International Journal of Asian Education,
Agus Setyawan
Chairul Muriman Setyabudi
Surya Nita
IJSSR Page 2642
provides machine search information, social media, email services, services storage cloud, chat
applications, e-commerce, video streaming services, music streaming services, services online games,
applications online transportation, services finance, service health, service shopping and still Lots again
(Saleh 2022).
Consequence convenience accessibility that becomes priority internet function, p This capable
causes a shift in priorities, giving rise to basic human needs that increase daily activities and ultimately
give rise to cultural, economic, security and legal changes. The impact is Humans are increasingly
dependent on technology, including smartphones, laptops and the internet. This dependency is caused
by the need to improve the quality of life by including technology and information that can be accessed
in all sectors of life (Karo dan Sebastian 2019).
Even though technological developments have a positive impact on people's lives, it does not
rule out the possibility that these technological advances will give rise to various types of crimes that
develop along with the development of modern technology, such as cyber crime whose impact is greater
than conventional crime (Suhariyanto 2013). This explanation is also strengthened by the opinion of
Regner, (2016), who state that cyber crime is a complex and broad phenomenon; the proliferation of
mobile devices, Wi-Fi networks, and the openness of the Internet have become media capable of
increasing the expansion of cyber attacks, cyber crime, and cyber victimization.
Koto (2021), also states that existence development technology also leaves side scary dark, like
pornography, crime computers, digital terrorism, war waste information, and so on. Condition This will
the more aggravated if happen negligence that exists in cyberspace, which is fatal deed, and can give rise
to very big loss, which is not only limited in space and time.
Threat cyber crime this is also worth it received special attention from a criminological
perspective, because of the unique character of the internet that can exploited by the perpetrator cyber
crime with unique characteristics (Tonkolu 2019). Matthew, (2022) also explain that perpetrator cyber
crime own unique characteristics Because they usually own proficiency high technical in field
technology information and communication, as well ability For manipulate and exploit vulnerability in
system computers and networks. Apart from that, the perpetrator Cyber crime is also frequent own
different motivations, such as profit financial, reply revenge, or only For look for sensation (ISA et al.
2021). This thing make they difficult detected and stopped by the competent authorities. Besides,
because perpetrator cyber crime can operate from distance far and wide anonymous via the internet,
they tend feel more safe and protected from action restrictive laws freedom them (Abdullah dan Jahan).
Characteristics unique from perpetrator cyber crime This make handling cases cyber crime become
more complex and challenging. So that For handling it required development new technologies and
strategies For combat crime in cyberspace (Kemp et al. 2021).
Igor and Kaja (2022), also explain that Cyber crime is one of the most significant security
challenges of the 21st century. Challenge This appear from its height diversity in security cyber users.
Different online behavior, levels awareness threats, attitudes, and knowledge about action protection to
cybercrime observed among user, which leads to high variability in victimization cybercrime (Brunton-
Smith 2017). In line with challenge this, then difficult For evaluate prevalence Actually from cyber victim
status, because low percentage reported and investigated cyber crimes, for obtain more understanding
deep about how much wide Actually difference experience become a victim in between various type of
virtual world (Drew 2020).
For overcome threat cyber crime in types This online scam, Abdelghany Etaki, (2021) in his
research recommend for increase awareness society so that it doesn't become the victim. Importance
enhancement awareness public from threat cyber crime this is also very necessary remember that level
awareness community in the jurisdiction Police Cimahi to action crime online fraud still low, which is p
This proven by numbers report online fraud continues increases, which p This show that online fraud
still become significant problems and society still become a victim of online fraud (Ganesh et al. 2020).