Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Vol. 03, No. 10, October 2023
e-ISSN: 2807-8691 | p-ISSN: 2807-839X
IJSSR Page 2574
This work is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Analysis of Acceptance and Success of Digipos Aja
Telkomsel in Kalimantan Region Using The Integration of
UTAUT and DeLone & McLean Models
Febriana Hestika Mirandi
, Dodie Tricahyono
Telkom University, Indonesia
Point of Sales, UTAUT, Delone &
McLean, Digipos Aja, Telkomsel,
The current development of technology and information is driving
various business sectors to undergo transformation. Telkomsel
continues to strive to enhance ease in providing digital connectivity
support solutions. One of these efforts is the establishment of a
supply chain ecosystem through the management of Telkomsel
resellers by introducing the Digipos Aja application. This research
aims to identify factors that influence acceptance and success of
implementing Digipos Aja. It employs variables from the Unified
Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model and
Delone and McLean IS Success model. Quantitative method involves
collecting data about usage frequency, user satisfaction levels, and
benefits received through a questionnaire distributed to 400
resellers using DigiPOS Aja in the Kalimantan region. Quantitative
data is analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS) and Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM) with the data processing tool SmartPLS.
The research results indicate that two variables, System Quality and
Service Quality, are not significant in relation to Continuance
The development of information technology is one of the most significant phenomena in the 21st
century. Since the discovery of the internet and computers, information technology has developed
rapidly and has had a major impact on almost all aspects of human life. The development of information
technology has changed the way we work, communicate and interact with the surrounding
environment. Currently, information technology has become an integral part of everyday life, from
systems used by companies and governments to household activities (Angraini, n.d.).
Advances in information technology have also had a major impact on business digitalization
(Ahmad, Omar, & Ramayah, 2010). Information technology currently plays an important role in
improving the quality of organizations. Its use is not only limited to automation, but also creates
accuracy, speed and completeness of an integrated system, so that business processes are efficient,
measurable and flexible, for example implementation in product distribution and sales processes.
Along with the increasingly rapid growth of smartphones, it allows users to connect to the internet
and interact with digital applications and services easily and quickly. This also provides opportunities
for developers and businesses to develop applications and services that can be accessed via
smartphones, including Point of Sale (POS) applications. This kind of application can provide many
benefits for resellers in running their business. By using digital POS, resellers can process customer
purchases quickly and efficiently. The POS application can also help resellers manage sales and stock
data, make it easier to create financial reports, view customer purchase history. Apart from that, using
the application also makes it possible to carry out transactions with customers in a mobile and flexible
manner, not limited to certain locations and times (Han, Wu, Wang, & Hong, 2018). Through the use of
technology, resellers are expected to be able to increase their business profits.
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Resellers play an important role in product sales, especially in marketing and distributing
products to customers. As an intermediary between Telkomsel and customers, resellers play an
important role in expanding market reach, increasing product visibility, maintaining relationships with
customers, speeding up the sales process and advocating for customers to buy products. Currently,
Telkomsel is not alone in managing resellers, but is collaborating with Telkomsel distributors or what
are called Strategic Business Partners (SBP Partners). This reseller management has been going on for
a long time, where previously resellers carried out sales transactions via UMB *181# with the MKIOS
system before the presence of the Digipos Aja application.
Telkomsel presents the Digipos Aja application to support reseller business processes to be more
flexible. Likewise, from the Strategic Business Partner side, reseller management becomes more
controlled with the integration of the reseller's Digipos Aja system with SBP Partner's sales system. SBP
Partners can monitor the number of resellers, arrange Sales Force visit schedules, control system for
product distribution to outlets, daily sales in their area, etc.
