Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Vol. 03, No. 10, October 2023
e-ISSN: 2807-8691 | p-ISSN: 2807-839X
IJSSR Page 2445
This work is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
The Influence Of Layoffs, Workload And Financial
Compensation On Job Satisfaction And Its Impact On
Employee Performance At Sirclo Group Jakarta
Febri Hariyanto
, Edi Sugiono
, Suryono Efendi
Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Nasional, Indonesia
Email: mr.febrih[email protected]
Employee Performance, Job
Satisfaction, Layoff, Workload,
Financial Compensation
This study aims to analyze the effect of layoffs, workload and
financial compensation on job satisfaction and its impact on
employee performance. The independent variables used are layoff
(X1), workload (X2), financial compensation (X3), the dependent
variable is employee performance (Y) with the intervening variable
is job satisfaction (Z). The research approach used is quantitative
research by means of observation, interviews, and surveys. The
analysis model uses SEM software AMOS version 23. Survey-based
data collected from 130 respondents. The study found that layoff has
a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction, workload has a
negative and significant effect on satisfaction, financial
compensation has a positive and significant effect on job
satisfaction, layoff has a negative and significant effect on employee
performance, workload has a positive and significant effect on
employee performance, financial compensation has a positive and
significant effect on employee performance, layoff has a positive and
significant effect on employee performance through job satisfaction,
workload has a negative and significant effect on employee
performance through job satisfaction, financial compensation has a
positive and significant effect on employee performance through job
satisfaction. Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on
employee performance.
Current developments in business in Indonesia, especially in the fields of creative economy and
technology, have a big influence on organizations and/or companies, they are required to be able to
maintain and are also expected to be able to improve the quality as well as the quantity and service in
their work (Chandra & Adriansyah, 2017)(Priansa, 2014). This aims to ensure that the organization or
company is able to defend itself in competition with the same or similar company models, both on a
national scale and on an international scale. One of the important parts that plays a role in determining
the level of success in a company is by providing training to workers who have good potential or
abilities. Companies are expected to be able to find and provide training to employees who have higher
enthusiasm. Companies are also expected to be able to create and maintain the excellence of these
employees to be able to compete, because ultimately it is employees who will be the core of a company's
"Performance is a system used to assess and find out whether an employee has carried out their
work as a whole, or is a combination of work results/what a person must achieve and competence/how
a person achieves it" (Pardede & Mustam, 2017)(Sugiono, Darmadi, & Efendi, 2021). Basically,
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, Edi Sugiono
, Suryono Efendi
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performance is what employees are doing or not doing or not doing in carrying out their work (Priansa,
Employees play an important role in company activities, because the level of progress and success
in a company cannot be separated from the role and abilities of its employees. In a company's
operational system, employee capability is basically one of the resources that plays the most important
role in achieving company goals (Ravianto, 1986). So because of this, companies need and must be able
to manage their employees as well as possible.
By paying attention to the performance of SIRCLO Group Jakarta employees from year to year
there has been an increase, although not much, but significantly fluctuating conditions if seen based on
the semester of each year (Pontoh, 2014). Based on the results of the researcher's observations, it can
be said that this condition is influenced by several factors, including workload and financial
compensation (Herdiany, Puspa, Utomo, Aryandha, & Putranti, 2022). As well as world economic
conditions which have caused various tough decisions that must be made by companies in 2022, one of
which is layoffs, resulting in an impact on employee performance which has dropped drastically by
Based on data, as of December 2022, there were 1,051 companies carrying out layoffs
with a total of 161,411 people in the world. In the last year, the largest wave of layoffs occurred in
November 2022, reaching 53,451 people from 227 companies. This condition can specifically have an
impact on employee performance which is influenced by several factors, including workload, because
indirectly with layoffs the workload received by employees will increase due to reduced man power or
human resources (Edison, Anwar, & Komariyah, 2016). This can lead to job satisfaction because you
may feel stressed where your workload is excessive but does not match the compensation you receive.
