Attribution- ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Vol. 03, No. 10, October 2023
e- ISSN : 2807-8691 | p- ISSN : 2807-839X
IJSSR Page 2641 10.46799/ijssr.v3i10.563
This work is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Strategy To Build Public Awareness In Preventing Online
Fraud Crimes In The Jurisdiction Of The Cimahi Police
Agus Setyawan
Chairul Muriman Setyabudi
Surya Nita
Science Studies Police, School of Strategic and Global Studies, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
strategy, prevention, fraud, building,
This research is motivated by the negative impact of the
development of information technology, especially the internet,
which has caused an increase in cases of cyber crime. The number of
victims in this type of crime is partly triggered by low public
awareness. Therefore, this research is aimed at explaining
appropriate strategies for building public awareness in preventing
online fraud crimes in the Cimahi Police jurisdiction. The theories
used in this research are criminology theory, rational choice theory,
social control theory, planned behavior theory, communication
theory, and social psychology theory. This research method was
carried out through a qualitative approach, using data collection
techniques through interviews, observation and data
documentation. The research results show that cases of online fraud
at the Cimahi Police are increasing along with technological
developments and increasingly widespread internet connectivity.
This crime has detrimental social and economic impacts on victims,
including financial losses and psychological impacts. Therefore,
appropriate steps are needed to increase public understanding of
the risks and tactics of online fraud. A number of strategies that can
be used to build public awareness in preventing online fraud crimes
include: adopting a continuous education approach, strong public
awareness campaigns need to be introduced through various media,
collaboration with the private sector, especially e-commerce and
banking platforms, developing complaint applications digital tools
that enable people to report fraud easily and safely, adequate law
enforcement training in digital investigations must be a priority,
implementing victim protection programs, establishing
partnerships with schools and integrating cyber security education
in educational curriculum, as well as conducting data analysis and
prediction of online fraud trends the new one.
The development of computer technology, telecommunications and information technology has
progressed to such an extent that today it is very different from previous years. This development brings
changes to human life that bring sophistication and make everyone's activities easier, where electronic-
based information system technology is the main gateway to getting their needs (Dewi dan Pujiyono
One of the technological developments that has brought major changes is the internet, which has
brought a new reality to every human's life, and is also able to change distance and time infinitely from
its accessibility function (Ardi et al. 2021). Internet media can also be tools inside carry out business
transactions, study, shop, talk to colleagues around the world, and even carry out other activities in real
life (Fahlevi et al. 2019). The existence of the internet has now also produced a virtual world that
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Chairul Muriman Setyabudi
Surya Nita
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provides machine search information, social media, email services, services storage cloud, chat
applications, e-commerce, video streaming services, music streaming services, services online games,
applications online transportation, services finance, service health, service shopping and still Lots again
(Saleh 2022).
Consequence convenience accessibility that becomes priority internet function, p This capable
causes a shift in priorities, giving rise to basic human needs that increase daily activities and ultimately
give rise to cultural, economic, security and legal changes. The impact is Humans are increasingly
dependent on technology, including smartphones, laptops and the internet. This dependency is caused
by the need to improve the quality of life by including technology and information that can be accessed
in all sectors of life (Karo dan Sebastian 2019).
Even though technological developments have a positive impact on people's lives, it does not
rule out the possibility that these technological advances will give rise to various types of crimes that
develop along with the development of modern technology, such as cyber crime whose impact is greater
than conventional crime (Suhariyanto 2013). This explanation is also strengthened by the opinion of
Regner, (2016), who state that cyber crime is a complex and broad phenomenon; the proliferation of
mobile devices, Wi-Fi networks, and the openness of the Internet have become media capable of
increasing the expansion of cyber attacks, cyber crime, and cyber victimization.
Koto (2021), also states that existence development technology also leaves side scary dark, like
pornography, crime computers, digital terrorism, war waste information, and so on. Condition This will
the more aggravated if happen negligence that exists in cyberspace, which is fatal deed, and can give rise
to very big loss, which is not only limited in space and time.
Threat cyber crime this is also worth it received special attention from a criminological
perspective, because of the unique character of the internet that can exploited by the perpetrator cyber
crime with unique characteristics (Tonkolu 2019). Matthew, (2022) also explain that perpetrator cyber
crime own unique characteristics Because they usually own proficiency high technical in field
technology information and communication, as well ability For manipulate and exploit vulnerability in
system computers and networks. Apart from that, the perpetrator Cyber crime is also frequent own
different motivations, such as profit financial, reply revenge, or only For look for sensation (ISA et al.
2021). This thing make they difficult detected and stopped by the competent authorities. Besides,
because perpetrator cyber crime can operate from distance far and wide anonymous via the internet,
they tend feel more safe and protected from action restrictive laws freedom them (Abdullah dan Jahan).
Characteristics unique from perpetrator cyber crime This make handling cases cyber crime become
more complex and challenging. So that For handling it required development new technologies and
strategies For combat crime in cyberspace (Kemp et al. 2021).
Igor and Kaja (2022), also explain that Cyber crime is one of the most significant security
challenges of the 21st century. Challenge This appear from its height diversity in security cyber users.
Different online behavior, levels awareness threats, attitudes, and knowledge about action protection to
cybercrime observed among user, which leads to high variability in victimization cybercrime (Brunton-
Smith 2017). In line with challenge this, then difficult For evaluate prevalence Actually from cyber victim
status, because low percentage reported and investigated cyber crimes, for obtain more understanding
deep about how much wide Actually difference experience become a victim in between various type of
virtual world (Drew 2020).
For overcome threat cyber crime in types This online scam, Abdelghany Etaki, (2021) in his
research recommend for increase awareness society so that it doesn't become the victim. Importance
enhancement awareness public from threat cyber crime this is also very necessary remember that level
awareness community in the jurisdiction Police Cimahi to action crime online fraud still low, which is p
This proven by numbers report online fraud continues increases, which p This show that online fraud
still become significant problems and society still become a victim of online fraud (Ganesh et al. 2020).
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Lots of it complaint general about online fraud that they are natural, like phishing messages, fraud online
investment, and fraud identity, which is next show that Still many people have it easy trapped in online
fraud. Apart from that, the lack of knowledge about tactics online fraud used by fraudsters, such as
phishing messages, malware viruses, or email scams, are next make they more prone to Becoming a
victim of online fraud shows that public the Still own low awareness will threat cyber crime in types this
online fraud (Mostafa 2022). Therefore that, for overcome problem This required exists more effort
intensive For increase awareness public in prevent crime that.
Apart from explanation it is vulnerable community in the jurisdiction Police Cimahi become
victims of cyber crime This caused by a lack of awareness about threat cyber crime, which if public
Cimahi not enough understand about threat cyber crime and tactics online fraud, they Possible more
prone to become a victim of online fraud (Lutfiyana 2021). Therefore that, them Possible No know
method protect self they or How recognize signs online fraud, so they prone to become a victim of online
fraud. Apart from that, society Cimahi is lacking educated and educated also have potential more easy
fooled by online fraud, because they Possible No own Skills enough technology For protect self from
attack online fraud (Payne 2020). Lack of supervision or protection from party authorities can also make
public Cimahi prone to become a victim of online fraud. For reduce risk Become a victim of online fraud,
it's important for public Cimahi For increase awareness they about threat cyber crime, obtaining
knowledge about tactics online fraud, and following the advice given by the relevant authorities with
security cyber. This thing can help public protect self they from online fraud and crime cyber others.
One element the government owns it role in prevent crime cyber crime in types online fraud is
Police Cimahi. Police Cimahi as institution enforcer law own role important in give education and
socialization to public in prevention crime online fraud, however limitations source Power human (HR)
and technology at the Police Cimahi become challenge in effort build awareness society. For overcome
problem that, then the right strategy is needed in build awareness public in prevention crime online
fraud, so can increase effectiveness prevention and treatment crime (Spink et al. 2016; de Bruijn dan
Janssen 2017; Qabajeh et al. 2018).
A number of theory used For analyze building strategy issues awareness public in prevention
crime online fraud in the jurisdiction Police Cimahi among others, comes from from theory criminology
and psychology social can used For understand and prevent crime online fraud. Theories the among
other things, theory criminology emphasize importance understand influencing factors happen crime,
incl theory highlighting opportunities role chance in crime, theory choice rational emphasize that
individual do crime after consider benefits and risks related with action (Chirkov et al. 2019). theory
control social highlighting role factors social in prevent action criminal. Behavioral theory planned
emphasize role intention in behavior. Understand factors like attitudes, subjective norms, and control
behavior can help in designing effective communication For increase intention public in prevent crime
online fraud. Communication theory and psychology social help in designing messages effective
prevention, consider context social, norms, and attitudes individual. With understand How messages
the delivered and received, yes developed more communication strategies effective For increase
awareness public in prevention crime online fraud.
By Overall, theories This give framework useful thoughts For understand, analyze, and prevent
crime online fraud with involve factors like opportunity, motivation, control social, intention, and
communication effective.
Research methods descriptive used in study This aim For describe the strategy used by the
Police Cimahi in build awareness public in prevention crime online fraud in the jurisdiction Police
Cimahi. Data will collected through interview with officer Police Cimahi was involved in prevention
programs online fraud and surveys to the society that is becoming the program's targets. Interview will
covers question about the strategy used, while survey will evaluate level awareness society. Data
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Chairul Muriman Setyabudi
Surya Nita
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obtained will analyzed in a way descriptive, with describe findings from interviews and surveys.
Qualitative and quantitative data will analyzed For give comprehensive understanding about strategy
and levels awareness society. The result of study This expected can give outlook for Police Cimahi and
parties authorized other about How strengthen effort prevention crime online fraud. With Thus, an
effective strategy can identified, and efforts For increase awareness public in prevention crime online
fraud can improved.
Building Strategy Deep Community Awareness Prevention Crime Online Fraud in Police
Jurisdiction Cimahi
Online fraud is an increasing phenomenon unsettling in the current digital era this. This refers
to practice crime involved use of the internet and technology For cheat individual or organization with
Meaning get profits are not valid. Forms Online fraud is very diverse, starting from phishing scams
involving message fake that tricks the victim into disclose information personal or finance them, up to
sale product false or services that don't there is. Online fraud is common can own impact significant
financial impact on the victim, and in a number of case, also possible damage reputation them.
One characteristic main online fraud is exists element hoax power and manipulation. Fraudsters
often pretend to be party who can trusted or use techniques manipulation psychological For trick the
victim. They might using an apparent fake website or platform legitimate For entice the victim to give
information personal or do transaction finance. Online fraud can also occur involve hacking or attack
destructive cyber system computer or steal valuable data (Tambunan and Suryadi 2019).
Importance awareness and education public about online fraud is not Can doubtful again. The
more many people understand potency risks and tactics common scam used, increasingly small
possibility they become a victim. This education is also possible help individual For identify signs
warning and take steps prevention the right one moment interact online. Apart from that, it works The
same between institution enforcer law, provider internet services, and sectors private sector is very
important in identify and overcome online fraud.
Online fraud is problem keep it serious develop along with progress technology. Therefore that
's necessary exists continuous effort in prevent, detect and follow up online fraud. Awareness, education,
as well Work The same between various party will become key in protect public from threat This is in
the increasingly digital era growing.
Currently, the case Online fraud is increasing increase globally, and this also impacts levels crime
in level local, including jurisdiction Police Cimahi. Increasing case online fraud shows necessity action
preventive. Online fraud can cause loss significant financial for individual and family. Additionally,
impact psychological and emotional from become a victim of fraud can be very damaging. Awareness
public can help reduce loss this. Countermeasures online fraud requires cooperation between apparatus
enforcer law, society, and sectors private. Awareness public is step First For motivating participation
active in prevention and reporting fraud.
Generation young is user active internet, and they need be equipped with knowledge about
online risks since early. Education in schools and communities can help they become more users smart
and safe online. The more Many people depend on the internet for various necessities, incl
communicating, shopping, and doing transaction finance. This makes public the more prone to to online
fraud. Online criminals continue develop technique new, so important For renew knowledge and
awareness society to order them can identify threat latest.
Prevent Online fraud is far away more Good than try restore loss after action fraud happened.
For reach objective is required awareness society so they can used For prevent the fall of new victims
of the type crime that. Therefore that, with awareness public will can increase vigilance general to online
risks, which can reduce effectiveness action fraud. The more difficult for criminal For getting victims,
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increasingly low possibility they For successful. Awareness public about online fraud is part from more
effort big For guard safety and security public in a way overall. It's involving protect finances, privacy,
and well-being individual.
However, the problem persists This There is is is lack of concern public will threat This online
fraud is caused by low awareness public will threat to species follow criminal this. Therefore that, for
oppose threat This is the Police Cimahi own role crucial in empowerment public For prevention crime
online fraud.
Based on theory control social, yes explained urgency theory control social in implementation
task Police Cimahi in empowerment public For prevention crime Online fraud is very serious crucial.
