Effect of Occupational Health Safety, Work Discipline, Motivation, and Work Environment on Employee Performance


Tasya Meyrizka Djanuar1, Herry Krisnandi2, Kumba Digdowiseiso3*

Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Nasional1,2,3,

Email: [email protected]1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3*




Occupational Health and Safety, Work Discipline, Motivation, Work Environment and Employee Performance.


This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of occupational health and safety, work discipline, motivation, and work environment on the performance of PT employees. Pangansari Utama. This type of research uses descriptive quantitative methods, inferential analysis using primary data in a questionnaire to 100 respondents, and data analysis using multiple linear analysis. The following regression equation is obtained from the data that met the validity, reliability, classical assumption, and model tests: Y = 5.369 + 0.280 X1 + 0.229 X2 + 0.186 X3 + 0.219 X4. The results showed that occupational health and safety, work discipline, motivation, and work environment positively and significantly affected employee performance. A significant variable is occupational health and safety (X1), with a significant level of 0.001. To improve employee performance, PT. Pangansari Utama needs to pay attention and know the problem because it can be used to correct weaknesses and maintain the effectiveness of occupational health and safety, work discipline, motivation and work environment properly and maximally.





In the era of globalization marked by changes in the condition of the Indonesian economy, this arises because of a demand that an organization must meet. One of them is with organizations that responsively face changes that occur. Changes not only externally but also internally. Often we find problems that cause an organization to fail to achieve the goals that have been set. Both because of the inability to adapt to technology, compete with other organizations, or the low quality of human resources that decline in an organization.

Human resources are assets for the organization, which essentially functions as a driving factor for an activity contained in it. Because human resources mean the main capital in planning, organizing, directing, and moving other resources in an organization, there is good management, especially human resources. Human resource management, according to Samsudin (2012), "is a management activity that includes utilization, development, assessment, reciprocal rewards for humans to become members of organizations or business companies."

Meanwhile, as Simamora (2013:4) points out, "human resources are the use, assessment, compensation, and individual council of associations or groups of workers." According to experts, it can be said that human resources, have a definition as organizing, coordinating, coordinating, and managing the acquisition, development, payment, mixing, maintenance, and end of the organization in an integrated manner.

In a company, there needs to be human resources that meet the quality, quantity and working conditions that are expected to help advance the company in the era of globalization. Because human resources are an important role in the success of companies and organizations, therefore human resources must be considered specifically in order to achieve the same goals that have been set in a company. With the health and safety in the work environment, it will have a very good and safe effect on doing a job, especially during the current pandemic requires medical devices, be it vitamins or other medical devices to facilitate the work of employees so they are not too vulnerable to accidents while working.

Success in the organization is determined by the development of human resources. Nawawi (2011), "Human Resources (HR) are people who work and function as company assets that can be calculated by number (quantitative). Then, HR is the potential that becomes a driving force in the organization. Human resources have a very strategic position in the organization, which means that humans play an important role in carrying out an activity to achieve goals." "Human resource management is the science and art of controlling the bonds and roles of the workforce so that it is efficient and effective in supporting the realization of industrial goals, employees, and citizens (M. Hasibuan, 2011)."

It is said that the factor that affects employee performance is occupational health and safety which Nurmalita (2018) said "Occupational safety and health is a science and art in managing hazards and risks in order to create safe and healthy working conditions. The expanded use of technology in various areas of business can also lead to an increased risk of related accidents and infection of business-related diseases that jeopardize the health, safety, and assistance of representative governments." To discover the various hazards identified with employment, it is important to expand representative insurance through K3 programs for occupational welfare. Because, in addition to providing a sense of inner harmony, words related to occupational health and safety also greatly affect efforts to develop employee performance further.

Employee performance can be influenced by the discipline of research conducted by Beby Silvya (2019). "Work discipline is a force that develops within the employee body and causes employees to conform to voluntary and regulatory decisions and high values in work and behavior." Hamali (2016) "Work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance variables, because it is formed with leaders to be applied to subordinates so as to make awareness of certain expectations of their work because representatives know about their commitment and will focus on the big work bringing agreement with predetermined principles."

Employee performance can be affected by motivation. According to Hasibuan (2011), "motivation is a hall that creates, channels, and helps human behavior to be active in achieving optimal results. In the company, motivation is very important. Employees who have high job inspiration can empower work by being more passionate and making positive commitments. Everyone needs inspiration, for this situation employees really need something that encourages them to support themselves." Motivation to create maximum results that exceed ability expectations.

Employee performance is influenced by the work environment. The results of research from Enita Yuliasari, Nur Hidayati (2017) on "work environment variables and employee performance show that the work environment has a very positive and significant effect on employee performance." (Sedarmayanti, 2001) "The work environment is tools, equipment and all materials encountered in the environment around the worker's place, using its work methods and existing regulations in the company which as a group can be concluded that good working environment conditions prioritize good employee performance and are affected by the increase in employee performance levels."

According to Abdullah (2014) "performance is work performance that is the result of the implementation of work plans made by an institution implemented by leaders and employees working in both government and company agencies to achieve goals. Performance is a concept that includes 3 categories, namely attitude, ability and accomplishment."

Labor protection will be higher along with industrialization and technology. This condition certainly requires companies to increase labor protection can be better in terms of performance, occupational health and occupational safety at work which will affect employee performance. To achieve high performance, companies also face obstacles, including collaborating with human resources.

PT Pangansari Utama (PSU) is an Indonesia-based food management, logistics, retail and facilities support company with world-class capabilities. We are the largest industrial food catering and distribution company in Indonesia, and provide integrated housekeeping and food distribution services to energy mining and exploration sites in remote areas. The integrated approach allows PSUs to design cost-effective and seamless solutions for all customer support needs under one roof, freeing clients to focus on their core business. PSUs are ISO 9001:2015, ISO 22000:2005, OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO 14001:2015 certified, and rated by NOSA Occupational Health and Safety. Being a leader in its field, PSU regularly supplies to renowned multinational and domestic companies, including handling the needs of long-distance oil and gas operations as far as Africa, Mongolia, and Singapore.

With a proven track record of excellence over these decades. It's no wonder that PSUs have become the provider of choice in the catering industry. Increasing the performance of human resources who will work in the company can ensure occupational health and safety, and increasing work discipline, motivation and work environment will improve employee performance more optimally and maximally. Because every job contains risks that can endanger occupational health and safety. The problems faced in this company are about health and safety, work discipline, motivation and work environment, which will have an impact on employee performance. In accordance with the vision and mission that makes a trusted and competitive goods and services trading company that prioritizes services with the support of strong resources and institutions for interested parties. And has a mission to support government programs in the field of economy and people's welfare as well as equitable development in creating their businesses.

The following is employee performance appraisal data based on the work behavior of PT. Pangansari Utama for the last 3 years in 2018-2020 in the graph below.



Figure 1. Employee Performance Appraisal Power

Data Source : PT Pangansari Utama


Based on employee performance appraisal data at PT. Main Food. It is stated that the implementation of health management and work safety of PT. Pangansari Utama runs in accordance with expectations, namely to reduce fluctuations, where fluctuations are caused by aspects of evaluating the work performance of PT. Pangansari Utama is in the form of employee performance targets and employee behavior. The occurrence of these fluctuations can mean that employee performance cannot be said to be optimal, because realization has not reached the target number that has been set, which is 100%. The fluctuating average state of employee performance appraisal is indicated or influenced by occupational health and safety, work discipline, motivation, and work environment.

This study aims to investigate the effect of occupational health and safety, work discipline, motivation, and work environment on employee performance at PT. Main Food. The problem formulation includes questions regarding the impact of occupational health and safety, work discipline, motivation, and work environment on employee performance. The purpose of the study involves an analysis of the influence of these aspects on employee performance. The benefits of research are expected to provide valuable input for companies, academics, and society. For companies, the results of the research are expected to be taken into consideration to improve employee performance. For academics, this research can increase knowledge about factors that affect employee performance. Meanwhile, for the community, research results are expected to be a useful reference source in the development of science related to occupational health and safety, work discipline, motivation, and work environment.



This study uses an explanatory research design that aims to analyze the effect of occupational health and safety, work discipline, motivation, and work environment on employee performance at PT. Pangansari Utama East Jakarta. The population of this study was all employees of PT. Pangansari Utama which amounted to 235 people. The sample was selected using the Simple Random Sampling method, where 148 employees were selected as research respondents. The instrument used in data collection is a questionnaire filled out by respondents through the Likert scale with categories Strongly Agree, Agree, Hesitate, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree. The variables measured include occupational health and safety, work discipline, motivation, work environment, and employee performance. Secondary data is also obtained from internal company documentation related to employee performance.

Data analysis was performed by descriptive analysis methods, inferential analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis. Validity and reliability tests are conducted to ensure the quality of data collection instruments. Classical assumption tests, including normality, multicollinearity, autocorrelation, and heteroscedasticity, are used to ensure the fit of regression models. The f test and coefficient of determination are performed to evaluate the feasibility of the model, while the t test is used to test the partial effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable.



The validity test was conducted to measure the validity of the questionnaire using the calculation of r count and r table at a significance level of 0.05. The results show that all statements or indicators on the questionnaire are valid, with r count greater than r table. Reliability tests were conducted to measure the consistency of measuring instruments using Cronbach's Alpha, and all variables (occupational health and safety, work discipline, motivation, work environment, and employee performance) were declared good with alpha values greater than 0.6. Thus, it can be concluded that the questionnaires used in this study have sufficient validity and consistency.

Classical Assumption Test Analysis

Normality Test

The normality test is useful for knowing whether in the Regression model the independent variables and bound variables are normally distributed or not. The normality test can be done with  the Kolmogorov – Smirnov One Simple Test, that is, if it is significant >0.05, the data is normally distributed. Meanwhile, if it is significant <0.05 that the data is not normally distributed. The normality test results can be seen in the table below:


Table 1. Normality Test Results

Unstandardized Residual




Normal Parametersa.b




Std. Deviation


Most Extreme Differences









Test Statistic



Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)



a.     Test distribution is Normal

b.     Calculated from data

c.      Lilliefors Significance Correction

d.     This is a lower bound of the true significance

Source: Data processed with SPSS 23 of 2022


The result from table 1 above shows that the value of Asymp Sig. (2- tailed) is 0.200. Which means the regression model in this study the dependent and independent variables have a normal sample distribution based on their significance value > a = 0.05. So it can be said that the distribution of employee performance results derived from health and work safety, work discipline, motivation and work environment is normally distributed at a significant level = 0.05.

Multicollinearity Test

The multicollinearity test is useful to determine whether there is / is not a deviation from the classical assumption of multicollinearity, namely the existence of a linear relationship  or the value of variance inflation factor (VIF), if the Tolerance value is >0.1 or VIF <10, then it can be said that multicollinearity does not occur in the model studied. To find out whether multicollinearity occurs can be seen in table 2 below:


Table 2. Multicollinearity Test Results


Collinearity Statistics




Occupational Health and Safety




Work Discipline








Work Environment



a.     Dependent Variable: Employee Performance

Source: Data processed with SPSS Version 23 of 2022


Based on table 2 (Coefficients) it can be seen if  the variance inflation factor (VIF)  of each independent variable has the following values:

a)    The VIF value for the Occupational Health and Safety (X1) variable is 1,010 <  10 and the tolerance  value is 0.990 >0.10.

b)    The VIF value for the Work Discipline variable (X2) is 1,221 <  10 and the tolerance  value is 0.819 >0.10

c)     The VIF value for the Motivation variable (X3) is 1,213 <  10 and the tolerance  value is 0.824 >0.10

d)    The VIF value for the Work Environment variable (X4) is 1,263 <  10 and the tolerance  value is 0.792 > 0.10

Of the four VIF values, it produces a number that is less than 10 and a tolerance  value of more than 0.1. In this case means in the regression model does not contain multicollinearity.

The Automobile

Autocorrelation test means that there is a strong correlation in observations between one and other observations arranged in a time series. A good regression equation is one that does not have autocorrelation. The test method uses the Durbin Watson (DW) test. To detect the presence or absence of autocorrelation, then if the DW value lies between DU and 4-DU, then no autocorrelation occurs. The results of autocorrelation testing can be seen in table 4.14 below:


Table 3. Autocorrelation Test Results

Model Summaryb



R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate








a.     Predictors: (Constant), Work Environment (X4) Occupational Health and Safety (X1), Motivation (X3), Work Discipline (X2)

b.     Dependent Variable: Employee Performance (Y)

Source: Data processed with SPSS Version 23 of 2022


Based on the results of the autocorrelation test in table 3 the DW value is 2.217 compared to the DW value The table uses a significance of 5% with the number of n (100) and the independent variable of 4 (k = 4), then in the DW table the value of dL = 1.5922 and dU = 1.7582 and less than 4 -dU = 2.2418. This is in accordance with the decision criteria, namely DU < DW <4-DU (1.5922 < 2.217 < 2.2418), so DW is located between DU and 4-DU, so it can be concluded that autocorrelation does not occur.

Heteroscedasticity Test

The heteroscedasticity test using scatterplot graphs aims to test whether in the regression model there is a variance inequality  from the residual of one observation to another. A good regression model that does not occur hetercosteddasticity. One way to detect heterokedasticity or not is to look at the scatterplot graph in the predicted value of the dependent variable (ZPRED) and its residual value (SRESID). The decision-making criterion is: If the points in the resulting image make a certain orderly pattern, heteroscedasticity has occurred. but if it spreads without forming a certain pattern, then the model does not occur heteroscedasticity. The heteroscedasticity test can be reviewed in the picture below:


Figure 2. Heterokedasticity Test

Source: Data Processed using SPSS 23 of 2022


In figure 2 above, the points on the scatterplot graph have a clear scatter pattern and they spread above and below 0 on the Y-axis, thus showing that there is no heteroscedasticity disorder.

Inferential Analysis Methods

Inferential analysis is an analysis that emphasizes the influence of independent variables and dependent variables by using hypothesis tests and concluding hypothesis results.

Double Linear Regression Analysis

Multiple linear regression analysis is a form of analysis that discusses the extent to which the influence of the independent variable (X) on the dependent variable (Y). Where the independent variables are Occupational Health and Safety (X1), Work Discipline (X2), Motivation (X3), and Work Environment (X4) and the dependent variable is Employee Performance (Y). In calculating the regression coefficient in this study using the SPSS 23 program. Below is the output presented in table 4.15 as follows:

Table 4. Multiple Linear Regression Test Results


Unstandardizes Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error












Occupational Health and Safety (X1)







Work Discipline (X2)







Motivasis (x3)







Work Environment (X4)






a.     Dependent Variable: Employee Performance (Y)

Source: Data processed with SPSS 23 of 2022


Y = 0.280 X1 + 0.229 X2 + 0.186 X3 + 0.219 X4

Based on table 4 above, it can be seen that  multiple linear regression coefficients have regression equations, namely:





Y = Employee Performance

X1 = Occupational Health and Safety X2 = Work Discipline

X3 = Motivation

X4 = Work Environment

From the equation above, it can be explained that the results of multiple linear regression have conclusions, namely:

a)         In the occupational health and safety variable, there are positive implications in the regression coefficient of 0.280 so that it can be concluded that every increase in occupational health and safety variability will also increase in employee performance by 28% assuming other independent variables have a fixed value. Improvements in occupational health and safety can improve employee performance.

b)         In the work discipline variable, there is a positive implication in the regression coefficient of 0.229 so that it can be concluded that every increase in the work discipline variable will also increase in employee performance by 22.9% assuming other independent variables have a fixed value. Improvement in work discipline in employees can improve employee performance.

c)         In the motivation variable, there is a positive implication in the regression coefficient of 0.186 so that it can be concluded that every increase in the motivation variable will also increase in employee performance by 18.6% assuming other independent variables have a fixed value. Increased motivation in employees can improve employee performance.

d)         In the work environment variable, there is a positive implication in the regression coefficient of 0.219 so that it can be concluded that every increase in the work environment variable will also increase in employee performance by 21.9% assuming other independent variables have a fixed value. Improvements in the work environment can improve employee performance.

Model Qualification Test Analysis

Uji Simultan (Uji F)

Test F is used to test whether the analyzed model has a feasibility level is whether the variables used by the model or to describe the 5 models analyzed by testing use a significance level of 5% (a = 0.05). In this ANOVA table aims to examine the significant effect of occupational health and safety, work discipline, motivation and work environment on employee performance. Decision-making indicators as follows:

a)         If Fcalculate is at sig 0.05, then Ho is rejected (regression model declared valid)

b)         If Fcalculate is at sig 0.06, then Ho is accepted (regression model declared invalid)


Table 5. F Test Results



Sum of Square


Mean Square
























a.     Dependent Variable: Employee Performance (Y)

b.     Predictors: (Constant), Work Environment (X4), Occupational Health and Safety (X1), Motivation (X3), Work Discipline (X2)

Source: Data processed using SPSS 23 of 2022


Based on the table above, it can be seen that, the calculated F value of 11,626 with a significant level of 0.000 this means that it is rejected. So it can be stated if occupational health and safety, work discipline, motivation and work environment simultaneously have a real effect on employee performance. This states that the regression model is declared valid and can be done for further analysis.

Test Coefficient of Determination (R2)

The Coefficient of Determination (R2) is a dimension to recognize the suitability or determination of the analytical model that has been made. As large as the value of Coefficient Determination, then the good seedling of independent variable ability describes the dependent variable. Below is a table of the results of the coefficient of determination test in this study which was processed using the SPSS 23 program.


Table 6. Test Results of Coefficient of Determination (R2)

Model Summaryb





R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate






a.     Predictors: (Constant), Work Environment (X4) Occupational Health and Safety (X1), Motivation (X3), Work Discipline (X2)

b.     Dependent Variable: Employee Performance (Y)

Source: Data processed using SPSS 23 of 2022


In table 6 it is shown that the value of R square is 0.329. based on this value it can be seen that the value of the Coefficient of Determination (R2) is explained at 32.9%. This means that the variables of occupational health and safety, work discipline, motivation and work environment influence employee performance variables by 32.9% while the remaining 67.1% are influenced by other variables that were not analyzed in this study.

The Devil (t)

The hypothesis test (t test) is useful to determine the presence / absence of partial (individual) independent variable impact on the dependent variable. Test the hypothesis between occupational health and safety (X1), work discipline (X2), motivation (X3) and work environment (X4) on employee performance (Y). That is through comparing the tcount obtained and with the sig level < α = 0.05. The following are the results of the t test test processed using the SPSS 23 program.


Table 7. Hypothesis Test Results (t)



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error












Occupational Health and Safety (X1)







Work Discipline (X2)







Motivasis (x3)







Work Environment (X4)






a.     Dependent Variable: Employee Performance (Y)

Source : Data processed with SPSS 23 of 2022


Based on the results of the t test in table 4.18 above, it can be concluded if the results of the t test are as follows:

a)    Testing the hypothesis of occupational health and safety variables on employee performance above obtained a calculated  t value of 3,317 with a significance level of  0.001 < 0.05. This means that occupational health and safety variables have a positive and significant effect on the performance of PT employees. Main Food.

b)    Testing the hypothesis of work discipline variables on employee performance above obtained a calculated value of 2,470 with a significance level of 0.015 < 0.05.  This means that the variable of work discipline has a positive and significant effect on the performance of PT employees. Main Food.

c)     Testing the hypothesis of motivational variables on employee performance above obtained a calculated value of 2,009 with a significance level of 0.047 < 0.05.  This means that motivation variables have a positive and significant effect on the performance of PT employees. Main Food.

d)    Testing the hypothesis of environmental variables against employee performance above obtained a calculated value of 2,321 with a significance level of 0.022 < 0.05.  This means that work environment variables have a positive and significant effect on the performance of PT employees. Main Food.


The Effect of Occupational Health and Safety on Employee Performance

Based on the results of the above research, it can be stated that occupational health and safety has a positive and significant effect on the performance of PT. Main Food. Namely showing that the better occupational health and safety there is at PT. Pangansari Utama, the more employee performance is improved by achieving the goals set by the company.

Based on the results of the study above, the hypothesis test (Test t) states if the occupational health and safety variable (X1) affects employee performance (Y) by 0.280 which means that if occupational health and safety increases, employee performance will increase by 28%. And the results of the t test show the value above obtained tcount  of 3.317 with a significance level of 0.001 < 0.05.  This means that occupational health and safety variables have a positive and significant effect on the performance of PT employees. Main Food.

Research conducted by Devi Nurmelita (2018) "shows the same result is that an increase in occupational health and safety can improve employee performance and increase job satisfaction." As well as research tried (Munandar, 2019) "on occupational health and safety variables and employee performance shows that occupational health and safety are tested to have a positive and significant influence on employee performance." (Misrawati Jalla, 2019) "That occupational health and safety has a significant and positive influence on employee performance."

The Effect of Work Discipline on Employee Performance

Based on the results of the above research, it can be stated that work discipline has a positive and significant effect on the performance of PT. Main Food. This shows that the better the work discipline that exists at PT. Pangansari Utama, it will also increase employee performance by achieving the goals set in the company.

Based on the results of the study above, the hypothesis test (Test t) shows that the variable of work discipline (X2) affects employee performance (Y) by 0.229 which means that work discipline will increase then employee performance  increases by 22.9%. And the t test results show the value above obtained tcount of 2.470 with a significance level of 0.015 <0.05. This means that the variable of work discipline has a positive and significant effect on the performance of PT employees. Main Food.

This is supported by previous research on Research conducted by Beby Silvya (2019) "on the variable of work discipline on employee performance shows that work discipline is proven to have a positive and significant effect on employee performance." Employee discipline is part of performance. And research conducted (Safitriani, 2016) "on the variable of work discipline on employee performance states that work discipline is proven to have a positive and significant effect on employee performance."

The Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance

Based on the results of the above research, it can be stated that motivation has a positive and significant effect on the performance of PT. Main Food. This shows that the better the motivation is in PT. Pangansari Utama, the performance of employees will also increase by achieving the goals set by the company. Motivation is a condition where employees need full appreciation for their work, getting a safe atmosphere at work, security at work, good income or wages, interesting work and disciplined or wise behavior from each leader to increase employee performance satisfaction with the company.

Based on the results of the study above, the hypothesis test (Test t) states that the motivation variable (X3) affects employee performance (Y) by 0.186 which means that if motivation increases, employee performance will increase by 18.6%. And the results of the t test show the value above obtained tcount  of 2.009 with a significance level of 0.047 <0.05. This means that motivation variables have a positive and significant effect on the performance of PT employees. Main Food.

This is supported by previous research conducted by Kartika Dewi (2017) "on the variable of motivation on employee performance shows that motivation is proven to have a positive and significant effect on employee performance." Employee motivation is part of performance. And another study (Hansen Artajaya, 2020) "Motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance so that it can improve employee performance in the company. With these needs until a person is required to work more actively at work, because a person is motivated to work until his performance increases and goals can be achieved."

The Effect of the Work Environment on Employee Performance

Based on the results of the above research, it can be stated that the work environment has a positive and significant effect on the performance of PT. Main Food. This shows that the better the work environment at PT. Pangansari Utama, it will also increase employee performance by achieving the goals set by the company. The company must create a harmonious work environment in the working relationship between leaders and subordinates to provide a sense of comfort so that in doing work will become more enthusiastic and persistent so as to get maximum results. That way employee performance will continue to improve.

Based on the results of the study above, the hypothesis test (Test t) shows that the work environment variable (X3) affects employee performance (Y) by 0.219 which means that the work environment increases if employee performance can increase by 21.9%. And the results of the t test show the value above obtained tcount of 2.321 with a significance level of 0.022 < 0.05. This means that work environment variables have a positive and significant effect on the performance of PT employees. Main Food.

This is supported by previous research, namely the results of research from Enita Yuliasari, Nur Hidayati (2017) "on work area variables and employee performance prove that the work area has a positive and significant influence on employee performance." And another research by Simbolon and Nuridin (2017) "on work area variables and employee performance shows that the work area has a significant positive influence on employee performance."



This study concluded that occupational health and safety, work discipline, motivation, and work environment have a positive and significant influence on the performance of PT employees. Main Food. Occupational health and safety showed significance of 0.001, work discipline of 0.015, motivation of 0.047, and work environment of 0.022. Therefore, it is advisable to companies to improve these aspects. Occupational health and safety needs to be improved, especially in dealing with pandemic situations, to create a safe environment and increase morale. Employee work discipline can be improved through professional training and emphasis on responsibility. It is also important to maintain employee motivation by providing recompense, adequate work facilities, and providing opportunities to contribute. A good work environment also needs to be maintained so that employees stay motivated and can achieve company goals.



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Copyright holder:

Tasya Meyrizka Djanuar1, Herry Krisnandi2, Kumba Digdowiseiso3* (2024)


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International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)


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