This is similar to the results of observations that researchers have made previously (Dwinati, Surati, &
Furkan, 2019)(Mahendrawan & Indrawati, 2015).
Based on data from research regarding the SIRCLO Group Jakarta Key Performance Indicators, it
can be seen that during the last 4 year period from 2019 to 2022 the company experienced a phase of
ups and downs in performance review results specifically related to performance, it can be seen that in
2019 it showed a figure of 4.70 in semester 1, this figure decreased -0.17 in semester 2 to 4.53. Then
there was a slight increase of +8 in 2020 with an average score of 4.61, this figure increased entering
semester 2 to 4.72. Furthermore, in 2021 it again experienced an increase of +29 to 5.11 in semester 1,
but again experienced a drastic decrease of -47 in the first semester to 4.64. It continued to decline in
semester 1 of 2022 with an average score of 4.58 and decreased again in semester 2 to 4.05.
Furthermore, based on the analysis of the data, the author conducted research on previous
research, so that in the end several journal sources were found, but from the sources found, there were
inconsistencies or discrepancies in the results, so the researcher felt there was a problem in it that had
to be resolved, at least the cause was known so that it could be resolved. provide a clearer and more
detailed picture of the gaps. Inconsistencies or discrepancies in the results of the research are usually
called gap research, namely gaps or research gaps that can be entered by a researcher based on
experience or previous research. Previous research can basically be used as a goal to get a new answer
to something that is considered a problem, (Siregar, 2011). Therefore, researchers will carry out another
study by providing updated variables. Below is a table that shows the gaps in the research results:
Based on data from research conducted, it shows that layoff has a significant positive effect on
employee performance (Riley, 2006), (Rahmizal & Lasmi, 2021), (Sa’diyah & Irawati, 2017), (Asmara,
2017). In another study by (Aisyah, 2016) explains that there are several things that need special
attention, namely improving better communication between management and employees, one of which
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is by holding outreach regarding the employment termination policy or other policies so that employees
understand and understand. This condition can make you act more relaxed/more accepting. However,
this is different from research conducted by (Kammeyer‐Mueller & Liao, 2006) that layoff has a negative
effect on employee performance. It was explained that empirical research and narrative reports from
working managers show that employee attitudes can be negatively influenced by organizational
downsizing (an updated term in this research is defined as layoff). This results in the disintegration of
families, the collapse of social networks, and a decline in the physical and mental health of victims among
other negative side effects. It can also lead to financial constraints including confiscation of homes and
Based on management phenomena (company empirical data) as a research location and from
research gap findings in previous research, this research will discuss in more depth the independent
variables (layoff, workload, and financial compensation) on the dependent variable (employee
performance) with variables Job satisfaction is an intervening variable which is expected to be able to
close the gap/resolve the gap regarding the inconsistency of previous research results so that the results
can be more consistent, besides that the presence of the intervening variable job satisfaction is also a
novelty for researchers (Hasibuan, 2008). So in this case I chose a research with the title "The Influence
of Layoff, Workload, and Financial Compensation on Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Employee
Performance at SIRCLO Group Jakarta" (Kristine, 2017)(Mutmainah, 2013).
In this research the author used quantitative research and descriptive analysis. The data sources
that the author uses in this research are primary data and secondary data. The primary data source
comes from answers to questionnaires distributed to correspondents. Next, secondary data is data on
the condition profile of the SIRCLO Group Jakarta company. The population used in this research was
employees of SIRCLO Group Jakarta, data obtained from the relevant team was 237 people. Meanwhile,
the sample that will be respondents in this research has been adjusted and calculated to be 149 people
Based on the results of the questionnaire that has been distributed, a description of the object
will be obtained from employee respondents at SIRCLO Group Jakarta, which is the subject of the
research. The results of this research will be used as a basis for discussion analysis which begins with a
descriptive analysis of the characteristics of the respondents and the respondents' answers. This
analysis aims to get an overview of the respondents' answers regarding the variables studied. There are
two approaches used in SEM, namely measurement model analysis(measurement model analysis) and
structural equation modeling analysis (structural equation model analysis).
