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Vol. 03, No. 10, October 2023
e - ISSN : 2807-8691 | p- ISSN : 2807-839X
IJSSR Page 2616 10.46799/ijssr.v3i10.565
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BNPT's Strategy in Anticipating Terrorism Crimes Through
Cross-Sectoral Cooperation Synergy in Indonesia
Darmawan Sutawijaya
Legal studies, UPN Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia
BNPT , Strategy , Anticipating,
Terrorism Crimes, Synergy .
The development of global terrorist crimes has shown a significant
increase in mode, quantity and quality, with Indonesia becoming
one of the targets of terrorism. It was revealed that the local
militant network had links to international networks. Terrorist
activities utilize ideology and religion as tools to influence society
and achieve their goals. Therefore, the Indonesian government
faces the phenomenon of terrorism wisely, analyzing various
aspects of national life to fight terrorism together with the
international community. Terrorism aims to create fear and
uncertainty, create panic, disrupt social stability and disrupt the
relationship between society and government. Terrorism, both on
an international and local scale, can hamper efforts to create a
conducive investment climate within the country. Serious
challenges arise from the failure of several key terrorist figures to
be caught and the emergence of new forms of terrorist acts.
Factors such as individual and group interests, social inequality,
religious beliefs, injustice in law enforcement, and socio-cultural
changes influence the development of terrorism. Countering
terrorism requires a synergistic cross-sectoral cooperation strategy
to create domestic security stability. Even though efforts have been
made to deal with terrorism, public awareness of the dangers of
terrorism is still weak. Effective strategies in anticipating terrorism
include steps that support aggressive and diversified strategies,
including increasing community resilience, revising laws, as well as
deradicalization and communal rehabilitation programs. In a
global context, terrorism has become a serious focus for countries
around the world and is a UN program in its efforts to prevent and
overcome it. The history of terrorism in Indonesia records an
increase in the number and impact of acts of terrorism, including
incidents such as the Bali Bombing, the JW Marriott hotel
explosion, and the attack in front of the Australian Embassy
Building. Joint efforts to confront and prevent terrorism in
Indonesia must take into account regional characteristics,
potential and influencing aspects, without sacrificing national
interests and ethnic and religious sensitivities.
The development of global terrorism crimes has shown an increase Indonesia is quite
significant in terms of mode, quantity and quality target of terrorism (Hendropriyono, 2009). It was
revealed that there was a connection between local militant networks and network international.
Activity terrorist has aiming And utilise ideology And religion for the world community as a
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hope to take sides in their struggle. Because it needs to be handled wisely. For prevent And cope all
forms of terrorist acts and activities, the Indonesian government responds to the terrorist phenomenon
wisely, analyzing various aspects of the nation's current life in order to combat action terrorism with
the international world (Lidén, 2020; Suwadi, Manthovani, Rukmono, Seniwati, & Saptanti, 2023;
Zulfikar & Aminah, 2020).
Actions Terrorism have objective for make person other feel afraid so that can interesting
attention person, group or something nation. Usually acts of terror are used when there is no other way
that can be taken to carry out his will. Terrorism is used as a psychological weapon to create an
atmosphere of panic, uncertainty and create distrust society against the government and coerce certain
communities or groups For obey the wishes of the perpetrators of terror (Ermaya, 2005;
Hendropriyono, 2009).
Acts of international and local terrorism have an impact in the short term hampered efforts to
create a conducive investment climate in the country. Therefore, the ability to handle and arrest
perpetrators and reveal them terrorism networks and cells. Several key figures of terrorism have not
been caught yet The emergence of new forms of acts of terrorism poses a serious challenge to efforts
increase trust party foreign to level security in Indonesia (Chapsos & Malcolm, 2017).
Terrorism can grow and develop, influenced by several factors, namely interest individual And
group, gap well-being, Genre religion, injustice in enforcement law And change social culture
(Damayanti, Hemay, Aziz, & Pranawati, 2013). In countermeasures terrorism, For face crime And the
development of terrorism in Indonesia BNPT needs a cross-cooperation strategy sectoral Which
synergistic in frame realize stability security in country (Coyne & Bell, 2011; Tutun, Khasawneh, &
Zhuang, 2017).
From the description above, the author formulates several problems, namely: as following:
Factors What just Which push grow And development terrorism in Indonesia.and How strategy And
implementation BNPT in anticipate crime terrorism through cooperative synergy cross sectoral in
The literature review method applied in this research was designed to identify and evaluate
relevant information related to the strategy of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) in
anticipating terrorist crimes through synergistic cross-sectoral cooperation in Indonesia. The first step
is to identify the objectives and scope of the research, which focuses on BNPT's efforts to overcome the
threat of terrorism by utilizing cross-sector collaboration in Indonesia. Then, relevant keywords were
selected to guide the literature search, including “BNPT,” “terrorism,” “cooperative synergy, “cross-
sectoral,” and “Indonesia.”
Relevant sources of information were identified, including scientific journals, government
reports, news articles, and books related to the topic. Data was then collected from various sources,
such as Google Scholar, ProQuest, and the official BNPT website. After data collection, the most relevant
literature was selected for analysis and synthesis. In the process of literature analysis and synthesis,
important findings, research methodology, and research results are explored to create a comprehensive
picture of BNPT strategy and cross-sectoral cooperation in the context of terrorism in Indonesia.
The literature review ultimately produces a document that includes an introduction, theoretical
overview, research methodology, findings, and conclusions. Here, the strategies used by BNPT in
dealing with terrorist crimes with a focus on the synergy of cross-sectoral cooperation are discussed in
detail. In addition, the conclusions drawn summarize the main findings from the literature and identify
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possible implications for further research or improvements in BNPT policy. A complete bibliography is
also included for proper reference in this research.
The development terrorism in Indonesia
In Indonesia terrorism Actually Already taking place since long, between other which was carried
out by Kartosuwiryo who would establish the Islamic State Indonesia in Java West, Ibn Beat it in
Kalimantan South, David Beureuh in Aceh, the emergence of bombings of places of worship since 2000,
the Bali bombing tragedy, the JW Mariot hotel bombing in Jakarta, and the suicide bombing self in
Mosque Adz-dhikra Cirebon Police Headquarters City Java West (Hendropriyono, 2009).
The problem of terrorism has become an international problem, so everything form terrorism
anywhere as well as impact Which as a result will quick is of serious concern to the UN. The Bali
Bombing tragedy has prompted the UN to issued a resolution to respond to this tragedy, namely the
Council Resolution Security UN No. 1438 date 15 October 2002 Which state defend UN condolences and
sympathy to the government and people of Indonesia, in particular towards victims and their families,
as well as reaffirming the steps taken to eradicate terrorism (Handayani & Muliastrini, 2021; Prasetyo,
The resolution also calls on all nations, For cooperate help Indonesia in reveal perpetrator Bomb
Bali the. Temporary That, activity terrorism Which nuanced local or domestic own character Which
more specific.Blasting bomb in houses worship, office government, House official enforcer law, or
places Other general matters tend to have political and SARA nuances. Meanwhile the bomb explosion
in places worship like churches or mosques tend addressed For complain sheep between group religion
in society.Effort fight sheep the often time succeed burn anger group adherent religion, so that conflict
horizontal can not inevitable. Although incident Local terrorism tends to fluctuate, but the
implementation of the legal process is consistent not accompanied by anticipatory steps, has the
potential to give rise to action bomb terrorism new (Purwanto, 2010).
Several series of bombs have occurred in Indonesia since 2000 Until 2011, there were 26 bomb
explosions that killed 280 people and yan experience wound heavy nor wound light as much 779
person, Which happen in Ambassador's Office, Offices, Churches, Restaurants, Police Headquarters,
Police Headquarters, Mosques, Airport Soetta, Hotels, Housing area.
Apart from that, the efforts of certain people or groups to do actions terrorism still taking place
in Indonesia. Matter This Can proven with results development on arrest para perpetrator bombing nor
people Which allegedly will do actions terrorism, as well as revealed activity group Which do exercise
military in the Province Aceh Which Then do actions terrorism.
Pay close attention patterns Which prepared by para perpetrator terrorism the, There is indication
For divert or do method or form new action terrorism that is with use combine use bomb And
firearms. It could be that the pattern of terror acts turns into attacks on places certain with do hostage
taking and accompanied threat bomb, or do attack (shooting) with target individual to figure Which
influential nor apparatus police. Impact from action terrorism impact on stability political, economy,
social culture and security Good scale national as well as internationally (Terorisme, 2016).
In Law no. 15 of 2003 concerning the eradication of criminal acts Criminal Terrorism does not
contain an understanding of terrorism, only in it Constitution the formulated deeds Which categorized
as as follow criminal terrorism, that is "every person Which with on purpose Using violence or threats
of violence creates an atmosphere of terror or widespread fear of people or causing victims nature
mass (Ermaya, 2005; Prasetyo, 2016; Zulfikar & Aminah, 2020).
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By taking away liberty or loss of life or property other people, or cause damage or destruction to
objects vital Which strategic or environment life or facility public or facility international".
Factors which push action occurs terrorism
A number of factor Which push happen terrorism in Indonesia between other :
1. There is interest individual And group para perpetrator with reason injustice and oppression.
Reason solidarity towards fellow race just reason For divert attention from interest Which actually
like interest political
2. Relating to efforts to fight for prosperity by a person group certain.
3. There is fanaticism in a group of people towards certain religious sects or the beliefs they hold.
Fanaticism group has caused the occurrence of differences in interpretation of religious teachings.
Interpretation to teachings religion Which wrong often give rise to error Which impact on
appearance behavior - behavior Which deviated from view society on generally.
4. As a protest against injustice from other countries, for example America Union And countries his
allies often made reason do terror in areas considered to have ties to America and Allies, as well as
the existence of several American and Allied interests in that region.
5. Caused Because exists worries on change culture Which tends towards the creation of a liberal
capitalist culture. Resistance on worries to change culture to direction culture capitalist liberal
done by groups terrorists through methods terror.
Fifth factor pusher the One The same other each other influence. By therefore the factors that
cause the emergence of terrorism are not in nature single, but rather an accumulation of these various
factors, which together The same push the emergence of terrorism in Indonesia. Meanwhile, there are
also factors that cause terrorism to grow And develop in Indonesia, that is among others :
1. Attitude And behavior public Which tend do action Violence can facilitate the spread of terrorism
among people public. Violence that appears in society, gives spirit to emergence of acts of
terrorism. The violence that appears is not due to factors mark its culture but meaning to mark -
mark culture and wrong religion. Deviations from cultural values are caused by understanding
Which Not yet perfect as consequence process learning No complete. This shows if someone decides
to follow understand terror or act in terror, not entirely driven by cultural factors, even the biggest
is the influence of the environment around culture the. This Which showing exists disparity in
reception understand.
2. In certain areas (especially in urban areas), attitudes and behavior public nature individualistic.
Condition This cause para terrorist with easy hiding And do movement. From a number of terrorist
Which caught, showing that group terrorist Lots carrying out actions and hiding in certain
areas/territories part big its people own attitude And individual behavior.
3. A closed (exclusive) society can make things easier for groups Understanding of terrorism is
growing in society. From several locations development terrorism, part big is at on environment
closed (exclusive) communities, as well as communities that have group - group that nature closed.
4. Process learning Which The same And intense can give birth to awareness Which The same about
something Which believed And understood, so that easy deflected For interest in acts of terrorism.
5. This condition is believed to be because terrorist groups are not only formed within count O'clock
or day, but formed through process learning And through several stages of the method learning.
6. System kinship in circles public often utilized For make it easier process recruitment for members
of a network terrorist.
7. Condition environment as well as background behind ideology Which The same can form exclusive
(closed) groups that develop into groups terrorist. On generally network terrorism develop in
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Indonesia on groups that have the same ideological background, namely something view Which
believed by his group something Which Correct, by Because it must be fought for.
Anticipation Crime Terrorism Which Done BNPT During This
a. Build Cooperation International
Since the Bali Bombing tragedy, most of the victims were Australian citizens, there are efforts
to further intensify this international cooperation and increasing capacity in anticipation crime
terrorism, especially between Indonesia with Australia. In a ministerial level meeting forum in
Denpasar Bali on 4-5 February 2004, jointly hosted by Indonesia and Australia, the idea arose to
establish an anti-terrorism training center, and on date 6 February 2004 made Declaration
Together between Government Indonesia and the Australian Government in eradication
cooperation terrorism. In Declaration Together the, on the main thing is second government agree
form Center Cooperation Enforcement Law Jakarta, Which Then known with designation Jakarta
Center for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC) (Ermaya, 2005).
c. Increase Cooperation with Institution Related
Realize that anticipation crime terrorism No can only done Alone by BNPT, so BNPT
endeavor optimizing anticipation crime terrorismthrough enhancement cooperation anticipation
terrorism crimes with related agencies. Hold joint exercises with related agencies aims to create
mutual understanding and each other help in anticipation crime terrorism in Indonesia. Synergy and
comprehensive treatment very required. By because of that, efforts to build cooperation with
Relevant agencies, especially units unit anti-terrorism continues to be intensified.
d. Optimizing support Unity TNI And National Police in Regionality
Within the scope of the TNI and Polri units in the region, the use and utilization of human
resources in anticipating terrorist crimes, on generally more addressed on activities Which nature
routine, and if at all directed on activity Which its nature special, more Lots done with intensify or
upgrade patterns activity routine (Handayani & Muliastrini, 2021). Strategy Which applied for
example Unit Intelkam with increasing early detection activities, mobilizing religious leaders,
communities, and NGOs, and enhance accompanying intelligence investigations making product
intelligence (Armawi, 2013). Unit Samapta with intensify patrol activities and security of vital
objects and VIPs. Investigation Unit by increasing investigations and investigations if acts of
terrorism occur, collaborate with other parties directly or indirectly direct related in handling And
prevention terrorism, nor efforts to intensify the search for the perpetrators of terrorism who have
registered in DPO.
Traffic Unit by increasing inspection activities or raids on suspected vehicles can be used to
carry out acts of terrorism, or used as a means of movement for the perpetrators of the theory
(Gannon & Pina, 2010). Whereas Unit Bimmas put forward officer community policing, with
increase coaching to inhabitant public For more improve environmental security and participate in
assisting the National Police prevent and arrest perpetrators of terrorism. Personnel capability
level TNI And National Police on unity territoriality in anticipation crime terrorism, can said Still
Not yet meet expectations.
Even though efforts have been made to intensify or improve routine activities but still
temporary, meaning increased activity This is only visible when there is an act of terrorism in the
region or in region other. Activity the will return become activity routine when action terrorism
Already succeed handled or No happen Again in period time Which long enough.
Strategy Anticipation Crime Terrorism Through Cooperation Cross Sectoral
Anticipation Crime Terrorism by BNPT
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1. Build resilience And role as well as public.
Based on the results of analysis of the strategic environment, The reality is that
community strengthening and empowerment is obtained as well as enhancement role as well
as public is need Which need prioritized in anticipation crime terrorism. Anticipation crime
Terrorism will not be effective if it is not supported by all elements public, nor parties Which
competent in effort- effort anticipating crime terrorism in Indonesia.
Terrorism already exists, is developing, and seems to have good habitat in Indonesia.
Terrorism is not easily recognized as growing and development in society, because terrorism
seems to be present in the midst of society without society being aware of his presence.
Terrorism blends into the dynamics of society's social life. If Then BNPT is at on side Which
different with the people, it is certain that terrorism will not be detected or known BNPT.
Therefore, count on very difficult work and latent that blends into people's lives only on BNPT,
scrape root terrorism And prevent development terrorism very need support And role as well
as all over public.
2. Revision system anticipation crime Terrorism
If It is realized that anticipating terrorist crimes is not only just uncovering the
network and catching the perpetrators, however also how to prevent and condition the
situation, it is necessary concrete steps involving all parties who have access and ability in
preventing and conditioning situations. It means required improvements or assessment
return on system anticipation crime terrorism Which impressed resting on National Police
Body Intelligence Country, And Body National Countermeasures Terrorism. Apart from that,
the system built must also be able to provide a path for involvement institution outside
National Police in anticipation crime terrorism, which is of course competent with
anticipatory efforts crime terrorism.
3. Revision Constitution Countermeasures Terrorism
Efforts to deal with terrorism must start from formation Good laws, so everyone
understands the limits and space scope deed Which classified follow criminal terrorism. With
thereby effort criminalization through Constitution can done, Because every inhabitant
country know that deed the forbidden, even threatened penalty on the culprit. Criminalization
the Also consider a number of criteria, between other : deed Which criminalized the is
deed Which No liked Because harm And even potential give rise to victim; balance cost
between making law laws, supervision and law enforcement are balanced with results Which
will achieved; is happen addition burden excessive on apparatus security; deed the
can hinder or obstruct ambition nation, so that is danger for whole public. With thereby
so action terrorism fulfil criteria as deed Which proper in criminalization, even No can
Constitution Which There is Possible reach aspect criminalization of perpetrators of
terrorism, but what is the law? has been able to reach out to people who have gone through it
punishment? Or whether the law has been able to protect people around perpetrator Which
No involved with activity perpetrator?. Constitution should No only give threat punishment but
also provide solutions for people who have undergoing punishment, as well as protection for
victims terrorism. By Because That, If two matter the No accommodated in Constitution Which
There is, should done revision on law invite the.
4. Program Deradicalization
For reduce widespread action terror in Indonesia need exists program deradicalization
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terrorism.Program This aim For can eradicate terrorism until its roots. Society need know,
understand, interpret the importance of the deradicalization program terrorism as a series of
anticipatory acts of terrorist crimes. This effort aimed at balancing efforts to eradicate
terrorism through means conventional.
Deradicalization (weakening) of terrorism is carried out as an effort prevention early,
so that break potency development the terrorist movement. This effort can proceed with
delivery information Which appropriate to public, strengthening public, so that public can
participate in prevention terrorism. It can be concluded that efforts to deradicalize terrorism
are effort persuasive, so that public No lost in wrong understanding, especially when
participating in a group terrorist.
In reality, the handling of terrorism has been felt inaccurate, resulting in terrorism
convicts being convicted spreading radical understanding and ideology from within prison
walls. Former prisoners who have been released are also suspected of being involved again in
various acts of terror. Until now, radical ideology is still invading In society, terrorist members
roam around and recruit members new.
According to Komjen Pol. Professor Dr. Petrus Golose,
there are three keys The most
important thing in the deradicalization program is a humanist, soul approach, And touch root
grass . Humanist It means eradication terrorism must be in accordance with efforts to uphold
human rights, apart from that it must also be create well-being, equality as well as justice for
all over society.Share para suspect nor convict terrorism. Soul approaches own meaning
eradication terrorist must done through communication Which Good And educate No
intimidation or use violent way. Touching the grassroots is what this program is aimed at to
sympathizers and the general public who have been exposed to radicalism, as well as instilling
multiculturalism in society wide (Spalek, 2016).
5. Program Rehabilitation Communal
As Which has alluded to on discussion previously, There is part Which forgotten And
not enough touched by National Police from whole aspect Which involved in activity terrorism,
namely people And society which own connection or direct links to perpetrators of terrorism,
even if not involved in the terrorist activity itself i .
Maybe you don't realize what the perpetrators are doing Terrorism will have a direct
or indirect impact on community Which There is in the environment Want to No Want to
communal will drawn to be the part that "shares the sin" for what is done by para terrorist
Which Once is at or stay in his environment. And No A little Which with firm state that
communal area it's not nest terrorist.
Problem burden psychological communal the as if Keep going continues if then
surveillance, search and activity activities advanced as part from process investigation nor
development Investigations are still ongoing in the communal area. Not again if there are no
efforts to rehabilitate post communal areas arrest, confiscation, or other actions related to
disclosure of terrorism (Mareta, 2018). This communal rehabilitation program can also be
done applied to the families of the perpetrators (terrorists), who also bear the burden burden
psychological Which very heavy, especially on children.
Synergy Cooperation Cross Sectoral
From review literature in administration public There is 3 (three) important concepts
related to cross-sectoral synergy, namely: cooperation, coordination, And collaboration . In One line
kuntinuum, cooperative can be interpreted as an interaction between organizations that are not
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each other depends, Which can in a way individual finish his task but Also Can Work The same in in
structure And policy organizational, to fulfill individual interests in achieving short term goals.
Cooperatives are generally caused by change external factors and as an effort to avoid negative
impacts Which it causes. Cooperative can walk without involve organizational leaders, thus there is
no need for unity of mission, structure or planning.
