The Effect of
Sandwich Generation (Work Psychological, Time Management and Work Commitment)
Alyssa Salsabilla1, Herry Krisnandi2,
Kumba Digdowiseiso3*
Faculty of Economics and Business,
National University, Indonesia1,2,3
Email: alyssa.salsabilla@gmail.com1, [email protected]2,
[email protected]3*
The Pancasila
Economy precipitates state leadership to be able to provide social justice for
all Indonesian people, hereby the Pancasila Economy predicts the essence of
welfare needed by the community and fighting poverty, in line with the concept
of Poverty is a lack of cash expressed by Rutger Burgman (2020), meaning that
in addition to being obliged to guarantee social protection in the form of
pension funds and Parent care services,
The state is also obliged to meet the Basic Living Cost of its people by
guaranteeing the provision of Basic Universal Income, with this the heads of
families or productive working age can be free from the Sandwich Generation
phenomenon and build a prosperous economy. Basic Income of productive age is
obtained from work that declares itself as objective in the world by carrying
out physical and brain activities to fulfill the role of fulfilling obligations
and achieving a dream life, ranging from social status, satisfaction helping
and giving fellow humans, until others can see, and understand the existence of
themselves and other people can be motivated to do an activity called work in
order to develop in accordance with the Planned.
The Sandwich Generation phenomenon occurs due to
insufficient employee income in meeting and guaranteeing the entire Basic
Living Cost responsibility, workers of this dependent age need to meet their
needs independently and meet the needs of their children / siblings, and
parents. The sandwich generation phenomenon is also exacerbated by the absence
of guarantors in fulfilling Basic Universal Income. In addition to the financial burden that is characteristic of the
sandwich generation, a sandwich generation also has difficulty focusing on work
performance and career development, which is due to the psychological burden
that often occurs due to difficulties in carrying out time management between
work loads and personal burdens that are owned and borne at the same time. So
it takes a sabil and tends to increase work commitment to still be able to
maintain work performance in accordance with time management planning that can
be realized for organizations that initiate the implementation of involvement
and selection in the organization to be able to devote energy and thoughts as a
worker. In the work environment, the existence of work tension is often
experienced by employees who according to (Anoraga, 1998), arise because there
are problems that must be overcome, someone who feels direct tension in general
will create the final result in the form of an output of attitudes or
temperaments that are normally not done unconsciously or intentionally and
The tension
experienced by employees will disrupt the work environment (work situation) and
concentration in doing and completing their tasks, this situation occurs due to
a decrease in the effectiveness of employee time management as a form of effort
that is part of planning and implementation, as well as monitoring awareness of
the amount of time used for special activities, especially to increase
effectiveness, efficiency and productivity (Singh &; Jain, 2013). Based on
the existence of work addiction experienced by employees and decreased time
management effectiveness, it will weaken the synergy of beliefs between the
similarity of employee values and goals with the organization and employee
engagement. The burden of high work commitment in implementing time management
will decrease in every process of planning, implementing, and determining
decisions made by the organization (Steers in Tannady 2018). If analogous to
sandwiches, stacked and pushed from above and below, from above is the burden
borne by work to maintain the output of employee performance results or the
quality of work performance (communication, innovation, maintaining a
comfortable work environment etc.) in a positive trend, and accompanied by the
role of meeting psychological, financial and time needs for parents and also
children or other dependents. So this study is entitled The Effect of Sandwich
Generation (Psychological, Time Management and Work Commitment) on the
Performance of Employees of the National University of South Jakarta,
Based on the
average percentage of performance results of University employees, National South Jakarta, has work performance or
employee performance that tends to be low in the stability of work results and
predetermined targets fail to be achieved and have a negative downward trend.
In 2020, it was the lowest employee performance even when compared to 2018 and
2019. In 2019, it was the beginning of a decline in the performance results of
National University employees coupled with the implementation of Large-Scale
Social Restrictions (PSBB) in the pandemic era in March 2020, indicating that
there was an imbalance in the ability to achieve the percentage of employee
performance of the National University of South Jakarta, in this case related
to the sustainability of COVID-19 which resulted in the need for changes by
implementing a shifting system for employees,
So that employees are required to be able to adapt to managing time and
work done remotely or from home, when employees find the shift part of remote
work, employees are needed the ability to control concentration, planning and
time limits, and the involvement of cooperation in completing work with
non-work environmental conditions or home environments that provide
flexibility, but at the same time require employees to manage Especially in
performing and completing workloads in a personal environment that increases
personal burdens even greater. Therefore, it can be identified that work
psychology, time management and work commitment are things that cause and
affect the performance of employees of the National University of South Jakarta
and the author conducted a study on the topic entitled "The Effect of
Sandwich Genaration (Work Psychology, Time Management and Work
This study uses quantitative descriptive methods to
examine employee performance at South Jakarta National University by focusing
on independent variables of Work Psychology (X1), Time Management (X2), and
Work Commitment (X3), as well as variables tied to Employee Performance (Y).
Data were obtained through questionnaires with the Likert scale and the
Probably Sampling method, involving 95 employees as samples. Data sources
consist of secondary data (performance reports and number of employees) and primary
data (questionnaires from respondents). The research was conducted from
November to December 2021 at the National University of Jakarta. Data analysis
involves methods of descriptive analysis, inferential analysis, and multiple
linear regression analysis. Data collection instruments include literature
studies, questionnaires, and interviews. The operational definition of
variables is spelled out in a table, and instrument tests involve tests of
validity and reliability. Classical assumptions such as normality test,
multicolonicity test, heteroscedasticity test, and autocorrelation test are
used to check the feasibility of the model. The F test, the coefficient of
determination test (R2), and the hypothesis test (t test) are used to evaluate
the significance and influence of variables on employee performance.
This study tested the validity of the questionnaire
used by calculating rcalculate (Correlated Item Total Correlation) and
comparing it with rtabel. The results of the validity test showed that all
statements from 31 questionnaire items, including the variables Work Psychology
(X1), Time Management (X2), Work Commitment (X3), and Employee Performance (Y),
were declared valid because the calculation was greater than the table at a
significance level of 0.05. In detail, the calculation for each variable of Work
Psychology, Time Management, Work Commitment, and Employee Performance is also
recorded as valid with a significant calculated value. After that, reliability
tests were carried out using the Cronbach Alpha method to assess the accuracy
and consistency of measuring instruments. The reliability test results show
that all variables, namely Work Psychology, Time Management, Work Commitment,
and Employee Performance, have a Cronbach Alpha value above 0.6, indicating
that the instrument is reliable and consistent in measuring. Thus, the
questionnaires used in this study were declared valid and reliable, providing a
solid basis for accurate and consistent data collection.
Normality Test
The normality test
aims to determine the normal distribution or not of the regression model of
independent variables and dependent variables, through the Kolmogrov-Smirnov
test with a significant application below 0.05 means that there are significant
differences and standard normal data, and vice versa if it exceeds 0.05 then
there is no significant difference between the data with standard normal data
and normal tested as evidenced by the following output results:
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Standardized Residuals |
N |
95 |
Normal Parametersa,b |
Mean |
,0000000 |
Std. Deviation |
,98391316 |
Most Extreme Differences |
Absolute |
,049 |
Positive |
,046 |
Negative |
-,049 |
Test Statistics |
,049 |
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) |
,200c,d |
Source: Processed data (2022)
In the results of
table 1. obtained Asymp output. Sig (2 tailed) of 0.200. Interpreted according
to the formulation of this research hypothesis, then if Sig < 0.05 then Ho
is rejected, if Sig > 0.05 then HO is accepted., said the result of one simple
Kolmogorov-smirnov Asymp. Sig (2 tailed) = 0.200 > 0.05 then Ho is accepted
which comes from Work Psychology, Time Management and Work Commitment to
Employee Performance is normally distributed due to Asymp.sig. (2-tailed) of
0.200 > level of significance (α) = 0.05.
The value of
Variance Inflation Factors (VIF) and Tolerance, less than 10 and Tolerance more
than 0.1 as an indicator of the occurrence or absence of multicollineararity.
The perfect regression and perfect recitation models are that there is no
correlation between independent variables (Multicollinearity). For more
details, the author explains in table 4.3.0, namely:
Type |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
ed Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
Collinearity Statistics |
B |
Std. Error |
Beta |
Ce tolerant |
1 |
(Constant) |
4,115 |
2,947 |
1,396 |
,166 |
Work Psychology |
,116 |
,066 |
,119 |
1,746 |
,084 |
,996 |
1,004 |
Time Management |
,287 |
,082 |
,320 |
3,489 |
,001 |
,550 |
1,817 |
Work Commitment |
,387 |
,071 |
,499 |
5,439 |
,000 |
,552 |
1,813 |
Source: Data processed (2022)
In the output of the
multicollinearity test referring to the test results above, VIF values were
obtained for the variables Work Psychological (X1) 1.004, Time Management (X2)
1.817 and Work Commitment (X3) 1.813. From a tolerance value greater than (0.10)
and a VIF value less than 10. the three VIF values produce a number that is
less than 10 and a Tolerance value of more than 0.1. This means that regression
models do not occur multicollinearity.
autocorrelation test serves to test multiple linear regression models if there
is a correlation between confounding errors in period t with confounding errors
in period t-1. One way of testing is to use Durbin Watson (D-W test).
Model Summaryb
Type |
R |
R Square |
Adjusted R Square |
Std. Error of the Estimate |
Durbin-Watson |
1 |
.692a |
,479 |
,462 |
,11196 |
1,935 |
Source: Data processed (2022)
In the
autocorrelation test output table, a Durbin Watson value of 1.935 was obtained.
This value is between -2 and 2, so it can be concluded that in this study there
was no autocorrelation.
Aims to find out a
regression model there is a variance inequality from residuals through
heteroscedasticity tests with the use of the glacier test and if the variance
from the residual of one observation to another observation remains then it is
called homoscedasticity.
Type |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
ed Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
Collinearity Statistics |
B |
Std. Error |
Beta |
Ce tolerant |
1 |
(Constant) |
4,742 |
1,374 |
3,451 |
,001 |
Work Psychology |
-,099 |
,039 |
-,271 |
-,2,556 |
,012 |
,996 |
1,004 |
Time Management |
-,047 |
,050 |
-,134 |
-,940 |
,350 |
,550 |
1,817 |
Work Commitment |
,083 |
,041 |
,276 |
2,041 |
,044 |
,552 |
1,813 |
Source: Primary data, (2022)
In the output
results of table 4.3.2, it can be seen that the heterokedasticity test using
the glacier test produces Sig values for the Work Psychological variable 0.12,
for the Time Management variable 0.350, and the Work Commitment variable 0.44.
Based on these results, the three variables produce Sig values above 0.05 so
that it can be concluded that there is no heterokedasticity problem.
Test F
Knowing the
feasibility of the regression model used through Test F in multiple linear
regression analysis functions in observing the value of the influence of
independent variables simultaneously, which is shown by in the ANOVA table (Tri
Basuki, 2015).
Type |
Sum of Squares |
Df |
Mean Square |
F |
Sig. |
1 |
Regression |
853,027 |
3 |
284,342 |
39,458 |
,000b |
Residuals |
655,773 |
91 |
7,206 |
Total |
1508,800 |
94 |
Source: Prime data, (2022)
Based on the
results of the F test in table 4.3.3, it can be conveyed that the Fcalculate
value is 39.458 with a significant level of 0.000, it can be interpreted in
this study that the model is significant and feasible to be used in research
based on the GIS value obtained, namely SIG. < 0.05, based on the GIS value obtained that
Work Psychology (X 1), Time Management (X2), and Work Commitment (X3) together has
a positive and tangible effect on Employee Performance (Y) and has a
significant influence.
Based on the table
above, the F test results show that Fcalculate 39.458 > F table 2.70 with sig. values
0.000 < 0.05. That is, the variables X1, X2, and X3 simultaneously have a positive
and significant effect on Y.
Coefficient of Determination
The measure of
suitability and accuracy of the analysis model is the value of the efficiency
of determination (R2), the greater the value of the coefficient of
determination, the better the ability of the independent variable to explain
the dependent variable.
Model Summaryb
Type |
R |
R Square |
Adjusted R Square |
Std. Error of the Estimate |
Durbin- Watson |
1 |
.692a |
,479 |
,462 |
,11196 |
1,935 |
Source: Prime data, (2022)
The result of the
Adjusted R.Square (R2) value in table 4.3.4 obtained the coefficient of
determination R2 = 0.462 or 46.2%. the resulting value presented in column R is
0.692 which means that the relationship between variables is almost close to
that of the strong criterion number 1.
While in the
Adjusted R Square obtained a value of 0.462 which is interpreted or converted
into a percentage is 46.2%. Which means that the influence on employee
performance influenced by work psychology, time management and work commitment
is 46.2%, while the remaining 53.8% is influenced by other factors and
variables outside of this study.
The t test is used
to test the significance of partial coefficients and to determine whether or
not the role of each independent and dependent variable is real. The test used
a significant level of 0.05 and 2 sides. The hypothesis test between Work Psychology
(X1), Time Management (X 2) and Work Commitment
(X3) to
Employee Performance (Y) can be used by finding t test statistics with
the criteria for comparing the calculated t value with t table, as in the
following table:
Type |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
ed Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
Collinearity Statistics |
B |
Error |
Beta |
tolerant |
1 |
(Constant) |
4,115 |
2,947 |
1,396 |
,166 |
Work Psychology |
,116 |
,066 |
,119 |
1,746 |
,084 |
,996 |
1,004 |
Time Management |
,287 |
,082 |
,320 |
3,489 |
,001 |
,550 |
1,817 |
Work Commitment |
,387 |
,071 |
,499 |
5,439 |
,000 |
,552 |
1,813 |
Source: Primary
Data, (2022)
Based on the TABLE above, the calculation results
of the t test can be explained as follows:
The t value of calculating Occupational Psychology
is 1.746 with a significant level of 0.084, while the t value of the table with
df = n-k-l (95-3-1=91), a significant level of 0.05 is obtained at 1.66177.
Because t count > t table (1.746 > 1.66177) then Ho was rejected and Ha
was accepted, which can be concluded that Work Psychology has a positive and
significant effect on National University Employee Performance.
The t value of calculating Time Management is 3.252
with a significant level of 0.002, while the t value of the table with df =
n-k-l (95-3- 1=91), a significant level of 0.05 is obtained at 1.66177. Because
t counts > t table (3.252 > 1.66177), Ho was rejected and Ha was
accepted, resulting in the conclusion that Time Management has a positive and
significant effect on the Performance of National University Employees.
The t value of calculating Work Commitment is 5.289
with a significant level of 0.000, while the table t value with df = n-k-l
(95-3- 1=91), a significant level of 0.05 is obtained at 1.66177. Because t
count > t table (5.289 > 1.66177), Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted,
resulting in the conclusion that Work Commitment has a positive and significant
effect on the Performance of National University Employees.
According to the
results sourced from hypothesis testing in this research analysis, it was found
that the value was significantly smaller than the probability limit of the
error rate used, which is 5% = (0.000 < 0.05), meaning that the Work
Psychological variable has a positive and significant effect on employee
performance at the National University of South Jakarta. Munandar in (Tannady,
2018), said that work psychology is a detailed matter that studies the level of
human behavior with its main role as labor and consumers of individuals and
groups in the world of work. Employee Work Psychology will usually affect the
performance process of an employee which ultimately affects work performance
patterns and work results given by employees to the company and from
questionnaire research it can be concluded that the Work Psychology of
employees at National University has the highest total average mean of 4.09.
This positive influence means that if the Work Psychology of a employee who has
psychological well-being within the National University of South Jakarta, it is
possible that there will be greater opportunities for employees to improve
their performance.
According to the
results sourced from hypothesis testing in this research analysis, a
significant value was obtained smaller than the probability limit of the error
rate used, which is 5% = (0.001 < 0.05), meaning that the Time Management
variable has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at South
Jakarta National University. According to (Singh & Jain, 2013), time
management is the process of planning and implementing conscious monitoring of
the amount of time used for specific activities, especially to increase
effectiveness, efficiency and productivity.
The results of the
questionnaire research can be concluded that Time Management of Employees of
the National University of South Jakarta has the highest total average mean of
3.47. Therefore, from the positive influence of Time Management of an employee within
the National University of South Jakarta, it is possible that there will be
greater opportunities for employees to improve their performance. The findings
of this study are reinforced by the similarity of previous research results by
(Mamahit E.J, 2019), which obtained a constant b0 = 8.992; Regression
coefficients B1 = 0.174 and B2 = 0.843. So the linear equation of double
regression is: Y = 8.992 + 0.174 X1 + 0.843 X2. From the results of the
analysis obtained price: t = 33.894 and p-value = (0.000/2) = 0 < 0.05 then
H0 is rejected. Thus, Time Management has a positive and significant influence
on the Performance of Lecturers of the Faculty of Engineering, Manado State
According to the
results sourced from hypothesis testing in this research analysis, a
significant value was obtained smaller than the probability limit of the error
rate used, which is 5% = (0.000 < 0.05), meaning that the Work Commitment
variable has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at South
Jakarta National University. According to Jansz Dowd &; Schneider (2002)
"I will do something you want" and McShane &; Glow (2005)
"Groups of people eho work interdependently toward some perpose".
based on the explanation of Jansz Dodw & Schneider and McShane &; Glow
above, the author understands that there is a dependency relationship between
two parties (individuals and organizations), namely individuals who give to
other parties (employees) and organizations that want to get something in other
forms (employee performance), so that organizations do not just give to other
parties (employees), but because they want to do it (give for what has been
The findings of
this study are reinforced by the similarity of results found by previous
studies by (Verawati, 2016), getting Fhit = 13.915 > Ftab = 2.806, this
indicates a significant influence of leadership, motivation and commitment to
the performance of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Lubuk Alung teachers.
Sandwich Generation (Work Psychology, Time
Management and Work Commitment) on Employee Performance
Based on the
results of the characteristics of sandwich generation respondents, namely
having layered dependents of parents and also children / younger siblings or
other than parents who reached 100% of the total 95 employees as a sample with
Work Psychology, Time Management and Work Commitment obtained a significant
value smaller than the probability of error, namely: (0.000
< 0.05), (0.001
< 0.05) and (0.000 < 0.05) which have a significant positive effect on
employee performance, meaning that the psychological burden of work, time
management and work commitment of a sandwich generation have a positive and
significant effect on employee performance, which can also be proven by the
availability of providing time to think about needs / desires /
self-development obtaining very rare categories as many as 19 people or
20%, rarely as many as 24 people or
25.3%, neutral as many as 21 people or 22.1%, often 22 people or 23.2% and very
often as many as 9 people or 9.5%. As for the provision of time to think about
work, obtaining categories is very rarely as many as 27 people or 28.4%, rarely
as many as 38 people or 40%, neutral as many as 21 people or 22.1%, often 6
people or 6.3% and very often as many as 3 people or 3.2%.
This finding is
reinforced by the similarity of findings (J. Burke &; M. Calvino, 2017),
regarding the psychological burden of work borne by a sandwich generation or
caregivers, namely "increased levels of stress, particularly depression,
overload, work-family interference, more absenteeism from work, lower work
productivity, more use of company benefits, less time for sleep and less time
for social activities. Caregivers were more likely to be absent from work, use
company benefits more often and turn down promotions. They showed a decline in
productivity, worked fewer hours and indicated higher levels of stress and
This finding is
also reinforced by the similarity of the findings (Mari Young, 2017) regarding
time management, namely through the aspect of how agreed respondents with the
statement "I do not have enough time to complete everyday tasks" with
a mean value of 6.84. By knowing a sandwich generation does not have enough
time to complete work, care for parents, care for children / younger siblings
or other than parents and meet their own needs in accordance with (Stephen et
al, 1994) in (Mari Young, 2017) "Sandwich Generation With increased time,
the multiple responsibilities (stressors, strains, burdens) can be better
managed and aid in lowering levels of stress".
This finding is
reinforced by the similarity of findings (Hammer &; Neal, 2008), regarding
work commitment. If the company provides benefits to assist employees in caring
for parents and children / younger siblings, employees will provide benefits to
the company with "less absenteeism, less turnover, higher levels of
employee retention, being better able to attract and recruit new employees,
higher levels of employee job satisfaction, higher levels of organizational
engagement and commitment, improved job performance and productivity, and employees with better psychological and
physical health".
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Copyright holder: Alyssa Salsabilla, Herry Krisnandi, Kumba
Digdowiseiso (2024) |
First publication rights: International Journal of Social Service and
Research (IJSSR) |
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