Irwan Siagia, Aulia Fitriyani, Lia Lianti, Yeni, Syahna Raulina, Najib Farhan

Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]



Reading is an activity that is very beneficial for everyone. Many things can be obtained in life, if someone is diligent in reading. In the world of education, making reading one of the students' habits is a hope for all parents and teaching staff in schools. The development of this reading activity cannot be separated from the great interest of the students to want to do it and the Indonesian language learning which is well managed by the teachers at the school. Reading, which essentially includes the study of the Indonesian language and is used as one of the important teaching materials, is expected to be able to arouse students' interest in reading. Language teachers are expected to be able to help students overcome reading difficulties by teaching good reading techniques and utilizing existing facilities so that reading culture can be realized in schools.


Keywords: Reading Activities; Indonesian Language Learning


Received 20 Desember 2021, Revised 30 Desember 2021, Accepted 10 January 2022



According to (Wahyudi & Suheri, 2020), reading interest is a strong desire accompanied by one's efforts to read. People who have a strong interest in reading will be manifested in their willingness to get reading material and then read it on their own consciousness. Without an interest in reading that exists in a person, reading activities will not be an important need for him. Interest is a strong motivator to do an activity. Reading activities will be carried out by children or not, it is largely determined by the child's interest in these activities.

According to Mary Leonhard (2001: 28), children who like to read are children who always excel in class and excel in exams. From this opinion, it can be said that the more reading activity increases, the student's learning achievement will also increase. It is possible for students' learning achievement to be influenced by many factors and one of the factors that influence children's/students' learning achievement is the interest in reading children/students in the sky house. Referring to the explanation above, the researcher is interested in discussing and studying the attitudes and behaviors of children/students who are applied in reading interest in the sky house. Because by increasing interest in reading at a high sky house, it is possible for the child to have good learning achievements.

Researchers took Pengasih District as the research location. The sub-district of Keramat Jati, East Jakarta. Rumah Langit became the subject of research because it was considered to have sufficient facilities but did not yet have a perfect spirit in reading skills. Rumah Langit which was founded on December 5, 2016 by ir. Yusar Mikail aims to increase the spirit of the nation's future children to think more about education, especially for underprivileged children and school dropouts that we often forget about their existence. The Sky House is located on Jalan. Albariyah Mosque No. 36A RT04/RW 10 Kampung Tengah, East Jakarta sacred teak sub-district. In this case, we are trying to realize this goal in a work program whose aim is to build young people's enthusiasm for reading. To obtain good reading skills, someone is expected to often do reading activities, so that someone often does reading activities, reading interest is needed. Therefore, the culture of reading should be emphasized more. Before conducting the research, the researcher made observations first. Based on observations made by researchers at one of the institutions of Rumah Langit in Keramat District, in their daily activities, children/students prefer to play and rarely visit the library. Reading textbooks is only done when there is a test or test. Usually students are required to read readings related to the lesson, this really needs to be done but it raises the thought that students' motivation in reading is as a target value, not to be liked or enjoyed.

Because actually growing interest in reading children / students not only with reading materials related to the lesson. However, with reading materials that are liked by children/students, for example story books and children's novels for children/elementary school students. This low interest in reading children/students affects the level of knowledge and insight of children/students. Children who have a high reading intensity will gain broad knowledge and insight. Because by reading, one can get information. Reading is also the key to the success of students' learning at the Sky House school/institution. Reading ability and high interest in reading are the basic capital for children's success in various subjects. interest in reading children / students is still low not only teach lessons to children but we also provide lunch for them so they can resume their activities out there. Because the children who study at the sky house are not only students, but many of them also work due to the pressure of economic needs. Rumah Langit is a comfortable home for all children from all walks of life to think and express as widely as possible without any limitations, so that they can find their own identity.