Coordination located between cooperative And collaboration. Characteristics coordination is
exists interdependence resource finance. Conception coordination This more covers context
connection informal rather than formal. Collaboration is cross-sectoral interdependence or
organizations that have various responsibilities for those tasks each other related And Work The
same For chase objective Which complex in a way together Which No can done in a way
individually. The characteristic of collaboration is that there is interaction between organizations
demands a great level of commitment as a stakeholder who interact to establish norms, rules, and
processes process for reaching collective decisions. Desire to do cooperation in the concept of
collaboration explains that desire These can be voluntary or mandate based on the benefits of
achieving individual missions that also support common goals. According to Mattessich and friends,
in order maintain collaborative relationships, personnel from each organization must have the
discretion to negotiate regulations and make organizational decisions based on negotiation
dynamics group.
According to Tacher objective collective need collaboration in three aspect, that is
collaboration infrastructure; collaboration procedure; And collaboration leadership . Infrastructure
collaboration focuses on structure organization Which used For formalize And support
connection between organizations.
Collaborative procedures focus on processes that are developed For support operation.
Collaboration leadership in understanding This is behaviours required For support interaction.
Model Thatcher the can become model Which more strong If combined with a collaboration
model from Senge. Senge model with Tri His work can bridge How three factor Thatcher is directed
until it reaches collective action that directs it achievement objective collective. Principle main
from idea collaboration according to Senge contains the view that 1) factors change ways thinking
becomes a determinant in the process of organizational change; 2) change method think influence
factor in relate between element or perpetrator organization; And 3) change method think
And relate Which indicated in results Work together between element in the organization and cross-
Senge remind that build something connection is not an easy thing, because of competitive
and transactional characteristics embedded in organizational life. In building work relational,
Senge advocates a way of dialogue through reflective interaction Which own characteristics candor
( candor ), openness ( openness ), And willingness accept critics ( vulnerability ). Interaction This
reflective work is done to reveal and reflect together mindset Which held together. More carry on
Senge explain that Work conceptual And relational important For reach collaboration effectiveness.
However, the work of these two factors will be more meaningful when combined in unity action.
Anticipation Strategy Terrorism Through Synergy Cross Sectoral
Senge's idea of cross-sectoral synergy has power to respond to the complexity and dynamics
of public problems contemporary moment This like case problem terrorism. Organization public
such as POLRI, BIN, TNI, Prosecutor's Office, Justice (Immigration), and BNPT as organization
Which competent For handle problem Terrorism in the current era is not only required to produce
a crime policies that are in line with environmental, economic and social demands public with
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create policy Which flexible so that can adapt quickly to world changes, but also in its
implementation capable intertwine collaboration good thing for sake achieved crime prevention
purposes terrorist.
Concept of Synergy of Cross-Sectoral Collaboration In Anticipate Crime Terrorist
Outline the framework of thought or basic concepts of synergy Work The same cross
sectoral For anticipate crime terrorist summarized in the image above. The three basic principles
of synergy are: Conceptual Work, Relational Work, and Action-Driven Work , which the main
thing is covers change on aspect pattern think (mindset), aspect relational or relationships
between elements or sectors, and orientation aspects on results work from intersectoral. Three
principle the become base change to three domain, that is leadership, infrastructure and
Strategy synergy cross sectoral for overcome crime Terrorism is based on the principle of
three works and three domains. Three works these are Conceptual Work, Relational Work , and
Action-Driven Work , Which the main thing is covers change aspect pattern think ( mindset ), aspect
relational or relationships between elements or sectors and orientation aspects on results Work
from cross sectoral. Tri domain the covers leadership, infrastructure and procedures. These two
basic elements work in an integrated and interdependent manner so it must be implemented in a
way simultaneously (No can be done part).
Strategy National Police For anticipate crime terrorism with realize synergy cooperation
cross sectoral in frame realize stability security in country Which refer on thinking synergy cross
sectoral can summarized in under this table.
Table 1. Matrix Strategy Synergy Cross Sectoral Anticipation Terrorist
Conceptual Work
Leading Sectors
SOUP Together
Relational Work
- Office Together
- Network I.T
- Hierarchy
- Duties
- Legal Based
Driven Work
- Incentive
- Development
Program Work
From the matrix above there are several things that can happen formulation strategy
anticipation crime terrorism Which effective that is :
1. The cross-sectoral command system must exist in a single command which must be free from
political interests, political elites, political parties or interest group And personal.
2. Must There is Blue print Which tie institution related like National Police, SON, TNI, Attorney,
Justice, BNPT etc, with compile strategy period long term (5-10 years), medium term (3-5 years)
and short term (1-2 year). Every sector Which related involved in formulation strategy the And
make it as base commitment synergy.
3. Form synergy Which built must own leading sectors Which become end spear implementation
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programs anticipation crime terrorism, for example leading sectors need held by National Police
related with the duties carried out in accordance with law number 2 of 2002 that National Police
as custodian security and order public (Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia, 2002). Apart from
being the spearhead, the National Police is also the person responsible programs strategic Which
will executed temporary program or Technical activities can be carried out by each sector in
accordance with their main tasks and functions each sector.
4. SOUP (standard operational procedure) together, required as base Work in field so that avoided
from biased or conflict internal nor between sectors.
5. The foundation of synergy must be able to guarantee that every interest sectoral or international
agencies are accommodated, so they need to be built a win win principle that avoids the
domination of wrong interests One that sector or ego sectoral.
6. A common office is needed that meets the needs of the action corrective, preventive And
preemptive to crime terrorism Which become center command, coordination and consolidation.
7. In era networking I.T Which Already globalized development networks I.T becomes very vital to
support cross-sectoral synergy within anticipate terrorism crime.
8. Needed something hierarchy in synergy cross sectoral For determine not quite enough answer
supervision by each executor at each sector.
9. Task And function from every sector in synergy Which built must arranged with clear so that
depicted task, not quite enough answer And authority Which carried by every sector.
10. Every form of cooperation must be legally based or based on an MOU agreed to avoid interest bias
or conflict sectoral in behind day Which Possible will appear.
11. Synergy cross sectoral must managed based on management performance-based with the aim of
ensuring any form of synergy That so that's the result measurable and accountable.
12. Incentive. Consequence management based performance is support adequate incentives for
actors in all sectors so it is necessary a reward and punishment system was built to stimulate
performance para perpetrator the Good individual nor sectoral.
13. Development HR. Strength core from anticipation threat terrorist is Quality or professional human
resources, and an HR development system Which planned Good from system planning And
implementation HR Which Good is the key to the birth of professionalism.
14. Program Work. Synergy cross sectoral must capable produce real joint work programs, both
corrective, preventive and pre-emptive is a binding commitment that is inherent in cross-country
synergy sectoral.
Implementation Anticipation Strategy Crime Terrorism
1. Strategy period short
a. Build resilience And role as well as public.
Conceptual Work , Which the main thing is covers change aspect pattern think (
mindset ) public
Intensify coaching and information delivery about crime terrorism to public by
officer community policing, especially in level Police.
Increasing cooperation with MUI and institutions / organization religious in
frame giving religious knowledge correctly and distanced from behavior
Establish more intensive communication and coordination with organization
society in frame help the National Police build resilience and participation
public in anticipating crime terrorism.
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Dissemination of information on Polri communication routes and facilities
Which easier accessible to the public.
(2). Relational Work , Which the main thing is covers change aspect relational or
interrelationship element or sector.
Establish an understanding with the press and encourage delivery information
Which can build opinion positive public in anticipation crime terrorism.
Building an understanding with local government For activate detection early
public, like tighten expenditure ID card or increase awareness of RT apparatus
towards community activities in the environment.
Build understanding And cooperation with Ministry of National Education by
building understanding in a way early will danger theory And steps the
anticipation in environment school nor campus.
Build understanding And cooperation with Ministry Religion with build
understanding early in the religious school environment as well religious
educational institutions towards understanding religion Which Correct nor
danger theory And steps the anticipation.
(3). Action-Driven Work , which essentially includes changing aspects orientation to
cross-sectoral work results, by creating blue print steps enhancement role as well as
And resilience public by all over institution or institution Which related and
competent (Windiani, 2017).
b. Revision anticipation system crime terrorism.
Submit suggestion to President R.I For set single command system to coordinate,
manage and mobilize all cross-sectoral elements in order anticipation crime
terrorism, for example with pointing Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and
Security as Coordinator Anticipation Crime Terrorism.
Propose to President R.I pointing National Police as leading sectors Which become
end spear implementation terrorism crime prevention programs. This is related with
the duties carried out in accordance with law number 2 in 2002 that the National
Police as the custodian of security and public order (Undang-Undang Republik
Indonesia, 2002). Apart from being the spearhead of the National Police also
responsible for strategic programs which will be carried out while the program or
technical activity Can done by every sector in accordance with main duties each
Formulate standard operating procedures together with every agency or institution,
as base Work in field to avoid bias or internal conflict as well between sectors. The
foundation for synergy must be built on one principle win win that avoids the
domination of the interests of one sector that or sectoral ego.
Propose formation Desk Anticipation Crime Terrorism until level regency / city, Which
become center command, coordination, communication And consolidation.
Building an information technology network with agencies or institution related And
competent To use speed And convenience in swap exchange information, as track
communication And coordination, nor in frame unite And equalize perception as well
as step follow in anticipate terrorism crime.
Push quick enforced System Information And Administration Population (SIAK) that
is One number parent card resident For One resident throughout Indonesia.
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Apart from the implementation of one resident card master number, too Immediately
collect individual identification data via online fingerprinting throughout Indonesia,
which is managed by one particular government agency.
Formulate and consistently implement a system rewards And punishment to
personnel National Police in countermeasures terrorism, Good in frame anticipation
to crime terrorism nor in frame disclosure case terrorism, For stimulating
performance para perpetrator the Good individual nor sectoral
2. Strategy period intermediate
Namely by revising the Law concerning countermeasures terrorism.
a. Together Government And institution government Which related to countering terrorism,
to be active do coordination And communication with institution legislature (DPR RI) to
speed up the revision of the Law Law No. 15 of 2003 concerning the eradication of criminal
acts Criminal Terrorism, Which between other enter program deradicalization and
rehabilitation more clearly, synergistically, and comprehensive (Undang-Undang, UNDANG-
b. Creating conditions to encourage certain parties actively participate in providing support
and encouragement to institution legislative For speed up Revision on Law no. 15 of 2003
concerning eradication Act Criminal Terrorism.
3. Strategy period long
a. Program Deradicalization
Proposing the issuance of a Government Regulation as follow carry on explanation
Constitution about implementation of deradicalization programs and programs
Make note understanding (MoU) with Ministry Law And HAM as well as institution
other governments, to jointly formulate steps concrete in frame coaching
perpetrators of the theory while still in legal proceedings nor after undergo period
Interweave Work The same Which more concrete with Ministry Social, Ministry
Power Work And Transmigration, nor institutions government other Which
competent, in frame giving chance Work And try for perpetrator terrorism Which
has undergo period the punishment.
Build network communication Which more concrete And sturdy with organization
nor institution religion, through the formation of partnership forums and
communication religious To use avoid impression supervision to activity religious.
b. Program Rehabilitation Communal
Build understanding with board press or national press organizations, to put some
effort into it Possible exposure media to activity disclosure network terrorism in
region settlement (communal) or in environment family perpetrator terrorism.
Tradition communal Which facilitated government still maintained and more
effective, such as guests or foreigners who stay overnight in a resident's area are
required to do so report to chairman RT, activity siskamling, or activity religious
Which held communal.
From discussion to various factor related with effort anticipation crime terrorism on, so can
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concluded that terrorism _ is crime humanity Which Already become attention world, so that activity
terrorism anywhere as well as impact Which the consequences will immediately become a serious
concern for leaders countries in the world. Even the problem of terrorism has become a program UN in
prevention and handling it. In journey history actions terrorism in Indonesia, experience enhancement
Which Enough significant, Good quantity nor the quality. So that No just happen enhancement amount
the incident but Also happen an increase in the number of victims, both material and soul. Act of
terrorism the biggest were the Bali Bombing, the JW Mariot hotel explosion, and the Bomb in front
Building Australian Embassy. Strategy Which effective in anticipation crime terrorism Which can
developed by BNPT is do steps Which support strategy aggressive, and combine them with steps
Which support strategy diversification, namely a short-term strategy by building resilience and role as
well as public, as well as do revision on system anticipation crime terrorism which held so far. The
medium term strategy is carried out by proposing top revisions the law on countering terrorism,
especially in connection with anticipatory efforts crime terrorism. Strategy period long through
implementation And make it effective deradicalization program And communal rehabilitation.
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Darmawan Sutawijaya (2023)
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International Journal of Social Service (IJSSR)
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