Attribution- ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Vol. 03, No. 10, October 2023
e- ISSN : 2807-8691 | p- ISSN : 2807-839X
IJSSR Page 2630 10.46799/ijssr.v3i10.564
This work is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Criminal Investigation Department Of Cianjur Police
Resort Services In Providing Support To The Victims Of
Human Trafficking
Marty Fitrianty
, Chairul Muriman Setyabudi
, Riska Sri Handayani
Science Studies Police, School of Strategic and Global Studies, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
service, support, victims, human
trafficking, Criminal, Investigation.
This study motivated by existence case trading people in the police
station Cianjur, which is during This often ignored is related giving
support to trafficking victims human level police, This like those in
the environment Police Cianjur was discovered own problem or gap
in protection of humans trafficking victims, who can seen from exists
uncertainty in get due rights and support given by the Police Cianjur.
Various problems This need reviewed in a way deep order the
problem the can resolved. Therefore that, research This addressed
For analyze Criminal Investigation Unit services Police Cianjur in
giving support towards trafficking victims human.The theory used
in study This is theory service public, theory management public,
and theory policy public. Research methods This is method study
field carried out through approach study qualitative, with type study
exploratory, which is next analyzed with technique data reduction,
data presentation, and data verification. Research results This show
that service protection and provision support to trafficking victims
human, police Cianjur can provide service comprehensive medical,
psychological, legal, social, and educational. This thing will help
victims of trafficking man recover in a way physical and mental,
giving protection legal, and helpful they start new life. However,
there is a number obstacle like limitations facility medical, stigma
against service psychological, slow legal process, social stigma, and
limitations access education is also necessary resolved. Therefore
the improvement strategy involving services strengthening Work
same, provision facilities, training personnel, and campaigns
awareness public need implemented.
Trading man is global phenomenon (Armeanu 2019). Trading man has acknowledged as one
form violation right basic human and constitute problem health public in global development (Stöckl et
al. 2021). Trading man in a way extensively is also explained as something form follow criminal
seriously, fine below law international as well as in the jurisdiction domestic in many countries. Trading
humans are also depicted as form modern slavery (Piotrowicz dan Sorrentino 2016). Additionally, trade
humans are also crime transnational that has been become source worries major worldwide on several
year recently (Gustiani dan Widowaty 2023). This thing can seen from set data globally in Counter
Trafficking Data Collaborative (CTDC), August 1, 2023 has been found as many as 156,330 cases
individuals, 189 exploitation countries, 187 nations involved in case trading humans (CTDC, 2023).
Whereas based on data on humans trafficking victims in the East Asia and Asia Pacific regions for 10
years finally, estimated exists ratio number of trafficking victims man reached 0.34 victims per 100,000
population in 2020, originating from 11 East Asian countries and 8 Pacific countries (UNDC, 2022).
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, Chairul Muriman Setyabudi
, Riska Sri Handayani
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Based on results studies documents, known that during 2011 to In 2020, the majority were
victims of humans trafficking in the East Asia and Pacific region is Woman adult, with percentage as
much as 58%. Temporary That's the number of male victims mature reached 18%, followed by children
Woman as much as 21%, and children man as much as 3% (UNDC, 2022). Problem This as stated by
Felicity and Narelle (2016), also explains that trading man identified become problem main thing found
the more increased in a quarter of countries worldwide. Yenny, Anita and Rini (2020), also conveyed
that trading man is crime outside ordinary nature organized and transnational so that can categorized
as as crime organized transnational.
In Indonesia, trade man stated in Constitution Number 21 of 2007 Concerning Eradication Act
Criminal Trafficking in Persons (TPPO), which explains that follow criminal human trafficking is as form
recruitment, transportation, or acceptance of people through threat or coercion, especially an abusive
one position power and exploit the vulnerability, to exploitation including prostitution, slavery, or organ
removal (Gerry dan Sherwill 2016). Article 3 of the UN Protocol also regulates about trading human,
which explains that trading human / human trafficking is recruitment, transportation, transfer, shelter,
or reception someone, with threat or use violence or forms coercion other, kidnapping, fraud, abuse
power or position vulnerable, or give or accept payment or benefit For obtain agreement from someone
who holds control over others to objective exploitation (Bigio dan Vogelstein 2021).
Based on definition trade of persons as listed in the rules above, explained that victims of
trafficking man can classified to in a number of subpopulation in two dimensions. Dimensions First is
type experienced trade, subpopulations within it covers trading sex commercial, work force, slavery No
voluntary, and violent in House stairs (McGaughey et al. 2022). Dimensions second is type targeted
individuals, subpopulations within them includes domestic victims or international, children under age,
individual with need specifically, and child victims of trafficking (Pascual-Leone et al. 2017). Whereas
according to Annalee (2022), from The UN explanation is known that trading man consists from three
core elements, namely : actions, means and goals that produce results exploitation towards vulnerable
Indonesia is a country of origin, transit and destination human trafficking (Juanda et al. 2023).
This thing proven with Data findings showed that 1,943 people were victims of humans trafficking
identified June 5, 2023 to July 3, 2023, with proportion the victim based on trading mode man can is
known that 1,274 people were victims of trafficking man with Worker mode Illegal Indonesian Migrants
(PMI), 515 people became victims of trafficking man with Worker mode Sex Commercial (PSK), 128
people became victims of trafficking man with children being exploited, and 28 people becoming victims
of trafficking man with Ship Crew (ABK) mode (Clemente 2022). In everything form, crime This in a way
Serious damage dignity and integrity physique from a number women, men, and children around the
world are becoming victims (Armeanu 2019).
The perpetrators trading humans do it recruitment, transportation, transfer, shelter, or
acceptance of people for objective trap, or exploit them at home and abroad various form with threat or
use violence or forms coercion other, kidnapping, fraud, abuse power or position vulnerable, or give or
accept payment or benefit For obtain agreement from the person holding it control over other people
(Stöckl et al. 2021). Whereas potential trafficking victims man This originate from a number of possible
factors increase its vulnerability become victims of trafficking human. Factors This including age young,
history childhood abuse, homelessness, cliques minority sexual, disability cognitive or physical, worker
migrant, social status low economy, and race or ethnicity minority (Mora et al. 2022). With background
behind this, it's clear that understanding about vulnerability become relevant in respond and prevent
follow criminal human trafficking (Gaitis 2022). Abuse position vulnerability somebody is one methods
used by the perpetrator human trafficking for do action trading man this (ICAT, 2022).
According to Task Force Unit Act Criminal Human Trafficking ( TPPO Task Force ), the primary
impact of trading man cause no loss only covers health problems, disability physical, HIV transmission,
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infection infectious sexual, as well death for the victims, but also the consequences serious mental
disorders and deep trauma. Second consequence This own potency For give rise to impact negative in
field social, which in turn can influence various aspect life nation and state ( TPPO Task Force, 2018 ).
The victims were successful release self from control perpetrator human trafficking generally also exists
in very no position safe and vulnerable. Apart from experiencing psychological trauma and injuries
physical, possible trafficking victims No own means For endure alive, maybe is at in situation migration
that is not regularly, without documents and sources Power For return to his home country, and perhaps
Afraid will revenge to self they Alone or his family (GRETA, 2018). Whereas according to Indra and
Beatriks (2019), victims of trafficking man will experience impact psychology which includes behavior
No adapted, feeling deep sadness and loss hope, as well feeling Embarrassed consequence there is a
stigma. Various impacts experienced by trafficking victims man the need significant period For return
the balance. This is it why Why required handling and administration support towards trafficking
victims human.
Indonesian government during this too has been arrange protection of trafficking victims man
as stated in Article 43 to Article 55 of the Law Number 21 of 2007 Concerning trading human, which
form its protection including : looking after confidentiality victim's identity ; obtain protection self from
dangerous threat the life and property of the victim; obtain restitution ; obtain rehabilitation health,
rehabilitation social, repatriation and reintegration social from government ; and victims of Humans
trafficking who are abroad have the right protected and sent home to upper Indonesia State fees
(Cunniffe dan Ayodele 2022). Protection towards humans trafficking victims can too observed in the
explanation Articles 29, 30, 67, 68, 71, 72, 89 paragraph (2). Protection towards humans trafficking
victims are also stated in Law no. 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights Humans, Law no. 31 of 2014
Concerning Witness and Victim Protection, and Law no. 2 of 2002 Concerning The National Police of the
Republic of Indonesia as contained in Article 5-15 (Schwarz dan Williams-Woods 2022; Naibaho 2023).
In addition, protection for humans trafficking victims are also included in a number of regulation other
as in Law no. 16 of 2004 concerning attorney Article 8 and Article 30, Law no. 48 of 2009 concerning
Power Justice, Law no. 18 of 2003 concerning Advocate, Law no. 16 of 2017 concerning Organization
Society (Dula 2022; Priambada and Pratiwi 2022).
However, based on results study Vishnu Panggah Setiyono (2022), stated that protection
towards trafficking victims given human during This Not yet effective. Findings This is also in line with
results research by Muhammad and Tri (2019), which states that protection of humans trafficking
victims do through giving restitution with method giving change loss by the perpetrator towards the
victim yet fully ensure recovery victim's rights. Situation This appear Because possibility that defendant
No own ability financial For pay or No own assets that can be obtained confiscated.
From the results observation researcher, problem similar about protection towards humans
trafficking victims also occur in the environment Police Cianjur. Although has There is framework
governing law protection of humans trafficking victims, however handling and protection towards
trafficking victims people at the police station Cianjur apparently Not yet reach optimal level. This thing
identified a number of the cause originate from situation limitations source Power people, budget, and
facilities at the Police Cianjur is the one that is holding you back effort handling and protection of
trafficking victims man with completely. Problem This furthermore cause problem in handling case
trading people in the Cianjur area, which is increasing over time Lots case trading humans who haven't
handled by the Police Cianjur.
Inadequate handling maximum to problem trading man as found above this can also be done
caused by no all duty police especially in PPA units police station Cianjur own adequate awareness
about importance protection of humans trafficking victims and they haven't either get adequate training
in handle case trading human. problem Furthermore, it is also caused by cases trading humans who have
dimensions complex, so cause difficulty in handling and coordination, as well need effective
collaboration between various agency.
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Marty Fitrianty
, Chairul Muriman Setyabudi
, Riska Sri Handayani
IJSSR Page 2633
Although framework law has there is, consistent implementation and understanding about
protection of humans trafficking victims still do Not yet fully happens at level implementation. besides
that, so matter This influence support and awareness public in do handling and protection of trafficking
victims human. Based on various findings problem that, then need done analysis comprehensive to
causes and take it steps concrete For repair situation handling and protection of trafficking victims
people at the police station Cianjur. This can involve enhancement training officer, increase
collaboration inter-agency, allocation source adequate power, and campaign awareness society.
According to Letitia, Stacey and Lamerial (2021), understanding to influencing factors handling
and protection of trafficking victims man become the more important. Enhancement awareness will
limitations source power, lack of training, complexity case, lack of coordination inter-agency, non-
maximum implementation, and shortcomings support public this, be strong foundation for propose
importance do analysis deep to services provided by the Police Cianjur in handling cases and gifts
support to trafficking victims human (Tunggul 2023).
Evaluation about services provided by the Police Cianjur become instrument critical in
understand extent of trafficking victims man get adequate protection and efforts effective rehabilitation
(Setiyono 2020). Study This can used For describe is implementation existing regulations and
guidelines established by law, such as Constitution Number 21 of 2007 concerning trading human, Law
Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights Humans, and laws related others, implemented in a way
consistent and efficient by the Police Cianjur. Through study this, got it identified dot, dot, dot weakness
in the handling process cases and gifts support to trafficking victims human. If detected limitations in
source power, training officers, coordination inter-agency, or implementation regulations, steps specific
improvements can taken For ensure that the rights and protection of trafficking victims man guaranteed
with more good (Johnson et al. 2020). Additionally, research this also facilitates based data collection
necessary evidence For submit strong recommendation to authorized parties in increase protection
and rehabilitation of humans trafficking victims in the police area Cianjur. Efforts to increase quality
service and protection This No only limited to aspects law, but also involves dimensions social and
psychological, remembering the impact of trauma and loss experienced by humans trafficking victims
(UNODC 2017).
By overall, service Police Cianjur in handling cases and gifts support to trafficking victims man
very important. With more understanding in to existing obstacles and opportunities, steps constructive
can taken For ensure that victims of trafficking man get appropriate protection with his rights and get
their support need For restore life they post incident (Johnson et al. 2020). Study This will become
milestone important in make protection and recovery of trafficking victims man as priority main in
system law and services in the Police area Cianjur.
In accordance explanation that, then study This addressed For analyze Criminal Investigation
Unit services Police Cianjur in giving support towards trafficking victims human. hope, results study
This help preparation more policies Good in matter protection and handling case trading humans in the
police area Cianjur, the next one can made guidelines steps repair concrete and planned action can taken
based on findings research, and can ensure exists more guide Good for officer in give service to the
The research methodology to be used in this study encompasses three main theories: public
service theory, public management theory, and public policy theory. This research will be conducted
using a field research method involving direct observation, interviews with relevant stakeholders, and
documentary studies. The approach employed is qualitative, with an emphasis on gaining in-depth
understanding of public service, public management, and public policy. This research is of an
exploratory nature aimed at exploring phenomena that are not well-known. The data obtained will be
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analyzed using data reduction techniques to simplify complex information, presented in an appropriate
manner, and verified for authenticity. The results of this research are expected to provide a deeper
insight into public service practices within the context of public management and public policy, and can
be used to identify relevant issues or potential improvements within this context.
Criminal Investigation Unit Police Cianjur own very important role in give service and support
to humans trafficking victims (Law No. 21 of 2007 concerning Eradication trading human ). Service
protection and provision support to trafficking victims man own extraordinary significance normal.
First of all, this is step important in protect right basic human, because trading man is violation rights
serious individual. trafficking victims man often face exploitation, trade humans, and violent violations
dignity human. Service This aim For ensure that victims are treated with fair, respected, and protected
in accordance with rights them. Apart from that, service medical and psychological help victims recover
in a way physical and mental, overcoming injury physical and psychological trauma that they natural.
This is important For return victim welfare and help they overcome impact traumatic from experience
trading humans (Mills 2023).
Apart from that, service law help victims understand rights them and give protection necessary
laws, ensure that perpetrator trading man tried and questioned accountability on action them. besides
aspect recovery, service this also has role significant prevention with give understanding about risks
and rights they to the victim, prevent they trapped return in situation exploitation (Johnson et al. 2020).
Apart from that, service social help overcome frequent social stigma experienced by humans trafficking
victims and create safe place for they For get help. This is also important For repair perception public
towards trafficking victims human. Lastly, service education and training help victims develop
necessary skills for life independent, giving opportunity for they For restore self in a way economic and
social after experience traumatic. By overall, service This based on principles humanity, reflect
commitment For protect and support the most vulnerable individuals in society, as well overcome
consequence tragic from trading human.
In handling cases trading human, police Cianjur can give various type service to the victim with
objective main protect and support recovery them, including :
1. Service medical and psychological
One service main thing that can be done given is service medical and psychological.
Trafficking victims man often experience physical and psychological trauma consequence their
exploitation natural (Muraszkiewicz 2018). Police Cianjur can Work The same with facility health
and professional mental health for give required care. Service medical This covers inspection health
routine, maintenance wounds, as well testing disease possible contagion suffered by the victim.
Whereas service psychology is also very important For help victims cope impact psychological from
trading human. Team of psychologists or trained counselor can give support emotional, trauma
counseling, and therapy as needed For help victims recover mentally. Service This will help victims
overcome possible fear, anxiety, and stress they natural.
Service medical and psychological is one aspect important in support provided by the Police
Cianjur to victims of crime Criminal Human Trafficking (TPPO). Trafficking victims man often face
condition serious physical and psychological conditions consequence their exploitation experience
during slavery or trading human. In facing situation This is the Police Cianjur can Work The same
with facility health and professional mental health for give much needed care.
Service medical assistance provided by the Police Cianjur covers series action like inspection
health routine. This is purposeful For ensure that the victim accepts maintenance proper medical
care in accordance with condition them. Apart from that, maintenance wounds are also part
important from service medical this. Trafficking victims man often experience wound physique as
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, Chairul Muriman Setyabudi
, Riska Sri Handayani
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consequence from coercion or abuse by perpetrators. Proper care For injuries This No only help
recovery physical victims but also help they feel more comfortable and awake from risk infection.
Additionally, testing disease contagious is also a component important from service medical
this. Trafficking victims man often alive in conditions that are not hygienic, and they Possible has
exposed disease infectious during period exploitation. Testing This important For detect disease and
give necessary treatment.
Apart from service medical, service psychology is also a the part that doesn't lost importance.
Trafficking victims man often experienced deep psychological trauma consequence experience
traumatic that they are natural. Team of psychologists or trained counselor can help victims in
overcome impact psychological from trading human. This covers give support emotional, trauma
counseling, and therapy as needed For help victims recover mentally. Service psychological This help
victims to overcome possible fears, anxieties and stress they natural, as well give they tool For build
return trust self and well-being psychological.
By overall, service medical and psychological services provided by the Police Cianjur to
humans trafficking victims are very important For ensure that the victim accepts holistic and
comprehensive care. This thing help victims in recovery their physical and mental after experience
traumatic that they are experience during trading human. With give appropriate care, Police Cianjur
help victims of trafficking man For recover in a way physical and psychological, as well ensure that
they can start new life with more good and more strong.
2. Law Service
Apart from service medical and psychological, Police Cianjur can do it too give service law to
trafficking victims human. This includes give information to the victim about rights they, provide
protection law, and support they during the legal process If they choose For continue the judicial
process to perpetrator. Service law This important For ensure that the victim feels safe and
supported in chase justice.
Apart from service medical and psychological, Police Cianjur own very important role in give
service law to victims of crime Criminal Human Trafficking (TPPO). Service law This covers series
purposeful steps For provide the victim with the necessary information about rights they in system
law, provide protection appropriate and supportive laws they during the legal process If they decide
For continue the judicial process to perpetrator.
First of all, deliver information to the victim about rights they in system law is step very
important start. Many victims of trafficking man Possible No know that they own right For report
their crimes experience or For get help law. Police Cianjur can give clear understanding to the victim
regarding rights them, incl right For get help law for free if required.
Second, give protection law to the victim is an integral part of service this. This thing covers
steps like give protection physique if the victim feels threatened by the perpetrator or syndicate
trading human. Police Cianjur can do it too assist victims in the application process report to police
and supervise the process For ensure that the victim gets adequate protection.
Lastly, support victims during the legal process is component key from service law this. Some
possible victims decide For continue the judicial process to perpetrator, and in matter this, them need
strong support. Police Cianjur can connecting victims with advisor law or experienced lawyer in
cases trading human, so they own support competent law. Apart from that, they can also help victims
in attend trial, giving testimony, and undergoing the judicial process with more good.
Service laws given by the Police Cianjur is very important For ensure that victims of
trafficking man feel safe, supported, and heard in effort they For look for justice ( Keban, 2004).
Through steps This is the Police Cianjur role as guard justice for trafficking victims human, help they
in journey they going to recovery and coping perpetrator crime with confidence that action they No
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will escape from punishment. With so, service law be one aspect important in support victims of
trafficking man in overcome experience traumatic that they are natural.
3. Social Service
Police Cianjur can give service encompassing social place living, food, and necessities base
other to trafficking victims possible human become survivor without place stay or source power.
Provide place safe stay and service adequate social is step important in help victims recover yourself
and get started life new.
Next, in frame give support holistic to victims of crime Criminal Trafficking in Persons
(TPPO), Police Cianjur can give service encompassing social facility place stay, food, and fulfillment
need base others. Trafficking victims man often there in vulnerable and possible situations become
survivor without place stay or source adequate power. Therefore it, provides place safe stay and
service adequate social is step important in help victims recover yourself and get started new life.
Service This can covers management or cooperation with facility shelter while being
designed special for trafficking victims human. Facility This must ensure safety and confidentiality of
victims while provide place a comfortable and supportive stay. Apart from that, the Police Cianjur
can do it too Work The same with non- governmental organizations and institutions social For ensure
provision food and necessities base other for victims in need.
Apart from the benefits practical, gift place stay and service Social media also provides a sense
of security and protection to trafficking victims human. They are often alive in fear and confusion
after experience exploitation, and possession place safe stay is step important start For help they
feel more stable in a way emotional. Apart from that, easy access to food, clothing, and care base help
guard well-being physical victim and help they in the process of recovery.
Overall, service comprehensive social that includes place living, food, and necessities base
other is an integral part in support victims of trafficking human. With provide safe and full
environment Attention, Police Cianjur and partners they can help victims recover self from their
trauma experience and get started journey going to more recovery good. Service this also delivers
encouragement important for trafficking victims man For get return control on life them and build a
better future Good after experience devastating experience.
4. Education and training to human trafficking victims
Apart from that, education and training can also be done become part from services provided
by the Police Cianjur to trafficking victims human. Through training, victims can obtain Skills new
and preparing self For reintegration to in public with positive way. Education is also important For
help victims understand rights them and how protect self they from potency future exploitation.
Apart from service medical, psychological, legal, and social, education and training also
become component important from service available given by the Police Cianjur to victims of crime
Criminal Human Trafficking (TPPO). Through training programs, trafficking victims man can obtain
Skills new ones that improve ability they For look for decent and independent work in a way
economy. Training This can covers various field, like Skills work, entrepreneurship, or understanding
about rights workers. This is not only help victims to restore life they but also deliver they more Lots
control over the future them.
Apart from training, education is also important in give more understanding Good to the
victim about rights them. Police Cianjur can Work The same with institutions education or non-
governmental organizations For give education about victims' rights, incl right For life free from
exploitation, rights For Work in safe environment, and rights For report crime to party authorized.
Education This No only protect victims from potency future exploitation but also deliver they trust
self For participate active in legal proceedings If they choose For continue the judicial process to
With give education and training, Police Cianjur give chance to trafficking victims man For
get return independence them and take step positive towards a brighter future good. This is step
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Marty Fitrianty
, Chairul Muriman Setyabudi
, Riska Sri Handayani
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important in help victims recover from experience traumatic that they are natural and possible they
For life with price high self as well as own hope for more future bright.
Overall, the service can be given by the Criminal Investigation Unit Police Cianjur to trafficking
victims man covers aspect medical, psychological, legal, social, and educational. With give services that
are holistic and focus on victim recovery, Polres Cianjur can play crucial role in support victims of
trafficking human and helpful they overcome the impact caused by the action terrible crime this. This
also reflects commitment For protect right basic humans and prevent trading humans in the region.
From the results study furthermore is known that There is a number supporting factors
comprehensive service available given by the Criminal Investigation Unit Police Cianjur to trafficking
victims human, includes aspect medical, psychological, legal, social, and educational. Factors, including
1. important factor is collaboration between Police Cianjur and institutions health as well as
professional mental health. Work The same This possible giving service proper medical, such as
inspection health routine and maintenance wound, which supports recovery physical victim.
Temporary that, support psychology provided by experts Mental health helps victims overcome
frequent psychological trauma they natural.
2. Aspect law become factor important in give protection and justice for trafficking victims human.
Police Cianjur must give information to the victim about rights they, provide protection law, and
support they during the legal process If they choose For continue Justice to perpetrator. This thing
creates a sense of security for internal victims chase justice.
3. Service social like place living, food, and necessities base other is supporting factors recovery for
trafficking victims human. Many possible victims become survivor without place stay or source
power, so provide place safe stay and service adequate social help they restore yourself and get
started life new.
4. Education and training give chance to trafficking victims man For obtain Skills new and preparing
self For reintegration to in public with positive way. Education is also important For help victims
understand rights them and how protect self from potency future exploitation.
By overall, factors This each other related and mutual support in effort give holistic service to
trafficking victims human. Margaret (2019), explains that with comprehensive approach, Polres Cianjur
can play important role in help victims recover from experience traumatic they, provide protection law,
and provide chance For sustainable recovery and independence. Apart from that, there are also a
number possible factors hinder services provided by the Criminal Investigation Unit Police Cianjur to
victims of crime Criminal Trafficking in Persons (TPPO), includes various aspect like medical,
psychological, legal, social and educational, including :
1. First of all, deep aspect medical, limitations facility health and energy medical services available in
the area certain Can become obstacles. Trafficking victims man Possible need maintenance specific
health, and if facility or source Power medical limited, optimal service is possible disturbed.
2. Aspect psychological too presenting obstacles. Each victim has different levels of trauma, and some
from they Possible reject For accept help psychological or feel worried associated possible stigma
related with use service that.
3. In aspect law, judicial process Can become slow and complicated, esp If there is obstacle in system
involving justice bureaucracy and consuming procedures time. This thing can make the victim feel
separated hope and delay the recovery process them.
4. Aspect social including possible stigma and discrimination faced by the victim. Trafficking victims
man often feel Afraid or Embarrassed For report experience them, especially If they worry will
stamped as vulnerable victims or involved in activity illegal.
5. In aspect education, access to education or training Skills Possible limited for humans trafficking
victims, especially If they has lost chance education during period exploitation them.
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According to Frances, (2022), all factor This can hinder effective and holistic service to
trafficking victims human. Therefore that's important for party authorities, institutions social, and
society in a way whole For Work The same in overcome obstacles This To use give optimal support to
victims and help they in the process of recovery and reintegration to in society.
Based on results the above findings, then can done analysis formulation of improvement
strategies service in field protection of humans trafficking victims can given by the Criminal
Investigation Unit Police Cianjur, who can covers steps following :
1. Strengthening Collaboration with Health Institutions
Police Cianjur must increase more collaboration tightly with facility health and professional
mental health. This can covers establishment of a health unit especially inside or near with Police
For give maintenance more medical and psychological fast and efficient to trafficking victims human.
2. Provision of Facilities Medical and Psychological
Ensure that Police Cianjur own facility adequate medical and psychological care and well -
trained staff For give maintenance to trafficking victims human. This thing including complete
Polyclinic medical and holding psychologist or counselor experienced.
3. Strengthening the Legal Team
Shaping team law specifically that can be give information and protection law to trafficking
victims human. team This must understand related laws with trading human and have ability For
accompanying victims in the legal process.
4. Training for Personnel
Give ongoing training to personnel Police Cianjur about aspect medical, psychological, legal,
and social from trading human. It will increase understanding they about victim's needs and methods
best For give appropriate service.
5. Network with Social Organization
Build strong network with organization social groups, NGOs and institutions government
related For support service social to trafficking victims human. This includes provide place stay safe
and source Power basic.
6. Education and Training Program
Organizing special education and training programs addressed for trafficking victims human.
This can includes training programs skills, formal education, and possible training they For
independent in a way economy.
7. Campaign Public Awareness
Do ongoing campaign for increase awareness public about trading people and their importance
report events this. matter This can reduce social stigma towards the victim and pushing more Lots
8. System Monitoring and Evaluation
Apply system strong monitoring and evaluation For measure effectiveness services provided
and identifying areas of need repair.
With implementing this strategy, Criminal Investigation Unit Police Cianjur can increase their
service give to trafficking victims man in a way significant. This step will help victims in recovery they,
provide protection law, and provide chance For more reintegration good to in society.
In giving service protection and provision support to trafficking victims human, police Cianjur
can provide service comprehensive medical, psychological, legal, social, and educational. This thing will
help victims of trafficking man recover in a way physical and mental, giving protection legal, and helpful
they start new life. However, there is a number obstacle like limitations facility medical, stigma against
service psychological, slow legal process, social stigma, and limitations access education is also
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, Chairul Muriman Setyabudi
, Riska Sri Handayani
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necessary resolved. Therefore the, improvement strategy involving services strengthening Work same,
provision facilities, training personnel, and campaigns awareness public need implemented.
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Copyright holder:
Marty Fitrianty, Chairul Muriman Setyabudi, Riska Sri Handayani (2023)
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International Journal of Social and Service (IJSSR)
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