The Influence of Work Environment, Work Discipline, and Work Incentives on The Performance of Employees at The Directorate of Directors of DKI Jakarta


Fildzah Dini Zahirah1, Herry Krisnandi2, Kumba Digdowiseiso3*

Faculty of Economics and Business, National University, Indonesia1,2,3

Email: [email protected]1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3*




Work Environment, Work Discipline, Work Incentives, Employee Performance.


This study aims to analyze the influence of the Work Environment, Work Discipline, and Work Incentives on the Performance of the DKI Jakarta Bina Marga Service Employees. This study uses primary data and the data collection method used for the results of material analysis is to use a questionnaire or questionnaire from 100 respondents. The method used in this research is quantitative. The results of this study show that the Work Environment, Work Discipline, and Work Incentives simultaneously affect the Performance of the DKI Jakarta Bina Marga Service Employees.





In the era of globalization, human resource management (HRM) remains the focus of attention and the fulcrum of an organization's or company's ability to survive. Every function of the company benefits from having adequate human resources. This shows that the human resources of the company or organization hold the key to achieving its goals. A person is a behavior that directs the habits and actions of a group or company. As is generally known, an organization or company consists of various people gathered in various circumstances, including each person's education, occupation, experience, gender, and age. Human resource standards should always be raised. To create superior human resources, companies must play a role. Human resource development should take precedence to complete current training tasks and face future obstacles. Either the organization itself or a third party can provide development work.

The existence of adequate human resources (HR) certainly supports the performance of an organization. HR effectiveness is highly correlated with employee performance results. As a work product created by employees according to their role in the organization, performance is a real behavior demonstrated by everyone Rivai (2004). HR is an important component of any company or government body. HR plays an important role in determining the progress and development of an organization because it is not only a method of production but also as a driver and determinant of the continuity of all organizational operations.

Organizations that offer educational services and develop high-caliber human resources (HR) are higher education. It also contains several other elements that contribute to the success of a university that can produce quality graduates in addition to the teaching and learning process. The university's human resources consist of students, faculty, staff, and employees. Lecturers are human resources who devote their lives to the Tridharma of Higher Education and work together with personnel to practice it in institutions, offices, and departments. The effectiveness of teaching staff also determines how well the learning environment and academic climate are created.

.Compared to other resources, human resources (HR) play the most significant function in business. Since they are the determining elements in how a company is organized and how its goals are achieved, human resources are seen as very important. Developing talent can help an organization achieve its goals.

Human resource development, whose tasks include planning, implementing, recruiting, and training them, is known as human resource management. If an employee is never involved in the debriefing or development process and relies solely on what they already have, it will be a challenge for them to acquire achievements and abilities over time. Therefore, HR development has a significant impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of the company.

.The term "human resources" (HR) is used to refer to employees of a business or organization as well as departments tasked with overseeing resources related to those employees. When the importance of relationships in the workplace began to receive attention and concepts such as motivation, organizational behavior, and selection evaluation began to take shape in the 1960s, the word "human resources" was first used.

Because it can be used as a benchmark for the success of an organization in achieving its goals and objectives, employee performance is a very important activity. Organizations or agencies need to know the various weaknesses and strengths of employees as a basis for strengthening weaknesses and increasing strengths to increase employee productivity and development and ensure employee performance is optimized in every situation to achieve agency goals ultimately

Based on the data above, it can be stated that employee performance data does not meet the target 100%. So this makes a benchmark point based on assessments made to employees, assessments seen from teamwork obtained values of 78.44% in 2020 and 84.00% in 2021, integrity assessments obtained values of 88.43% in 2020 and 79.91% in 2021, disciplinary assessments obtained values of 74.88% in 2020 and 80.15 in 2021,  The commitment assessment obtained scores of 80.76% and 83.22% in 2021, while the service assessment obtained values of 87.33% and 87.14% in 2021. Based on the results of the data above, it can be concluded that there are fluctuations in employee performance appraisal, so it is necessary to study what factors can improve employee performance.

