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Vol. 03, No. 10, October
e - ISSN : 2807-8691 | p- ISSN : 2807-839X
IJSSR Page 2513 10.46799/ijssr.v3i10.571
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The Influence of Respondent Characteristics on Control
Beliefs and Consumption Intentions of Processed Fish
Anindya Septisuwendani
, Ujang Sumarwan
, Mimin Aminah
Departement of Management, Faculty of Economic and Management, IPB University
School of Business, IPB University
Respondent Characteristics, Control
Beliefs , Consumption Intentions,
Processed Fish Products.
Fish plays a crucial role as a source of animal protein, providing
various health benefits to humans, such as heart health, nerve
function, and brain health. Furthermore, global aquaculture
production has been on the rise, with Indonesia ranking as the
world's second-largest fish producer. However, the consumption of
fish remains relatively low. The diversification of processed fish
products may serve as a solution to address the issue of low fish
consumption, with the hope of increasing the intention to consume
processed fish products. This study aims to examine the influence of
respondent characteristics on control beliefs and the intention to
consume processed fish products. The research employs descriptive
analysis and Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Squares
(SEM-PLS) analysis. The findings of the study reveal that respondent
characteristics significantly impact control beliefs. However,
respondent characteristics do not significantly influence the
intention to consume. Additionally, control beliefs significantly
influence the intention to consume processed fish products.
Currently, a healthy lifestyle has garnered significant attention in modern society, where individuals
recognize the importance of maintaining their health. Consequently, the public is increasingly adopting
healthy consumption patterns. Fish, with its rich nutritional content, has emerged as a valuable source of
essential proteins for maintaining various aspects of bodily health, including the heart, nerves, liver, and
more (Chen et al. 2022) . In addition to being a rich source of protein, fish also contains essential amino
acids that are superior when compared to eggs. These amino acids contribute to bolstering the body's
immune system, and the iron content in fish can effectively help prevent anemia. (Rachmayani 2020)
In 2019 Asia contributed amounting to 72 percent of total consumption product aquatic ( Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nation 2022). Indonesia, located on the Asian continent, boasts a vast
sovereign territory comprised of inland waters and islands covering an area of 3,110.00 km². Additionally,
its territorial sea extends over 290,000 km². Furthermore, Indonesia's sovereign territory encompasses
other zones, with an expansive total area of 270,000 km². The Exclusive Economic Zone extends to
3,000,000 km², while the continental shelf covers an impressive 2,800,000 km². Overall, Indonesia's total
maritime territory spans 6,400,000 km², and when including its mainland, the entire area of Indonesia
reaches 8,300,000 km², boasting an extensive coastline of 108,000 km. (TNI Navy Hydro-Oceanographic
Center 2018 ) . This thing shows that Indonesia's territory is dominated by waters .
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The extensive water area significantly contributes to a high fish production, totaling 6.43 million
tons per year(CNBC 2023) . Indonesia's extensive water resources should theoretically support a high level
of fish consumption. However, in reality, fish consumption in Indonesia remains relatively low when
compared to other Southeast Asian countries, as the country currently ranks sixth in this regard (Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nation 2020). In 2021, the per capita fish consumption in Indonesia
was recorded at 55.37 kilograms (Central Statistics Agency 2021; Bogor City Agriculture and Food Security
Service 2021; KKP 2022) . However, in 2022, the national fish consumption figure dropped to 50 kilograms
per capita (Pangan News 2023) . In addition, in 2021, the figures for fish consumption in West Java province
amounted to 37.73 kilograms per capita, and in 2022, it decreased to 30 kilograms per capita. This indicates
that the average fish consumption in West Java is lower compared to the national average in Indonesia.
Bogor City, located in West Java, is one of the cities that still faces challenges related to stunting (Mitterer-
Daltoé et al. 2013; Carlucci et al. 2015; Tomić et al. 2016).
