Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Vol. 03, No. 10, October 2023
e-ISSN: 2807-8691 | p-ISSN: 2807-839X
IJSSR Page 269274
This work is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
The Influence Of Sales Promotion And Customer
Experience On Purchase Intention Mediated By Customer
Lidya Grace
, Ratlan Pardede
Magister Management, Universitas Bunda Mulia, Indonesia
Sales Promotion, Customer
Experience, Customer Satisfaction,
Purchase Intention.
The fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) retail business in
Indonesia has been experiencing rapid growth since 2019. With over
3.6 million traditional retailers (warungs), the Indonesian economy
has greatly benefited from this industry, with a business potential of
up to US$ 58 billions (Maulana, 2022). As digital transformation
continues, business owners are increasingly digitizing their
operations. The B2B e-commerce model is used to simplify the
procurement process for shop owners. The purpose of the research
is to examine the impact of Sales Promotions and Customer
Experience on Purchase Intention mediated by Customer
Satisfaction among AKSESMU digital application users in
JABODETABEK. In addition, this research aims to identify the
variables that directly or indirectly influence purchase Intention.
Data was collected through an online survey using Google Forms
from 207 respondents of AKSESMU digital application users in
JABODETABEK. The collected data was analyzed using AMOS
software version 24. The results indicate that Customer Experience
and Customer Satisfaction have a significant and positive impact on
the Purchase Intention of AKSESMU digital application in
The digital economic era, in fact, has been underway since the 1980s, using personal computers
(PCs) and the internet as key technologies used for business efficiency. The use of technology such as
PCs and the internet is also the beginning of the development of e-commerce or electronic commerce.
Along with technological developments, the digital economy era has finally entered the new digital
economy era, marked by the existence of mobile technology, unlimited internet access, and the presence
of cloud technology used in the digital economic process (Van Ark, 2016). Indonesia is a country that
has great potential for the development of the digital economy. What supports the development of the
internet economy in Indonesia is due to the large number of internet users in Indonesia (Google &
Temasek, 2018). The number of internet users in Indonesia has reached 212.9 million in January 2023.
This means that around 77% of Indonesia's population has used the internet. The number of internet
users in January 2023 was 3.85% higher than in 2022. In January 2022, the number of internet users in
Indonesia was recorded at 205 million and reached 212 million in January 2023. This means that around
77% of Indonesia's population has used the internet (Rizaty, 2023). The era of digital transformation of
new retail is marked by the emergence of technology-based companies as suppliers of goods to
traditional retail shops with various new business formats and forms in the digital retail business with
the aim of building an ecosystem and enlarging the customer base and expanding the network (Bakhar
et al., 2023).
The development of the retail business in Indonesia has continued to increase since 2019. Retail
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, Ratlan Pardede
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in Indonesia has become one of the most promising market sectors in Asia, driven by population, the
development of the middle class, and increasing urbanization (Yusnita, 2023). Retail activities in
Indonesia are dominated by traditional retail (stalls and grocery stores). Stalls and grocery stores have
become a micro business phenomenon that is in great demand, pursued and has good prospects in
Indonesia and creates jobs. Stalls and grocery stores provide goods or services needed by the
community. There will be 3.6 million traditional retail outlets recorded in Indonesia in 2021, spread
across 34 provinces and having a positive impact on the national economy, with business potential
reaching US$ 58 billion (around 904.5 trillion per year) (Wijoyo et al., 2020). This is also stated in the
press release of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
(HM.4.6/49/SET.M.EKON.3/02/2023) in 2023, it was stated that the important role of MSME grocery
stores has proven to be able to buffer national economic resilience. (Coordinating Ministry for Economic
Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, 2023).
One thing that drives increased retail sales performance is food and beverage sales. In December
2022, annual retail sales growth will continue to grow positively. IPR in December 2022 recorded
growth of 0.7% (yoy), although lower than growth in the previous month of 1.3% (yoy).
The biggest challenge in the retail business is intense competition. With the large number of
players in the market, retail businesses must compete with competitive prices, good product quality,
and service that satisfies customers (Chen & Yang, 2021; Shi et al., 2020). For this reason, business
strategies are mature and innovative and adapted to consumer behavior. So, in achieving their business
goals, business actors combine Marketing which refers to Consumer Behavior in accordance with
current needs (Dash et al., 2021; Nazir et al., 2023).
The Covid-19 pandemic starting in early 2020 greatly affected the Indonesian economy due to
Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), which resulted in a lockdown. This had a significant impact, the
contraction in economic growth in 2020 was -2.07% which caused deflation or a drastic decline due to
the lack of stability in the movement of economic development in Indonesia (Pratiwi, 2022). The
condition of Covid-19 in 2021 is getting worse and social distancing is getting tighter, causing changes
for retail businesses and consumers. In responding to the limitations that occur in terms of ease of
shopping processes, transactions and product delivery services, and in order to remain able to survive
and compete in the market, mature and innovative business strategies are needed. Retail business actors
are forced to develop their businesses by combining marketing and technology strategies that are
tailored to community needs and consumer behavior. By becoming more digital and faster, businesses
are expected to be able to increase their online presence among the public. One effective solution for
retail businesses is through e-commerce. The development of fast-moving consumer goods (FMCGs)
retail shows an evolution in buyer-seller interactions, in the era of digital transformation, FMCGs and
micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) can easily use website applications to shop for various
products from suppliers, make payments, and access a wider variety of products with more efficient
According to David Baum in (Pardede & Hinsa, 2023) said e-commerce is a set of technologies,
applications and dynamic business processes to connect companies, consumers and society through
electronic transactions and exchanges, services and information carried out online. electronic. If the
conventional trading process requires buyers and sellers to meet face to face, in e-commerce this is no
longer necessary. E-commerce is believed to be able to measure business progress, business reach and
brand awareness. Various applications for online shopping are available. The supply chain from
producers of basic household necessities such as foodstuffs, household equipment, personal care
products, and home entertainment to consumers through retail marketers, which was previously
conducted offline, has changed to online. People depend on online applications for daily activities. Not
just during a crisis but for a long time.
PT Sumber Trijaya Lestari is a company committed to business development and empowerment
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of MSMEs in Indonesia, especially stall and grocery store traders by providing easy access for AKSESMU
Outlet partners (OBA) to get a variety of stall products at competitive prices and free delivery services.
As a form of commitment, PT Sumber Trijaya Lestari is a trusted partner that provides access to
accelerated development so that businesses become more successful. In response to people's needs in
the pandemic era and the development of digitalization, in 2021 the company developed the AKSESMU
digital application. AKSESMU (Acceleration of Business Partner Success) is a B2B digital application to
make it easier for stalls, grocery stores and horeca (hotels, restaurants & cafes) to get supplies of
business necessities with a variety of easy payments via cash on delivery, non-cash with Virgo e-wallet,
bank transfer, virtual account and pay later, and also provides access to business financial records, retail
business education, training and business assistance by having a free delivery service on the same day
(free & same day delivery service). According to data from AKSESMU, since January 2022 there has been
an increase in the number of members (stalls). In April 2023, there will be 232,640 stalls registered as
AKSESMU members with 66,642 stalls actively making transactions or purchases without using the
AKSESMU digital application, 41,264 stalls actively making transactions or purchases via the AKSESMU
digital application and 124,734 stalls not actively making purchases.
From the data obtained, it can be seen that there is a phenomenon where registered stalls do not
make purchases via the AKSESMU digital application so that there is a gap in terms of the number of
members and the number of transactions. On the other hand, there is also a phenomenon related to the
use of applications where stalls that are registered and actively making purchases do not make
purchases through the AKSESMU digital application. This phenomenon then became a question for
AKSESMU. Why do members who have registered not make purchases through the application, or no
longer make purchases through the AKSESMU application. From several reviews on the Google Play
Store, it is possible that members will not use the AKSESMU application for shopping because the
products they want to buy in the application are not available or the products in the AKSESMU
application are not complete. There are also several reviews that say that the prices in the AKESEMU
application are too expensive, so they feel dissatisfied with the application and do not want to shop using
the application.
The results of previous research according to studies by (Hongdiyanto et al., 2020) (Sohn & Kim,
2020) and (Chang, 2017) show that Promotion has a positive and significant effect on Purchase
Intention. Research conducted by (Chen & Yang, 2020) and (Esmaeilpour & Mohseni, 2019), shows that
Customer Experience has a positive and significant effect on Purchase Intention. Research conducted by
(Khatoon et al., 2020) Customer Satisfaction plays an important role as a mediator and predictor of
consumer Purchase Intention. Almakayeel (2023) researched that Customer Satisfaction influences
Purchase Intention which is influenced by website Quality. Research conducted by (Ellitan & Richard,
2022) shows that Online Shopping Experience has a positive and significant influence on customer
satisfaction. In other research conducted by (Molinillo, 2022) shows that not all Customer Experience
has a positive effect on Customer Satisfaction. This shows that there is a research gap between studies.
By observing the phenomena above, the researcher gave the title of this research "The
Influence of Sales Promotion and Customer Experience on Purchase Intention Mediated by
Customer Satisfaction”.
Research design is a blueprint or plan for collecting data, analyzing data, measuring data created
to answer empirical questions asked by researchers (Sekaran & Bougie, 2020). In addition, quantitative
research methods are research methods that are based on positive philosophy and are used to survey
certain populations or samples (Sugiyono, 2019). The design of this research is quantitative research
with correlational methods where this research examines the topic of Purchase Intention. This research
is entitled "The Effect of Promotion and Customer Experience on Purchase Intention Mediated by
Customer Satisfaction (Empirical Study on the AKSESMU Digital Application in JABODETABEK)
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, Ratlan Pardede
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The time scope used for this research is cross-sectional. This is because data must be collected
once in a daily/weekly/monthly period to answer research statements (Sekaran & Bougie, 2020). The
data sources in this research are the main and subordinate data sources (Hair et al., 2020). The main
data source was obtained by collecting data from respondents using an online questionnaire to
consumers using the AKSESMU digital application in JABOTABEK and subordinate data sources were
obtained from literature study. Researcher want to explore topics related to Purchase Intention in the
AKSESMU digital application.
Hypothesis Testing Results
In hypothesis testing, CR (Critical Ratio) and P-value are needed to find out how much influence
one variable has on other variables (Pardede & Manurung, 2015). The results of the hypothesis test
stated that one variable has a positive and significant effect on other variables if it meets the CR value
requirements, namely 1.967 with a P-value ≤ 0.05. The analysis process was carried out using Amos
24 and calculating the Sobel test to measure the mediation hypothesis using an analytical calculator
(Ghozali, 2017).
Table 1. Hypothesis Test Results
Not significant
Not significant
Not significant
Source: Data has been processed by researchers (2023)
H1: Sales Promotion does not have a positive and significant effect on Purchase Intention.
The first hypothesis proves that Sales Promotion has no significant positive effect on Purchase
Intention. Based on the hypothesis test carried out, the CR (critical ratio) value obtained was 1.391 and
the p-value was 0.164 with an estimated value of 0.990, so it was stated that it did not meet the
requirements so the first hypothesis was rejected. The CR value which is below 1.967 and the p-value
which is above 0.05 proves that the first hypothesis is rejected.
H2: Customer Experience has no positive and significant effect on Purchase Intention.
The second hypothesis proves that Customer Experience has no significant positive effect on
Purchase Intention. Based on the hypothesis test carried out, the CR (critical ratio) value obtained was
-0.806 and the p-value was 0.420 with an estimated value of -0.741, so it was stated that it did not meet
the requirements so the first hypothesis was rejected. The CR value which is below 1.967 and the p-
value which is above 0.05 proves that both hypotheses can be rejected.
H3: Sales Promotion does not have a positive and significant effect on Customer Satisfaction.
The third hypothesis proves that Sales Promotion has no significant positive effect on Customer
Satisfaction. Based on the hypothesis test carried out, the CR (critical ratio) value obtained was -1.862
and the p-value was 0.063 with an estimated value of -0.973, so it was stated that it did not meet the
requirements so that the third hypothesis was rejected. The CR value which is below 1.967 and the p-
value which is above 0.05 proves that the third hypothesis is rejected.
H4: Customer Experience has a positive and significant effect on Customer Satisfaction.
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The fourth hypothesis proves that Customer Experience has a significant positive effect on
Customer Satisfaction. Based on the hypothesis test carried out, the CR (critical ratio) value obtained
was 4.124 and the p-value was 0.000 with an estimated value of 1.878, so it was stated that it had met
the requirements so that the fourth hypothesis was accepted. The CR value which is above 1.967 and
the p-value which is below 0.05 proves that the second hypothesis is accepted. Thus, if Customer
Experience increases by 1 unit it will have a positive and significant effect on the increase of 1,878 units
in Customer Satisfaction.
H5: Customer Satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on Purchase Intention.
The fifth hypothesis proves that Customer Satisfaction has a significant positive influence on
Purchase Intention. Based on the results of the hypothesis test, it was found that the CR (critical ratio)
value was 2.903 and the p-value was 0.004 with an estimated value of 0.967, so it was stated that it had
met the requirements so that the fifth hypothesis was accepted. The CR value which is above 1.967 and
the p-value which is below 0.05 proves that the fifth hypothesis is accepted. Thus, if Customer
Satisfaction increases by 1 unit it will have a positive and significant effect on the 0.967 unit increase in
Purchase Intention.
H6: Customer Satisfaction does not have a positive and significant mediating effect on Sales
Promotion on Purchase Intention.
For the sixth hypothesis test, a Sobel test was carried out using the analytical calculator tool to
help measure the mediation hypothesis.
Table 2. Sobel test results for hypothesis 6
SP → CS → PI
Not significant
Source: Data has been processed by researchers (2023)
The sixth hypothesis proves that customer satisfaction does not have a significant positive effect
in mediating Sales Promotion on Purchase Intention. Based on the hypothesis test carried out, the CR
(critical ratio) value obtained was -1.569 and the p-value was 0.117 with an estimated value of -0.669
which stated that it did not meet the requirements so that the sixth hypothesis was rejected. The CR
value which is below 1.967 and the p-value which is above 0.05 proves that the sixth hypothesis can be
H7: Customer Satisfaction has a positive and significant mediating effect on Customer Experience
on Purchase Intention.
For the seventh hypothesis test, a Sobel test was carried out using the analytical calculator tool
to help measure the mediation hypothesis.
Table 3. Sobel test results of hypothesis 7
Source: Data has been processed by researchers (2023)
The seventh hypothesis proves that Customer Satisfaction has a significant positive effect in
mediating Customer Experience on Purchase Intention. Based on the hypothesis test carried out, the CR
(critical ratio) value obtained was 2.373 and the p-value was 0.018, with an estimated value of 1.509 it
was stated that it met the requirements so that the seventh hypothesis was accepted. The CR value
which is below 1.967 and the p-value which is above 0.05 proves that the seventh hypothesis can be
1. The Influence of Sales Promotion on Purchase Intention
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, Ratlan Pardede
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The first hypothesis in the research shows that the hypothesis is rejected. This is because the
CR in H4 is 1.391 and the p-value is 0.164 which causes the hypothesis to be rejected. Hypotheses
that are not accepted can be caused by a number of factors. In accordance with the results of a field
review conducted by researchers through interviews with users of the AKSESMU application,
another factor that is the cause of this rejection is that the prices offered through sales promotions
are still not in line with the expectations of users of the AKSESMU digital application, so that the user's
purchase intention is not formed. AKSESMU digital application. Therefore, it is very important to
review the form of sales promotion provided. The results of this research are not in line with the
results of previous research according to studies by (Hongdiyanto et al., 2020), (Sohn & Kim, 2020)
and (Chang, 2017) which show that Promotion has a positive and significant effect on Purchase
2. The Influence of Customer Experience on Purchase Intention
The second hypothesis in the research shows that the hypothesis is rejected. This is because
the CR in H5 is -0.806 and the p-value is 0.420 which causes the hypothesis to be rejected. In
accordance with the results of a field review conducted by researchers through interviews with users
of the AKSESMU application, the factors that cause there to be no interest in purchasing even though
the customer's experience in using the application is good are driven by the limited number and type
of products sought in the application, apart from that it is also caused by due to less competitive price
factors. The results of this research reject the results of previous research conducted by (Chen &
Yang, 2020) showing that the important role of Customer Experience has a significant effect on
Consumer Purchase Intention, and in other research by (Esmaeilpour & Mohseni, 2019) shows that
Customer Experience has a positive and significant effect on Purchase Intention.
3. The influence of sales promotion on customer satisfaction
The third hypothesis in the research shows that the hypothesis is rejected. This is because
the CR in H1 is -1.862 and the p-value is 0.063 which causes the hypothesis to be rejected. In
accordance with the results of a field review conducted by researchers through interviews with users
of the AKSESMU application, apart from the sales promotion provided being less attractive, the
products included in the sales promotion were unavailable. Sales Promotion is not balanced with
product availability in the application, resulting in the absence of strong Purchase Intention. The
results of this hypothesis test also reject the results of research conducted by (Abd Wahab et al.,
2016) showing that Promotion is a factor that can influence Customer Satisfaction, (Jannah et al.,
2019) researched that Promotion has a positive and significant effect on Customer Satisfaction. And
in line with research conducted by (Kim, Cho, & Kim, 2019) shows that Promotion does not have a
completely significant effect on Customer Satisfaction.
4. The Influence of Customer Experience on Customer Satisfaction
The fourth hypothesis in the research proves that the hypothesis is accepted where Customer
Experience has a positive and significant effect on Customer satisfaction. This is because the CR in
H2 is 4.124 and the p-value is 0.000 which causes the hypothesis to be accepted. In accordance with
the results of a field review conducted by researchers through interviews with users of the AKSESMU
application, the users were satisfied with using the AKSESMU digital application. There is an increase
in the benefits of the features provided by AKSESMU, there has been an increase in positive
experiences in using the application by users of the AKSESMU digital application. The hypothesis
results are in line with research conducted by (Ellitan & Richard, 2022) examining that Online
Shopping Experience has a positive and significant influence on Customer Satisfaction and supports
research by (Pei et al., 2020) showing that Customer Experience has a positive influence on Customer
5. Customer Satisfaction terhadap Purchase Intention
The fifth hypothesis in the research shows that the hypothesis is accepted. This is because
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the CR in H2 is 2.903 and the p-value is 0.004 which causes the hypothesis to be accepted. The main
factor is that AKSESMU has succeeded in increasing Customer Satisfaction of its digital application
users, thus influencing Purchase Intention. This is also in accordance with the results of a field review
conducted by researchers through interviews with users of the AKSESMU application who said that
they were satisfied with using the AKSESMU digital application and would use the AKSESMU digital
application to purchase shop needs. The results of this research are in accordance with the theory
which states that consumer decisions really depend on their satisfaction or dissatisfaction or what is
called post-purchase behavior (Kotler & Amstrong, 2018). In line with research by (Kusumadewi &
Saraswati, 2020) which states that customers' repurchase interest can be influenced by maintaining
and growing their existing sense of satisfaction. A good experience from the company can influence
customers to decide to make repeat purchases. The results of this hypothesis test are also in line with
previous research conducted by (Khatoon et al., 2020) Customer Satisfaction plays an important role
as a mediator and predictor of consumer Purchase Intention.
6. The influence of Sales Promotion on Purchase Intention which is mediated by Customer
The sixth hypothesis in the research proves that the hypothesis is rejected. This is shown by
the CR result of -1,569 and p-value of 0.117 which causes the results to be rejected. Even though Sales
Promotion can increase customer satisfaction, brand preferences, and economic conditions, etc., it
can influence the purchasing interest of users of the AKSESMU digital application. Based on the
phenomenon in the explanation at the beginning and in accordance with the results of field reviews
conducted by researchers through interviews with users of the AKSESMU digital application, product
availability in the application is still very lacking, so even though there is a sales promotion, users do
not get what they want so that customers Satisfaction is not fulfilled. Therefore, product
unavailability needs to be taken into account and needs to always be met in order to meet the needs
of users of the AKSESMU digital application. Insufficient availability of goods makes it possible for
users to feel dissatisfied because their needs at the time of purchase cannot be met.
7. The influence of Customer Experience on Purchase Intention is mediated by Customer
The seventh hypothesis in the research shows that the hypothesis has been accepted. This is
shown by the CR result of 2.373 and p-value of 0.018 which causes the results to be accepted. In
accordance with the results of field reviews conducted by researchers through interviews with
AKSESMU application users, users feel satisfied in using the AKSESMU digital application, positive
customer experiences create positive perceptions of the AKSESMU digital application, thereby
increasing user trust and satisfaction. When users feel satisfied, they tend to have an interest in
purchasing through the AKSESMU digital application.
In the research entitled "The Influence of Sales Promotion and Customer Experience on
Purchase Intention Mediated by Customer Satisfaction (Empirical Study on the AKSESMU Digital
Application in JABODETABEK)," the research results obtained can be concluded as follows: First, Sales
Promotion does not have a significant positive influence on Purchase Intention. Second, Customer
Experience also does not have a significant positive influence on Purchase Intention. Third, Sales
Promotion does not have a positive and significant effect on Customer Satisfaction. Fourth, Customer
Experience has a positive and significant effect on Customer Satisfaction. Fifth, Customer Satisfaction
has a positive and significant effect on Purchase Intention. Furthermore, the research results confirm
that Sales Promotion does not have a positive and significant impact on Purchase Intention when
mediated by Customer Satisfaction. On the contrary, the research results confirm that Customer
Experience has a positive and significant impact on Purchase Intention when mediated by Customer
Satisfaction. The results of this research provide valuable insight into the relationship between Sales
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, Ratlan Pardede
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AKSESMU digital application in the JABODETABEK area.
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Copyright holder:
Lidya Grace, Ratlan Pardede (2023)
First publication rights:
International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)
This article is licensed under: