Nabila Rahmayuni Saharuddin, Abdul Rahman

Anthropology Education Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, Makassar State University

Email: [email protected], [email protected]



The study aims to learn about one of the traditional bugis mappacci in Timoreng Panua, Panca Rijang district. The culture of each company is made up of both great and small elements that constitute a component of an integral union. Marriage is one of the most basic things that a human can experience in its phase. Marriage is a very sacred thing in the eyes of the people. Marriage is essentially a union between two separate families-the groom's and the bride's. (1) mammanu '-manu' (2) mappettuada, (3) mappasau botting & cemme passih, (4) mappacci (wenni mappacci), (5) mappanre temme, (6) madduppa botting, (8) mappasikarawa, (9) mapparola, and others. In this journal the author will discuss little about the procession of mappacci (wenni mappacci). Will be discussed on the meaning and procession of the mappacci.


Keywords: Tradition; Marriage; Culture; Mappacci


Received 20 November 2021, Revised 30 November 2021, Accepted 10 December 2021




Culture comes from the Sanskrit "budhayah", which comes from the plural form of buddhi as it means mind or reason. In Dutch it is known as cultuur.

According to R. Linton (1893-1953), culture can be seen as a learned configuration of character, in which the governing elements are assisted and continued by other members of the community.

The ethos or spirit of culture in anthropology originates from English which means personality or character with distinctive characteristics. The spirit of culture is often seen in the behavior of residents, the hobbies of local residents, as well as culture in the form of objects that are products composed by residents.

The culture of each community consists of large elements as well as small elements as it is one component of a unity with integrity. Two anthropologists, namely Melville J. Herskovits and Bronislaw Malinowski, argue that Cultural Determinism means that all entities as they exist in the audience are determined by the culture belonging to the inhabitants of the region. Meanwhile, Herkovits views customs as something that is classified as superorganic, because tradition is something that is passed down from generation to generation that continues to live, even though the individuals who become the clump are always changing due to death and birth.

Marriage is a very crucial thing for humans in this phase of their life. Marriage is a very sacred thing in the eyes of society, where marriage is a union between two different families, namely the groom's family and the bride's family.

The culture and customs of marriage in each tribe are different. Starting from the clothes to the ceremony is very different. That's because the culture brought by the ancestors was different. The culture and customs of each tribe also have their own values ​​and meanings.

At Bugis traditional weddings, there are several processions carried out before the wedding ceremony, namely (1) Mammanu'-manu', (2) Mappettuada, (3) Mappasau botting & Cemme passih, (4) Mappacci (Wenni Mappacci), (5) Mappanre Temme, (6) Mappenre botting, (7) Madduppa botting, (8) Mappasikarawa, (9) Mapparola, and others.

In this journal the author will discuss a little about the mappacci procession (wenni mappacci). We will discuss the meaning and procession of the mappacci.



Data collection method is a procedure that is very crucial in a study, because the main purpose of research is to obtain information. If the researcher does not know what the data collection technique is, then the data collected will not meet the established standards.

Data analysis is a process of finding and compiling data in an organized manner obtained from interviews, memos from the field, and other results, so that the data obtained can be understood in a simple way and the findings can be explained to the general public.

In this study, the data sources were obtained from interviews. This data collection method is carried out by the interview process by observing what data will be obtained and making memos.

Esterberg (2002) stated that there are several types of interviews or interviews, including: a) structured interviews, b) semi-structured interviews, and c) unstructured interviews.

In this study, the mode established was unstructured interview, where this modality was an interview modality that freed the examiner not to implement the interview instructor who had been arranged systematically. In this unstructured interview, the analyst initially did not know for sure what data would be obtained, therefore the reviewer would listen to information that was later conveyed by the informant.


Results And Discussion

1.    What is the tradition of mappacci?

Mappacci is a word derived from the word paccing which means clean. In other words, mappacci is one of the processions in the customary wedding tradition of the Bugis tribe which means cleaning oneself from something ugly. In its interpretation, that is to cleanse the heart, mind, actions/behavior, and bond.

This wenni mappacci tradition is performed on the night before the wedding ceremony is performed. This mappacci tradition is performed at night, so it is also called tudampenni/wenni mappacci. Mappacci is performed at the place/house of the bride and the people who give pacci leaves number 7 to 9 people or whatever the odd number.

After the mappacci procession is carried out, it is usually also performed the traditional procession of mappanre temme or in Indonesian called Khatamul Qur'an. Khatamul Qur'an is done after wenni mappacci with the reason that he has cleaned himself, so it is better to finish the Qur'an as a feeling of gratitude to Allah SWT. but, when the bride -to -be has performed the customary procession of mappanre temme in the time before marriage or in her childhood, then there is no longer any need to perform the procession of mappanre temme after the procession of wenni mappacci.

Mappacci is a culture that is not obligatory in Islam. However, some religious leaders in the Bugis region consider it as sennu-sennungeng ri deceng which means cindur eyes for beauty.

2.    Mappacci Custom Procession The mappacci

Custom procession is held the night before the wedding day at the place of the bride and groom. In the house of the bridegroom, ausually made lamming small (small lamination) iswhich will be occupied later by the bridegroom during the wenni mappacci procession. In the lamming according to Susan Bolyard Millar (2009) some equipment that must be prepared, namely:

1)   A head pillow placed in front of the bride, whose function is to place the hands of the bride to be given aleaf paccing.

2)   Sarung/Lipa 'seven layers as arranged on a pillow.

3)   After Lipa 'is placed on the pillow, place a banana leaf shoot on the pillow.

4)   Also placed jackfruit leaves with a total of seven pieces, which are positioned on top of banana leaves.

5)   Then, a plate filled with jasmine rice is also called the wenno or roasted rice until fluffy.

6)   Candles, as a metaphor for illumination.

7)   Paccing leaf (Girlfriend leaf)

There is afrom tipAnregurutta that is quite popular and attached to this wenni mappacci procession, namely, "two mitu amala ri yala sappo ri lalenna atuwongnge, iyanaritu unganna panasae (mud) sibawa belona kanukue (paccing)", as in his interpretation of living in the world there are two qualities that must be held, namely, honesty and cleanliness. Hence, there are paccing leaves and jackfruit leaves which are icons of cleanliness or purity.



Mappacci is a word that comes from the word paccing which means clean. In other words, mappacci is one of the processions in the Bugis ethnic wedding tradition which means to clean oneself from something bad. In a sense, namely cleaning the mind, heart, actions/behaviors, and intentions.

Mappacci is a culture that is not mandatory in Islam. However, some religious leaders in the Bugis region consider it sennu-sennungeng ri deceng which means love of goodness.

Some of the equipment that must be prepared are:

1.   One head pillow that is placed in front of the bride and groom, whose function is to place the hands of the bride and groom who will be givenleaves paccing.

2.   Cover/Lipa' seven layers as arranged on the pillow.

3.   After Lipa' is placed on the pillow, also place a sheet of banana leaf on the pillow.

4.   There are also seven jackfruit leaves, which are placed on top of the banana leaves.

5.   Then, a plate filled with jasmine rice is also called wenno or rice that is roasted until it expands.

6.   Candles, as an allusion to lighting.

7.   Pacing leaves (henna leaves)



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� 2020 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access publication under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license (