Based on from results estimation above World oil prices have an influence positive to price
domestic red chili prices Where value of 0.3946 and 0.4416 meaning every increase price world oil by
1 percent so will increase change the price of Chili and Shallots is 0.3946 and 0.4416 percent based on
results prob (t) testing where prob < 0.05 then price world oil influences significant to domestic prices
of chilies and shallots at the level 95 percent confidence (2015). This thing caused Because price world
oil can influence cost chili and shallot production in the country Because oil used as material burn For
machine machine agriculture It means If price world oil increases , costs Chili and Shallot production
will also increase so that producer will raise Price of Chili and Shallots for cover more costs tall.
Rupiah exchange rate has an influence positive to domestic prices of chilies and shallots Where
value equal to 1.3131 meaning every increase mark rupiah exchange rate of 1 percent so will increase
change domestic prices of chilies and shallots amounting to 1.3131 and 1.1768 percent based on
results prob (t) test where prob < 0.05 then the Rupiah exchange rate has an effect significant to
domestic prices of chilies and shallots at the level 95 percent confidence . It means if mark exchange
rupiah against foreign currency decreases ( depreciation ) then the price of chilies and shallots in
rupiah will also be increase.
World price of red chili has an influence negative to domestic chili prices Where value of -0.103
meaning every increase the world price of red chilies is 1 percent so will lower change domestic red
chili prices amounting to -0.103 percent matter This caused Because Red Chili supply in the
Indonesian market is moderate tall Where exists subsidy fertilizer from government so that price of
red chilies and onions red in Indonesia can be down although the price of red chilies on the world
market has increased. On the other hand, onion prices world red influential positive to price onion red
domestic Where value of 0.0870 , meaning every increase price onion world red by 1 percent so will
increase change price onion red domestic amounting to 0.0870 percent based on results prob (t)
testing where prob > 0.05 then The world's red Shallots are not influential significant to price
Domestic Shallots at level _ 95 percent confidence . This thing caused because Chili and Shallots are
Many products are produced domestically.
Most of the chilies and shallots sold in Indonesia are results production domestically , so The
price of chilies and shallots in Indonesia is more influenced by cost production and policy government
and supply as well as demand in the Indonesian market, however in a way general the price of chilies
and shallots in Indonesia will increase if price material standard used For produces chilies and shallots
such as fertilizers and pesticides experience increase.
Based on from prob test results (F) where prob < 0.05 then show that price world oil , Rupiah
exchange rate and world prices of chilies and shallots simultaneously influential real to domestic
prices of chilies and shallots at the level 95 percent confidence.
Based on from results analysis that has been done can concluded that world oil prices have an
influence positive which is significant to Price of Chili and Shallots. Rupiah exchange rate has an
influence significant positive against Chilies and Shallots and world food prices have an influence
negative and not significant to Chili prices and vice versa price Shallots are influential in the world
positive to price onion red domestic This is caused because Chili and Shallots are Many products are
produced domestically. Most of the chilies and shallots sold in Indonesia are results production
domestically, so The price of chilies and shallots in Indonesia is more influenced by cost production
and policy government and supply as well as demand in the Indonesian market.
Boediono, Ekonomi Makro. (1993). Seri Sinopsis Pengantar Ilmu EkonomiNo. 2. Edisi, Yogyakarta: