Topan Ramdhani1, Herry
Krisnandi2, Kumba Digdowiseiso3*
Faculty of Economics and Business,
National University, Indonesia1,2,3
Email: [email protected]1, [email protected]2,
[email protected]3*
existence of the current period of human energy sources is always in the spotlight
and focus for an industry or organization to survive in the era of
globalization. Human energy sources have a very significant role in a company
or an organization because human energy sources are an industrial property that
must be raised properly. Human energy sources are one of the energy sources
that can be the pioneers of other energy sources in achieving an industrial
With the
continuation of time and economic development at this time, the demands of
organizations to carry out good management so that every aspect, categorized
aspects of human energy sources because human energy sources are keywords in
ensuring success and failure in the organization to create a goal. Human Energy
Resources Management is a part of managing an organization that is focused on
the human energy source. Employees are energy sumers to have because it is
meaningful for the company because they have expertise, energy, and ability
because it takes the company to achieve a goal; performance for the industry is
sought after by people who depend on their expertise, motivation, and support
from someone who is obtained. The development of the business world will be
socialized if it is supported by using human energy sources that have a good
However, something
about it is that the organization is not just experiencing a big productivity
goal; it is better to also look at the performance in the process of achieving productivity. Therefore, management is needed
to determine the quality of an employee through the process of revising
procedures and employee development models and ensuring that employees can
carry out their work properly. Performance can be intended as the result of the
achievements of people and the existence of abilities and actions in certain
matters (Purady, 2019). Performance management is the totality of work that can
be carried out to improve industrial and organizational performance, and there
is also the performance of individuals or work organizations in the company.
employee has disputes or differences in the nature of a person as a result of
any diversity of background problems that currently exist, because this will
affect activities or work, therefore it will play the same role as the attitude
and behavior of employees so on in doing their work. Therefore, to create and
carry out this competency-based human resource management system, emotional
intelligence is "one of the key journeys in carrying out competitive
advantage to build a goal in the institution and aim to strengthen human
resources in a group of organizations". (Kuswandi Jaya, et al.2012)
Intelligence is a condition in which individuals are required to be able to
control themselves, spirit, emotions, and survive in undergoing stress at any
time due to good causes in the work environment or outside the work environment
and have a bad impact on the future. In addition to other emotional
intelligence, competence can also gain strength in employee performance.
Competency is the skill possessed by an employee in order to be able to carry
out orders and work that is based on the expertise and intelligence of
employees and is caused by the employee's work behavior.
in order to improve employee behavior, and it can be known as what competencies
can be possessed by employees because individual employees can be competent
will provide the best expertise for a company. Therefore, an organization can
be considered what characteristics are really needed for the progress of a
company. So one of the things that can happen in negotiations is competence.
Competence in believing as a factor can hold the key to individual victory in
its work (Suriati 2018).
in today's companies today needs to be needed research in its management. The
performance of employees in a company is not managed properly, because the
first thing that hinders a company's process in achieving a goal. Performance
regulation requires adaptation to the operating framework. Therefore, the
organization is felt to need to take into account the organizational culture so
that it is tenagga and also in the direction of a company that is intended to
use various applicable company boundaries. When a company has customs, an
organization can be powerful, it can have a very good impact and can be used
well with the group of organizations and can also facilitate an organizational
activity. A strong organizational culture cannot always run using easy things,
because it requires adjustments in it. .
Culture is the value of a norm, habit, and belief inherent in employees in an
organization as a result of the formation of a behavior of participants in the
same behavior (Nahdluddin et al, 2015). In organizations that have custom with
energy can also have an influence on the effectiveness of employee attitudes
and performance. Synchronous employee performance uses the culture of an
individual embraced by an organization. Therefore, the application of culture
in organizations and companies produces the attitude of these employees, rather
than that they carry out their activities and achieve a company goal (Wardani
et al, 2016). In the research conducted (Nahdluddin et al, 2015) discussed
"Organizational culture plays a good and significant role in employee
performance. Based on the descriptive statistics of organizational culture as a
whole, including very high criteria.
research is aimed at the conditions that are being experienced by the employees
of PT. Lazada Logistic Area Cimanggis in order to find out whether emotional
intelligence, competence, and organizational culture can affect employee
performance. Lazada is a company that runs in the field of buying and selling
services online media and e-commerce retail, due to the development of the
internet technology incubator company from Germany, namely Rocket
Internet.Rocket Internet has also advanced to make a lot of innovative and
creative companies in many all ends of the world, and is located in Berlin,
Germany. Other projects owned by Rocket Internet in Indonesia besides that are
Zalora, foodpanda, traveloka. In the first stage of its development, Rocket Internet
Poly is very helpful from the origin of choosing expert energy, investing
funds, and implementing a technological medium.