For mobile application providers, application performance can be seen from ratings and
reviews. If we look at the Digipos Aja ratings & reviews on Playstore, it shows the number 4.2, the rating
on the mobile application and the reviews on Playstore are related, both are connected. Generally, a
good rating will have lots of good reviews too (Novandari et al., 2022). Likewise, low ratings are usually
filled with bad reviews. App ratings are given by users and reflect how well the app performs in terms
of functionality and stability. Application ratings can influence user trust. However, application ratings
do not always reflect the level of user satisfaction, because some users may give low ratings due to
technical problems experienced (Garg & Sharma, 2020). Existing reviews can be input for application
developers to make improvements or provide guarantees of service quality for users, in this case
Reseller complaints can also be found from reports via the complaint handling service. Based on
information on ticket performance data for the February 2023 period via Digipos Service, it shows total
traffic of 19,672 with a composition of 71% via voice channels and 29% via digital channels. Meanwhile,
the largest interactions with the Digipos Service service were dominated by complaints at 75%,
information at 24% and requests at 1%. Complaints with interactions that dominate are the Link Aja
balance being cut but the NGRS stock failing, not being able to purchase packages, needing transaction
status information, problems activating Link Aja, PLN payments but not getting tokens. Through the
Curhatin Aja voice of reseller service, the majority of suggestions and input submitted by resellers to
Telkomsel are dominated by input for the Digipos Aja application.
Based on the data presented, researchers want to see what factors can influence resellers in using
the Digipos Aja application. This research will use several variables to see whether there is a positive
and significant relationship for the use of the Digipos Aja application by looking at several factors to
further increase user interest in adopting the Digipos Aja application and seeing the success rate of the
Digipos Aja application.
There are many models for assessing technology acceptance, but among these assessment models,
research shows that the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) provides a better
understanding of behavioral intentions to use technology (Krismadinata, Jalinus, Rosmena, &
Yahfizham, 2019). This research was conducted using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of
Technology (UTAUT) to examine the behavioral intentions to use the Digipos Aja application by resellers
in the Kalimantan Region (Chang, 2012). The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
(UTAUT) model is a synthesis of technology acceptance models that is used as an evaluation model for
the use of technology. The UTAUT model has four key constructs, namely performance expectancy, effort
expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions on behavioral intention to accept technology (use
technology) (Abdillah & Hartono, 2015; Brilliana, Prasetio, & Monica, 2020; Ferghyna, Rachmadi, &
Herlambang, 2020).
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, Dodie Tricahyono
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However, it is necessary to realize that the technology received by users is not necessarily
successful or vice versa. Therefore, in addition to evaluating the acceptance of the technology, it is also
very important to measure the success of the system. Currently, a popular model for assessing the
success of a system is the theory of Delone & McLean. This model was developed in 1992 as Delone &
McLean IS Success with the goal of consolidating previous research on information systems success into
a simple format. This model was refined in 2003, a system is said to be successful based on six factors,
namely, information quality, system quality, service quality, user satisfaction, use, and net benefits. In
this research, two models will be combined, namely UTAUT and Delone & McLean IS Success, which
aims to analyze technology acceptance and success in using the Digipos Aja application.
Based on this presentation, an analysis of technology acceptance and success in using the Digipos
Aja application will be carried out among Telkomsel resellers in the Kalimantan Region using the UTAUT
and Delone & Mclean IS Success methods to determine the level of usefulness and determine factors that
need to be improved in the Digipos Aja application with the title Analysis of Acceptance and Success
of Digipos Aja Telkomsel in Kalimantan Region Using The Integration of UTAUT and DeLone &
McLean Models.
Based on the type of research, this research is causal. Causal research is research conducted to
provide an overview of the cause of a problem. This research explores which variables are the causes of
other variables, which are the effects. This research tests models and hypotheses; therefore, quantitative
methods are suitable for use in this research. Quantitative research is a research method in which
behavior, opinions, knowledge or attitudes are measured and measured accurately.
Positivist research designs generally use quantitative research methodology with secondary
data, experiments, or surveys. There are around eight points that influence positivism research, against
which the analyzed data can be tested to determine whether it supports the hypothesis (testability) and
prefers simple solutions in research to complex ones with many factors (parsimony).
From an approach to theory development, this research uses a deductive method. In deductive
research, an approach is used to test theories on research topics; namely the presentation of theory in
research is carried out from a general approach to a specific approach by explaining the general theory
and narrowing it down to a specific hypothesis that is tested for measurement.
This research will also collect data directly using questionnaires from respondents and then
process it into primary data. Apart from that, the involvement of researchers is non-contrived, where
research is carried out in a normal environment that usually occurs or in other words it is called natural
(Ph D. Indrawati, 2015).
Based on the time of the research, data collection was carried out in only one period, so the
researcher used cross-sectional research for the time of the research, with a step-by-step process,
namely the data was processed, analyzed, and then conclusions were drawn (Ph D. Indrawati, 2015).
Table 1
Research Characteristics
Non Contrived Setting
Cross Section
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Respondent Characteristics
This section explains the characteristics of the research respondents, namely reseller Digipos
obtained through a questionnaire. Characteristics are important for knowing the picture of all the
respondents who have been studied. Some of the respondent characteristic data used in this research
include Digipos Aja application users, user status, application usage period and monthly turnover.
Table 2
Respondent Characteristics
Are you a user of the Digipos Aja application?
Digipos Aja
Outlet owner (owner)
How long have you been using Digipos Aja?
Less than 1 year
1-3 years
> 3 years
Outlet turnover (sales) in 1 month
Less than IDR 2,500,000
IDR 2,500,000 IDR 5,000,000
IDR 5,000,001 IDR 7,500,000
More than IDR 7,500,000
Source: Data processed by researchers (2023)
A total of 400 respondents who filled out the questionnaire were all Digipos Aja users. Based on
Digipos Aja user ownership, the majority of respondents use Digipos Aja as outlet owners namely as
many as 380 respondents (95.%) while those who use Digipos Aja as frontliner totaling 20 respondents
(5%). From this data it can be seen that the majority of respondents are direct owners of the business
reseller telecommunication.
Regarding the length of use of Digipos Aja, the majority of respondents used Digipos Aja for more
than 3 years, namely 221 respondents (55.25%), those who used 1-3 years were 127 respondents
(31.75%), and those who used Digipos Aja were less than 1 year as many as 52 respondents (13.0%).
Based on sales turnover in 1 month, the majority answered less than IDR 2,500,000 as many as 164
respondents (41.00%), then for the turnover category IDR 2,500,000 IDR 5,000,000 there were 93
respondents (23.25%), and IDR 5,000,001 IDR 7,500,000 as many as 55 respondents (13.75%), and
more than IDR 7,500,000 as many as 88 respondents (22.00%). The amount of revenue determines the
outlet class used as the basis for various sales programs created by Telkomsel.
Descriptive analysis presents a picture of the answers to the variables studied, namely
performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, information quality,
system quality, service quality, continuance intention, use behavior anduser satisfaction, as well as net
Table 3
Classification of Percentage Value Calculations
Percentage Range
Very Not Good
20% - 36%
Not good
>36% - 52%
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, Dodie Tricahyono
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Pretty good
>52% - 68%
>68% - 84%
Very good
>84% - 100%
Source: Riduwan & Kuncoro, (2012: 22)
Measurement Model Test (Outer Model)
Evaluation outer model is an evaluation of the tools used for collect research data. This
evaluation is used to determine validity and the reliability of data collection tools.Outer model
ormeasurement model using testconvergent validity, discriminant validity and reliability.
Figure 1. Measurement Model Test
Discussion of Research Results
The quantitative method is a combination of the UTAUT and Delone & McLean IS Success with 11
variables, there were 26 hypotheses tested in this research, with the following results:
Table 4
Hypothesis Test Results
PE -> CI
US -> NB
EE -> CI
PE -> CI -> UB
EE -> CI -> UB
FC -> UB
SI -> CI -> UB
FC -> UB -> NB
SYSQ -> US -> CI
IQ -> CI
IQ -> US -> CI
IQ -> US
SYSQ -> US -> NB
IQ -> US -> NB
US -> CI
CI -> UB
CI -> UB -> NB
UB -> NB
US -> CI -> UB
1. The Effect of Direct Relationships Between Variables
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In this section, we will discuss the results of testing the direct influence between variables in a
research model that combines Delone & McLean and UTAUT.
The Influence of Performance Expectancy on Continuance Intention
Referring to the results of the hypothesis testing that has been carried out, performance
expectancy positively influences continuance intention on the use of Digipos Aja. According to
Venkatesh (2003), performance expectancy is defined as the level of individual confidence that using
the system will help him to gain benefits or more optimal performance at work. This concept
describes the benefits of the system for its users related to perceived usefulnees, extrinsic motivation,
task suitability, and profit relative, outcome expectation (Venkatesh et al., 2003).
The Influence of Effort Expectancy on Continuance Intention
Looking at the results of the hypothesis testing that has been carried out,effort expectancy
positively influences continuance intention to use Digipos. Effort expectancy is the level of
convenience associated with the use of technology by consumers (Venkatesh et al., 2003). The three
constructs that make up this concept are perceived ease of use, ease of use and complexity
(Venkatesh et al., 2003). Variable scoreeffort expectancy amounting to 88.65% is in the very good
category. Resellers gave the highest score on item EE2, namely that it doesn't take a long time to learn
to use Digipos Aja. The ease of using the Digipos Aja application was also the biggest reason (31.25%)
given reseller through open questions to respondents. If we look at the respondent profiles, it can be
seen that 55.3% of respondents have used Digipos Aja for more than 3 years. This shows that resellers
have been using the Digipos Aja application for quite a long time so the level of convenience is high.
The Effect of Social Influence on Continuance Intention
Based on the results of the hypothesis testing that has been carried out, social influence
positively influences continuance intention Digipos Aja. Sosiali influence is the degree to which a
person feels that important others (for example, family and friends) believe that they should use a
particular technology. The construct of social influence becomes significant when use is mandated
(compulsory) (Venkatesh et al., 2003). There are 3 question items on the variablesocial influence,
where the total score is 86.10%, which is very good. The question item with the highest score is item
SI1, namely suggestions from Sales Force, SBP Partners, and Telkomsel employees can be considered
in deciding to use the Digipos Aja application.
The Influence of Facilitating Conditions on Use Behavior
From the results of the hypothesis testing that has been carried out,facilitating conditions
positively influencesuse behavior Digipos Aja. Facilitating conditions represents the extent to which
an individual believes that the organizational and technical infrastructure is available to support the
use of the system. Facilitating conditions had an immediate positive effect on intention to use, but
after initial use, the effect became nonsignificant. Therefore, the model proposes that facilitating
conditions have a significant direct influence on usage behavior (Venkatesh et al., 2003). Based on
descriptive analysis of the question itemsfacilitating conditions has a very good score of 86.43%. In
the context of Digipos Ajafacilitating conditions may include ownershipdevice which supports access
to the application in this casecell phone Android based.
The Influence of System Quality on Continuance Intention
Referring to the results of the hypothesis testing that has been carried out,system quality does
not have a significant effect oncontinuance intention Digipos Aja. The better quality of information
systems in providing system security will increase interest in using information systems. This result
is different from studies that use the construct ofD&M Success IS which shows a positive influence
between the quality of information systems on interest in use, namely research conducted by
Oktariyana et al. (2019), Novianti (2019). However, in research conducted by Firdausi and Nuryana
(2023) with the research object of ULA applications in B2B,system quality has no significant effect
on intention to use, where users feel that the quality of the system in the ULA application has no effect
on their interest in using the application.
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, Dodie Tricahyono
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The Influence of System Quality on User Satisfaction
Meanwhile, the results of hypothesis testing regarding influencesystem quality to user
satisfaction Using Digipos Aja shows significant results. Research conducted by Delone & McLean,
(1992) proves that system quality influences user satisfaction, the highersystem quality perceived
by the user, the more satisfied the user is with the quality of the system. Studies that use the
constructD&M Success IS which also shows the positive influence of system quality onuser
satisfaction is research conducted by Israr et al. (2022).
