The Effect of Leadership, Non-Physical Environment and Motivation on Employee Performance  


Haris Hi Abd Salam1, Herry Krisnandi2, Kumba Digdowiseiso3*

Faculty of Economics and Business, National University, Indonesia1,2,3

Email: haris.salam@gmail.com1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3*




Leadership, Non-physical work environment, Motivation  and Performance.


The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of leadership, work environment and motivation on employee performance at the Ministry of Religion of North Maluku Province in 2022. The research method used was an analytic survey with a cross-sectional research design. From the results of the study, it was found that the significance value of leadership was 0.004 < 0.05 and T arithmetic was 2.979 > T table (1.990), the significance value of the non-physical work environment was 0.005 < 0.05 and T calculated was 2.863 > T table (1.990) and the motivation significance value was 0.042 < 0.05 and T count of 2.071 > T table (1.990) so it can be concluded that there is an influence between leadership, non-physical non-work environment, and motivation with employee performance. It is hoped that the ministry of religion will increase good leadership and can try to use democratic and transformational types of leadership and build a good work environment by establishing good relationships between superiors and colleagues.





The fundamental problem of various management and leadership concepts is productivity. Performance refers to employee work performance measured based on standards or criteria set by the organization. Management to achieve very high employee performance, especially in improving overall organizational performance

According to Wahjosumidjo (1999: 79) if a leader has intelligence, responsibility, health and has a mature nature, flexibility in social relations, self-motivation and encouragement of achievement and behavior in relation to humanitarian work. On the contrary, in modern social reality, charismatic leaders are also known, especially in the social and political fields. Then according to Edwin B (2000: 101) that charismatic leaders have loyalty and responsibility and support from their followers. The function of the leader is more to share consultation, guidance, motivation and share advice in order to achieve goals. According to Siswanto Sastrohadiwiryo (2003: 120) many aspects that can affect employee performance include learning and training, work discipline, compensation, organizational climate, career path system, motivation, leadership.

Thus causing reduced employee performance due to minimal employee motivation in handling work and supported by a less nuanced work environment so that employee work cannot be resolved as planned. Minimal work motivation can affect employee performance that is not optimal (Siagian, 2003)

Where the work environment is a material and psychological state contained in the organization. Therefore, the organization must provide an adequate work environment such as a physical environment (comfortable office layout, clean environment, good air exchange,

color, sufficient lighting or melodious music), and non-physical environment (employee working atmosphere, employee welfare, places of worship, relationships between employees and leadership). A good work environment can support the implementation of work so that employees have enthusiasm for work and improve employee performance. To create high performance, it is necessary to increase maximum work and be able to utilize the ability of Human Resources owned by employees to create organizational goals, so that it will make a positive contribution to organizational growth. Therefore, it is necessary for the organization to listen to various factors that can affect employee motivation, in this case it is necessary to have an organizational role in increasing motivation and producing a conducive work environment in order to 3 encourage the creation of professional attitudes and actions in completing work in accordance with their respective fields and responsibilities. Human resources play a role in managing and using resources and materials so that they become products. Therefore, to improve performance, it is necessary to pay attention so that human resources can work effectively and show performance that can contribute to.

The government is required to be able to maximize human resources and how human resources are processed. Human resource management is inseparable from the factors of employees who are desired to perform as well as possible in order to achieve the goals of government organizations. Employees are the main assets of the organization and have a strategic role in the organization is as a thinker, planner, and controller of organizational activities. For the sake of achieving organizational goals, employees need motivation to work more enthusiastically. Seeing the importance of employees in the organization, employees need more serious attention to the tasks carried out so that organizational goals are achieved.

With high work motivation, employees will work harder in doing their work. Conversely, with low work motivation, employees do not have enthusiasm to work, give up easily, and have difficulty in completing their work. Employees lack clear information as to whether their work has a positive impact on the beneficiaries of the groups or individuals the organization serves (Blau & Scott, 1962; Katz & Kahn, 1966). The significance of tasks is often uncertain in organizations for the first few reasons, employees in organizations often encounter prejudice, which can limit them from feeling that they have achieved goals (Scott & Pandey, 2005) and make them doubt whether their mission is possible 1 2 (Weick, 1984).

Second, employees often receive only minimal, direct feedback on how their actions affect beneficiaries, which may leave them unsure whether or not their mission is accomplished. In addition to work motivation factors, the work environment where these employees work is no less important in improving employee performance.

Employee performance is the result of work achieved by a person in carrying out the tasks assigned to him. Employee performance includes the quality and quantity of output and reliability in work. Employees can work well, if they have high performance so that they can produce excellent work. With the high performance of employees, it is expected that organizational goals can be achieved. Conversely, organizational goals are difficult or even unattainable if employees work not having good performance so that they cannot produce very good work.

From the results of the study, it can be seen that the quality of employees of the Ministry of Religious Affairs is said to be optimal. This also explains that there are some performances that have not been carried out properly with this human resources (employees) have not had good performance, and leadership factors from 2016 to 2018 have increased by 5% and in 2019 to 2020 have decreased to 7% Leadership greatly affects work performance.

Based on the description above regarding problems that affect employee performance, the researcher intends to take the title of research on the Influence of Leadership, Work Environment and Motivation on the Performance of Employees of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of North Maluku.



This study adopts an analytical survey method with a cross-sectional design, aiming to explore the health phenomenon of Ministry of Religious Affairs employees in certain locations. The object of research is Employee Performance at the Ministry of Religious Affairs of North Maluku Province. Data was obtained through a questionnaire with a Likert scale filled out by 106 civil servants, selected by random sampling technique. The research instrument includes independent variables (Leadership, Work Environment, Motivation) and dependent variables (Employee Performance). The research plan involves the stages of preparing proposals, proposal seminars, data collection, processing data reports, to preparing final reports/theses, with a schedule of April to July 2022. Primary data obtained through questionnaires are measured by validity and reliability techniques, showing valid and consistent results. Data analysis involves descriptive, inferential, and multiple linear regression methods. In addition, classical assumption tests will be performed to ensure data quality. The hypothesis test uses the F test (simultaneous) and the t test (partial) to evaluate the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable.



Multiple Liner Regression Analysis

This analysis was carried out using SPSS with multiple linear regression analysis tests to determine the relationship between each variable. The following are the results of statistical tests on research variables.

Classical Assumption Test

Data Normality Test


Table 1. One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Unstandardized Residual




Normal Parametersa,b




Std. Deviation


Most Extreme Differences









Test Statistics



Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)



Source: SPSS 25 Processing



Based on Table 1. The results of the data normality test obtained a significance value of 0.200, where significant (Sig) > a = 0.05 so that it can be stated that the data is normally distributed.

Multicollinearity Test

Table 2. Multicollinearity

Collinearity Statistics

Type                    Tolerance                         VIF

1                                                                                                     (Constant)

Leadership                                                                                   .634                              1.578

Work Environment                                                                .715                              1.399

Motivation                                                                                   .760                              1.315

Source: SPSS 25 Processing

Based on Table 5.10 the results of the multicollinearity test data obtained a VIF significance value of leadership of 1,578, non-physical work environment of 1,399 and motivation of 1,315, where the VIF value of each variable < 10. It is known that the tolerance value of leadership is 0.634, the non-physical work environment is 0.715 and motivation is 0.760, where the tolerance value of each variable > 0.1. From these results it can be concluded that multicollinearity does not occur.

Heteroscedasticity Test

Source: SPSS 25 Processing

Figure 1. Heteroscedasticity Test


Based on Figure 1. The results of the Heteroscedasticity test found that heteroscedasticity did not occur, it can be seen in the picture where the sticks do not gather in one place and form a pattern.

Test F (Difference in the mean or middle value of a data)


Table 3. Model Due Diligence





Sum of Squares



Mean Square
























Source: SPSS 25 Processing

Based on Table 5.11 the results of the Anova test obtained the significance value for the influence of leadership, non-physical work environment and motivation simultaneously on employee performance is 0.000 < 0.05 and the F value is calculated at 19,209 > F table 2,717, so it can be concluded that there is an influence between leadership, non-physical work environment and motivation on employee performance.

T Test (Influence Between Variables)

Table 4. Influence Between Variables







Std. Error





1        (Constant)














Work Environment














Source: SPSS 25 Processin


Based on Table 5.12 statistical test results, the significance value of leadership is 0.004 < 0.05 and T count is 2.979 > T table (1.990) so that it can be concluded that there is an influence between leadership on employee performance From the statistical results, the significance value of the non-physical work environment is 0.042 < 0.05 and T is calculated at 2.863 > T table (1.990) so that it can be concluded that there is an influence between non-physical work environments on employee performance.

From the statistical results, the motivational significance value is 0.005 < 0.05 and the calculated T is 2.071 > the table (1.990) so that it can be concluded that there is an influence between motivation and employee performance.


The Influence of Leadership on Employee Performance

Based on the results of statistical tests conducted on 84 respondents, a leadership significance value of 0.004 < 0.05 was obtained and a T count of 2,979 > T table (1,990) so that it can be concluded that there is an influence between leadership on employee performance.

Factors that affect performance according to Sedarmayanti in Henifah (2019) consist of leadership factors, personal factors including motivation, discipline, leadership and skills, system factors and situational factors or work environment (Henifah, 2019). According to Tead in Astuti (2019), leadership is an activity to influence people so that they want to work together to achieve the desired goals. Wibowo stated that leadership is essentially the ability of individuals by using the power to influence, motivate, and support efforts that allow others to contribute to the achievement of organizational goals (Astuti and Iverizkinawati, 2018).

Robbins & Judge in Hasibuan (2018) define leadership as the ability to influence a group towards achieving a vision or set of goals. In other words, leaders can emerge from within the group as well as by official appointments. Organizations need strong leadership and strong management to optimize effectiveness (Hasibuan and

Bahri, 2018). Good employee performance will directly affect the performance of the organization or agency and to improve employee performance is certainly a job that takes time and a long process. In addition to improving supervision and coaching, an assessment of the level of performance success that has been carried out by employees is also carried out through the role of capable leaders leading the agency (Wahyudi, Marantika and Yusup, 2022).

This research is in accordance with the research of Fitriani and Sudarwadi (2018), namely the results of the analysis for leadership have a significant influence on performance, because the calculated value of 3,147>ttable is 2,039. The magnitude of leadership influence on performance is 0.305 or 30.5%. This means that the better the leadership at Bank Syariah Bumi Artha Sampang Kebumen, the better the performance of employees at Bank Syariah Bumi Artha Sampang Kebumen (Fitriani and Sudarwadi, 2018).

According to the researchers' assumption, an organization that has good leadership will improve employee performance, because of a leadership that can influence, motivate, and support employees in improving their performance so that they can achieve the vision or set of organizational goals. With strong leadership and strong management, it can optimize performance effectiveness and create a strong organization.

The Effect of Non-Physical Work Environment on Employee Performance

From the statistical results conducted on 84 respondents, the significance value of the non-physical work environment was obtained at 0.005 < 0.05 and T calculated at 2,863 > T table (1,990) so that it can be concluded that there is an influence between the non-physical work environment on employee performance.

The work environment is everything that is around the worker, which can affect a worker in carrying out the tasks given. Basically, environmental understanding is related to elements that exist around the company that have a direct or indirect impact on the company (Fitriani and Sudarwadi, 2018). Agencies must be able to pay attention to the conditions that exist in the organization both inside and outside the workplace, so that employees can work smoothly and feel safe (Wahyudi, Marantika and Yusup, 2022).

Non-physical work environments are all conditions that occur related to work relationships, both relationships with superiors and relationships with subordinates fellow colleagues, or relationships with subordinates. This non-physical work environment is no less important than the physical work environment. Employee morale is strongly influenced by the state of the non-physical work environment, for example relationships with fellow employees and with their leaders. If an employee's relationship with other employees and with leaders goes very well, it will be able to make employees feel more comfortable in their work environment. That way employee morale will increase and performance will also increase (Muhraweni, Rasyid and Gunawan, 2017).