One of the main determinants that affect employee performance is the work environment. An optimal work environment is characterized by the presence of positive energy that has the potential to improve employee performance to the maximum. Fostering positive and cohesive interpersonal relationships among employees serves as a mechanism to improve employee productivity and performance.

Work discipline was identified as the second influential component that impacts employee performance. Individual awareness of compliance with all relevant organizational regulations and societal conventions. Work discipline refers to an individual's mindset that reflects a sense of responsibility in complying with the rules set in an organization. The results of his efforts will be influenced by his level of discipline. Timely and responsible completion of activities is essential to achieve optimal productivity.

The third determining factor that affects employee performance is the existence of work incentives. Incentives are rewards given to employees as a means of motivating them to perform their jobs in accordance with, or exceeded, established performance criteria. Incentives refer to prizes or awards given by an organization to individuals or work groups who demonstrate outstanding achievements beyond the standard standard of remuneration.

Previous studies have identified many elements that exert considerable influence on employee performance. These aspects include the work environment, work discipline, and work incentives. Previous research findings have consistently demonstrated the significant influence of these three factors on employee performance. 

In research conducted by Wijayanti (2015) on the influence of work discipline and providing incentives on employee performance, it shows that these two variables have a beneficial influence on employee performance. Performance There is empirical evidence showing that the application of work discipline and incentives exerts a major influence on employee performance. Research This research is supported by research conducted by Ningtyas et al. (2013), which showed that incentives have the most significant impact on employee performance, with the work environment ranking second in terms of influence. In his research, Shalahuddin (2017) showed that there is a simultaneous positive and significant influence of discipline and work environment on employee performance. According to the findings of Paruru et al (2016), the influence of the work environment on employee performance is positive and significant.

This research is a development of previous research, where there are differences from this research and other studies. The first is that the independent variable of work discipline is an additional variable that was not discussed in the previous study. The two research sites conducted in this study are the DKI Jakarta Highways Office.  Dînas Bîna Marga DKI Jakarta is one of the Regional Apparatus Work Units (SKPD) in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Organîsasî which has the task of serving the community in providing Bîna Marga infrastructure.

Based on the background description above and supported by theories related to research variables that will be discussed in this study, the author makes the title "The Influence of the Work Environment, Work Discipline, and Incentives Work on the Performance of DKI Jakarta Highways Agency Employees" 



This research uses a quantitative approach with the object of research in the form of employee performance at the DKI Jakarta Provincial Highways Office, which is influenced by independent variables, namely Work Environment, Work Discipline, and Work Incentives. The research data was obtained from primary data sources through the distribution of questionnaires to 100 employees of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Highways Office. The type of data used is quantitative data, with analysis techniques that include descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The study population included all employees of the Department of Highways, while the samples were taken by saturated sampling techniques. Data collection techniques and tools using questionnaires with Likert scales. Data analysis involves testing the validity and reliability of instruments, classical assumption tests such as normality tests, multicollinearity tests, heteroscedasticity tests, and autocorrelation tests. Furthermore, multiple linear regression analysis was used to examine the effect of the independent variable on employee performance, with statistical test F, test coefficient of determination (R2), and partial test t.Top of FormBottom of Form



Test Instruments

The validity test was carried out using the help of the SPSS version 23 computer program, with research criteria stating that a variable is considered valid if the r-count value is greater than the r-table value. Table 4.5 shows validity test results for several variables, including Work Environment (X1), Work Discipline (X2), Work Incentives (X3), and Employee Performance (Y). All of these variables show r-calculated values that are greater than r-tables, with a breakdown of values for each indicator. Work Environment has indicators X1.1 to X1.4, Work Discipline has indicators X2.1 to X2.5, Work Incentives have indicators X3.1 to X3.4, and Employee Performance has indicators Y1 to Y5. These results indicate that all data can be considered valid. Thus, all variables meet the criteria of validity, allowing the study to proceed to the next stage of testing. The data used in this analysis comes from primary data that has been processed in 2023.

Reliability Test

In this reliability test, all valid items are entered while invalid items are not included in the reliability test. Previously, in the validity test, all valid items were included in the reliability test.


Table 1. Reliability Test






















Source: Primary Data Processed 2023

Based on the table it can be seen that all Cronbach's Alpha values from the data above have values above 0.6. This means that all data is declared reliable.