The Influence of Information Quality on Continuance Intention
Based on the results of the hypothesis testing that has been carried out,information quality
positively influencescontinuance intention Digipos Aja. Information quality used to measure the
quality of the system's information output (DeLone & McLean, 2003). From the results of descriptive
analysis on the question items given, the total score for the variableinformation quality 86.24% in
the very good category. The high or low quality of information will influence the use of technology
by system users. Research that uses the construct ofD&M IS Success Model shows a positive influence
between information quality on interest in use, namely research conducted by Firdausi and Nuryana
(2023), Oktariyana et al. (2019), Haris et al. (2020).
The Influence of Information Quality on User Satisfaction
From the hypothesis testing that has been carried out,information quality positively
influencesuser satisfaction Digipos Aja. Complete and detailed information can provide a more
satisfying user experience. Delone and McLean (1992) assume that system quality and information
quality, individually and jointly, influence user satisfaction and use. These results support studies
that use the constructD&M Success IS which shows that there is a positive influence on the quality of
informationuser satisfaction is research (Firdausi & Nuryana, 2023; Haris et al., 2020; Oktariyana et
al., 2019).
The Influence of Service Quality on Continuance Intention
Looking at the results of the hypothesis tests that have been carried out, where service quality
does not have a significant effect oncontinuance intention Digipos Aja. The results of the question
items on the variablesservice quality is the lowest compared to other variables, with a total score of
81.26%. For example, in the SERVQ3 question item aboutCustomer Service Digipos always able to
resolve outlet complaints/problems, only got a score of 79.50%. There is still dissatisfaction reseller
on service performancecall center 357 in resolving problems or obstacles experienced by reseller.
This is also supported by the answers in the open question that reseller want the CS service to be
even faster because sometimes reseller want to quickly get solutions to the problems they face,
especially since they are the ones who deal directly with customers every day. Another indicator that
has the lowest score is Digipos Aja domaintenance periodically, this shows that reseller feel
uncomfortable frequentlymaintenance which occurs especially during peak hours or times when
many buyers come to the outlet.
The Influence of Service Quality on User Satisfaction
On hypothesis testingservice quality touser satisfaction when using Digipos Aja, it shows
significant results. Satisfaction is a comparison between perceived service quality and expected
quality. If the perceived quality exceeds what was previously expected, then satisfaction will be felt.
Based on the Digipos Aja development proposal on open questions,service quality provide a
contribution of 3% regarding the proposed development and improvement of Digipos Aja, where
complaints are handled tocall center 357 can be accelerated as usual reseller awaited by customers
who are making transactions. On the other hand, if the perceived quality is lower than what was
previously expected, then consumers will be disappointed as a form of expression of dissatisfaction.
Other studies that use the constructD&M Success IS shows that there is a positive influence on system
qualityuser satisfaction (Bayastura, Warsito, & Nugraheni, 2022; Israr et al., 2022).
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The Influence of User Satisfaction on Continuance Intention
From the results of the hypothesis testing that has been carried out,user satisfaction positively
influencescontinuance intention on the use of Digipos Aja. user satisfaction is the user's response to
the system and the use of information system output (DeLone & McLean, 1992). Overall results of
descriptive analysis of variablesuser satisfaction showed very well with a score of 85.52%. The
highest score on question item US1, namely reseller feel satisfied with the function of the Digipos Aja
application. Users who are satisfied with their experience using Digipos Aja tend to continue using
the service. Factors such as application quality, customer support, security, suitability of information
are interrelated and interact to form user satisfaction which ultimately influences the intention to
continue using Digipos Aja.
The Influence of Continuance Intention on Use Behavior
Based on the results of hypothesis testing, wherecontinuance intention positively influence suse
behavior Digipos Aja. Use behavior measures the actual frequency of use of technology by
users.Intention most have a strong role in shaping the actual use and adoption of new systems
(Venkatesh, Thong, & Xu, 2012). Based on descriptive analysis of variablescontinuance intention, in
item CI2 reseller will use Digipos Aja as is done now to get a score of 88.85% in the very good
category. Meanwhile, the CI3 indicator has a score of 87.50% on the CI variable, namely reseller
would suggest that fellow outlets continue to use the Digipos Aja application to make sales, this
indicates that it still exists reseller who may not feel confident in recommending the app to fellow
The Influence of Use Behavior on Net Benefits
Referring to the results of the hypothesis testing that has been carried out,use behavior have a
significant effect onnet benefits Digipos Aja. These results are in accordance with the research of
Andika et al. (2017) thatuse behavior significant effect onnet benefits. Use behavior measures the
actual frequency of use of Digipos Aja by users, where in this variable there are items related to what
reseller use the Digipos Aja application every month and get a score of 89.50%. Reseller Telkomsel
will be considered active if you make at least 1 transaction in one month.
The Influence of User Satisfaction on Net Benefits
Looking at the results of the hypothesis testing that has been carried out,user satisfaction have
a significant effect onnet benefits Digipos Aja. The test results show thatuser satisfaction have the
greatest influence onnet benefits. These results support the research of Firdausi and Nuryana (2023)
whose model was adopted in this researchuser satisfaction significant effect onnet benefits. User
satisfaction refers to the level of user satisfaction and happiness in using a product or service. User
satisfaction includes their perception of the quality, performance and benefits provided by the
product or service.Net benefits refers to the net benefits received by users by using the product or
2. The Effect of Indirect Relationships Through Intervening Variables
The Influence of Performance Expectancy on Use Behavior through Continuance Intention
Hypothesis testing results on influenceperformance expectancy touse behavior
throughcontinuance intention shows positive and significant results. Analysis of this relationship
involves the indirect effects ofperformance expectancy touse behavior through continuance
intention (Kumar, Adlakaha, & Mukherjee, 2018). In this case,performance expectancy
influencecontinuance intention, which in turn influences usage behavior. When individuals believe
that technology use will improve their performance, this tends to strengthen their intention to
continue use. These stronger intentions will then drive more intensive usage behavior.
The Influence of Effort Expectancy on Use Behavior through Continuance Intention
Hypothesis testing results on influenceeffort expectancy touse behavior throughcontinuance
intention shows positive and significant results. This suggests that if the perception of the effort
required to use technology is low, this can be reinforcedcontinuance intention. These stronger
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, Dodie Tricahyono
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intentions will then drive more intensive usage behavior. Conversely, if the perception of the effort
required is high or difficult, this can be debilitatingcontinuance intention and reduce usage behavior.
The Influence of Social Influence on Use Behavior through Continuance Intention
Hypothesis testing results on influencesocial influence touse behavior throughcontinuance intention
shows positive and significant results. In testing the influence hypothesissocial influence touse
behavior throughcontinuance intention, we consider how the social influence an individual receives
can influence intentions to continue using a technology, which in turn influences usage behavior. Just
on Digipos, if reseller feel influenced by the positive views of people around them towards using
Digipos Aja, they may have a stronger intention to continue using it. This strong intention will then
encourage more frequent and sustained usage behavior.
The Influence of Facilitating Conditions on Net Benefits through Use Behavior
Hypothesis testing results on influencefacilitating conditions to net benefits throughuse
behavior shows positive and significant results. In this analysis,facilitating conditions can influence
the perception of net benefits through its influence on usage behavior. Good supporting conditions
can encourage more consistent frequency of technology use, ultimately increasing positive user
experiences. This positive experience will then strengthen the user's perception of net benefit.
The Influence of System Quality on Continuance of Intentoin through User Satisfaction
Hypothesis testing results on influencesystem quality tocontinuance intention throughuser
satisfaction shows positive and significant results (Albashrawi & Motiwalla, 2020). This result is
different from the direct effectsystem quality tocontinuance intention, system quality does not have
a direct significant impact on intention to continue. This shows that the direct influence ofsystem
quality tocontinuance intention it may not be significant, but its impact is throughuser satisfaction
more prominent (Nguyen, Chiu, & Le, 2021). This means that if the quality of the system provided is
good, user satisfaction will increase which in turn will have a positive impact on intention to continue.