This theory become base For understand and identify factors social role in push or prevent happen
crime online fraud. With understanding This is the Police Cimahi can designing more prevention
strategies appropriate target, like increase awareness public about risk online fraud and establishing
positive social norms related safe online behavior. Control theory Social helps too in analyze influencing
factors change behavior public related with online security. Apart from that, theory This push
collaboration with various parties, incl institution education and business, in effort together prevent
crime online fraud. More from that 's theory This give base for action enforcement effective law with
identify perpetrator potential based on factors social influences behavior criminal. Apart from
improving online awareness and security, implementation theory control social also provides efficiency
in use source Power Police Cimahi, possible they For focus on the most important areas in prevention
crime online fraud. With So, theory control social become crucial foundation in effort Police Cimahi For
protect public from threat crime online fraud.
In accordance with explanation that, then can explained that in prevention crime online fraud,
role crucial Police Cimahi in empowerment public can seen from exists action as following :
1. Police Cimahi can role in help public develop norms and values supportive social prevention crime
online fraud. This can done through educational and outreach programs that promote safe and
honest online ethics and behavior.
2. Police Cimahi can give understanding to public about associated risks with online fraud. This includes
give information about tactics used by online fraudsters and potential consequence punishment for
3. Police Cimahi can help in build awareness public about importance supervise their online activities
yourself and others. This includes identify signs warning online fraud and reporting it to party
4. Police Cimahi can stage training and workshops for increase ability individual in identify and avoid
online fraud. It's involving teaching Skills like recognize phishing emails, secure personal data, and
manage passwords with safe.
5. Police Cimahi can rally Work The same between society, business, institutions education, and
organization social in effort together For prevent online fraud. This includes share information,
sources power, and practice best in mitigate risk online crime.
6. Police Cimahi own role important in straighten up law related with crime online fraud. Enforcement
action strict law can become factor control strong social in prevent perpetrator crime.
7. Police Cimahi can Work The same with provider online services and companies technology For
increase security and privacy user. This includes monitor potential websites or platforms become
nest online fraud.
8. Police Cimahi can rally support public in prevention crime online fraud through programs such as
campaign awareness, discussion forums, or group support.
9. Police Cimahi can become source information Trusted about online fraud and how avoid it. They can
provide guide, brochure, or educational online content.
With adopt approach based theory control social This is the Police Cimahi can help public For
internalize supportive social norms prevention crime online fraud, as well give necessary tools and
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Chairul Muriman Setyabudi
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knowledge For control risk and avoid fall become a victim of online fraud. Through effort This is
empowerment public in prevention crime online fraud can become more effective and sustainable.
However, inside implementation role Police Cimahi the in do effort empowerment public For
prevent crime This online fraud, face a number possible factors support or hinder effectiveness
implementation role this. Supporting factors including accessibility increasingly technology and the
internet expands, so possible Police Cimahi For reach more many people with messages prevention.
Apart from that, it works The same with sector private and institutional education can strengthen effort
empowerment, because they can provide source Power additions and platforms for counseling.
However, on the other hand, there are also obstacles like distrust public to institution enforcer law, that
can reduce effectiveness effort empowerment. Apart from that, diversity culture and level Diverse
digital literacy in society can also be done become challenge in convey message effective prevention.
Therefore That's it, the Police Cimahi need take a holistic and adaptable approach with characteristics
public local as well as Keep going innovate in method and message prevention efforts empowerment
This can more effective and responsive to development technology and dynamics continuous social
changed. For know in a way detailed from existence second factor above, below This explained in a way
detailed on existence factors the following :
1. Supporting Factors
a. Education and Public Awareness
His height level education and awareness public about threat Online fraud can be very supportive
effort Police Cimahi. More society educated tend more alert to potency online fraud and more
Possible report activity suspicious.
b. Collaboration with the Private Sector
Good collaboration with e-commerce platforms, banking, and providers online services can
increase monitoring to activity online fraud. It delivers Police access to necessary information For
action enforcement more laws effective.
c. Technology and Data Analytics
Utilization modern technology and data analysis can help Police Cimahi in identify trend new and
potential online fraud. This thing possible action more prevention faster and more appropriate
2. Inhibiting Factors
a. Limitations Resources
Limitations budget and personnel can hinder ability Police Cimahi For provide adequate
education and training, as well carry out action enforcement effective law in cases online fraud.
Required sufficient investment For infrastructure and training.
b. Low Level of Public Awareness
Lack of awareness public about threat online fraud can become obstacle Serious in effort
prevention. Ignorance or lack of understanding about online risks can make public become more
targets easy for fraudster.
c. Complexity Technology :
Speed development technology make tactics Online fraud is increasing complex. Police Cimahi
need adapt in a way continously with development new This For still effective in oppose fraud.
d. Legal Barriers
Often, online criminals operate outside jurisdiction local, which can create obstacle law in pursue
and prosecute them. Work The same cross - border and more regulations strong required For
overcome problem this.
e. Internet Access Inequality
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A number of group public Possible own limited internet access or even No own access The same
once. This thing can hinder effort empowerment and education to groups This in context
prevention online fraud.
In facing challenges and opportunities This is the Police Cimahi must endeavor For overcome
existing obstacles while utilise factors that support it. This thing involve effort sustainable in education,
training, and cooperation with various parties, as well utilization technology For increase ability
enforcement law and data analysis. With method This is the Police Cimahi can play effective role in
prevention crime online fraud and protect public from constant online threats growing.
Apart from doing effort overcome obstacle in implementation role Police Cimahi the, existence
factor supporting and inhibiting that can also be done utilized For make an innovative strategy used For
do prevention crime online fraud and protect public from constant online threats growing. For reach
objective This requires innovative strategies that involve education, awareness public, and
collaboration with sector private.
1. Police Cimahi can adopt approach education sustainable. This involves training programs and
workshops on online security for various group society, start from children to adults. Education This
must covers understanding deep about tactics online fraud such as phishing, malware, and fraud
modes others.
2. Campaign awareness strong public need introduced. Through social media, advertisements and
online seminars, Polres Cimahi can increase awareness public about risk online fraud and ways avoid
3. Collaboration with sector private sector, especially e-commerce and banking platforms, are step
important. this collaboration can possible more monitoring Good to activity suspicious and more
reporting fast related online fraud.
4. Police Cimahi can utilise technology with develop application possible digital complaints public
report fraud with easy and safe. This will too help in collection more information Good For
5. Training enforcement adequate law in digital investigations must become priority. This thing
including training officer police in techniques latest digital investigations, incl tracking source online
fraud and use tool analysis cyber.
6. Do integration in the victim protection program. this program can help victims of online fraud with
provide support psychology and the laws that they need, encourage they For report cases fraud.
7. Interweave partnership with schools and integration education security cyber in curriculum they can
help educate generation young about risks and methods guard self online.
8. Do data analysis and predictions can become powerful tool in identify trend new and potential online
fraud. It will possible Police Cimahi For take action prevention more early.
With implementation of innovative strategies This is the Police Cimahi can play role central in
prevention online fraud and protect public from ongoing cyber threats growing. This step will
strengthen awareness, protection, and security society in this digital era.
Based on explanation above, then can concluded that case crime online fraud in the jurisdiction
Police Cimahi is increasing threat Serious in a number of year Lastly, in line with development
technology and internet connectivity increasingly wide. Online fraud has impact detrimental social and
economic outcomes, incl loss financial and impact psychological for victims. Profile case online fraud is
necessary analyzed For understand types frequent fraud occur and develop education and awareness
programs appropriate society. This is also important Because pattern online crime always development,
and enforcement law need adapt self with tactics recently used by online criminals. Besides, crime
online fraud is not know the boundaries of the area, so need cooperation inter-agency enforcer law and
understanding about dynamics expansion cybercrime. Increase awareness public about risk online
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Chairul Muriman Setyabudi
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fraud and ways protect self is step important For reduce case fraud and protect safety and security
public in a way overall.
Influencing factors level awareness public in prevent action crime online fraud in the jurisdiction
Police Cimahi identify a number of factor important. Education and knowledge society, case increased
fraud, awareness personal, consciousness from source trusted, social media and sources online
information, awareness about impact, campaign awareness, and resilience technology everything role
in form awareness society. Educational efforts, enforcement law, and campaigning awareness is very
important For increase awareness public to threat online fraud. The more public understand risks and
tactics Online fraud, increasingly big possibility they For be careful in interact in cyberspace and protect
self they from potency fraud.
For build awareness public in prevention crime online fraud in the jurisdiction Police Cimahi,
required a series of effective education and communication strategies. These strategies including
campaign education, workshops, brochures, partnerships with school, source online power, training
program For group vulnerable, reporting fraud, social media campaigns, partnerships with business
local, extension field, activities social, content education in local media, and development applications
and tools supporters. Through this strategy, it is hoped awareness public to risks and tactics online fraud
can improved. Awareness This is step key in prevent online fraud, protect individual from loss financial
and loss personal, as well guard security public in a way all in cyberspace.
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Copyright holder:
Agus Setyawan, Chairul Muriman Setyabudi, Surya Nita (2023)
First publication rights:
International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)
This article is licensed under: