I Wayan Adnyana Wijaya, I Gede Riana
Udayana University (UNUD) Bali, Indonesia
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Quality employee management can contribute to job happiness because employees believe their expectations have been met, but it can also lead to job discontent if those expectations are not satisfied. The goal of this research was to see how transformational leadership, work motivation, and emotional intelligence affected employee job satisfaction. The participants in this study were contract staff from the Faculty of Medicine at Udayana University in Bali, numbering up to 70. The number of samples is determined using the census sampling technique. This study's primary data came from the distribution of questionnaires to respondents who met the set criteria; the study's secondary data came from other sources. The findings revealed that transformational leadership, work drive, and emotional intelligence all had a partial or simultaneous effect on employee job satisfaction. The study's findings suggest that transformational leadership, work drive, and emotional intelligence all have a role in enhancing contract employees' job happiness, which leads to increased productivity.
Keywords: Transformational leadership; work motivation; emotional intelligence
Received 20 Desember 2021, Revised 2 January 2022, Accepted 15 January 2022
The subject of contract employees' job discontent has been a research topic that has piqued the interest of numerous scholars, like (Dunggio & Basri, 2019), who claim that contract employees' job dissatisfaction is driven by a lack of work motivation. According to (Diyah, 2020), if the problem of contract employee job discontent persists, work motivation would decline, potentially leading to more complex problems for the business. According to (Saputri, Dwityanto, & Psi, 2018), contract employees have poorer job satisfaction than permanent staff, hence the role of the leader is necessary to boost contract employees' work productivity. According to (Sibasopait, 2018), one of the characteristics that has a dominant effect on job satisfaction for professional educators who are contract employees at universities is emotional intelligence. These empirical findings highlight the importance of contract employee research by linking it to important elements including leadership, work motivation, and emotional intelligence.
This study is intriguing since contract employees at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University Bali, continue to work despite having served for decades, making it an exception when contract employees opt to remain loyal to the organization. The first critical aspect, leadership, is based on past studies. Employees' low job satisfaction is caused by an unsuitable style of leadership that causes discomfort at work, according to (Nurwijayanti, Hamzah, & Hamid, 2019). Transformational leadership, according to research by (Labrague, Nwafor, & Tsaras, 2020); (Luu & Phan, 2020), can improve employee work satisfaction. As a result, the importance of leadership in managing is essential for organizations (Riana, 2019).
Leadership is one of the essential management functions since it can effectively and efficiently move, empower, and guide resources toward attaining goals. In the future, the presence of a leader will become increasingly vital in defining the organization's vision and mission. Transformational leadership is one of the leadership styles that can be used in companies. Transformational leadership style, according to (Robbins; & Judge, 2015), is the ability of a leader to influence a group toward achieving goals. The ability of an organization's leaders to fulfill its objectives determines its success or failure.
Motivational variables, in addition to transformational leadership variables, are a driving element for efforts to boost individual work satisfaction, according to (Riana, 2019). The results of direct observations that indicate low work motivation, such as not being serious about carrying out tasks, being less thorough, frequently making the same thing, and poor time management, led to the estimation of the work motivation variable as a variable that affects the job satisfaction of contract employees. The goal of employee motivation is to ensure that they like their work. To put it another way, high-motivated people are more likely to be satisfied at work (Slimane, 2017).
Some other aspect that contributes to employee work satisfaction is emotional intelligence (Suleman, Syed, Mahmood, & Hussain, 2020). According to (Goleman, 2007), emotional intelligence, also known as emotional IQ, is one of a person's abilities to read and understand in order to influence others via emotional application of information. Furthermore, emotional intelligence is defined as a person's ability to sense and interpret emotionality as a source of power and information, according to (Miao, Humphrey, & Qian, 2018) and (Wen, Ji., Huang, Songshan (Sam)., & Hou, 2019). The determination of empathy as a factor affecting contract employees' job satisfaction is based on direct observations that suggest low emotional intelligence, including excessive anxiousness, stress with workload, and fear of the organization not extending the work contract.
Emotional intelligence is a psychiatric condition including psychological factors that can influence an individual's ideas and actions. Emotional intelligence refers to a collection of skills that deal with emotions and emotional data (Wen, Ji., Huang, Songshan (Sam)., & Hou, 2019). Emotional intelligence is a relatively recent phenomena in organizational psychology, but its application is necessary since it will have an influence on the employee's condition in deciding job happiness. The purpose of this study is to look at how transformational leadership, motivation, and emotional intelligence affect employee satisfaction level. The goal of this research was to see how transformational leadership, work motivation, and emotional intelligence affected job satisfaction of employees.
Explanatory quantitative research uses this study design. The sample population for this study were contract employees of the Faculty of Medicine at Udayana University Bali, with a total of 70 contract employees in the RR Unud Building. The sample was taken using the census sampling technique. The data for this study was gathered using (a) questionnaires, which are ways of gathering that entail asking respondents a few structured written questions about the various variables being studied; and (b) interviews, which entail asking direct questions and receiving direct answers from respondents in order to obtain more accurate and complete data regarding much farther explanations of the questionnaires that have been dispersed. Multiple regression analysis was employed as the method of analysis.
1. Characteristics of Respondents
The data for this study came from surveys sent to 70 contract employees, but only 60 of them were evaluated because many of the questionnaires' results were inaccurate or never returned. The following are the main characteristics of respondents by gender, age level, education, employee status, length of work, and marital status.
Women account for 35 people, or 58.3 percent, of the characteristics of responses gender based. While males own the remaining 25 people (41.7%), this statistic indicates that women are more interested in working as contract employees than men. Employees aged 31-40 years make up the majority of responders, accounting for 32 out of a total of 53.3 percent. 38.3% of employees are between the ages of 41 and 50. These findings suggest that contract personnel at Udayana University's Faculty of Medicine are considered successful.
Workers with a bachelor's degree account for 36 percent of the respondents, or 60 percent, followed then employees with a high school diploma, who account for 13 percent of respondents, or 21.7 percent. Employees with a junior high school diploma, a diploma, and a master's degree make up the rest. The preponderance of employees with a bachelor's degree demonstrates the correlation between the competences required for an organization and the amount of education required to attain organizational objectives. The majority of contract employees at Udayana University's Faculty of Medicine are married, according to their marital status.
The service time category reveals that the percentage of new contract recruiting and selecting employees in the last five years has dropped, with only 1.7 percent having a service period of less than 5 years. The work period between 5 and 10 years accounted for 31.7 percent (19 persons), while the job period among 11 and 15 years accounted for 45.0 percent. These two groupings of years of service were the most prevalent in this study. While only three persons revealed that it only a few contract employees continued to serve the firm between 21 and 25 years, statistically it is also connected with low job satisfaction.
2. Description of Research Variables
Based on the calculated of 4.18, transformational leadership is judged to have excellent leadership. With a mean of 4.35, the indicator that gets the most responses is the supervisor's ambitious to a task. Meanwhile, with just an average of 4.08, the states that had the lowest response were that superiors paid attention to building the careers of subordinates, showing that little management attention was provided to the professions of contract employees, resulting in the rise of unhappiness. These findings reveal that the leadership at Udayana University's Faculty of Medicine demonstrates transformational leadership by demonstrating strong dedication, being able to motivate, and inspiring contract staff to work well in accordance with their obligations.
Looking at the average value (mean) of 4.55, the work motivation of contract employees at Udayana University's Faculty of Medicine is regarded very high. With just an average of 4.63, the indication for measuring work motivation that receives the greatest response on the work order with the expectation of victory in work. However, the indication of functioning well with coworkers receives the lowest answer, with an average of 4.42, indicating discord in interaction with coworkers, which leads to discontent at work. These findings suggest that expectations for achievement in their field of work drive the work motivation of contract employees at Udayana University's Faculty of Medicine.
Depending on a mean score of 4.15, contract employees at Udayana University's Faculty of Medicine show a high level of emotional intelligence. With just an average of 4.33, the signal that employees can make acquaintances from various backgrounds receives the most responses. However, the indication that employees can think straight even under pressure has the lowest answer, with an average of 3.95, indicating the employee's low capacity to manage his emotions when faced with harsh work conditions. This can be avoided by training remaining cool in stressful situations. These findings suggest that contract employees' emotional intelligence is more important than their ability to make friends with coworkers from other backgrounds.
Overall mean score of job satisfaction for contract employees of the Faculty of Medicine at Udayana University is 3.99, indicating that they are pleased with the evaluation of the work outcomes. The indication with the highest reaction on the I indication has a chance to advance by an average of 4.18 points in this assignment. Having the option to try their own manner of performing work earned the lowest score, with an average of 3.73, indicating that contract employees did not try to experiment in trying various methods of completing work to attain better outcomes. Study findings show that contract employees at Udayana University's Faculty of Medicine had a high level of job satisfaction, with an average rating of 3.99.
3. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
The transformative leadership variable has a coefficient of determination of 0.407. These results show that transformational leadership variables have a favorable and significant impact on work satisfaction. This can be read as a rise in transformative leadership, which will result in higher job satisfaction. The work motivation variable has a coefficient of determination of 0.238. These coefficients show that work motivation variables and job satisfaction have a positive and substantial association. This can be regarded as a rise in job satisfaction resulting from increased work motivation. The emotional intelligence measure has a regression coefficient of 0.160. These coefficients show that emotional intelligence traits and work satisfaction have a positive and substantial association. This can be understood to mean that improving emotional intelligence will improve job satisfaction.
Using t-test is used to see if transformational leadership, motivation, and emotional intelligence have an impact on contract employees' job satisfaction. The proposed hypothesis is accepted or rejected based on the results of this t-test. The t-test was performed by comparing each independent variable's t-significance value with a significant level (sig.) = 0.05. (5 percent). The significantly larger of t independent variables relative to the study significance value (Sig.) = 0.05.
Transformational leadership had a strong positive effect on job satisfaction of contract employees at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, with a coefficient of determination of (b1 = 0.407), a t-count of 4.784, and a significance level of 0.000. It implies that the transformational leadership variable has a positive and significant impact on contract employees' job satisfaction at Udayana University's Faculty of Medicine, or that the H1 hypothesis is supported.
Motivation does have a positive and substantial effect on job satisfaction of contract employees at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, with a coefficient of determination (b2 = 0.238), t count of 2.296, and a significance level of 0.025. It means that the motivation variable has a significant and positive impact on contract employees' job satisfaction at Udayana University's Faculty of Medicine, or that the H2 hypothesis is supported.
Emotional intelligence does have a positive and substantial effect on job satisfaction of contract employees at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, with a coefficient of determination (b3 = 0.160), t count of 2.267, and a significance level of 0.027. It means that the emotional intelligence variable does have a positive and significant impact on contract employees' job satisfaction at Udayana University's Faculty of Medicine, or that the H3 hypothesis is supported.
Transformational leadership has a favorable and significant impact on contract employees' job satisfaction. Udayana University will help to raising the employment happiness of contract employees by improving the transformational leadership applied to the Faculty of Medicine. These findings are consistent with studies conducted by (Sun, Gergen, Avila, & Green, 2016); (Chan, 2019); and (Mufti, Xiaobao, Shah, Sarwar, & Zhenqing, 2020), who discovered that leaders who consistently pay attention to the requirements of employees and connect with all levels of employees within the organization can boost employee happiness.
Transformational leadership style is defined as a typical leader's pattern of behavior while inspiring workers, as well as what a leader decides to do and how he behaves in persuading group members. In a corporation, the most effective transformational leadership style can boost productivity, job happiness, and company growth. This is in line with the descriptive analysis, which shows that the leader at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University demonstrates transformational leadership by demonstrating high commitment, motivating employees to follow procedures, and inspiring contract employees to increase innovation and creativity in carrying out its duties. It is possible to improve the job happiness of contract employees at Udayana University's Faculty of Medicine using this transformative leadership.
The results of this study suggest that motivation has a favorable and substantial effect on contract employees' job satisfaction. Increased work motivation will result in increased job satisfaction among contract employees. These findings are consistent with studies conducted by Yamsul et al., 2013 and Hutabarat et al., 2014; Kartono et al., 2020 discovered that employees with high desire are more likely to feel job satisfaction. Motivation, according to (Riana, 2019), can be a dynamic force capable of engaging employee cognition. Employees will be directed to just be able to carry out their responsibilities in accomplishing goals with full awareness, excitement, and responsibility if they are motivated. Work motivation has been defined as something which inspires or motivates people to work. This is in line with the data analysis, which demonstrates that hopes for achievement in the area of employment dominate the work motivation of contract employees at Udayana University's Faculty of Medicine.
Emotional intelligence has a favorable and considerable impact on contract employees' job happiness. The results of this study suggest that the higher the emotional intelligence of contract employees, the higher their job happiness will be. These findings support Rai and Tandon's (2018) research, which demonstrated a link between emotional intelligence and job happiness. Illyas and Abdullah (2016) identified a link between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction. Emotion are a natural element of human psyche, and emotional intelligence is commonly linked with them in today's society. Intelligence is crucial for obtaining personal success, particularly work success. The ability of contract employees of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, to form friends with coworkers from different backgrounds is more indicative of their emotional intelligence, according to this set of high - level research.
On the other hand, transformational leadership has a big and beneficial impact on job satisfaction. The findings suggest that the more transformational leadership style is used, the higher the job satisfaction of contract employees will be. Job satisfaction is influenced by work motivation in a favorable and meaningful way. These findings suggest that increased employee motivation can help employees feel more satisfied at work. Job satisfaction is influenced by emotional intelligence in a good and meaningful way. These findings suggest that people with high emotional intelligence are much more likely to be satisfied at work.
Superior officers have a low indication. Because it is an evaluation for the organization to pay attention to creating the careers of superiors, it is expected that leadership will pay particular attention to the careers of contract employees, as well as attempts to improve careers and skills by looking at potential accomplishments and formative needs of employees, in order to boost contract employee job satisfaction. Respondents rate the indicator of working well with colleagues as very low, indicating that efforts are needed to boost employee motivation, with the management prioritizing improvement on social needs criteria. Where social needs can be met by having bosses or coworkers pay more attention to them. The poor indication that people can think effectively even when under stress highlights the significance of maintaining employees' emotional intelligence, which can be accomplished by management through emotional intelligence education or workshops.
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