The Influence of Information Quality on Continuance of Intentoin through User Satisfaction
Hypothesis testing results on influence information quality tocontinuance intention
throughuser satisfaction shows positive and significant results. The importance of the quality of
information presented by a system or service influences the intention to continue use through user
satisfaction. Information quality includes accuracy, clarity, relevance and availability of information
provided to Digipos Aja users. When using Digipos Aja, quality and clear information can provide
better understanding, reduce uncertainty and increase user satisfaction.
The Influence of Service Quality on Continuance Intention through User Satisfaction
Hypothesis testing results on influence service quality tocontinuance intention throughuser
satisfaction shows positive and significant results. As well assystem quality, this result is different
from the direct effectservice quality tocontinuance intention, system quality does not have a direct
significant impact on intention to continue. These results show that if users are satisfied with the
quality of the service they receive, this will strengthen their intention to continue using the service.
The Influence of System Quality on Net Benefits through User Satisfaction
Hypothesis testing results on influence system quality tonet benefits throughuser satisfaction
shows positive and significant results. In this research model, it shows that the influence of system
quality on net benefits does not occur directly, but is mediated by the level of user satisfaction. This
means that although system quality may have a direct impact on user experience, its impact on net
benefits occurs through the feelings of satisfaction generated by the user.
The Influence of Information Quality on Net Benefits through User Satisfaction
Hypothesis testing results on influence information quality tonet benefits throughuser
satisfaction shows positive and significant results. These results indicate that the direct influence of
information quality on net benefits is obtained through the level of user satisfaction. This means that
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good quality information can create feelings of satisfaction in users, which then contributes to their
perception of the net benefits obtained from using the Digipos Aja system or service.
The Influence of Service Quality on Net Benefits through User Satisfaction
Hypothesis testing results on influence service quality tonet benefits throughuser satisfaction
shows positive and significant results. This indicates that service quality has a strong role in shaping
user perceptions about net benefits, and this influence is mediated by the level of user satisfaction.
The Influence of Continuance Intention on Net Benefits through Use Behavior
Hypothesis testing results on influence continuance intention tonet benefits throughuse
behavior shows positive and significant results. The results of this analysis show thatcontinuance
intention has an important role in shaping user perceptions aboutnet benefits, and this influence is
channeled throughuse behavior or usage behavior. If users have a strong intention to continue using
the service, this can influence frequency reseller in using Digipos Aja services, which in turn
influences their views about the net benefits received.
The Influence of User Satisfaction on Use Behavior through Continuance Intention
Hypothesis testing results on influence user satisfaction touse behavior throughcontinuance
intention shows positive and significant results. When users are satisfied with the services they use,
they tend to have more positive intentions to continue using them. Strong continuation intentions
can then encourage users to engage in various types of more intensive or frequent usage behavior.
Although user satisfaction can be motivating, the intention to continue using a service is the
fundamental action in influencing how users actually interact with the service.
Based on the results of research using quantitative methods regarding the Digipos Aja
application in the Kalimantan Region for users, several conclusions can be drawn to answer the
questions in this research, from a total of 26 hypotheses tested in this research, 24 hypotheses were
accepted and 2 hypotheses were rejected. namely H5 and H9, where system quality and service quality
do not have a significant effect on continuance intention to use Digipos Aja. Based on the variables in the
research model using UTAUT and Delone & Mclean IS Success, it can be seen that the variables that
influence the use of Digipos Aja include performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence,
facilitating conditions and continuance intention. Meanwhile, variables that influence user satisfaction
of Digipos Aja users include system quality, information quality and service quality. If we look at the
magnitude of the influence, performance expectancy directly has the greatest influence on continuance
intention and through intervening user satisfaction, continuance intention is most influenced by service
Regarding net benefits, direct user satisfaction has the greatest influence, while through use
behavior the greatest influence is continuance intention. Judging from the net benefits received by
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Febriana Hestika Mirandi, Dodie Tricahyono (2023)
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International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)
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