This is in accordance with research conducted by Presilawati, et al (2022) regarding the influence of the non-physical work environment on employee performance variables (Y) it can be partially known that the calculated t value (7.547) from the table t value (2.011) the calculated t value > the table t value, then the decision is that H0 is rejected and accepts Ha. So it is concluded that there is an influence and significant between the non-physical work environment on employee performance at the Beutong Health Center, Nagan Raya Aceh Regency., meaning that policies on non-physical work environment variables will affect employee performance at the Beutong Health Center, Nagan Raya Aceh Regency (Presilawati, Amin and Fahmi, 2022).

 According to the researcher's assumption, the non-physical work environment affects performance because it is related to work relationships, both with superiors, subordinates, and colleagues. If there is a problem in the work relationship it will cause feelings of discomfort, unease, worry, unfocus and not excited so that this can affect performance. Therefore, a good environment can encourage employees to be more enthusiastic at work.

The Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance

From the statistical results conducted on 84 respondents, the motivational significance value was obtained at 0.042 < 0.05 and T calculated at 2.071 > T table (1.990) so that it can be concluded that there is an influence between motivation and employee performance.

Motivation is the driving force from within to carry out activities to achieve goals. According to Sardiman in Henifah (2019), motivation is a change in energy in a person characterized by the emergence of feelings and preceded by responses to goals (Henifah, 2019).

Motivation according to Kondalkar in Hasibuan (2018) is defined as a burning spirit caused by needs, desires that drive individuals to exert physical and mental energy to achieve desired goals. Kanfer explains that motivation is a hypothetical construct that cannot be seen or felt. However, we can observe effects that indicate different levels of motivation of people. Motivation can also determine the form, direction, intensity, and duration of work-related behavior. The form of behavior refers to the type of activity an employee will choose to engage in at work (Hasibuan and Bahri, 2018). Hasibuan in Kurniawan, et al (2019) explained the motivation to question how to direct the power and potential of subordinates, so that they want to work together productively to achieve and realize predetermined goals. The importance of motivation because motivation is what causes, channels and supports human behavior, in order to work hard and enthusiastically achieve optimal results. Organizations not only expect employees to be capable, capable, and skilled, but most importantly they are willing to work hard and want to achieve maximum performance (Kurniawan and Yani, 2019).

This is in accordance with the research of Kurniawan and Yani (2019) where based on the results of testing the motivation hypothesis shows a calculated t value of 2.556 with a significance level of 0.017. The t value of the table is obtained with df; n-k-1 (30-4-1=25) and two-sided test (2-tiled), obtained t table 2.059, because the value of t calculated > t table (2.556 > 2.059) thus it can be stated that the hypothesis is accepted which means that motivation has a positive and significant influence on the performance of Bangka Tengah Regency Land Office employees (Kurniawan and Yani, 2019).

According to the researcher's assumption, motivation has an influence on employee performance because employees will work earnestly if they have high motivation. If he has a positive motivation, he will show interest, have attention, and want to participate in a task or activity in accordance with that opinion. The motivation of employees will also have a positive impact where employees will be more excited and happy in carrying out their duties.



Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that most respondents stated employee performance, leadership, non-physical work environment, and motivation with a good level. The results of multiple linear regression analysis show a positive and significant influence between leadership, non-physical work environment, and motivation on employee performance. In particular, the results of the frequency descriptive test showed that about half of the respondents gave favorable ratings to each variable, while others gave less favorable ratings. There is a tendency that high levels of motivation are positively correlated with good employee performance. In addition, leadership and non-physical work environments also contribute positively to employee performance. Therefore, this study reveals the importance of paying attention to aspects of leadership, work environment, and motivation as factors that can improve employee performance in the Ministry of Religious Affairs of North Maluku Province.



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Copyright holder:

Haris Hi Abd Salam, Herry Krisnandi, Kumba Digdowiseiso (2024)


First publication rights:

International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)


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