giving several questions in the
form of questionnaires. Data analysis is carried out using statistical methods whose calculations use
tools through the SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) application. To obtain an overview of
employee characteristics, the following will be stated the identity of respondents based on gender
classification, age, last education, and length of service obtained from the Center for Chemistry and
Packaging. Through this description of respondent identity, it is hoped that a deeper understanding of
the background of research respondents can be obtained, so that it is expected to understand the
tendency of the answers given by respondents.
Characteristics of respondents by gender
The profile of respondents is seen based on the gender of employees who work at the Center for
Chemistry and Packaging, namely men and women the object of questionnaire distribution. The total
number of respondents who filled out this questionnaire was 92 respondents from the number of both.
Table 4. Percentage of characteristics by gender
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Number of Respondents
Source : Questionnaire Results Data
Source : Primary Data Processed
Figure 1. Percentage Chart of Respondents by Gender
Based on figure 1 above, it can be known that 39 male respondents or 42% of the total
respondents. As for female respondents, there were 53 employees or 58% of the total respondents. The
data shows that the number of employees at the Center for Chemistry and Packaging of the Ministry of
Industry who are female dominates more than male employees.
Characteristics of respondents by length of service
Employee tenure needs to be considered in this study as a reference to see whether employee
tenure goes in line with how employee mastery of the work given by the agency. Researchers grouped
the working period of employees of the Center for Chemistry and Packaging starting from the working
period of < 5 years, 6 - 10 years, and 11 - 15 years, 16 - 20 years, and > 20 years.
Table 4. Characteristics of respondents by length of service
Period of Service
Number of Respondents
< 5 years
42 people
6 10 years
24 people
11 15 years
12 persons
16 20 years
7 persons
> 20 years
7 persons
92 people
Source : Questionnaire Results Data
Male Woman
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Rosa Dameria Muhani1, Herry Krisnandi2, Kumba Digdowiseiso3
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Source : Primary Data Processed
Figure 2. Percentage Chart of Respondents by Length of Service
Based on figure 2 of the research results of 92 respondents studied, there are 42 employees who
have a working period of <5 years with a percentage of 46% of the total respondents, 24 employees who
have a working period of 6 10 years with a percentage of 26% of the total respondents, 12 employees
who have a working period of 11 15 years with a percentage of 13%, 7 employees who have a working
period of 16 20 years with a percentage of 7% of the total respondents, and 7 employees who have a
service period of > 20 years with a percentage of 8% of the total respondents. This shows that the
number of employees when categorized based on working period is dominated by employees with < 5
years of service.
Characteristics of respondents based on recent education
The respondents studied must have different levels of education, therefore the researchers
grouped respondents based on 5 (five) levels of education, namely, high school, D3, S1, S2 and S3.
Table 5. Characteristics of respondents based on recent education
Number of Respondents
High School
13 people
14 people
38 people
24 people
3 persons
92 people
Source : Questionnaire Results Data
Period of
< 5 years 6 - 10 years 11 - 15 years 16 - 20 years > 20 years
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Source : Questionnaire Results Data
Figure 6. Percentage Chart of Respondents Based on Recent Education
Based on table 4.4 above, from the results of research on 92 respondents of employees of the
Center for Chemistry and Packaging of the Ministry of Industry, data were obtained with the latest
education at the high school level as many as 13 employees or 14% of the total respondents, employees
who had a D3 education level as many as 14 people or 15% of the total respondents, employees who
had an S1 education level as many as 38 employees or 42% of the total respondents, employees who
have an S2 education level of 24 employees or 26%, and employees who have an S3 education level of 3
people or 3% of the total respondents. The data shows that more employees are taking the last Bachelor
(S1) education because S1 education is the most ideal level of education in accordance with the
characteristics and procedures set at the Center for Chemistry and Packaging of the Ministry of Industry.
Characteristics of respondents by age
The authors in this study grouped respondents by age, divided into 5 groups, namely < 20 years,
21 30 years, 31 40 years, 41 50 years, > 50 years. The explanation is in the table below which shows
the age of respondents at the Center for Chemistry and Packaging of the Ministry of Industry.
Table 6. Characteristics of respondents by age
Number of Respondents
< 20 years
1 person
21 30 years
59 people
31 40 years
15 persons
41 50 years
12 persons
> 50 years
5 persons
92 people
Source : Results of Questionnaire Data Processing
3% 14%
High School D3 S1 S2
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Rosa Dameria Muhani1, Herry Krisnandi2, Kumba Digdowiseiso3
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Source : Results of Questionnaire Data Processing
Figure 3. Characteristics of respondents by age
Based on figure 3, it can be seen that the grouping of 92 respondents studied based on age,
namely employees aged < 20 years totaling 1 employee, aged 21 30 years as many as 59 employees,
aged 31 40 years as many as 15 employees, aged 41 50 years as many as 12 people, and those aged
> 50 people as many as 92 employees. From these data, it shows that the Center for Chemistry and
Packaging of the Ministry of Industry is dominated by employees aged 21-30 years, this age is the
productive age of humans, so that at that age employees can do a good job and are able to develop a job
Complete Results of Research Estimates
Descriptive Analysis Results
The results of the descriptive test for the average count of each statement on each variable will
be described in this section. The variables studied consist of independent variables, namely Workload
(X1), Work Motivation (X2), and Work Discipline (X3), as well as the specific variable, namely Employee
Performance (Y), where variable X1 consists of 6 questions, and variables X2, X3, and Y each consist of
8 questions. Data analysis was carried out using statistical calculation methods using computer tools
through the SPSS 26 program.
Table 7. Average Total Mean and Total Workload Mean (X1)
Working Conditions
The daily workload is up to standard
my job.
The current number of employees is enough to
handle the work at hand.
Average Total Mean
Use of Time
I can manage my time well in
Time given in to complete
The work is enough for me to finish it.
Average Total Mean
< 20 years 21 - 30 years 31 - 40 years 41 - 50 years > 50 years
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Time to achieve
Tasks that are always given are sometimes of a nature
suddenly with a short period of time.
The work handled has been able to fulfill
targets to be achieved.
Average Total Mean
Average Total Mean Workload (X1)
Source : Data Processed January 2022
Based on table 7. above, the average total mean Workload (X1) overall result was 3.93, which
means that most respondents agreed. The highest average mean value is found in the time usage
indicator with a value of 4.13. And the lowest mean value is found in the indicator of working conditions
with a value of 3.77.
Table 8. Average Total Mean and Total Mean of Work Motivation (X2)
There are bonuses and rewards given
agency/company to employees.
There is a promotion that has been given
agency/company to employees.
Average Total Mean
Social Relations
My co-workers and I have a good relationship and
Support each other.
The relationship with my boss is well established and
Average Total Mean
The necessities of life
The salary given has been able to meet the needs
my life.
Agencies/companies provide security guarantees in the
form of health insurance or work accidents
to its employees.
Average Total Mean
Success in Work
My performance is appreciated by superiors both in quality
nor quantity.
Your boss will give me compliments when I
complete tasks on time.
Average Total Mean
Average Total Mean Work Motivation (X2)
Source : Data Processed January 2022
Based on table 8 above, the average result of the overall Work Motivation (X2) average of 4.13
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can be obtained, which means that most respondents agree. The highest average mean value is found in
the employment relations indicator with a value of 4.32. And the lowest mean value is found in the
success indicator at work, which is with a value of 3.99.
Table 9. Average Total Mean and Total Mean of Work Discipline (X3)
I came to work just in time.
I am never absent from my job without
Average Total Mean
Observance of Work Rules
I work according to the work procedures that have been
I use office equipment well.
Average Total Mean
Observance of work standards
I am always at the office desk during working hours
The distance between residence and place of work is not
affect my time to be negligent in work.
Average Total Mean
High Alert Level
I have always had a good sense of personal responsibility.
high in work.
I have always respected each other's opinions.
Average Total Mean
Average Total Mean of Work Discipline (X3)
Source : Data processed in January 2022
Based on table 9 above, the average result of the overall Work Discipline (X3) mean is 4.22,
which means that most respondents agree. The highest average mean value is found in the attendance
indicator with a value of 4.50. And the lowest mean value is found in the indicator of compliance with
work standards with a value of 4.32.
Table 10 Average Total Mean and Total Mean of Employee Performance (Y)
I am earnest in carrying out my duties that
I have individual abilities in
carry out the assigned tasks.
Average Total Mean
Target work and tasks from the agency/company
I can fulfill it well and carefully.
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I was able to complete the appropriate amount of work
with the set by the agency/company.
Average Total Mean
I took the initiative to find the best way to
improve the quality of work.
