Effect of Competence, Motivation, and Physical Work Environment on the
Performance of Depok City Regional Secretariat Employees
Della Septia Trianita1,
Herry Krisnandi2, Kumba Digdowiseiso3*
Faculty of
Economics and Business, National University, Indonesia1,2,3
Email: [email protected]1,
[email protected]2, [email protected]3*
Competency, Motivation, Physical Work Environment, and Employee |
This study was to
determine the effect of Competence, Motivation, and Physical Work Environment
on the Performance of Employees at the Depok City Regional Secretariat. The
research data is data that uses primary data. This data collection was in the
form of a questionnaire to 119 respondents from the Regional Secretariat of
the City of Depok. Data analysis techniques used descriptive analysis and
inferential analysis with multiple linear regression and using the
Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) version 23.0 program. The
results of multiple linear regression analysis show that the variables
Competency (X1), Motivation (X2), and Physical Work Environment (X3) have a
positive and significant effect on Employee Performance. The results of this
study hope that agencies can improve Competence, Motivation, and Physical
Work Environment which can support Employee Performance. |
An important element of an organization is people.
This happens because humans have a role in moving the wheels of organizational
development. Without these important elements, the organization will find it
difficult to operate the organizational system that has been created even
though there are other resources that are met.
Humans are
resources that have different characters and traits in each individual.
Therefore, it is necessary to manage human resources to achieve effective and
efficient organizational goals. Susan (2019) argues that human resource
management is something related to human utilization in doing a job to achieve
maximum level or effectively and efficiently in realizing the goals to be
Government agencies are a form of organization
consisting of a group of people who carry out state duties to provide public
services. In prioritizing public services, government agencies need to pay
attention to the performance of each employee. If a government agency has poor
employee performance, the image given by the community will be less good.
Nabawi (2019) argues that performance or
performance is a description of the level of achievement of the implementation
of an activity program or policy in realizing the goals, vision and mission
outlined through the strategic planning of an organization. This view is in
line with Novitasari and Asbari (2020) who argue that performance is a
goal-oriented process directed at ensuring that organizational processes are in
place and can maximize the productivity of employees, teams, and organizations
Establishing a civil servant management system is needed as a solution to have
good employee performance. The character traits that a good employee must
possess are explained in
Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia
No. 11 of 2017 Article 1 concerning State Civil Apparatus Management is
management that functions to produce employees who are professional, have basic
values, professional ethics, are free from political intervention, clean from
corrupt practices, collusion, and nepotism.
Knowing the importance of employee performance in
building a good image of government agencies, employee competence is one of the
determining factors for the success of employee performance. In the opinion of
Mulia & Saputra (2021), competence is a person's ability to produce at a
satisfactory level at work, including one's ability to transfer and apply
information and knowledge in new situations and increase agreed benefits. Thus, competence is defined as someone who
has better performance in doing a job compared to others.
Motivation as a factor that can affect employee
performance in addition to competence. Motivation comes from the Latin word
language, namely: movere which means to push or move. Meanwhile, according to
Hendriani and Hariyandi (2014), motivation is something that comes from within
a person in order to meet his needs.
Indarti and Anidar (2015) argue that motivation is
a motivation, both from within and from outside human beings to move and
encourage their attitudes and behaviors at work. The greater the motivation of
employees in doing their work, will affect the quality of employee performance
that is getting better. Factors that affect employee performance in addition to
competence and motivation are the physical work environment. Sedarmayanti in
(Rahayu et al., 2013) argues that the physical work environment is all physical
conditions around the workplace that can affect employees either directly or
The existence of a comfortable and safe physical
work environment will affect employee satisfaction with the work completed and
give a good impression to employees. This can improve the quality of employee
Depok City Regional Secretariat acts as a government institution that regulates
the position, organizational structure, duties, functions, and work procedures
of local governments in the Depok City Area, West Java. The establishment of
the Regional Secretariat is carried out through Depok Mayor Regulation Number
100 of 2016 article 2 paragraph (3), which outlines its responsibilities, among
others: coordination of regional policy formulation, coordination of regional
apparatus work unit tasks, monitoring and evaluation of regional policy
implementation, administrative services, and guidance of the State Civil
Apparatus in Regional Apparatus. In addition, the Regional Secretariat also
carries out other functions assigned by the Mayor in accordance with its duties
and functions. In this context, employees of the Regional Secretariat in Depok
City are required to work quickly, precisely, and accurately, because they must
provide excellent service.
a month-long internship practice program at the Depok City Regional
Secretariat, researchers conducted direct field observations and found several
problems related to employee performance that was not optimal. Some of these
issues include the inability of some employees to master work and the use of
office equipment, delays and inaccuracy in entering and leaving the office,
ineffective use of work time, delays in completing tasks, and lack of
innovation in doing routine work. Based on these problems, researchers are
interested in conducting research entitled "The Effect of Competence,
Motivation, Physical Work Environment on the Performance of Depok City Regional
Secretariat Employees."
This study uses a
descriptive method of analysis with the aim of describing and analyzing the
performance of employees at the Depok City Regional Secretariat and factors
that have the potential to affect this performance. The object of the study
involved all employees at the Depok City Regional Secretariat, with data
obtained through the distribution of questionnaires using Likert scales. The
primary data is then processed with descriptive and inferential methods using
SPSS software, and involves multiple linear regression tests to test the
influence of competence, motivation, and work environment on employee
performance. The employee population that was the focus of the study amounted
to 170 people, with a sample of 119 employees selected using simple random
sampling techniques. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires
with Likert scales, which included variables such as competence, motivation,
work environment, and employee performance. The validity and reliability of the
instrument are tested to ensure the precision and reliability of the data.
Next, classical assumption tests, including normality tests, multicolonicity
tests, heterokedasticity tests, and autocorrelation tests, are performed to
check the fit of regression models. Hypothesis testing involves an F test for
simultaneous influence, a coefficient of determination (R2) test to explain
variability, and a T test (partial) to test the influence of each variable.
Conclusions are drawn based on a pre-established level of significance.
Validity Test
Validity test is a test that serves to find out a
measuring instrument is valid (valid) or invalid. The measuring instrument in
this study is a list of questions in a questionnaire. The sample used was 119
employees as respondents. Proof of validity test is seen from the test which is
carried out by correlating the individual score of each statement with the
total score of the variable.
The criteria used to determine whether or not the
statements in this study are valid or not are as follows:
1. H0 is accepted, if r count ≥ r table (Valid)
2. H0 is rejected, if r count ≤ r table (Invalid)
3. The significance level is 5% or 0.05.
4. Degree of fredoom or df, i.e. df = n-2.
Based on this study, the degree of freedom is 119-2
= 117. So the table r is 0.1515. The table is the result of the validity that
has been processed, which is as follows:
Variable |
Item no |
t count |
t Table |
Decision |
Competence |
1 |
0,274 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
2 |
0,398 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
3 |
0,382 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
4 |
0,373 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
5 |
0,322 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
6 |
0,328 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
Motivation |
1 |
0,328 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
2 |
0,435 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
3 |
0,331 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
4 |
0,286 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
5 |
0,475 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
6 |
0,526 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
7 |
0,510 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
8 |
0,557 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
9 |
0,494 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
10 |
0,451 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
Physical Work
Environment |
1 |
0,293 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
2 |
0,259 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
3 |
0,290 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
4 |
0,159 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
5 |
0,279 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
6 |
0,449 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
7 |
0,410 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
8 |
0,399 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
9 |
0,511 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
10 |
0,456 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
Employee Performance |
1 |
,546 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
2 |
,570 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
3 |
,603 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
4 |
,456 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
5 |
,475 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
6 |
,557 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
7 |
,468 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
8 |
,440 |
0,1515 |
Valid |
SPSS 23 Processed Products
In Table 1. indicates that all 34 statements are
valid. This can be proven through the output of the SPSS program in the
corrected item total column whose result is greater than r TABLE, which is
0.1515. Where, the data used is data that deserves to be researched.
Reliability Test
Reality testing is a tool for measuring a
questionnaire which is an indicator of variables or constructs. To analyze
reality, measurements are made once and then the results are compared with
other questions or measure the correlation between answering questions using
spss, namely the Cronbach Alpha test. A construct or variable is said to be
reliable if Alpha > 0. Cronbach value 6. The reliability test results can be
seen from Table 2 below:
Variable |
Cronbach's Alpha |
Critical Value |
Decision |
Competence |
0,839 |
0,6 |
Reliable |
Motivation |
0,874 |
0,6 |
Reliable |
Work Environment
0,770 |
0,6 |
Reliable |
Employee Performance |
0,857 |
0,6 |
Reliable |
Source: SPSS 23 Processed Products
Normality Test
The normality test is a test
used to find out the independent variable and the dependent variable has a
normal distribution or not. Good data is data that is normally distributed.
Normality testing can use the Kolmogorov-Smirnov One-Sample statistical test.
The results of table One sample Kolmogrov-smirnov obtained probability numbers
or criteria in the normality test are:
1. If the value of Asymp Sig. (2-tailed) > 0.05,
then H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected. This means that the data is normally
2. If Asymp Sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05, then H0 is
rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that the data is not normally
3. Normality Test Results.
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test |
Unstandardized Residuals |
N |
119 |
Normal Parametersa,b
Mean |
.0000000 |
Std. Deviation |
2.88749260 |
Most Extreme
Differences |
Absolute |
.050 |
Positive |
.046 |
Negative |
-.050 |
Test Statistics |
.050 |
Asymp. Sig.
(2-tailed) |
.200c,d |
a. Test distribution
is Normal. |
b. Calculated from
data. |
c. Lilliefors
Significance Correction. |
d. This is a lower
bound of the true significance. |
SPSS 23 Processed Products
Based on table 3. The results of the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov one simple test can be explained that overall the variables
used in this study are declared normally distributed, namely competence,
motivation, and physical work environment on employee performance. This is due
to Asymp.sig. (2-tailed) of 0.200 > level of significance (α) 0.05.
Multicolonicity Test
The multicolonicity test is a test to determine the
correlation between regression equations and independent variables. Good data
is data that does not occur multicolonicity. Because if there is
multicolonicity, then the data has unreliable and unstable predictive power. To
determine whether or not there is multicollinearity in the regression model is
to look at the value of Variance Inflation Factor (VIF), and the value of
tolerance. The criteria for multicolonicity testing are as follows:
1. If the Tolerance value > 0.01 and the VIF value
<10. Thus, there is no multicolonicity.
2. If value Tolerance
<0.01 and VIF value >10.
Then multicolonicity occurs.
4. Multicolonicity Test Results
Type |
ized Coefficients |
Standardized Coefficie nts |
t |
Sig. |
Collinearity Statistics |
B |
Std. Error or |
Beta |
Tolera nce |
1 (Constant)
5.5 28 |
3.7 73 |
1.4 65 |
.1 46 |
.35 5 |
.09 8 |
.280 |
3.6 17 |
.0 00 |
.944 |
1.0 59 |
.19 4 |
.06 5 |
.236 |
2.9 78 |
.0 04 |
.897 |
1.1 14 |
.31 9 |
.07 8 |
.329 |
4.0 93 |
.0 00 |
.873 |
1.1 45 |
Source: SPSS 23 Processed Products
on table 4. above it is known that the tolerance and VIF values are as
1. The Competency variable has a tolerance value of
0.944 > 0.01 and a VIF value of 1.059 < 10.
2. The Motivation variable has a tolerance value of
0.897 > 0.01 and a VIF value of 1.114 < 10.
3. The physical work environment variable has a
tolerance value of 0.873 > 0.01 and a VIF of 1.145 < 10.
It can be concluded that the data used does not
occur multicolonicity.
Heteroscedasticity test is a test used to
detect regression models where there are differences between variations from
one residual to another. The heteroscedasticity test measuring instrument is
the Spearman Rank method. Good data on the absence of heterokedasticity.
Variable |
Sig value, 2 - Tailed |
Competence |
0,360 |
Motivation |
0,857 |
Environment |
0,311 |
SPSS 23 Processed Products
In table 5. Proving that the value of the 2-Tailed
GIS >0.05 which means that the data in this study did not occur
Autocorrelation test
The autocorrelation test is to determine whether or
not there is a correlation between the multiple linear regression model of
confounding errors in period t with confounding errors in period t-1
(previous). Good data is data that does not autocorrelate. One way to test
whether autocorrelation occurs can be used the Durbin Watson test (D-W test).
The Durbin Watson test criteria are as follows:
1. If 0 < d < dL, there is a positive
2. If 4 – dL < d < 4, it means that there is a
negative auto correlation
3. If 2 < d < 4 – dU or dU < d < 2, there
is no positive or negative autocorrelation
4. If dL ≤ d ≤ dU or 4 – dU ≤ d ≤ 4 – dL, testing is
inconclusive. For that can be used other tests or add data
5. If the value of du < d < 4-du then no
autocorrelation occurs
Model Summaryb |
Type |
R |
R Square |
Adjusted R
Square |
Std. Error of
the Estimate |
Durbin- Watson |
1 |
.592a |
.351 |
.334 |
2.925 |
1.758 |
a. Predictors:
b. Dependent
SPSS 23 Processed Products
Based on table 6. Durbin Watson's score is 1,758.
Where, the number of variables (k) is 3 and the number of respondents (N) is
119. This makes the value as the basis for calculation, which is as
1. Du =1,753
2. Dl =
3. Dw = 1.758
4. 4-dU = 2.247
5. dU < dW < 4-dU = 1.752 <1.758<2.247
can be concluded that the data of this study did not occur autocorrelation.
Test F
The F statistical test shows that all independent
variables included in the model have an influence together on the dependent
test F decision making uses the following hypothetical criteria:
1. If the probability > 0.05 then Ho is
2. If the probability < 0.05 then Ho is rejected.
Type |
Sum of
Squares |
Df |
Mean Square |
F |
Sig. |
1 |
Regression |
531.456 |
3 |
177.152 |
20.707 |
.000b |
Residuals |
983.838 |
115 |
8.555 |
Total |
1515.294 |
118 |
a. Dependent
b. Predictors:
SPSS 23 Processed Products
In table 7. explains that the calculated F value is
20.707 with a significant value of 0.000. Based on these data, the value of
sig. < 0.1. Thus, it can be concluded that in this study the model is said
to be significant and feasible to be used in research based on the GIS value
obtained that competence, motivation, and physical work environment can explain
any changes in the value of employee performance variables because they have a
significant influence.
Test Coefficient of Determination (R2)
The coefficient of determination is a test that
measures the model's ability to explain variations in the dependent variable.
The test results of the Coefficient of determination (R2) are as follows:
Model Summaryb |
Type |
R |
R Square |
Adjusted R Square |
Error of the Estimate |
Durbin- Watson |
1 |
.592a |
.351 |
.334 |
2.925 |
1.758 |
a. Predictors:
b. Dependent
23 Processed Products
The calculation result for the Adjusted R.Square (R
2) value in table 8. obtained the coefficient of determination R 2 =
0.334 or 33.4%. the resulting
value presented in column R is 0.592 which means that the relationship between
variables is still far from the strong criterion because it is still far from
the number
Adjusted R Square obtained a value of 0.334 which
is interpreted or converted into a percentage is 33.4%. It can be concluded
that the influence on employee performance influenced by the variables studied
in this study, namely competence, motivation, and physical work environment is
only 33.4%, while the remaining 66.6% is influenced by many factors and in
other variables that are not studied in this study, because what affects
performance there are many variables that influence it.
T Test
The T test is a test to determine the effect of one
independent or independent variable individually in explaining the variation of
the dependent or dependent variable. The criteria for the T test are as
1. If t calculate < t table and probability
(significance)>0.05 (α). Thus, H0 is accepted. It can be concluded that the
independent variable partially (individually) does not affect the dependent
variable significantly.