The problem of Poverty Partners and social inequality eventually creates a blemish on the face of global modernization, namely the formation of child labor. Child labor during the industrial revolution was formed because of economic demands on poor families. Parents who allow their children to work while reaping education at the sky house institution only to meet their daily economic needs. If early childhood education is accompanied by work, what is feared is the inability of children to meet industry standards, eventually removing them from the world of industrial work. Under the same financial pressure, these children finally decided to make a living on the streets (Mulyadi, 2008) Street children are children under 18 years old, and spend a minimum of 6 hours on the streets to earn a living. Street children can occur due to several factors, including poverty, war, and in some cases due to parental divorce (Barri, 2010). According to the Ministry of Social Affairs, the number of street children in 2001 reached 109,454 children. Meanwhile, data from the Indonesian National Commission for Child Protection (KPAI) shows that the number of street children is around 300 thousand. The National Commission for Child Protection noted that in Jakarta there were 12 thousand children in 2009. Street children who live in the city of Jakarta, work as newspaper sellers, buskers, and hawkers. They are usually scattered at red light spots throughout the city of Jakarta. The age range of street children is 5-15 years. Even though at that age they should get a proper education, as stated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia article 31 paragraph 1, which states that every citizen has the right to education. Street children as Indonesian citizens also have the right to education. Education in Indonesia must be equitable because education is not only for people who are economically capable, but education is also a right that must be obtained by people who are economically disadvantaged. In the city of Jakarta, most street children have problems with education, some of them drop out of school and some of them have to work while attending school. This is a very important issue to be addressed by all parties, especially the government. Ideally, children should get a proper education and not be burdened with the responsibility of working to earn a living in accordance with Article 68 of Law no. 13 of 2003. states that employers are prohibited from employing children. In the provisions of the law, a child is any person under the age of 18 years. This means that 18 years is the minimum age allowed by the government to work. But apart from that, we must continue to give high appreciation to children who choose to stay in school, besides they have to work and help their parents earn a living. This shows that those who remain in school still have a willingness to learn and also proves how much they are aware of the importance of education for their future. In addition, life as street children is not a pleasant choice, because they are in an unclear condition, a bleak future and a "problem" for many parties, especially families, communities and the State. The quality of life and the future of these children is very concerning. In fact, they are assets, investments in human resources and the foundation of the nation's future. A healthy, strong and intelligent society and country can be ensured to grow and develop from and within a healthy, strong, intelligent and quality family environment. They prefer to earn money for their daily meals. Because since childhood they live in an environment that does not care about education. This makes their desire to learn tends to be low. From these problems, it can be concluded that they need a stimulus to motivate them in learning. According to Sardiman (2005), learning motivation is an attempt to provide certain conditions, so that individuals want and want to do something and if the individual does not like it, then he will negate or avoid the feeling of dislike. Motivation is a change in energy in a person which is characterized by the emergence of feelings and reactions to achieve goals (McDonald in Hamalik, 2003). A person's actions depend on the underlying motivation (Sumarni, 2005).



Problem Solving Framework Lack of interest in reading in street children. This is because volunteers are responsible for assisting and directing street children when writing and reading. Program preparation and planning stage. In the preparation stage, the PKM team processed data from interviews and observations made before submitting a proposal. The PKM team intends to better understand the condition of partners so that program planning can focus more on the issues that exist. In the planning process, the PKM team dialogues and negotiates with partner leaders directly. Partner leaders are involved in making training tools in the form of activity schedules and training media. The partner leaders also asked the PKM Team to make materials that would be introduced during the training by adjusting the needs of volunteers. Program implementation. The program is implemented with training techniques. The training is aimed at volunteers and focuses on writing and reading training. This program will be held on Saturday, December 4, 2021 at 10.00-12.00 via Google Meet. In implementing the program, the PKM team delivered material using slide media with lecture, discussion, and assignment methods. The PKM team provided material on the meaning of reading and motivation to read. After being given the material, participants are given the opportunity to conduct a discussion session in the form of question and answer or share experiences regarding obstacles in guiding foster children.


Results and Discussion

Results achieved The following are the stages and results achieved from the PKM program for Writing and Reading Training at Rumah Langit. 1. Pre-training interview At this stage the results obtained are in the form of data on the ability or skills of participants in writing and reading prior to the training. Interviews were conducted online via google form. 2. Submission of material At this stage participants are given material on writing and reading 3. 3. Strengthening the material with a question and answer session At this stage the participants are given the opportunity to conduct a question and answer session with the presenter about writing and reading. 4. Practice writing narrative essays At this stage the participants are given � 25 minutes to write an essay on their writing and reading experiences. 5. Strengthening the material by reviewing the results of the participants' essays. At this stage the PKM Team presented the results of the participants' essays which were randomly selected to be reviewed together. Based on the stages in the activities above, data were obtained in the form of improving writing skills and promoting reading for pre-training and post-training participants from interviews.



Reading is an activity of spelling or reciting writing preceded by viewing reading material and requires a process that demands an understanding of the meaning of words or sentences which are a unity at a glance. Reading activities at this time should be made a culture that must be fostered and developed among the community, especially students, because by reading everyone can increase knowledge and open up insight to the outside world. Reading activities can be fostered and improved if students have a great interest in reading activities themselves. Without interest, all activities will not run well. To foster interest in reading, the people closest to students such as parents and teachers have a very important role. Reading activities that have become a habit are also an implication of learning at school, especially learning Indonesian, because from learning Indonesian children can be taught the right technique in reading a reading material so that all the concepts presented in reading can be understood by the child in a different way. effective, efficient, and attractive




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� 2022 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access publication under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license (