Classical Assumption Test

Normality Test

The Normality Test is used to determine whether the residual value of the regression is normally distributed or not. A regression model with normally distributed residual values is a good model. The spread of data on diagonal sources on normal P-P plots of regression graphs or Kolmogorov-Smirnov One Sample test is a normality test method. 1) P-Plot Graph Method

The residual normality test uses the graph method, namely by looking at the results of the P-Plot test with the distribution of data on diagonal sources on the normal graph of the P-P plot of Regression standardized residual. If the dots spread around the line and follow the diagonal line, then the value is normal.

Figure 1.  P-Plot Normality Test

Based on the figure above, it can be stated that the points follow a diagonal line. This indicates that the data has been distributed normally.

Kolmogorov Smirnov test method

This analysis looks at the level of significance in the Asymp value. Sig (2-tailed).


Table 2. Kolmogorov Smirnov Normality Test

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


Unstandardized Residual




Normal Parametersa,b



Std. Deviation


Most Extreme Differences










Test Statistics

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)

Source: SPSS.23

Based on the results of the normality test using Kolmogrov Smirnov's One Sample test, it can be seen that the significant value of Asymp.sig (2-tailed) is 0.078. Because the significance value is more than 0.05 (0.078>0.05), the residual value is normal.

Multicoreniality Test

In regression models, multicollinearity is found to have perfect or near-perfect correlations between independent variables. The independent variable should not have a correlation greater than or equal to one in a good regression model. The value of the tolerance factor and inflation (VIF) can also be seen by comparing the value of the individual coefficient of determination with the value of determination simultaneously. If the velue tolerance value > 0.01 and the VIP value < 10, multicollinearity does not occur.


Table 3. Multicoreniality Test



Collinearity Statistics



1 (Constant)












Source: SPSS.23

The test results are known that the VIF value of all variables is less than 10 or < 10 and the tolerance value is more than 0.10 or > 0.10, so in this study there is no problem of multicoreniality.

Heteroscedacity Test

In the instructions for heteroscedasticity assay, the glacier test, i.e. a significant value of > 0.05, is concluded not to have symptoms of heteroscedasticity. Meanwhile, if the significant value < 0.05 is a conclusion that there are symptoms of heteroscedasticity.

Table 4. Heteroscedacity Test










Std. Error


1 (Constant)


























Source: SPSS.23

The results of the test are known that the Sig value of the three variables (work environment, work discipline, and work incentives) has a Sig value of > 0.05 so that it can be stated that there is no heteroscedacity problem in this study.

Autocorrelation Test

                  Autocorrelation is a condition in which there is a strong correlation in observations between one with another observation arranged according to time rows. The purpose of the autocorrelation test is to find out whether in the linear regression model there is a validity of either positive or negative between the data and the research variables. The autocorrelation test was performed by the DurbinWatson (DW) method. The results of the autocorrelation test can be seen in the following table.


Table 5. Autocorrelation Test

Model Summaryb



R Square

Adjusted R


Std. Error of the










Source: SPSS.23

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the DW value (DurbinWatson) generated from the regression model is 1.766 While from the DW table with a significance of 0.05 and the number of data (n) = 100, and k = 3 (k is the number of independent variables) obtained a dL value of 1.6131 and a dU of 1.7364 (obtained from the DW table with N 100). Because the DW value of 1.766 > from dU 1.7364, there is no positive autocorrelation.

Multiple Linear Regression Test

The purpose of this analysis is to predict the value of the dependent variable if the value of the independent variable increases or decreases and to determine the direction of the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable, whether each independent variable is positively or negatively related.


Table 6. Multiple Linear Regression Test










Std. Error


1 (Constant)

























Source: SPSS/23

Based on the table, it is known that the multiple linear regression equation is known in the Standardized Coefficient column as follows:

KP = 0.588 LK + 0.342 DK + 0.092 IK





Employee Performance






Regression Coefficient



Work Environment



Work Discipline



Work Incentives

 The interpretation of the results of the equation is as follows: 

1.     The constant value has a positive value of 613

2.     The Work Environment regression coefficient is 0.588 with a positive sign. This shows that the better the work environment in the organization, the better the performance of employees.

3.     The coefficient of Regression of Work Discipline is 0.342 with a positive sign. This shows that the better the work discipline in the organization, the better the performance of employees.

4.     The Employment Incentive regression coefficient is 0.092 with a positive sign. This shows that the more often work incentives are given to employees in the organization, the better the performance of employees.

Based on the Standardized Coefficient that the work environment variable that has the greatest contribution where the work environment is considered to represent the totality in employee performance. The work environment in this study is very influential on employee performance because the work environment can affect the atmosphere at work, then work discipline becomes the second largest influence after the work environment, and then work incentives become the third influence in measuring the influence on employee performance.

Model Due Diligence

Test F

Test F aims to determine whether the Independent variables affect together or simultaneously with the dependent variable. This test is used to see the effect of the three independent variables on the dependent variable. The test scale is 0.05 or 5%. If the significant value of F is less than 0.05 then it can be said that the independent variables together affect the dependent variable. This test is seen from the output results of spss version 23 used in data processing applications in this study, the test results used are by looking at the output of the ANOVA table that has been tested.

The table is as follows:

Table 7. Test F



Sum of Squares


Mean Square



1 Regression


















Source: SPSS.23

From the data above, it can be seen that the F-count value is 135.084 and the Sig value is 0.000 and the significant level is 5%, then the F-calculate value is > Sig value or 135.084 > 0.000. This means that the variables of Work Environment, Work Discipline, and Work Incentives together affect Employee Performance.

Coefficient of Determination Test

The coefficient of determination (R2) is known to determine how strong the relationship and influence between free varaibels on bound variables, this study is shown as in the following varaibel.


Table 8. Coefficient of Determination Test

Model Summaryb



R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate






Source : SPSS.23

Based on the table above, the number R 2 (R Square) is 0.808 or (80.8%). This shows that the percentage of the influence of independent variables (work environment, work discipline, and work incentives) on the dependent variable of employee performance is 80.8%. While the remaining 19.2% was influenced or explained by other variables that were not included in this research model.

Hypothesis Testing (t-test)

The hypothesis test (t-test) is used to determine the effect of free varaibel, namely Work Environment, Work Discipline, and Work Incentives on bound varaibel, namely, Employee Performance. This test uses a significance level of 0.05 with the following test results:


Table 9. Hypothesis Testing










Std. Error


1 (Constant)

























Source : SPSS.23

1.     Test the Effect of Work Environment (X1) on Employee Performance (Y)

Based on the table, it can be explained that the influence of Work Environment variables on Employee Performance can be seen from the t-count value of 6.905 and significant 0.000 (0.000 < α = 0.05) then Ho is accepted and H1 is rejected, so it can be stated that the Work Environment has a positive and significant effect on the Performance of Employees of the DKI Jakarta Highways Agency.

2.     Test the Effect of Work Discipline (X2) on Employee Performance (Y) 

Based on the table, it can be explained that the influence of the Work Discipline variable on Employee Performance can be seen from the t-count value of 4.009 and significant 0.000 (0.000 < α = 0.05) then Ho is accepted and H2 is rejected, so it can be stated that Work Discipline has a positive and significant effect on the Performance of Employees of the DKI Jakarta Highways Office.

3.     Test the effect of work incentives (X1) on employee performance (Y) 

Based on the table, it can be explained that the effect of the Work Incentive variable on Employee Performance can be seen from the t-count value of 2.004 and significant 0.044 (0.044 < α = 0.05) then Ho is accepted and H3 is rejected, so it can be stated that Work Incentives have a positive and significant effect on the Performance of Employees of the DKI Jakarta Highways Office.


The Influence of the Work Environment on the Performance of Employees of the DKI Jakarta Highways Agency

Based on the results of partial testing or hypothesis testing, it is known that the t-count value is 6.905 and significant 0.000 (0.000 < α = 0.05), then Ho is accepted and H1 is rejected, so it can be stated that the Work Environment has a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees of the DKI Jakarta Highways Agency.