I can achieve the quality standards of work set by the
agency/company well and
Average Total Mean
I am always punctual in getting work done
I have high morale for
Pursue job targets ordered by superiors.
Average Total Mean
Average Total Mean Employee Performance (Y)
Source : Data processed in January 2022
Based on table 4.9 above, the results of the respondent's assessment of Employee Performance
(Y) as a whole amounted to 4.36, which means that most respondents agreed. The highest average mean
value is found in the effective indicator with a value of 4.55. And the lowest mean value is found in the
punctuality indicator with a value of 4.29.
Multiple Linear Analysis Results
Multiple linear analysis is a form of analysis that discusses the extent to which the influence of
the independent variable on the dependent variable. The independent variables in this study are
Workload (X1), Work Motivation (X2), and Work Discipline (X3), while the dependent variable is
Employee Performance (Y).
The results of multiple linear regression analysis can be assessed in the following table:
Table 11. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Results
Std. error
Workload (X1)
Work Motivation
Work Discipline (X3)
a. Dependent Variable: Kinerja_Pegawai_Y
Source: SPSS 26 Data Processing Results
Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis referring to table 11, it can be seen
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Rosa Dameria Muhani1, Herry Krisnandi2, Kumba Digdowiseiso3
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that the multiple linear regression equation is as follows:
Y = 0.181 X1 + 0.047 X 2 + 0.711 X3
Y = Employee Performance
X1 = Workload X2 = Work Motivation X3 = Work Discipline
The regression equation above shows a constant of 4.443 and can be explained that:
The Workload variable has a regression coefficient of 0.181 meaning that if the workload
increases by one unit, then employee performance will increase by 18.1% with an error standard of
0.089 if the variables of work motivation and work discipline are constant. The Work Motivation
variable has a regression coefficient of 0.047 meaning that if work motivation increases by one unit,
then employee performance will increase by 4.7% with a standard error of 0.063 if the variables of
workload and work discipline are constant.
The Work Discipline variable has a regression coefficient of 0.711, meaning that if work
discipline increases by one unit, then employee performance will increase by 71.1% with a standard
error of 0.069 if ta. The results show that the three independent variables namely Workload, Work
Motivation, and Work Discipline have a positive influence on the variables tied to Employee
Performance. Thus, if workload, work motivation, and work discipline increase, employee performance
variables will also increase.
Based on the results of research on employee performance at the Center for Chemistry and
Packaging of the Ministry of Industry the results of analysis and discussion that have been carried out,
in this study the author draws conclusions that: 1) The conclusion on the Workload variable (X1) has a
positive and significant effect on employee performance at the Center for Chemistry and Packaging of
the Ministry of Industry with multiple linear regression test results of 0.181 or 18.1%. What can be
concluded is that the workload factor needs to be considered again, especially in work conditions where
the current number of employees still has the lowest average point of 3.72 which means that the
workload has not been balanced with existing Human Resources. 2) The conclusion on the Work
Motivation variable (X2) has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at the Center
for Chemistry and Packaging of the Ministry of Industry with the results of a double linear regression
test of 0.047 or 4.7%. It can be concluded that if management rewards the results of production or
organizational innovation, it can help improve employee performance because employees feel valued
and the results of their hard work are not in vain. And it is also very influential to overcome problems
in fluctuations in the realization of targets that have been planned by management in order to achieve
organizational goals. 3) The conclusion on the Work Discipline variable (X3) has a positive and
significant effect on employee performance at the Center for Chemistry and Packaging of the Ministry of
Industry with multiple linear regression test results of 0.711 or 71.1%. This result can be interpreted if
the better the understanding of employees about the importance of work discipline, especially in the
attendance indicator with an average of 4.50. This will greatly help in achieving the targets that have
been planned by the organization's management. 4) The conclusions on Workload, Work Motivation,
and Work Discipline above which positively and significantly affect Employee Performance at the Center
for Chemistry and Packaging of the Ministry of Industry are also supported by the results of research
coefficient of determination (R2) explained at 74.4%, meaning that the variables Workload, Work
Motivation, and Work Discipline affect the variables of Employee Performance, while the remaining
25.6% are influenced by other variables that are not analyzed in the study Ini.
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Copyright holder:
Rosa Dameria Muhani, Herry Krisnandi, Kumba Digdowiseiso, Khalid Farooq (2024)
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International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)
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