International Journal of Asian Education,
Marty Fitrianty
, Chairul Muriman Setyabudi
, Riska Sri Handayani
IJSSR Page 2631
Based on results studies documents, known that during 2011 to In 2020, the majority were
victims of humans trafficking in the East Asia and Pacific region is Woman adult, with percentage as
much as 58%. Temporary That's the number of male victims mature reached 18%, followed by children
Woman as much as 21%, and children man as much as 3% (UNDC, 2022). Problem This as stated by
Felicity and Narelle (2016), also explains that trading man identified become problem main thing found
the more increased in a quarter of countries worldwide. Yenny, Anita and Rini (2020), also conveyed
that trading man is crime outside ordinary nature organized and transnational so that can categorized
as as crime organized transnational.
In Indonesia, trade man stated in Constitution Number 21 of 2007 Concerning Eradication Act
Criminal Trafficking in Persons (TPPO), which explains that follow criminal human trafficking is as form
recruitment, transportation, or acceptance of people through threat or coercion, especially an abusive
one position power and exploit the vulnerability, to exploitation including prostitution, slavery, or organ
removal (Gerry dan Sherwill 2016). Article 3 of the UN Protocol also regulates about trading human,
which explains that trading human / human trafficking is recruitment, transportation, transfer, shelter,
or reception someone, with threat or use violence or forms coercion other, kidnapping, fraud, abuse
power or position vulnerable, or give or accept payment or benefit For obtain agreement from someone
who holds control over others to objective exploitation (Bigio dan Vogelstein 2021).
Based on definition trade of persons as listed in the rules above, explained that victims of
trafficking man can classified to in a number of subpopulation in two dimensions. Dimensions First is
type experienced trade, subpopulations within it covers trading sex commercial, work force, slavery No
voluntary, and violent in House stairs (McGaughey et al. 2022). Dimensions second is type targeted
individuals, subpopulations within them includes domestic victims or international, children under age,
individual with need specifically, and child victims of trafficking (Pascual-Leone et al. 2017). Whereas
according to Annalee (2022), from The UN explanation is known that trading man consists from three
core elements, namely : actions, means and goals that produce results exploitation towards vulnerable
Indonesia is a country of origin, transit and destination human trafficking (Juanda et al. 2023).
This thing proven with Data findings showed that 1,943 people were victims of humans trafficking
identified June 5, 2023 to July 3, 2023, with proportion the victim based on trading mode man can is
known that 1,274 people were victims of trafficking man with Worker mode Illegal Indonesian Migrants
(PMI), 515 people became victims of trafficking man with Worker mode Sex Commercial (PSK), 128
people became victims of trafficking man with children being exploited, and 28 people becoming victims
of trafficking man with Ship Crew (ABK) mode (Clemente 2022). In everything form, crime This in a way
Serious damage dignity and integrity physique from a number women, men, and children around the
world are becoming victims (Armeanu 2019).
The perpetrators trading humans do it recruitment, transportation, transfer, shelter, or
acceptance of people for objective trap, or exploit them at home and abroad various form with threat or
use violence or forms coercion other, kidnapping, fraud, abuse power or position vulnerable, or give or
accept payment or benefit For obtain agreement from the person holding it control over other people
(Stöckl et al. 2021). Whereas potential trafficking victims man This originate from a number of possible
factors increase its vulnerability become victims of trafficking human. Factors This including age young,
history childhood abuse, homelessness, cliques minority sexual, disability cognitive or physical, worker
migrant, social status low economy, and race or ethnicity minority (Mora et al. 2022). With background
behind this, it's clear that understanding about vulnerability become relevant in respond and prevent
follow criminal human trafficking (Gaitis 2022). Abuse position vulnerability somebody is one methods
used by the perpetrator human trafficking for do action trading man this (ICAT, 2022).
According to Task Force Unit Act Criminal Human Trafficking ( TPPO Task Force ), the primary
impact of trading man cause no loss only covers health problems, disability physical, HIV transmission,