Lazada is a
company engaged in e-commerce retail in Indonesia hoping to get something easy
for the public in buying a lot of types of goods from various choices, starting
from the origin of electronic goods, residential designation, health products
to beauty products, and sufficient access to sites or software from lazada.
Given the use of triple payment facilities and Cash on delivery, convenience is
provided for buyers, especially in Indonesia to get a dreamed of the latest
item. Instead of that, conveying ease of payment, Lazada also conveys a variety
of promos and bonuses using dikon, low prices, and offers that are certainly
attractive to consumers.
According to
the data, the results of the study show that the performance of PT. Lazada
Logistic Area Cimanggis before achieving something a company wants, then in the
last 3 years the performance of employees at Lazada logistics Area Cimanggis
has increased. Based on the background described above, therefore researchers
are interested in conducting research on "The Effect of Emotional
Intelligence, Competence and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance of
PT. Lazada Logistic".
research adopts quantitative methods with a focus on employees of PT. Lazada
Logistic Cimanggis as the object of research. Primary data is obtained through
questionnaires distributed to employees, with the population of all employees
in the company and sampling using the Saturated Sampling technique. The data
collection method involves a closed questionnaire with a Likert scale as a
measurement tool for employee attitudes, opinions, and perceptions related to
Employee Performance, Emotional Intelligence, Competence, and Organizational
Culture variables. Data analysis used descriptive statistics and multiple
linear regression, with instrument tests for questionnaire validity and
reliability. Tests of classical assumptions, such as normality, multicollinearity,
and heteroscedasticity, are performed to verify regression models. Hypothesis
tests, including the t test and the F test, are used to evaluate the effect of
the independent variable partially and simultaneously on the dependent
variable. The results of this analysis will be used to assess the feasibility
of the regression model developed in this study.
The results
revealed that the questionnaire used to measure the variables of Emotional
Intelligence, Competence, Organizational Culture, and Employee Performance had
successfully passed the validity and reliability test. With a significant
correlation value (r count) and high reliability (Cronbach's Alpha), it can be
concluded that the measurement instrument used is valid and reliable.
Descriptive statistical analysis shows the characteristics of the research
sample, with mean values, standard deviations, and data ranges from each
variable. Overall, these findings provide confidence that the data obtained
through these questionnaires are reliable, and the results of this study can be
considered as a solid foundation for further analysis and interpretation of the
relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Competencies, Organizational
Culture, and Employee Performance.
Normality Test
A normality
test is "a test used to test whether residual values result from
abnormally or abnormally distributed regression. Values with normally
distributed residuals are a good repression model" (Priyatno, 2012).
Research can be declared normal if the test results with Kolmogorov-Smirnov
show results with a significance of > 0.05.
Table 1.
Normality Test Results
N |
109 |
Parametersa,b |
Mean |
.0000000 |
Deviation |
3.09844954 |
Extreme Differences |
Absolute |
.079 |
Positive |
.072 |
Negative |
-.079 |
Statistics |
.079 |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
.093c |
Test distribution is Normal. |
Calculated from data. |
Lilliefors Significance Correction. |
Sourced in table 1. states that the results
of the normality test using the Kolmogorov Smirnov Test display a significance
of 0.093. This number is seen as greater than 0.05. This matter can be referred
to if the information in this study is the dependent variable and the
independent variable has been distributed normally.
Figure 1. P Graph
-Plot residuals
Sourced from
figure 1. P -Plot residual graph shows that the spread of research information
goes along a straight line. This matter can be meant if the information in this
research can be said to be reasonable, so that the information can be used as
Figure 2. Histrogram Graph of Normality Test Results
Sourced in
figure 2. It is known that the natural curve is bell-shaped. It can be
concluded that the information used in this research can be declared reasonable
and can be used in this study.
Has the
meaning of independent intervariables has a perfect linear bond (correlation
coefficient is large or let alone 1) between independent variables in the
regression model. The method to recognize the presence or absence of
indications of multicollinearity by looking at the value of VIF or Variance
Inflation Factor and Tolerance, if the value of VIF < 10 and Tolerance >
0.1 until it is declared that multicollinearity is not established (Ghozali,
Table 2.
Multicollinearity Test Results
Coefficientsa |
Type |
Coefficients |
Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
Statistics |
B |
Std. Error |
Beta |
Tolerance |
1 |
(Constant) |
3.077 |
1.492 |
2.063 |
.042 |
Intelligence |
.165 |
.070 |
.161 |
2.370 |
.020 |
.637 |
1.571 |
Competence |
.127 |
.063 |
.111 |
2.004 |
.048 |
.966 |
1.035 |
Culture |
.712 |
.070 |
.696 |
10.177 |
.000 |
.631 |
1.585 |
Dependent Variable: Employee Performance |
Source : Researcher, 2023
Based on
table 4.11 states that the results of the multicollinearity test show that the
value of the emotional intelligence variable tolerance (X1) is 0.637 >0.1
and the VIF value is 1. 571< 10, the tolerance value of the competency
variable (X2) is 0.966 > 0.1 and the VIF value is 1, 035< 10, and the
tolerance value of the organizational culture variable is 0.631>0.1 and the
VIF value is 1. 585 < 10. Until it can be bound if there is no
multicollinearity to the independent variable. So that regression models can be
heteroscedasticity test is used to identify whether or not there is a deviation
from the classical assumption of heteroscedasticity, that there is no variance
of the residual for all observations of the regression model. The
heteroskedaticity test includes "with the Spearman'sirho correlation
coefficient test, looking at point patterns on regression graphs, Park tests,
and Gleser tests". The following is the result of the calculation of the
Heterokedasticity test using the Glacier Test
Table 3.
Heterokedasticity Test Results
Type |
Coe eficients |
Standardiz ed Coeeficients |
t |
Sig. |
Information |
B |
Std. Error |
Beta |
(Constant) |
4.750 |
.959 |
4.952 |
.000 |
-.062 |
.045 |
-.164 |
-1.383 |
.170 |
heterokedasticity |
(K) |
-.055 |
.041 |
-.128 |
-1.338 |
.184 |
Happening |
-.021 |
.045 |
-.056 |
-.469 |
.640 |
heterokedasticity |
Coefficientsa |
Type |
Coefficients |
Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Error |
Beta |
1 |
(Constant) |
4.750 |
.959 |
4.952 |
.000 |
Intelligence |
-.062 |
.045 |
-.164 |
-1.383 |
.170 |
Competence |
-.055 |
.041 |
-.128 |
-1.338 |
.184 |
Culture |
-.021 |
.045 |
-.056 |
-.469 |
.640 |
Dependent Variable: Res |
Source : Processed by Researchers, 2023
Sourced in
table 3. Where the significant level of each variable > 0.05 which means
that this research information does not exist or is free from
heterokedasticity. After all instrument tests and classical assumption tests
were tried and the results of the test said that questionnaire information
could be used for research, until then multiple linear regression analysis
tests could be tried.
Hypothesis Testing
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
linear regression analysis aims to test each independent variable whether or
not it has an influence on the dependent variable simultaneously or partially.
In this case, the independent variables, namely emotional intelligence,
organizational culture, and competence have a positive and significant
relationship with the dependent variable which is employee performance. Here is
table 4. which is the result of multiple linear regression analysis:
Table 4. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Results
Coefficientsa |
Type |
Coefficients |
Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Error |
Beta |
1 |
(Constant) |
3.077 |
1.492 |
2.063 |
.042 |
Intelligence |
.165 |
.070 |
.161 |
2.370 |
.020 |
Competence |
.127 |
.063 |
.111 |
2.004 |
.048 |
Culture |
.712 |
.070 |
.696 |
10.177 |
.000 |
Dependent Variable: Employee Performance |
Source : Researchers 2023
Based on table 4.13 the results of multiple
linear regression analysis are as follows:
Y = α + β1X1 + β2X2+ β3X3 + e
KK =
0.161 TO + 0.111 K + 0.696 BO
The result of X1 (b1) is 0.161. Shows that
emotional intelligence variables have a positive influence on the performance
of employees, which means that each intertwined increase in emotional
intelligence variables around by units until employee performance also
increases by approximately 0.161.
The yield of indigo X2 (b2) is 0.111. Shows
that competency variables have a positive influence on employee performance,
which means that each intertwined increase in competency variables by units
until employee performance also increases by approximately 0.111.
The result of X3 (b3) value is 0.696. Showing
the results of organizational culture variables have a positive influence on
the performance of employees, this shows that every increase in organizational
culture variables by units, employee performance will increase by approximately
This test is
used to determine how much influence emotional intelligence, organizational
culture, and competence also on employee performance. The following is shown in
Table 5. which is the result of the Coefficient of determination Test.