Measurement model analysis is a modeling stage that aims to identifyunidimensionality
andobserved variables by explaining a latent variable and the validity and reliability of the construct.
Meanwhile, structural equation model analysis is more about explaining the pattern of relationships
between constructs.
Test the assumptions first before finally carrying out the analysis. The testing stages start from
descriptive analysis, validity test, reliability test, normality test, etcoutliers. In this research, the AMOS
23 software tool is used to simplify the process and determine the accuracy of the calculation results.
Below is a complete explanation of the results of the analysis of respondent characteristics:
1. Respondent Characteristics
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, Edi Sugiono
, Suryono Efendi
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From the results of research conducted on 147 respondents, the results were 130 respondents
who completed it, so the analysis in this research will be carried out on complete data. The following
can be identified regarding the characteristics of the respondents, as follows:
a. Gender
In this classification, the gender of employees working at SIRCLO Group Jakarta can be combined
into two types, with details as in the following table:
Table 1
Classification of Respondents Based on Gender
Grand Total
Source: processed from questionnaire data, 2023
Respondent Classification Diagram Based on Age
Figure 1. Gender
Based on this data, it can be seen that the respondents were dominated by women, namely 52%
or 68 people, while male respondents were 48% or 62 people. This means that there are more female
respondents than male respondents because the number of employees at SIRCLO Group Jakarta is
also dominated by women.
b. Age
The age classification of employees working at SIRCLO Group Jakarta is combined into four
groups, with details as in the following table:
Table 2
Classification of Respondents Based on Age
< 26 years old
26 - 42 years old
43 - 58 years old
> 58 years old
Grand Total
Source: processed from questionnaire data, 2023
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Respondent Classification Diagram Based on Age
Figure 2. Age
Based on this data, it can be seen that the respondents were dominated by employees aged 26
42 years as much as 50% or as many as 65 people. Next in second place are employees aged <26
years as much as 41% or as many as 53 people, in third place are employees aged 4358 years as
much as 8% or as many as 10 people, and finally employees aged >58 years at 1% or as many as 2
people. It can be concluded that from this data the number of respondents aged 2642 years is
greater than that of other age ranges because in this age range an employee is still of the productive
age to carry out an activity/work.
c. Length of work
The time classification of length of work at SIRCLO Group Jakarta is combined into four groups,
the details are shown in the following table:
Table 3
Classification of Respondents Based on Length of Work
Length of work
< 1 year
12 years old
23 years
> 3 years
Grand Total
Source: processed from questionnaire data, 2023
Respondent Classification Diagram Based on Length of Work
Figure 3. Length of Work
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, Edi Sugiono
, Suryono Efendi
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Based on this data, it can be seen that the length of work of employees at SIRCLO Group Jakarta
is dominated by respondents with a long period of work/time of 2-3 years, amounting to 34% or as
many as 44 people. Employees with a length of service <1 year amounted to 11% with a total of 14
people, for employees with a length of service 13 years it was 25% or 33 people, and those >3 years
were 30% or as many as 39 people.
d. last education
In the classification of education levels of employees working at SIRCLO Group Jakarta, they can
be grouped into four groups, as listed in the following table:
Table 4
Classification of Respondents Based on Education Level
Level of education
High School/Equivalent
Diploma I/II/III
Strata I
Strata II
Grand Total
Source: processed from questionnaire data, 2023
Respondent Classification Diagram Based on Education Level
Figure 4. Level of Education
Based on this data, respondents were dominated by undergraduate (S1) level, namely 61% or
79 people. The number of diploma level employees was 8% or 11 people, while the high school level
respondents were 4% or 5 people and finally the master level (S2) level was 27% or 35 people. So in
this case it means that the undergraduate education level (S1) plays a big role in operations at SIRCLO
Group Jakarta.
2. Description of Research Variables
Below are the results of the analysis of respondents' answers received from the
statements/questions in the questionnaire. The purpose of this analysis is to illustrate the research
results of the variables studied. The assessment criteria use a scale interval with intervals:
4 1
= 0,75
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Table 5
Category Assessment of Variables
1,00 1,75
Strongly Disagree
1,76 2,51
Don't agree
2,52 3,27
3,28 4,00
Strongly agree
Source: Sugiyono (2014)
a. Variable research resultslayoff
The following describes the variable datalayoff obtained through a questionnaire using three
indicators consisting of nine statement items with six answer items. The six answer items used are:
strongly disagree, disagree, disagree, quite agree, agree and strongly agree. From the results of
research conducted on the variableslayoff which has been implemented with the answer scores from
the total number of respondents as many as 130 employees can be shown in the table below.
Table 6
Response Regarding Layoff Rate (X
I understand the company's goals/targets this year
The company is on the right track in achieving its
I understand the relationship between my work and the
company's goals/targets
I was given sanctions for the violations I had committed.
I always try to complete the work without errors
I know all technical activities related to the scope of my
Total Average
Source: processed from questionnaire data (2023).
The questionnaire statements found in the research were made to obtain interval data using a
scale of 1 - 4, and then given a value. Obtained from the results of the questionnaire, respondents
have a tendency to answer statements in value categories 2 to 4, so that the average answer from
respondents on the variable is obtainedlayoff amounting to 2.762, which means that the average
answer from respondents agrees with the statements in the questionnaire regarding variableslayoff.
b. Results of research on workload variables
The workload variable was measured using four indicator items, where each indicator consisted
of two statements and one open question. The following is the average answer to the statement from
each indicator of the workload variable.
Table 7
Response Regarding Workload Level (X
I know how to achieve the targets/objectives given to me
and/or the department
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Febri Hariyanto
, Edi Sugiono
, Suryono Efendi
IJSSR Page 2452
I am able to carry out all administrative tasks that are my
I usually carry out various jobs at the same time
I can carry out work and can position myself as part of
the existing work system
I am able to carry out all technical tasks that are my
responsibility on time.
I can manage and arrange work so that it can be
completed on time
I have access to resources (such as work documents,
work equipment, technology, information etc.) to
complete my work effectively.
There is a safe and effective channel/container/way for
me to convey ideas, input or concerns to the authorities
Total Average
Source: processed from questionnaire data (2023)
The questionnaire statements contained in the research were created to obtain interval data
using a scale of 1 4, which were then used as values. In the questionnaire related to workload,
respondents have a tendency to answer statements in the value category 2 to 4 so that the average
answer from respondents on the workload variable is 3.085, which means that the average answer
from respondents agrees/agrees with the statement contained in questionnaire regarding workload
c. Research results of financial compensation variables
The following describes the financial compensation variable data obtained through a
questionnaire using four indicators consisting of eight statement items. From the results of research
that has been carried out on financial compensation that has been implemented with the answer
values from 130 respondents, it is presented below.
Table 8
Response Regarding Financial Compensation Level (X
I feel that the monthly salary SIRCLO provides is sufficient
for my daily needs.
I feel motivated and enthusiastic about the salary I
I receive incentives every month/period according to the
specified targets.
I feel safe because there is insurance that I receive from
the company
I feel that the benefits provided are appropriate to my
position in the company
I receive health/outpatient coverage according to my
The bonus I received from SIRCLO can increase my
enthusiasm for work.
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I feel SIRCLO has given bonuses fairly to employees.
Total Average
Source: processed from questionnaire data (2023).
The statements contained in the questionnaire regarding financial compensation were
created to obtain interval data using a scale of 1 4, and then given a value. In this questionnaire
related to financial compensation, respondents tended to answer statements in the value category 2
to 4, so that the average answer from respondents to the financial compensation variable was 2.997,
which means that the average answer from respondents agreed with the statements in the
questionnaire. related to financial compensation variables.
d. Results of research on job satisfaction variables
The following describes the statements of the four indicator items for the job satisfaction
variable, where each indicator is composed of two statement items and one open question. The
average answers to each item in the job satisfaction value statement are in the following table.
Table 9
Response About Job Satisfaction Level (Z)
I am motivated to contribute more to get the job done.
I am proud of my work at SIRCLO.
I usually carry out various jobs at the same time
I can see and/or feel progress in my professional career
development since I joined SIRCLO so there are opportunities for
me to be promoted.
I feel happy because my boss supports effective cooperation or
collaboration within my team.
I received clear directions to develop my career from my
I benefit from cooperation or collaboration between colleagues,
between teams and between departments at SIRCLO.
My coworkers can work together effectively to get the job done.
Total Average
Source: processed from questionnaire data (2023)
The statements contained in the questionnaire related to job satisfaction were created to obtain
interval data using a scale of 1 4, and then given a value. In this questionnaire related to job
satisfaction, respondents have a tendency to answer statements in the value category 2 to 4, so that
the average answer from respondents on the job satisfaction variable is 3.249, which means that the
average respondent's answer agrees/agrees with the statement in questionnaire regarding job
satisfaction variables.
e. Results of research on employee performance variables
The measurement of employee performance in this research uses five indicator items, where
each indicator is divided into two statement items and one open question. The following is the
average answer to each statement item from the employee performance variable.
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Febri Hariyanto
, Edi Sugiono
, Suryono Efendi
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Table 10
Response Regarding Employee Performance Level (Y)
I can carry out tasks efficiently and effectively
I often provide ideas and look for new work procedures for
improvement in achieving organizational goals
I was able to achieve work results that exceeded the
specified average work results
I comply with all existing working hours provisions and
obey orders given by authorized superiors to the best of my
I am responsible for my work and make decisions together
with good behavior
I do not abuse the authority given to me.
I am able to work together in a team and am willing to accept
any changes that occur.
I can communicate fluently, both with colleagues and with
I can make decisions without waiting for instructions and
orders from superiors.
I report the results of the work to the superior according to
the actual situation.
Total Average
Source: processed from questionnaire data (2023).
The statements contained in the questionnaire regarding employee performance are made on a
scale of 1 4 as interval data, then a value or score is created. In this questionnaire regarding
employee performance, respondents have a tendency to answer statements in the value category 2
to 4 so that an average answer to the job satisfaction variable from respondents can be obtained of
3.186, which means that the average answer agrees with the statement in the questionnaire
regarding performance variables. employee.
The effect of layoff on job satisfaction
The results of data analysis in this study show that layoff has a positive and significant influence
on job satisfaction, this is proven by the C.R. value. of 2.656 (>1.97) and a significance value of 0.008
(probability <0.05). So the results of the test state that layoff has a positive and significant influence on
employee job satisfaction at SIRCLO Group Jakarta.
The influence of workload on job satisfaction
The results of data analysis in this study show that workload has a negative and significant
influence on job satisfaction, this is proven by the C.R. value. of -2.486 (less than 1.97) and a significance
value of 0.013 (probability <0.05). So the results of the test state that workload has a negative and
significant effect on employee job satisfaction at SIRCLO Group Jakarta.
The effect of financial compensation on job satisfaction
The results of data analysis in this study show that financial compensation has a positive and
significant influence on job satisfaction, this is proven by the C.R. value. of 4.666 (>1.97), a significance
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value of 0.001 (***) means the probability is <0.05. So the results of this test state that financial
compensation has a positive and significant influence on employee job satisfaction at SIRCLO Group
The effect of layoff on employee performance
The results of data analysis in this research show that layoff has a negative and significant
influence on employee performance, this is proven by the C.R. value. of -2.379 (less than 1.97) and a
significance value of 0.017 (probability <0.05). So the results of this test state that layoff has a negative
and significant influence on employee performance at SIRCLO Group Jakarta.
The influence of workload on employee performance
The results of data analysis in this study show that workload has a positive and significant
influence on employee performance, this is proven by the C.R. value. amounting to 2.789 (>1.97) and a
significance value of 0.005 (probability <0.05). So the results of this test state that workload has a
positive and significant influence on employee performance at the SIRCLO Group.
