International Journal of Asian Education,
Febri Hariyanto
, Edi Sugiono
, Suryono Efendi
IJSSR Page 2446
performance is what employees are doing or not doing or not doing in carrying out their work (Priansa,
Employees play an important role in company activities, because the level of progress and success
in a company cannot be separated from the role and abilities of its employees. In a company's
operational system, employee capability is basically one of the resources that plays the most important
role in achieving company goals (Ravianto, 1986). So because of this, companies need and must be able
to manage their employees as well as possible.
By paying attention to the performance of SIRCLO Group Jakarta employees from year to year
there has been an increase, although not much, but significantly fluctuating conditions if seen based on
the semester of each year (Pontoh, 2014). Based on the results of the researcher's observations, it can
be said that this condition is influenced by several factors, including workload and financial
compensation (Herdiany, Puspa, Utomo, Aryandha, & Putranti, 2022). As well as world economic
conditions which have caused various tough decisions that must be made by companies in 2022, one of
which is layoffs, resulting in an impact on employee performance which has dropped drastically by
Based on data, as of December 2022, there were 1,051 companies carrying out layoffs
with a total of 161,411 people in the world. In the last year, the largest wave of layoffs occurred in
November 2022, reaching 53,451 people from 227 companies. This condition can specifically have an
impact on employee performance which is influenced by several factors, including workload, because
indirectly with layoffs the workload received by employees will increase due to reduced man power or
human resources (Edison, Anwar, & Komariyah, 2016). This can lead to job satisfaction because you
may feel stressed where your workload is excessive but does not match the compensation you receive.
This is similar to the results of observations that researchers have made previously (Dwinati, Surati, &
Furkan, 2019)(Mahendrawan & Indrawati, 2015).
Based on data from research regarding the SIRCLO Group Jakarta Key Performance Indicators, it
can be seen that during the last 4 year period from 2019 to 2022 the company experienced a phase of
ups and downs in performance review results specifically related to performance, it can be seen that in
2019 it showed a figure of 4.70 in semester 1, this figure decreased -0.17 in semester 2 to 4.53. Then
there was a slight increase of +8 in 2020 with an average score of 4.61, this figure increased entering
semester 2 to 4.72. Furthermore, in 2021 it again experienced an increase of +29 to 5.11 in semester 1,
but again experienced a drastic decrease of -47 in the first semester to 4.64. It continued to decline in
semester 1 of 2022 with an average score of 4.58 and decreased again in semester 2 to 4.05.
Furthermore, based on the analysis of the data, the author conducted research on previous
research, so that in the end several journal sources were found, but from the sources found, there were
inconsistencies or discrepancies in the results, so the researcher felt there was a problem in it that had
to be resolved, at least the cause was known so that it could be resolved. provide a clearer and more
detailed picture of the gaps. Inconsistencies or discrepancies in the results of the research are usually
called gap research, namely gaps or research gaps that can be entered by a researcher based on
experience or previous research. Previous research can basically be used as a goal to get a new answer
to something that is considered a problem, (Siregar, 2011). Therefore, researchers will carry out another
study by providing updated variables. Below is a table that shows the gaps in the research results:
Based on data from research conducted, it shows that layoff has a significant positive effect on
employee performance (Riley, 2006), (Rahmizal & Lasmi, 2021), (Sa’diyah & Irawati, 2017), (Asmara,
2017). In another study by (Aisyah, 2016) explains that there are several things that need special
attention, namely improving better communication between management and employees, one of which