Table 5. Coefficient of Determination Test Results
R |
R Square |
R Square |
Std. Error of the Estimate |
0.831a |
0,690 |
0,681 |
3.142 |
Summaryb |
Type |
R |
Square |
R Square |
Error of the Estimate |
1 |
.831a |
.690 |
.681 |
3.142 |
Predictors: (Constant), Organizational Culture, Competence, Emotional
Intelligence |
Dependent Variable: Employee Performance |
Source : Researcher, 2023
Sourced in
table 5. that the coefficient of determination displaying the Adjusted R Square
value is 0.681. The point is that the value of 6.9% which is the dependent
variable is employee performance can be summarized by 3 independent variables
namely emotional intelligence, competence, and others.
This test is
used to determine independent variables including emotional intelligence,
competence, and organizational culture whether it can have a significant or
insignificant effect on the dependent variable, namely employee performance. If
the results of statistical testing display a sig value of < 0.05, then Ha is
accepted, this can show that the independent variable has a significant
influence on the dependent variable. Meanwhile, if reversed with different
observations, if the calculation results show that the sig value > 0.05,
then Ha is rejected meaning that the independent variable does not have a
significant influence on the dependent variable. The following is below in
table 6. is the result of the calculation of Test T.
Table 6. Test Results t (Partial)
Coefficientsa |
Type |
Coefficients |
Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Error |
Beta |
1 |
(Constant) |
3.077 |
1.492 |
2.063 |
.042 |
Intelligence |
.165 |
.070 |
.161 |
2.370 |
.020 |
Competence |
.127 |
.063 |
.111 |
2.004 |
.048 |
Culture |
.712 |
.070 |
.696 |
10.177 |
.000 |
Dependent Variable: Employee Performance |
Source: Researcher, 2023
The above results can be interpreted as
follows, including:
Testing the emotional intelligence variable
hypothesis (X1) displayed a significance of 0.017 < 0.05. Based on these
calculations, it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant
influence of emotional intelligence on employee performance. This means that
Ha1 is accepted.
Hypothesis testing of the competency variable
(X2) displayed a significance of 0.047 < 0.05. Based on these calculations,
it can be concluded that there are positive and significant influences of
competence on employee performance. This means that Ha2 is accepted.
Testing the organizational culture variable
hypothesis (X3) showed a significance of 0.000 < 0.05. Based on
calculations, it is concluded if there is a positive and significant influence
of organizational culture on employee performance. This means that Ha3 is
Sourced in table 4. 16 The significance
values obtained by the equation in table 4. By 0.000 < 0.05, where this
subject displays simultaneously the variables Emotional Intelligence (X1),
Competence (X2), and Organizational Culture (X3) have a significant influence
on employee performance variables (Y). This can be meant if the 4th hypothesis
is tested there is a simultaneous positive and significant influence on
Emotional Intelligence, Competence, and Organizational Culture with Employee
Model Due
F Test (Simultaneous)
The F test in this study is used to be expected to determine the
significance of the effect simultaneously. So the researcher conducts
hypothesis testing simultaneously with criteria including:
If Fcalculate > Ftable, H0 is rejected and
if Ha is accepted, it indicates a significant influence between the independent
variable and the dependent variable.
If Fcalculate > Ftable, H0 is accepted and
if Ha is rejected it indicates that there is no significant influence between
the independent variable and the dependent variable.
The following is below in table 7. is the
result of Test F:
Table 7. F Test
Results (Simultaneous)
Type |
of Squares |
Df |
Mean Square |
F |
Sig. |
Regression |
2412.541 |
3 |
804.180 |
81.445 |
0,000 |
Residuals |
1046.632 |
105 |
9.874 |
Total |
3459.173 |
108 |
Type |
of Squares |
Df |
Square |
F |
Sig. |
1 |
Regression |
2309.910 |
3 |
769.970 |
77.974 |
.000b |
Residuals |
1036.842 |
105 |
9.875 |
Total |
3346.752 |
108 |
Dependent Variable: Employee Performance |
Predictors: (Constant), Organizational Culture, Competence, Emotional
Intelligence |
Source : Researcher, 2023
In table 7.
shows that the significance value obtained in the equation in Table 7. At 0.000
< 0.05, this shows that simultaneously the variables Emotional Intelligence
(X1), Competence (X2), and Organizational Culture (X3) have a significant
influence on employee performance variables (Y). It can then be stated that
hypothesis 4 is proven to have a positive influence and has simultaneous
significance on Emotional Intelligence, Competence, and Organizational Culture
with Employee Performance.
