The Influence of The Work Environment, Compensation, and Motivation on Personnel Performance


Rikka Indah Lestari1, Herry Krisnandi2, Kumba Digdowiseiso3*

Faculty of Economics and Business, National University, Indonesia1,2,3

Email:  rikkaindah.lestari@gmail.com1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3*




Influence, Work Environment, Compensation, Motivation, Personnel Performance.


The study aims to determine how much the influence of the work environment, compensation, and motivation on the personnel performance at Biro SDM Polda Metro Jaya. The population of this study is all personnel of the Biro SDM Polda Metro Jaya with a total of 155 personnel. The sample was taken using the simple random sampling technique with a total sample of 112 respondents. In this study using primary data in the form of questionnaires that have been distributed to 155 respondets. The results of this research were processed and analyzed with multiple linear regression analysis through the SPSS Version 22 program. The results of this study show that the work environment, compensation, and motivation at the HR Bureau Polda Metro jaya together have a positive and significant effect on personnel performance. The results of this study hope that the instasis can improve the work environment, compensation, and motivation can support personnel performance.





Human resources are one of the most important resources and all needs should be considered for proper management of the organization. Human resources are instructed to achieve predetermined goals and objectives. Human resources today are resources that have a great influence in organizations. In an organization that can grow in the future depends very much on the performance of the personnel themselves, if the performance is good the results are good, but if the performance of personnel is not good then things also happen that the desired organizational goals cannot get optimal results from the goals desired by the organization. Therefore, the attention of the leadership is very important to meet the needs of personnel, so that the performance of these personnel is good.

The HR Bureau of Polda Metro Jaya is responsible for fostering and carrying out administrative functions such as provision, use, treatment, separation and distribution of personnel, assessment and psychology of the police, as well as efforts to improve the welfare of personnel within the Polda Metro Jaya police environment. In carrying out these functions, the HR Bureau is assisted by personnel to achieve the desired goals.

The work environment is the overall facilities and infrastructure around employees who are doing work that can affect the implementation of work (Sutrisno, 2011: 118). The work environment determines whether the goals achieved are in accordance with the goals that have been previously set. Work environment is a place or atmosphere where personnel carry out daily activities where they work. A conducive work environment provides a sense of security, and must be ensured that personnel can work optimally. When personnel like the work environment where they work, then they feel at home and do activities by making the best use of their working time. On the other hand, an inadequate work environment can reduce personnel performance.

The work environment relates to the physical or non-physical state of an ongoing work activity. The work environment plays an important role in the way personnel work. The work environment is not only felt physically by personnel but also concerns the work atmosphere they feel. A conducive working atmosphere will be able to maximize personnel performance and also affect the achievement of organizational goals. The work environment in an agency is very important to be considered by management. Although the work environment does not carry out operational processes in an organization, the work environment has a direct impact on the personnel who carry out these operational processes.

Compensation is an award / reward for workers who have contributed to realizing their goals, through activities called work (Nawawi, 2011). In addition, compensation is also a provision of enthusiasm to a personnel, therefore the need for compensation is a strong motivating factor for personnel to work in order to be able to do a job with the spirit of offering compensation that has a reciprocal relationship between personnel and the organization. People who strongly expect compensation for the capabilities that the organization has given to achieve organizational goals and an organization provides the availability of competent and qualified personnel for the success of the goals.

Motivation is a driver from within the individual to carry out certain activities in achieving goals (Busro, 2018). Motivation is also a drive that comes from both inside and outside the individual. Motivation is a set of attitudes and values that will influence personnel to achieve the goals of a particular task with the desired goal. These invisible attitudes and values provide the power to drive a person to take action to achieve their goals. Motivation is a force of energy or force or state and readiness in a person to achieve a certain goal, consciously or unconsciously to move towards a certain goal.

In improving the performance of the Metro Jaya Police HR Bureau, of course, personnel want to have a good work environment, compensation, and motivation so that the work given to them can run as desired. One of the things that must be the attention of the agency is the work environment, compensation, and motivation, personnel who work feel uncomfortable cannot develop all their potential, automatically these personnel cannot focus and concentrate fully on the work given to them. Personnel can work well if they have high performance so that they can produce good work. Personnel performance is one of the determining factors for the success of an agency or organization in achieving its goals. For this reason, the performance of personnel can affect the performance of the agency as a whole.

Based on the results of research, the performance of personnel of the HR Bureau of the Metro Jaya Regional Police shows that there is an increase and decrease in personnel behavior. This is reviewed from the assessment and behavior over the past 3 years. Organizations need to take action to foster and improve the quality of personnel involved in an organization.

According to Mukhlisin (2021) said that the work environment has a positive and significant effect on personnel performance. According to Aprialini Jayanti (2019) said that the work environment has a positive and significant influence on employee performance. According to Taofik Hidajat (2019) said that compensation has a positive and significant effect. According to Menik Sri Rahayu, Achmad Firdiansjah, and Harianto Respati (2019) said that compensation has a positive and significant effect on personnel performance

According to Ahmad Badawi Saluy, Tersia Musanti and Bambang Mulyana (2019) said that motivation has a positive and significant effect on personnel performance. According to Kintan Adela Putri, Zackharia Rialmi, and Ranila Suciati (2022) said that motivation has a significant effect on personnel performance.

Based on previous research research, there are research results that say positive and significant. Based on this background, the title of this study is "The Effect of Work Environment, Compensation, and Motivation on Personnel Performance"


This study adopts descriptive analytical and inferential research methods to investigate the performance of employees in the HR Bureau of Polda Metro Jaya which is influenced by the work environment, compensation, and motivation. Data was obtained through questionnaires with a simple random sampling technique on 112 respondents from a population of 155 employees. The operational definition of variables is used to measure and explain the concept of variables that are the focus of research. Data analysis involves instrument tests, classical assumptions, model feasibility (F test and coefficient of determination), as well as multiple linear regression analysis. The T test will be used to examine the partial effect of work environment, compensation, and motivation variables on employee performance. Overall, the study combines a quantitative approach with statistical analysis to gain a comprehensive understanding of the factors that affect employee performance in the environment.

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The results of the validity test show that all variables, namely work environment, compensation, motivation, and personnel performance, have a validity test value greater than the r value of the table (0.185), so it can be concluded that the instrument used is valid. Furthermore, reliability tests show that all variables also meet the reliability criteria with Cronbach Alpha coefficient values above 0.6, indicating that the measuring instrument has a good level of consistency if the measurement is repeated again. Thus, it can be concluded that the concept of measurement for each variable of this questionnaire has met the requirements of validity and reliability. These results provide confidence that the measuring instruments used in this study are reliable and provide consistent results, providing a solid basis for further analysis of the effect of work environment, compensation, and motivation on personnel performance in the HR Bureau of Polda Metro Jaya.

Classical Assumption Test

Normality Test

According to Ghazali (2016: 154) the normality test is carried out to test whether the regression model of both the independent variable and the dependent variable or both have a normal distribution or not. The normality test results are as follows:


Table 1. Normalias Test Results

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Unstandardized Residual



Normal Parametersa,b



Std. Deviation


Most Extreme Differences







Test Statistics


Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


a.      Test distribution is Normal.

b.      Calculated from data.

c.      Lilliefors Significance Correction.

Source: SPSS 22 Data Processing Results


Based on the results of the normality test in Table 4.13, it can be seen that the significant value (Asymp.Sig 2-tailed) obtained is 0.66 > 0.05, which means that the data is residual normally distributed.

Multicollinearity Test

A good regression model does not have a perfect or near-perfect correlation between independent variables (multicollinearity). The results of the multicollinearity test are as follows:


Table 2. Multicollinearity Test Results



Collinearity Statistics







Work Environment (X1)



Compensation (X2)



Motivation (X3)



Source: SPSS 22 Data Processing Results

Based on the results of the multicollinearity test in Table 4.11, the variables Work Environment  (X1) amounted to 2.892, Compensation (X 2) amounted to 2.337, Motivation (X3) amounted to 2.539. The tolerance value for the Work Environment variable (X 1) is 0.346, Compensation (X 2) is 0.428, and Motivation (X3) is 0.394. Based on the results of table 4.11, it can be concluded that the regression model does not contain multicollinearity, this is because the tolerance value in each variable is <0.1 and the VIF value in each variable is <10.

Heteroscedasticity Test

The heteroscedasticity test using the glacier test aims to test whether in the regression model there is an inequality of variance from the residuals of one observation to another. Heteroscedasticity test results as follows:


Table 3. Heterokedasticity Test Results



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients








Type                                                                      B

Std. Error








Work Environment (X1)






Compensation (X2)






Motivation (X3)






a. Dependent Variable: ABS_RES

Source: SPSS 22 Data Processing Results


Based on Table 3. It can be explained that the heteroscedasticity test with the glacier method obtained a significant value greater than 0.05 so that it can be said that the data does not occur heteroscedasticity problems.

Autocorrelation Test

The autocorrelation test aims to test whether in a linear regression model there is a correlation between the fault of the confounding in the current period and the error of the confounding in the previous period. Autocorrelation test results as follows:


Table 4. Auto Correlation Test Results

Model Summaryb


Type                    R


R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate









a.      Predictors: (Constant), Motivation (X3), Compensation (X2), Work Environment (X1)

b.      Dependent Variable: Performance (Y)

Source: SPSS 22 Data Processing Results

Based on table 4.13 the value of Durbin Watson (DW) of 1,963 DU is 1,747 this means that DW > DU is 1,963 > 1,747, then the value of 4 - DW is 4 - 1,963 = 2,037, meaning 4 - DW > DU is 2,037 > 1,747. So it can be concluded that the data does not have autocorrelation because the values of 4 – DW > DU < DW are 2.037 > 1.747 < 1.963

Multiple Linear Analysis

Multiple linear regression analysis is a form of analysis that discusses the extent of the influence of the independent variable (X) on the dependent variable (Y). where the independent variable is Work Environment (X1), Compensation (X2), Motivation (X3), and the dependent variable is Personnel Performance (Y). The results of multiple linear regression analysis are as follows:


Table 5. Multiple Linear Regression Test Results





Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients








Std. Error









Work Environment (X1)






Compensation (X2)






Motivation (X3)






Source: SPSS 22 Data Processing Results

Text Box: Y = α + β1 X1 + β2 X2 + β3 X3 e

From the table of multiple linear regression test results shows that the multiple regression equation model to estimate the work performance of personnel influenced by the work environment, compensation, and motivation is:


Y                                                             = Personnel Performance

α                                                             = Constant

β1, β2, β3,                                        = Regression Coefficient X1                = Work Environment

X2                                                          = Compensation

X3                                                          = Motivation

E                                                             = Error

Y = 0.283 + 0.316 + 0.276


Based on table 4.15 the Regression Test formed is as follows: The model shows the meaning that:

1.     In the Work Environment variable there is a positive implication in the regression coefficient of 0.283 so that it can be concluded that every increase in the Work Environment variable by one unit will increase Personnel Performance by 0.283 or, 28.3% if other assumptions are considered constant.

2.     In the Compensation variable the positive implication in the regression coefficient is 0.316 so that it can be concluded that each increase in the Compensation variable by one unit will increase Personnel Work Performance by 0.316 or, 31.6% if other assumptions are considered constant.

3.     In the Motivation variable there is a positive implication in the regression coefficient of 0.276 so that it can be concluded that every increase in the Motivation variable by one unit will increase personnel performance by 0.276 or, 27.6% if other assumptions are considered constant

Model Due Diligence

Test F

The F test is used to test the significance of the regression coefficient together, namely whether the independent variable has an influence on the dependent variable. The results of the F test are as follows:


Table 6.  F Test Results


Type                                         Sum of Squares


Mean Square






















a.      Dependent Variable: Performance (Y)

b.      Predictors: (Constant), Motivation (X3), Compensation (X2), Work Environment (X1)

Source: SPSS 22 Data Processing Results

Based on the results of the F test referring to Table 4.18, it can be explained that the Fcalculate value is 59.728 with a significant value of  0.000, which is at a 95% confidence level (α=0.05), which is 0.000 < 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that the  independent variables, namely Work Environment (X1), Compensation (X2), and Motivation (X3), together have a positive and significant effect on Personnel Performance (Y).

Test Coefficient of Determination (R2)

The Coefficient of Determination (R2) is a measure to determine the suitability or accuracy of the analysis model made. The greater the value of the coefficient of determination, the better the ability of the independent variable to explain the dependent variable. The results of the Coefficient Determination (R2) test are as follows:

Table 7. Test Results of Coefficient of Determination R2

Model Summaryb


Type                     R


R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate









a.      Predictors: (Constant), Motivation (X3), Compensation (X2), Work Environment (X1)

b.      Dependent Variable: Performance (Y)

Source: SPSS 22 Data Processing Results

Based on Table 7. obtained a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.613 which means that  the variable level of personnel performance can be influenced by 61.3% while the remaining 38.7% is influenced by other factors not discussed in this study.

Hypothesis Test (T Test)

According to Ghazali (2016: 97), the statistical test T basically shows how far the influence of an independent variable affects the dependent variable. The results of the T Test are as follows:


Table 8.  T Test Results











Work Environment (X1)



Compensation (X2)



Motivation (X3)






Source: SPSS 22 Data Processing Results

Based on Table 4.19, for the work environment variable has a significance value of 0.006 < 0.05 and t calculate the table > t which is 2.823 > 1.982, then the hypothesis is accepted, namely the work environment has a positive and significant effect on personnel performance.

For the compensation variable has a significance value of 0.001 < 0.05 and t calculate the table < t which is 3.508 > 1.982, then the hypothesis is accepted that compensation has a positive and significant effect on personnel performance. For the motivation variable has a significance value of 0.004 < 0.05 and t calculate the table > t which is 2.934 > 1982, then the hypothesis is accepted that compensation has a positive and significant effect


The Influence of the Work Environment on the Performance of HR Bureau Personnel of Polda Metro Jaya

The results of the analysis in this study obtained that the work environment has a positive and significant effect on the Performance of HR Bureau Personnel of Polda Metro Jaya. This means that the higher the work environment, the higher the performance produced if the work process is fulfilled physical and non-physical work environments.

The work environment variable got an average result of 49.1. Which means that the higher the work environment on personnel performance indicates that personnel will experience a high level of performance, indicating that the work environment at the Metro Jaya Police HR Bureau is at a good level that allows personnel to work comfortably so that the level of concentration of personnel at work increases which has implications for increasing performance. A good work environment can make the atmosphere pleasant, secure, calm and cause the environment to be harmonious. A good work environment will have the responsibility to produce better performance. With a good environment, it is expected that every individual or team is willing to work hard and antusis to achieve high performance.

This is in line with research conducted by Mukhlisin, (2021) which states that the work environment has a positive influence on personnel performance. Similarly, Kintan Adelia Putri et al (2022) stated that the work environment has a positive and significant influence on personnel performance.

The Effect of Compensation on the Performance of HR Bureau Personnel of Polda Metro Jaya

The results of the analysis in this study found that Compensation had a positive and significant effect on the Performance of HR Bureau Personnel of Polda Metro Jaya. This means that the higher the compensation given by the agency, the higher the performance produced. The Compensation variable got an average result of 18.0. In the sense that personnel will be more enterprising and enjoy their work when compensation is raised. To support the process of improving the performance of personnel of the HR Bureau of Polda Metro Jaya and the acceptance of tasks given by the leadership can be carried out with full responsibility and good awareness, this is related to providing enthusiasm to do better performance in the institution by providing work compensation as a form of appreciation of the institution to personnel so that it can improve the performance of its personnel in order to achieve organizational goals.

This is in line with research conducted by Taofik Hidajat, (2019) which states that compensation has a positive influence on personnel performance. Similarly, Menik Sri Rahayu et al (2019) stated that Compensation has a positive and significant influence on personnel performance.

The Effect of Motivation on the Performance of HR Bureau Personnel of Polda Metro Jaya

The results of the analysis in this study obtained that Motivation has a positive and significant effect on the Performance of HR Bureau Personnel of Polda Metro Jaya. This means that if motivation increases, then personnel performance will also increase. The Motivation variable got an average result of 26.85. In the sense that personnel are satisfied with the work achievements that have been achieved so far, this shows that personnel agree and are motivated to excel in carrying out their work that has been achieved. Personnel will have good performance if the need to achieve, the need to expand association and the need to master their work can be met (Saebah, et. al, 2023).

This is in line with research conducted by Ahmad Badawi et al, (2019) which states that motivation has a positive influence on personnel performance. Similarly, Apriliani Jayanti (2019) stated that motivation has a positive and significant influence on personnel performance.



Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, the conclusion of this study shows that the work environment has a positive and significant influence on the performance of personnel in the HR Bureau of Polda Metro Jaya. That is, the better the working environment conditions, the better the performance of employees. In addition, compensation also has a positive and significant influence on performance, indicating that the better the compensation system, the more improved personnel performance. Similarly, motivation has a positive and significant influence on performance, which means that the higher the level of motivation, the better the performance of employees. Overall, these findings contribute to further understanding of the factors that can improve the performance of personnel in the HR Bureau of Polda Metro Jaya, and their implications can be used for the improvement and development of the work environment, compensation system, and motivation in an effort to improve employee performance in the institution.



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Copyright holder:

Rikka Indah Lestari1, Herry Krisnandi2, Kumba Digdowiseiso3* (2024)


First publication rights:

International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)


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