Based on the presentation of the results of the hypothesis test above, it can be concluded that the work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. This means that a good and comfortable environment will certainly affect the process of good performance and the absence of something that can make work hampered, so that by creating a comfortable work environment will provide a positive impact on employee performance.

Good working environment if the workplace is comfortable, has ventilation, clean and comfortable work environment, Relationship with coworkers Mutual support, Leaders are always friendly and polite, establish good communication with teachers, Fellow teachers always maintain open communication. 

This research is in line with research conducted by Toto et al. (2019) and Rastana et al. (2021) in their research explaining the results that the work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Therefore, the better the environment in an organization, the more enthusiastic employees will be at work.

The Effect of Work Discipline on the Performance of Employees of the DKI Jakarta Highways Agency

Based on the results of partial testing or hypothesis testing, it is known that the t-count value is 4.009 and significant 0.000 (0.000 < α = 0.05), then Ho is accepted and H2 is rejected, so it can be stated that Work Discipline has a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees of the Dki Jakarta Highways Office.

Based on the results of the hypothesis test, it states that Work Discipline has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance. This means that by complying with all existing regulations in the organization in the company, discipline for employees must be applied. With good discipline, employee performance will be better and increase.

Work discipline is something that must be instilled in every employee. Employee awareness is required by complying with applicable regulations. Regulations are needed to provide guidance and counseling for employees in creating good discipline in the company. In addition, the company itself must strive so that the regulations are clear, easy to understand and apply to all employees. 

This research is in line with research conducted by Nurjaya (2021) and Kepi Kusumayanti, Sri Langgeng Ratnasari (2020) in their research explaining the results that Work Discipline has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance. Therefore, the more obedient the discipline, the better and improved employee performance will be.

The Effect of Work Incentives on the Performance of Employees of the DKI Jakarta Highways Agency

Based on the results of the test in parisal or hypothetical, it is known that the t-count value is 2.004 and significant 0.044 (0.044 < α = 0.05), then Ho is accepted and H3 is rejected, so it can be stated that Work Incentives have a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees of the DKI Jakarta Highways Agency. 

Based on the results of the hypothesis test, it is concluded that Work Incentives have a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance. This means that the more often companies provide incentives to employees who succeed in achieving targets or providing achievements to the company, the more active employees will be in working and incentives are used as motivation in morale.

Incentives are stimulators or encouragements given deliberately to workers so that in them there is a greater spirit to achieve for the organization. The main purpose of providing incentives is to improve the performance of individuals and groups. Providing incentives is very important to improve employee morale, motivate employees, and increase job satisfaction. The size of incentives affects employee performance. Every employee in carrying out his duties or work can feel satisfied or dissatisfied, regardless of the factors that influence it. When employees are dissatisfied with what they get in the company where employees work can lead to disappointment, which ultimately results in decreased performance.

This research is in line with research conducted by Candana (2021) and Is Dwi Purwoko (2021) explaining the results that work incentives have a positive and significant effect on employee performance. This means that the more often incentives are given, the more persistent employees will be in carrying out their work.



Based on the results of testing that has been done in the previous chapter, several conclusions can be drawn in this study. First, the Work Environment has proven to have a positive and significant effect on the Performance of DKI Jakarta Highways Agency Employees. This fact shows that the existence of a good and comfortable work environment can increase the enthusiasm of employees in carrying out their activities. Second, Work Discipline also has a positive and significant influence on Employee Performance. This indicates that compliance with regulations and discipline in carrying out all activities within the organization contribute to improving company performance. Third, Work Incentives are proven to have a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance. The implication is that rewarding employees who achieve achievements can be a motivation for other employees, encouraging morale and better performance in carrying out their duties and activities. All of these findings provide an in-depth understanding of the factors that influence the performance of DKI Jakarta Highways Agency employees in the context of work environment, discipline, and incentives.



This article is a part of joint research and publication between Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Nasional, Jakarta and Faculty of Business, Economics, and Social Development, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu.



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Copyright holder:

Fildzah Dini Zahirah, Herry Krisnandi, Kumba Digdowiseiso (2024)


First publication rights:

International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)


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