The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on
Employee Performance (H1)
The results
of the analysis show that emotional intelligence data as a variable X1 has a
positive and significant influence on employee performance. Regarding this can
be validated by working on the results of the t test (Partial) which has a
positive sign with a calculated t value of 2.470 with a significance of 0.020.
Based on these results, it can be underlined if H0 is rejected and then H1 is
accepted. Results show a positive value if emotional intelligence increases
until employee performance also increases.
The results
of this study are in line with previous studies tried by (Tulus Wahyu Kuncoro,
Sudarwati 2019) to have results, namely the significant influence on employee
performance. If the intelligence possessed by each person is categorized as
good, to the point of wanting to pressure employees to improve their
performance. Not only that, the results of this study are also in line with
studies tried by (Amilia Silmy, 2016), which show that emotional intelligence
has a simultaneous and there is direct influence on employee performance. This
can be demonstrated if emotional intelligence contributes positively to
employee performance. If there is a population that has good emotional
intelligence, until he wants to be able to manage skills optimally so that it
can produce optimal performance as well.
research written by (Deri Firmansyah et al., 2020) said that emotional
intelligence has a positive influence, and its significance is seen in employee performance. This shows good
emotional intelligence. If employees have this, it can be one of the keys to
industry success. if the ability of Emotional Intelligence and emotional
intelligence is one aspect that can state the truth of one's success. A study
tried by (Kartini et al., 2021) tells if emotional intelligence has a positive
influence and has significance on employee performance.
Effect of Competency on Employee Performance (H2)
The results
of the Competency analysis show a positive influence and significance on
employee performance. This in fact can be validated with the results of the t
test (Partial) which has a positive sign with a calculated t value of 2.004
with a significance of 0.048. Therefore, it can be concluded if H0 is rejected
and H2 is accepted. This leads to positive results, which show that if competence is improved,
it will impact employee performance to increase.
This is in
line with previous research written by Jauhar Rafii (2020), which shows that
competence or X2 has a positive and significant influence on employee
performance if competence increases until employee performance increases as
well; on the contrary, if this competency decreases until employee performance
decreases. This aligns with research written by Dwi Junianto & Joko
Sabtohadi (2019), which tells if
competence has a positive and significant influence on employee performance.
Regarding this has meaning if increasing competence can improve employee
The study
tried by Kartika Juanita Nurwin and Agus Frianto (2021) tells if there is a
positive and significant influence of competence on employee performance.
Competence is a basic characteristic of a person that allows him to excel in
his workers and a person can be said to be competent if the person has the
ability to do work and is very infrequent or never makes mistakes (Ridwan,
2020). The results of this study are also in line with the results of studies
tried by (Sampunto, Sutomo, and Darsono 2019) which suggest that competence
states to have a positive and significant influence on employee performance and
can be explained if it continues to be a large competence until it wants to
continue to be a large employee performance.
Based on the
results of data analysis of the variables Organizational Culture X3, it can be
stated that there is a positive influence and also significant things on
employee performance. This can be validated from the calculation results of the
T (Partial) test which has a positive sign (+) with a calculated t value of
10.177 and with a significance value of 0.000. Based on the results of the
analysis, until it can be stated if H0 is rejected and H3 is accepted. The
results of the analysis that lead to a positive value will show that the
organizational culture (X3) has improved until the employee's performance has
also increased.
This is in
line with previous research conducted by (Junianto &; Sabtohadi, 2019)
which tells if there is a positive and significant influence of organizational
culture on employee performance. This is meant if improving organizational
culture can improve employee performance. Then there is previous research that
is in line with this research conducted by (Rafii, 2020) and also conducted by
(Asparida and Yuliani 2019) stating that organizational culture has a positive
influence and significance on employee performance. A positive direction
indicates if the organizational culture improves until employee performance
conclusion obtained in this research is that there is a significant influence
of emotional intelligence, competence, organizational culture, on employee
performance. After that, the direction of influence between emotional
intelligence, competence, organizational culture with employee performance is
positive. This can be meant, if it continues to be great emotional intelligence
to continue to be great employee performance. Continue to be a great competency
until it continues to be a great employee performance. Continue to be a big
organizational culture until it continues to be big employee performance and
vice versa if it continues to be low until employee performance is also low.
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Copyright holder: Topan
Ramdhani, Herry Krisnandi, Kumba Digdowiseiso (2024) |
First publication rights: International Journal of Social Service and
Research (IJSSR) |
This article is licensed under: |