2. If t counts > t table and the probability
(significance) < 0.05 (α) then H0 is rejected. It can be concluded that the
independent variable partially (individually) affects the dependent variable
Type |
Unstandardize d
Coefficients |
Standardize d Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
Collinearity Statistics |
B |
Error |
Beta |
Tolerance |
5.528 |
3.773 |
1.46 5 |
.146 |
.944 .897 .873 |
.355 |
.098 |
.280 |
3.617 |
.000 |
1.05 9 |
.194 |
.065 |
.236 |
2.978 |
.004 |
1.11 4 |
.319 |
.078 |
.329 |
4.093 |
.000 |
1.14 5 |
SPSS 23 Processed Products
Based on TABLE 4.18 above, the calculation results
of Test T can be explained as follows:
Competency (X1) has a positive and significant effect on Employee
The calculated t
value of the table >t is 3.617 > 0.676. and the probability
(significance)>0.05 (α) is 0.000 < 0.05.It can be concluded that H0 is
rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that competence has a positive and
significant effect on employee performance at the Depok City Regional
H2: Motivation has a positive and significant
effect on Employee Performance.
The calculated t
value of the table >t is 2.978 > 0.676. and the probability
(significance)>0.05 (α) is 0.004 < 0.05.It can be concluded that H0 is
rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that motivation has a positive and
significant effect on employee performance at the Depok City Regional
Physical work environment has a positive and significant effect on Employee
The calculated t value of the table > t is 4.093
> 0.676. and the probability (significance)>0.05 (α) is 0.000 <
0.05.It can be concluded that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that
the physical work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee
performance at the Depok City Regional Secretariat
Effect of Compensation on the Performance of Depok City Regional Secretariat
The results of the analysis in this study obtained
that competence has a positive and significant influence on the performance of
employees of the Depok City Regional Secretariat. This analysis is evidenced by
the results obtained through several tests and the results of hypothesis
testing using tests, obtained significant values smaller than α namely (0.000
< 0.05). This positive influence means that the more the company provides
the compensation desired by employees of the Depok City Regional Secretariat,
the greater the opportunity for employees to improve their performance.
is the work ability possessed by employees in the form of knowledge, skills,
and behavioral attitudes. This research is also reinforced by the results of
research from Nurjannah B (2021) that competence has a positive effect on
employee performance.
Effect of Motivation on the Performance of Depok City Regional Secretariat
The results of the analysis in this study obtained
that motivation has a positive and significant influence on the performance of
employees of the Depok City Regional Secretariat. This analysis is evidenced by
the results obtained through several tests and the results of hypothesis
testing using tests, obtained significant values smaller than α, namely (0.004
< 0.05). This positive influence means that the more the company provides
motivation given to employees of the Depok City Regional Secretariat, the greater
the opportunity for employees to improve their performance.
Motivation is a human psychological characteristic
that contributes to a person's level of commitment. This research is also
reinforced by the results of research from Kumarawati, et al (2017) that
motivation has a positive effect on employee performance.
Effect of Physical Work Environment on the Performance of Depok City Regional
Secretariat Employees
The results of the analysis in this study found
that the physical work environment had a positive and significant influence on
the performance of employees of the Depok City Regional Secretariat. This
analysis is evidenced by the results obtained through several tests and the
results of hypothesis testing using tests, obtained significant values smaller
than α namely (0.000 < 0.05). This positive influence means that the more
the company provides a physical work environment provided to employees of the
Depok City Regional Secretariat, the greater the opportunity for employees to
improve their performance.
Physical work environment is all conditions around
the workplace that are related or exist in the work environment and can affect
employees in carrying out assigned tasks. This research is also reinforced by
the results of research from Jamil, et al (2017) that the work environment has
a positive effect on employee performance.
Based on data analysis, the authors conclude
several things. First, competence has a positive and significant influence on
the performance of employees in the Depok City Regional Secretariat. The skill
indicator became the weakest aspect, while attitude became the dominant factor.
Second, motivation also has a positive and significant influence on employee
performance, with the need for reward and encouragement to achieve goals as the
most dominant indicators, while the need for security is the weakest aspect.
Third, the physical work environment has a positive and significant influence
on employee performance, with lighting, aroma, and safety as the most dominant
indicators, while resilience is the weakest aspect. This conclusion illustrates
that these aspects play different roles in shaping the performance of employees
at the Depok City Regional Secretariat.
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holder: Della
Septia Trianita, Herry Krisnandi, Kumba Digdowiseiso (2024) |
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