The effect of financial compensation on employee performance
The results of data analysis in this research show that financial compensation has a positive and
significant effect on employee performance, this is proven by the C.R. value. of 2.082 (>1.97) and a
significance value of 0.037 (probability <0.05). So the results of this test state that financial
compensation has a positive and significant influence on the performance of SIRCLO Group Jakarta
The effect of layoff on employee performance through job satisfaction
The results of data analysis in this research show that layoff has a positive and significant effect
on employee performance through job satisfaction. This result is proven by the Sobel test which has
been carried out, with a t-Stat value of 2.3383 (>1.97) and a significance value of 0.019 (probability
<0.05). So the results of this test state that layoff has a positive and significant influence on employee
performance through employee job satisfaction, meaning that job satisfaction is able to mediate the
effect of layoff on employee performance at SIRCLO Group Jakarta.
The effect of workload on employee performance through job satisfaction
The results of data analysis in this study show that workload has a negative and significant
influence on employee performance through job satisfaction. This is proven by the results of the Sobel
test which shows a t-Stat value of -2.2207 (<1.97) and a significance value of -2.2207 (<1.97) and a
significance value of 0.0263 (probability <0.05). So the results of this test state that workload has a
negative and significant influence on employee performance through job satisfaction, meaning that job
satisfaction in this case is unable to mediate between workload variables and employee performance at
SIRCLO Group Jakarta.
The effect of financial compensation on employee performance through job satisfaction
The results of the analysis in the research show that financial compensation has a positive and
significant effect on employee performance through job satisfaction, this is proven by the Sobel test
which has been carried out, with the result of a t-Stat value of 3.7932 (>1.97) and a significance value of
0 .0007 (probability <0.05). So the results of this test state that financial compensation has a positive
and significant influence on employee performance through employee job satisfaction, meaning that job
satisfaction is able to mediate the influence of financial compensation on employee performance at
SIRCLO Group Jakarta.
The influence of job satisfaction on employee performance
The results of data analysis in this study show that layoff has a positive and significant influence
on job satisfaction, this is proven by the C.R. value. amounting to 4.936 (>1.97) and a significance value
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Febri Hariyanto
, Edi Sugiono
, Suryono Efendi
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of 0.001 (***) probability value <0.05. So the results of this test state that job satisfaction has a positive
and significant influence on employee performance at SIRCLO Group Jakarta.
Based on the results of the research and discussion described in Chapter IV, in this case the
author reaches a conclusion, Layoff with indicators of organizational simplification, disciplinary
violations and employee incompetence can have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction of
SIRCLO Group Jakarta employees, workload The indicators are targets that must be achieved, working
conditions, use of working time, and work standards have a negative and significant effect on employee
job satisfaction at SIRCLO Group Jakarta. Financial compensation with indicators of salary, bonuses,
incentives and allowances can have a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction. Layoff, whose
indicators are organizational simplification, disciplinary violations and employee incompetence, can
have a negative and significant influence on employee performance. Workload with indicators of targets
that must be achieved, working conditions, use of working time, and work standards have a positive and
significant influence on the performance of SIRCLO Group Jakarta employees.
Financial compensation, whose indicators are salary, bonuses, incentives and allowances, is able
to have a positive and significant influence on employee performance. Layoff with indicators of
organizational simplification, disciplinary violations and employee incompetence is able to have a
positive and significant influence on employee performance through job satisfaction. Workload whose
indicators are targets that must be achieved, working conditions, use of working time, and work
standards can have a negative and significant influence on employee performance through job
satisfaction. Financial compensation with salary indicators, bonuses, incentives and allowances can
have a positive and significant influence on employee performance through job satisfaction. Job
satisfaction, whose indicators are satisfaction with the job itself, satisfaction with promotion
opportunities, satisfaction with supervision, and satisfaction with colleagues can have a positive and
significant influence on employee performance.
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Copyright holder:
Febri Hariyanto, Edi Sugiono, Suryono Efendi (2023)
International Journal of Asian Education,
Febri Hariyanto
, Edi Sugiono
, Suryono Efendi
IJSSR Page 2458
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International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)
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