Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
e-ISSN 2807-8691 | p-ISSN 2807-839X
IJSSR 2544
 
  
Perceived Value of Patients with Intention to Revisit at Health
Facilities: A Scoping Review
Kristanti Diliasari
, Dumilah Ayuningtyas
Hospital Administration Study Program , Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia,, Indonesia
perceived value , loyalty , visits
repeat , quality service
Perceived value is aspect subjective influential customers
important to behavior they For buy back . Perceived value
customer give contribution big to possibility customer endure
recommend service to others so become commodity valuable .
This study examine connection perceived value patient to
intention visit repeat to facility health . Scoping review This
done through search 4 health databases that is PubMed ,
EbscoHost , Google Scholar , and Garuda Portal with
restrictions 10 years time last . Based on the 8 articles that
follow include , relationships perceived value and intention
visit patient can nature direct nor No direct with other
variables as mediators. Hospitals and facilities health need
include aspect perceived value patient besides quality service
in maintain loyalty patients and the future facility health in
the middle increasing competition increases .
          
        
           
           
          
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 
Inrernational Journal of Social Service and Research
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     
              
           
perceived value 
          perceived value   
Strategy and Criteria Search Literature
            
     
Criteria Appropriateness Literature
Overview of included Studies
   
            
International Journal of Asian Education
IJSSR 2546
Table 1. Study Selection Flow Diagram
Study Characteristics
              
    
            
Table 2. Study Summary
Author , Year
Type of
Key Results
Perceived value
 
Perceived value
Perceived value
Perceived value
Perceived value
Inrernational Journal of Social Service and Research
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perceived value
Perceived value
Perceived value 
Perceived Value to Visit Repeat Patient
Five kinds of literature observe a connection between the perceived value and loyalty of patients.
Five kinds of literature also observe There is influence. There is no direct through a number of other
variables such as satisfaction and trust in the provider services. Connection No direct in a way exclusive
mentioned in two pieces of literature other, with various mediation variables like satisfaction customers,
trust customers, and home image. Meanwhile, one study by Harmen (2020) stated that there is no
relationship between perceived value and loyalty to customers (Harmen et al., 2020).
            
             
              
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