Furthermore, based on UNICEF data from the National Health Survey (2018), it was revealed that
teenagers in Indonesia are burdened with inadequate nutrition. More than a quarter of teenagers aged 13-
15 years old (around 26 percent) experience stunted growth or stunting, and 9 percent are underweight,
falling below the minimum limit for a healthy weight. Among teenagers aged 16-18 years, 27 percent
experience stunting, and 8 percent have a body weight below the normal average. Additionally, data from
2013 shows that the prevalence of anemia in adolescents aged 13-18 years is approximately 12.4 percent
among boys and around 22.7 percent among girls (UNICEF 2021) . Therefore, diversifying processed fish
products can be a solution to alleviate the issue of inadequate nutrition in adolescents.
Respondents' characteristics, often referred to as demographics, include factors such as age, gender,
parental status, education level, and more. These characteristics play a significant role in shaping dietary
behaviors and nutritional outcomes (Schoeppe et al. 2015) . Demographics social is very important For give
information about description group public (Maslovskaya et al. 2019) . Additionally, there are factors that
can either facilitate or hinder food consumption, and one such factor is "confidence control." The Theory of
Planned Behavior suggests that greater confidence in control is associated with a stronger intention to
purchase food. In other words, a high level of confidence in control will likely influence the intention to buy
food, while low confidence in control indicates a lack of intention to make a purchase. This concept
highlights the importance of perceived control in shaping food consumption behaviors (Patch et al. 2005).
The research objectives involve analyzing the impact of demographic characteristics and control beliefs on
the intention to consume processed fish products.
This research uses a quantitative method and employs a cross-sectional approach. The research
design involves measuring variables that are observed simultaneously. The study was conducted at SMPN
2 Bogor City from August 1 to August 31, 2023. The criteria for selecting respondents were students at
SMPN 2 Bogor City who have studied food processing in their pre-works class. The data was collected
through direct visits to the study location and by distributing online questionnaires via Google Forms. The
research population consisted of 1001 people. The sample was selected using a non-probability sampling
method, specifically the Slovin formula, resulting in a minimum of 286 respondents. However, this study
used 290 respondents for data analysis. The collected data were analyzed using structural equation
modeling-partial least squares (SEM-PLS) with the analysis tool SMART-PLS 3.
International Journal of Asian Education ,
Anindya Septisuwendani
, Ujang Sumarwan
, Mimin Aminah
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1. Descriptive Analysis
Descriptive analysis is employed to summarize data by illustrating the relationships between
variables within a sample or population. Descriptive analysis can encompass various types of variables
(nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio), frequency measures, central tendencies, variation or spread, and
positions, making it easier to evaluate a specific population (Yellapu 2018). In addition, data presentation
in descriptive analysis can include tables, graphs, diagrams, pictograms, as well as the calculation of mode,
median, mean, standard deviation, and percentages (Chamdani 2023).
Descriptive analysis includes the frequency, percentage, and mode of indicators such as father's
education, mother's education, father's occupation, mother's occupation, pocket money, food processing
methods, and the frequency of consuming processed fish products. The following provides a descriptive
analysis of the characteristics of the respondents in this study.
Table 1. Characteristics respondents ( Demography social )
elementary school
elementary school
Civil Servants _
TNI / Polri
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Civil Servants _
Housewife _ ladder
Less than IDR 10,000
IDR 10,000 to IDR
IDR 20,000 to IDR
IDR 30,000 to IDR
IDR 40,000 to IDR
More from IDR 50,000
Grilled / Baked
This Week
Last Week
> 2 Weeks Ago
Table 1 reveals that the characteristics of the respondents are dominated by high school graduates
for both fathers and mothers, with percentages of 41.03% and 42.41%, respectively. Additionally, the
majority of fathers work in the private sector, accounting for 36.21%, while most mothers are homemakers,
making up 72.07%. In terms of pocket money, the majority of respondents receive between IDR 10,000 to
IDR 20,000 per day, totaling 40.69%. The most common method for processing fish is frying, with a
percentage of 81.72%. Lastly, the consumption of processed fish is highest on Sundays, with a percentage
of 47.59%.
2. Analysis Statistics Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square
A. Measurement Model ( Outer Model )
In the analysis of measurement sub-models, the study conducted an examination of
convergent validity, discriminant validity, and reliability. This analysis included latent variables
related to the characteristics of the respondents, control beliefs, and consumption intentions. The
results of the measurement model analysis are presented in Figure 1.
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Anindya Septisuwendani
, Ujang Sumarwan
, Mimin Aminah
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Figure 1. Outer Model Test Results before outliers
The convergent validity can be assessed through the loading factors. Loading factors are
considered to meet the criteria if their values are above 0.708 because this value indicates that the
construct explains more than 50 percent of the variance in the indicator, thus indicating acceptable
item reliability. In the measurement, there are values that fall below 0.708, specifically in the variable
criteria for respondents on indicators such as father's occupation (PKA), mother's occupation (PKI),
pocket money (US), and the most common method of fish processing (OLH). However, for the
variables of confidence control and consumption intention, the loading factors meet the criteria by
being greater than 0.708 (Hair et al. 2019). To address the loading factor values that do not meet the
criteria, an elimination process is conducted. The following results show the measurement of the
outer model after the elimination process.
Figure 2. Outer Model Test Results after outliers
The variables for characteristics of respondents are represented by loading factors, with
"Father's Education (PDA)" having a loading factor of 0.945, and "Mother's Education (PDI)" having a
loading factor of 0.877. On the other hand, variables for confidence control are reflected by a number
of indicators: CB1 (power to buy), CB2 (parent's expertise in cooking), CB3 (knowledge about the
content and benefits of fish), CB4 (habits of consuming processed fish products), and CB5 (experience
in consuming processed fish products). The variable for intention to consume is composed of INT1
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(interest in consuming), INT2 (desire to consume in the near future), INT4 (request to have processed
fish products cooked), and INT5 (desire to consume in the following week). The loading values vary,
with "Father's Education (PDA)" having the highest loading value at 0.945, and the lowest loading
value at CB5 (experience in consuming processed fish products) with 0.728.
The analysis also includes construct reliability and validity, which are presented in the
following table showing Cronbach's Alpha, Composite Reliability, and Average Variance Extracted
Table 2. Construct reliability and validity test results
The AVE values meet the necessary condition of being greater than 0.50 (Hair et al. 2019).
Based on the results of convergent validity measurement, it can be concluded that all variables have
AVE values that exceed 0.50, Cronbach's alpha values greater than 0.60, and composite reliability
values above 0.70. This indicates that the instruments used in the research are reliable, consistent,
stable, and accurate.
In hypothesis testing, there are specific criteria that must be met, including p-values being
less than 0.05 with a significance level of 5%. Additionally, for the t-table value at a 5% significance
level, which is 1.96, the statistical t-value must be greater than this t-table value (Nasution et al.
2020). Based on the results of testing validity and reliability, the values fall into the "Good" category
because they meet the required standards.
B. Structural Model ( Inner Model )
To measure the structural model, we examine the connections between both exogenous
and latent endogenous variables. In this research, we performed an in-depth R-squared test to
assess the extent of influence between the exogenous latent variables and the endogenous latent
variables. Complete R square value can seen in Table 2. Cohen (1988) r-square value is divided
become three that is low with value 0.02, moderate with value of 0.13 and high with The r-square
value is 0.26. Apart from that , there are other categorizing references mark r-square that is low of
0.02, medium of 0.15 and high of 0.35 (Hair et al . 2014)
Tabel 3. Nilai R Square
In Table 2 the R square value for variable confidence control of 0.042. This thing show that
variable independent can give influence amounted to 4.2% while 95.8% was influenced by other
outside variables variables used in research . Temporary That variable intention consumption own
The R square value is 0.236. This thing show that variable independent can influence to intention
R Square Adjusted
Control Beliefs
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Anindya Septisuwendani
, Ujang Sumarwan
, Mimin Aminah
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consumption amounted to 23.6%, while 76.4% was influenced by other variables outside the
research model .
Based on reference mark r-square mentioned in the variable confidence control show that
magnitude its influence going to moderate while in variables intention consumption mark r-square
indicated magnitude connection variable in category going to high .
In addition , in research This done testing hypothesis . Following This is table 2 shows mark
path coefficients .
Table 4. Path Coefficients Values
In table The path coefficients values consist on mark original sample , t-statistics, and p-values.
If the original sample value is positive, it indicates a positive connection between the variables, and
vice versa. If the original sample value is negative, it means the connection between the variables is
negative. Additionally, the t-statistical values and p-values reveal whether the connection between
the related variables is significantly influential or not. The connection is significantly influential if the
t-statistical value is greater than the t-table value (1.96) and the p-values are less than 0.005.
Based on the data in Table 3, it shows that the influence of confidence control on intention
consumption has a t-statistical value greater than 9.313, well above the t-table, and a p-value of 0.000.
The positive original sample value indicates a positive and significant influence of confidence control
on the intention to consume processed fish products. In this research, it reflects that as confidence
control increases, the intention to consume also increases, and vice versa. If confidence control is low,
the intention to consume is also low. Based on this, the first hypothesis is accepted. These research
results are consistent with previous studies related to the intention to consume healthy food using
the theory of planned behavior. These studies suggest that perceived behavioral control, as a measure
of control, has a significant relationship with the intention to consume healthy food (Close, et al .
2018). Still there is difference results study previously mentioned that confidence control No own
influence to intention (Patch et al. 2005)
Furthermore, the connection between the characteristics of the respondents and confidence
control is positive and significant. This is evident in Table 3, where the original sample value is
positive (0.206), the t-statistic is well above 3.778, greater than the critical value of 1.96, and the p-
value is significantly less than 0.05. This indicates that both father's and mother's education are
strong predictors that influence confidence control. The research results demonstrate that higher
levels of education for both fathers and mothers (characteristics of the respondents) lead to increased
confidence control, and conversely, lower levels of parental education lead to lower confidence
control. This aligns with previous studies indicating that parental education is a predictor of
children's behavior and the quality of family interactions (Dubow et al. 2009). In the theory of planned
behavior behavior individual based on existence control consisting behavior from confidence control
and power control (Ajzen 1991).
Then in table 3 there are results testing hypothesis on relationships criteria respondents to
intention consumption product processed fish. On the original sample own mark of 0.038 which
shows direction positive relationship . Additionally , t - statistics own mark of 0.698, value This more
Sample (O)
T Statistics
P Values
Control Beliefs -> Intention
KR -> Control Beliefs
KR -> Intention
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low compared to 1.96 and p-value on the relationship variables This of 0.485. So that can concluded
that connection between criteria respondents consisting of from father's education and education
Mother to intention consumption product processed fish has positive relationship but No significant
. Research results This have similarity with study previously mentioned that characteristics
demographics ( type gender , age , education , occupation , income , style live , group references , and
influencing culture society ) towards intention For buy snacks traditional own relationship that is not
significant Because based on results calculation whole indicator show low average value (Khairullah
dan Yogyakarta 2020). Apart from that , other research states that characteristics respondents No
give significant influence to intention For buy product (Abdillah et al. 2022) .
Based on the research results outlined earlier, several key findings can be concluded to address the
research objectives. First, confidence control behavior, which encompasses the ability to make a purchase,
parental cooking skills, knowledge of nutritional content and benefits of fish, habits related to consuming
processed fish products, as well as prior experience with such products, exerts a positive and significant
influence on the intention to consume processed fish products. Therefore, confidence control can be
considered a strong predictor in measuring the intention to consume. This suggests that individuals who
have a high level of confidence in their ability to control their consumption of processed fish products are
more likely to have a strong desire to consume them. Second, the characteristics of the respondents,
particularly the education levels of fathers and mothers, have a positive and significant influence on
confidence control. This indicates that parental education significantly affects the measurement of
confidence control. Higher levels of parental education have a substantial impact on an individual's
confidence in controlling their consumption of processed fish products. In other words, individuals feel that
they have control over their actions, decisions, or related situations concerning their desire to consume
processed fish products. Third, although indicators related to the education of fathers and mothers have a
positive influence, this relationship is not significant in predicting the intention to consume processed fish
products. This implies that even when fathers and mothers have high levels of education, their influence on
the intention to consume processed fish products is weak. Additionally, the education of fathers has a
greater influence on the intention to consume compared to the education of mothers.
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Copyright holder:
Anindya Septisuwendani, Ujang Sumarwan, Mimin Aminah (2023)
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International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)
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