Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Vol. 03, No. 10, October 2023
e-ISSN: 2807-8691 | p-ISSN: 2807-839X
IJSSR Page 2399
This work is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
The Influence of Financial Literacy, Investment
Experience, and Overconfidence on Investment Decisions
in National University Master of Management Study
Program Students with Risk Tolerance as an Intervening
Dessy Yuliani
, Andini Nurwulandari
Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Nasional, Indonesia
Financial Literacy, Investment
Experience, Overconfidence,
Investment Decisions, Students
This research uses a quantitative approach and Partial Least
Square- Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to test the
relationship between the variables Financial Literacy (X1),
Investment Experience (X2), Overconfidence (X3), Risk Tolerance
(Z), and Investment Decisions ( Y) for National University Master of
Management study program students. The results of descriptive
statistical analysis reveal that Financial Literacy, Investment
Experience, and Overconfidence have a positive and significant
effect on Risk Tolerance, while Financial Literacy, Investment
Experience, and Overconfidence have a positive effect on Investment
Decisions. However, the results of the analysis show that Financial
Literacy has an insignificant influence on Investment Decisions,
while Investment Experience and Overconfidence have a positive
and significant influence on Investment Decisions. Risk Tolerance
also has a positive and significant effect on Investment Decisions. In
addition, this research finds that Risk Tolerance mediates the
relationship between Financial Literacy, Investment Experience,
and Investment Decisions. In other words, the greater the Financial
Literacy and Investment Experience, the Risk Tolerance will
increase, which in turn will increase Investment Decisions. The
results of this research provide important insights for National
University Master of Management study program students and
other stakeholders in understanding the factors that influence
investment decisions, as well as the importance of understanding the
level of financial literacy and investment experience in managing
risk and making wise investment decisions.
In the current era of industrial revolution 4.0, every individual is required to have the ability and
understanding of managing financial resources effectively and efficiently. Society will not only be faced
with increasingly complex problems such as financial products, but in the future will also have to bear
financial risks.
Investment Decisions are a policy or decision taken to invest capital in one or more assets to gain
profits in the future or the problem of how people should allocate funds into forms of investment that
will bring profits in the future (Ismiyanti & Mahadwartha, 2020). Since the Indonesian capital market
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, Andini Nurwulandari
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has existed, it has increased in depth in the last few years (2019), it is useful to know what factors cause
investment decision behavior (Nuzula, Sisbintari, & Handayani, 2019).
According to the initial survey regarding investment decisions carried out in April 2022 on a
sample of 30 students from the National University Postgraduate Management Study Program with the
criteria of students who had carried out investment activities for a minimum period of one month,
several influences and problems regarding investment decisions were found, namely: 25% respondents
feel there is minimal security in investing, 21.9% of respondents feel that the income/return they get is
small, 18.8% feel that the value of money invested in the future is not too high, 18.8% of respondents
have a low level of tolerance in investing so afraid of making investments, 12.5% of respondents felt that
investments had a low level of liquidity, and the remaining 3% of respondents chose something else,
namely they felt they had no experience in investing (Ahmad, 2020). Then other factors were found that
had an impact on the investment decisions of National University Postgraduate Management Study
Program students, most of which were regarding financial literacy, experience in investing, self-
confidence regarding investing, and risk tolerance in investing (Antony & Joseph, 2017).
This data is supported by data from the Financial Services Authority (2017) which shows that
investment in Indonesia has now become a very attractive investment destination. Investment in
Indonesia has now also developed into a source of long-term funding for the world. Investments that
usually provide high levels of return can certainly carry high risks (Malik, Hanif, & Azhar, 2019). The
low and high risks in Indonesia are greatly influenced by the factors of Financial Literacy, Investment
Experience, Overconfidence and Risk Tolerance (Addinpujoartanto & Darmawan, 2020). It was also
stated that in 2016, the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) grew extraordinarily, beating the main
indices in Asia such as South Korea's Kospi and Japan's Nikkei. Therefore, analyze beforehand before
making investment decisions which will be selected.
This analysis is one way to minimize existing risks. Investment Decisions are influenced by several
factors, one of which is Financial Literacy, reported by (Brahmana, 2022). Low financial literacy causes
widespread investment fraud: the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK) recorded losses of
more than IDR 110 trillion in 2022 due to investment fraud, eight times higher than in 2018 which was
only IDR 14 trillion. So this has an impact on reducing the level of risk tolerance and Investment
Decisions (Ma & Wang, 2022). In the curriculum, the concept of financial literacy is not only about
understanding investment but needs to be emphasized on the risk perspective (Asfira, Rokhmawati, &
Fathoni, 2019). Financial literacy will lead to greater risk tolerance and investors must then choose the
risk of investment securities to match the high level of risk tolerance experienced by investors (Awais,
Laber, Rasheed, & Khursheed, 2016). So it can be obtained that the higher a person's financial
knowledge, the more investors will be very careful in taking risks in taking risks in shares and will take
relatively high risks.
The next factor that can influence Investment Decisions is Investment Experience. Indonesian
people, especially millennials, use very little of their income for investment experience and Investment
Decisions According to (Dinisari, 2019). The way to invest that is often used is by saving, in other words,
Indonesian people, especially Millennials, have a low risk ability in making investment decisions due to
the lack of investment experience they have. In the research of (Awais et al., 2016) research resulted
that higher investment experience will have an impact on high risk tolerance and investors will choose
the risk of investment securities to match the high level of risk tolerance experienced by investors
depending on how much experience the investor (Fujiki, 2021).
The next factor that can influence Investment Decisions is Overconfidence or high self-confidence.
Overconfidence is obtained when investment knowledge and experience is sufficient or even high. The
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research results of (Ul Abdin, Qureshi, Iqbal, & Sultana, 2022) show that overconfidence or cognitive
bias influences investment decisions through risk tendencies. Investors who are overconfident also tend
to have an optimistic view of trades carried out by Lee-lee, et al., (2016). According to research by Ma,
et al., (2022) it has a positive relationship and will be stronger if the Financial Literacy relationship is
added. Risk Tolerance positively mediates the influence of Overconfidence on Investment Decisions in
(Kasoga, 2021), which shows that investors who have an attitude of Overconfidence will tolerate
existing risks so that the level of Risk Tolerance is high, then this influences Investment Decisions
(Budiarto & Susanti, 2017).
Next is the risk tolerance factor, many theories and research support this, one of the underlying
theories is the Markowitz market portfolio principle which explains portfolio allocation based on
expected returns and risks (Nuzula et al., 2019)(Kasoga, 2021). Reported by (Awais et al., 2016)
Investors must pursue risk in their financial decisions, this is contrary to research conducted by (Pyles,
Li, Wu, & Dolvin, 2016) which states that from the results of his research, the level of risk tolerance is
often not included. in investment decisions (Hermansson & Jonsson, 2021).
According to research by (Muslim & Perdhana, 2017) a research gap is a problem that has not
been fully researched or has never been researched by previous research. The research gap in a study
is generally unique and makes a difference between one research and another. Based on the description
above as a whole, there are several research gaps resulting from previous research that can be
developed. The research gap in this research can be explained, namely from the variables Risk
Tolerance, Financial Literacy, Investment Experience, and Overconfidence (Candiya Bongomin, Munene,
Ntayi, & Malinga, 2017)(Perveen, Ahmad, Usman, & Liaqat, 2020).
The type of research used in this research is quantitative research whose research objectives
are more directed at showing relationships between variables, verifying theories, making predictions
and generalizing. Based on the explanation of quantitative research methods, the phenomenon of cause
and effect relationship shows the existence of independent and dependent variables which can be
explained that the independent variables consist of Financial Literacy (X1), Investment Experience (X2),
Overconfidence (X3) (Lestari, 2022). The dependent variable is Investment Decisions (Y) and the
Intervening Variable Risk Tolerance (Z) at the Jakarta Medical Center. In this study, Partial Least Square-
Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was used (Abdillah & Hartono, 2015).
Descriptive statistical analysis is analysis carried out to determine the existence of independent
variables, either only on one or more variables (stand-alone variables or independent variables) without
making comparisons of the variables themselves and looking for relationships with other variables
(Sugiyono, 2018). This research aims to test hypotheses regarding the cause-and-effect relationship
between the variables Financial Literacy, Investment Experience, Overconfidence, Risk Tolerance, and
Investment Decision.
Description of Research Results
In this research, the data source used is primary data with a sample size of 97 Postgraduate
Students at the National University Management Study Program who are still active and have carried
out investment activities in the capital market with a total of 90 valid questionnaire data (Ghozali &
Latan, 2015). Questionnaire research was conducted throughgoogle form in the period 22 May- 29 May
2023. PLS is an alternative data processing from the SEM approach which is based on covariance to be
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, Andini Nurwulandari
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based on variance. PLS aims to test the predictive relationship between constructs by seeing whether
there is a relationship or influence between the constructs.
1. Gender
The following is the distribution of respondents based on gender groups which is presented in
the following table & diagram:
Table 1
Description of Respondents Based on Gender
Figure 1
Description of Respondents Based on Gender
Source: Data processed by the Author (2023)
Based on the table and diagram in Figure 4.1 which determines respondents based on gender, it
is known that some of the respondents were male with a total of 49 respondents with a percentage
of 54%, while there were 45 female respondents with a percentage of 46%. So it can be concluded
that the majority of respondents in this study based on gender were men, namely 49 respondents
with a percentage of 54%.
2. Long Time in Investing
The following is the distribution of respondents based on groups with a long history of investing
which is presented in the following table & diagram:
Male Female
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Table 2
Description of Respondents Based on Length of Investing
1-3 Months
3-12 Months
1-3 Years
3-10 Years
Figure 2
Description of Respondents Based on Length of Investing
Source: Data processed by the Author (2023)
Based on the table and diagram in Figure 4.2 which determines respondents based on the length
of time they have invested, it is known that for the group that has been investing for 1-3 months,
there are 8 respondents with a percentage of 9%, for the group that has been investing for 3-12
months, there are 57 respondents with a percentage of 63%. The old group investing for 1-3 years
was 21 respondents with a percentage of 23%, and the old group investing for 3-10 years was 4
respondents with a percentage of 5%. So it can be concluded that the majority of respondents in this
study based on the long-standing group in investing are investors who invest within a period of 3-12
months, namely 57 respondents with a percentage of 63%.
3. Monthly Income
The following is the distribution of respondents based on monthly income groups which is
presented in the following table & diagram:
length of time in investing
1-3 Monts 3-12 Months 1-3 Years 3-10 Years
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, Andini Nurwulandari
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Table 3
Description of Respondents Based on Monthly Income
Monthly Income
< IDR 5,000,000.00
IDR 5,000,000.00-
IDR 10,000,000.00
IDR 10,000,000.00-
IDR 20,000,000.00
> IDR 20,000,000.00
Figure 3
Description of Respondents Based on Monthly Income
Source: Data processed by the Author (2023)
Based on the table and diagram in Figure 4.3 which determines respondents based on their
monthly income, it is known that for the income group < IDR 5,000,000.00 there are 8 respondents
with a percentage of 9%, the income group is IDR 5,000,000.00- IDR 10,000,000.00 a total of 55
respondents with a percentage of 61%, the income group of IDR 10,000,000.00- IDR 20,000,000.00
was 21 respondents with a percentage of 23%, and the income group > IDR 20,000,000.00 was 6
respondents with a percentage of 7%. So it can be concluded that the majority of respondents in
this study based on the type of income per month have an income of IDR 5,000,000.00 - IDR
10,000,000.00, namely 55 respondents with a percentage of 61%.
Monthly Income
< Rp 5.000.000,00 Rp 5.000.000,00-
Rp 10.000.000,00
Rp 10.000.000,00-
< Rp 20.000.000,00
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Based on the results of the discussion that has been carried out above, the following is a
summary of the research results:
Table 4
Summary of research results
FL -> RT
IE -> RT
Ov -> RT
FL -> ID
IE -> ID
Ov -> ID
FL -> RT -> ID
IE -> RT -> ID
Ov -> RT -> ID
RT -> ID
Source: Data processed by the Author (2023)
Financial Literacy directly has a positive and significant effect on Risk Tolerance
The research results show that the high and lowFinancial Literacy become a benchmark for
student success in determiningRisk Tolerance investment. High and lowFinancial Literacy investors will
increase the valueRisk Tolerance investors, and vice versa. This is related to low financial literacy
causing widespread investment fraud: Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK), the following
statement is in line with the rise in investmentbulgingwhich is widespread among students, the higher
it isFinancial Literacy, the higher the level of tolerance that students will have in investing because they
are not worried about fraud because they already know the risks involved. And also having adequate
financial information and literacy can improve your analytical skills regarding investment risks which
then have an impactRisk Tolerance The higher the level, the more students will be aware of the need to
study investment risks when financial literacy becomes higher.
This is in line with (Awais et al., 2016) namely, investors must pursue risk for their financial
decisions. High financial literacy will lead to greater risk tolerance, with increased levels of knowledge
about financial information and improved analytical skills, investors can increase their capacity to
manage investments efficiently. In this investment, investors are also aware that they need to know a
lot of knowledge to face risky situations.
Investment Experience directly has a positive and significant effect on Risk Tolerance
The research results show that the high and lowInvestment Experience will increase valueRisk
Tolerance, vice versa. Students who have experience in investing will help them choose and handle
investment risks that they will take on in the future. According to this research, more or less investment
experience will have a big influenceRisk Tolerance students in investing because students will be wiser
in handling risks in the future.Investment Experience in the past, both success and failure will form
decisionsRisk Tolerance towards a higher level, because students have experienced both failure and
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, Andini Nurwulandari
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success in investing which can be used as learning and then have an impact on acceptanceRisk Tolerance
in investing.
This is in line with (Awais et al., 2016) an investor who has greater experience will lead to
greater tolerance for investment securities products. Investors are aware that their investment
experience will help them to handle risks in investing, they will be wiser because they learn from past
experiences to overcome risky situations and handle them correctly. The results of this research
showInvestment Experience has a positive and significant relationship withRisk Tolerance.
Overconfidence directly has a positive and significant effect onRisk Tolerance
The results of this research show that the high and low Overconfidence will increase valueRisk
Tolerance, and vice versa.Overconfidence A high level will make students feel comfortable in investing
which will then increaseRisk Tolerance according to the profit you want to achieve. The better the self-
confidence in investing, the better the student's level of risk tolerance in investing.Overconfidence
Students must continue to improve in order to achieve a high level of risk tolerance so that future
investment returns can achieve maximum results and students can be confident in exploring high risks
and able to accept these risks, so as to increase interest in investing in Indonesia.
This is in line with (Ul Abdin et al., 2022) which states that all high-class investors have an
attitudeoverconvidence have illusions of control, optimism, and self-attribution. This tendency makes
investors have better decisions regarding investment risks,return, and higher investment satisfaction.
Financial Literacy directly has a positive and insignificant effect onInvestment Decisions
The research results show that the high and lowFinancial Literacy cannot be a benchmark for
determining student successInvestment Decisions. It meansFinancial Literacy not optimal in supporting
students to decide what to doInvestment Decisions. The higher the levelFinancial Literacy The better
investors will be, the higher the accuracy in making investment decisions, and individuals with higher
literacy will be more likely to be involved in preparing investment/financial plans more clearly in the
future. However, this research has not shown the accuracy of literacy as a step in making investments.
This is also thought to be due to the lack of information and literacy received regarding finance and
financial investment, students are still taboo about financial literacy information for making investment
decisions (Hasanudin, Nurwulandari, & Caesariawan, 2022).
The results of this research are in line with research conducted by (Ariani, 2015) which has
resultsFinancial Literacy does not have a significant effect onInvestment Decisions, the results of the
research are that good financial literacy alone is not enough to produce good investment decisions, it
must be accompanied by other factors that can support these decisions.
Investment Experience directly has a positive and significant effect onInvestment Decisions
The results of this research show that the high and lowInvestment Experience will increase
valueInvestment Decisions, likewise vice versa.Investment Experience high levels in students will
increase investment decisions.Investment Experience will lead to learning from mistakes and successes
in the past, so that students are confident in their investment decisions in the present or in the future
due to existing experience and will then become wiser and more efficient inInvestment Decisions.
Investment Decisions which is based onInvestment Experience will minimize feelings of dissatisfaction
and disappointment in investing as well as tackle investment fraud which is currently rampant.
This is in line with (Awais et al., 2016), stated thatInvestment Experience positively related
toinvestment decision, investor experience is very useful forinvestment decision In the future, wise
investors learn from past experiences to improve their abilities and overcome situations that impact
investment decisions.
Overconfidence directly has a positive and significant effect on Investment Decisions
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The results of this research show that the high and lowOverconfidence will increase
valueInvestment Decisions, and vice versa.Overconfidence high levels can have a positive impact
onInvestment Decisions, this is because students have
Overconfidence those who are high will have the courage to make decisions in investing, and
believe that they will get itreturn that corresponds to what they invest.Overconfidence Not only is it
found in students who have been investing for a long time, but it is also high in students who are still
beginners in investing, so it can be concludedInvestment Decisions greatly influenced by
Overconfidence the highest.
This research, in line with research conducted by (Kansal & Singh, 2018) namely,Overconfidence
have a significant impact onInvestment Decisions. This research states thatoverconvidence investors
are influenced by several factors, namely: investors who have high income, and have investment
experience and invest in shares with high risk which can increaseoverconvidence investors and can
improve investment decisions.
Financial Literacy indirectly has a positive and significant effect on Investment Decisions
through Risk Tolerance
The results of this research show that Risk Tolerance is able to mediate the relationship between
Financial Literacy and Investment Decisions. Financial High literacy is able to increase information and
knowledge about finance and investment which can increase students' risk tolerance and encourage
students to choose higher risk tolerance in investing in order to get a higher level of return. Financial
Literacy related to financial information can enable students to overcome high risks in investing.
A high level of financial literacy will lead to a large risk tolerance and then investors will choose
the risk of securities to match the high level of risk tolerance. When students have knowledge about
finance and investment risks, this will lead to increased risk tolerance, because students know the
benchmark between risk and the investment return they will get, thereby improving students'
investment decisions.
This research is useful to help investors obtain their financial information and realize that there
is still a lot of knowledge they must have to face and help them to handle risky investments. Financial
Literacy is proven to be an important determinant in investment decisions and the Risk Tolerance that
investors will carry (Awais et al., 2016).
Investment Experience indirectly has a positive and significant effect onInvestment Decisions
through Risk Tolerance
The results of this research showRisk Tolerance able to mediate relationshipsInvestment
Experience toInvestment Decisions. Students' experience in investing influencesRisk Tolerance which
will be chosen by students, the higherInvestment Experience then the higher it isRisk Tolerance which
will be chosen by internal studentsInvestment Decisions. This is because students can overcome the
risks of failure from their past experiences, and also know the levelreturn which they will get ifRisk
Tolerance they choose high in investment decisions. In this case, students can also know risks such as
fake investments, so students will do itInvestment Decisions withRisk Tolerance high, but still pay
attention to the validity of the investment product, this is because students' experience in investing in
the past is high.
This research is in line with (Awais et al., 2016) which produced research thatInvestment
Experience high influence onRisk Tolerance will make investors choose a higher type of risk in
investment decisions that is in accordance with the investor's experience. This research concludes that
an investor's past experience can be very helpful in helping them handle risky investments.
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, Andini Nurwulandari
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Overconfidence indirectly has a positive and insignificant effect onInvestment Decisions through
Risk Tolerance
The results of this research showRisk Tolerance unable to mediate the
relationshipOverconfidence toInvestment Decisions. Although investors who have a high level of self-
confidence will tolerate the existing risks so they will make investment decisions wiselyRisk Tolerance
high, but in this study the results showed that the possibility of excessive self-confidence is not always
a good factor in investment decisions throughRisk Tolerance. It was also found that some students did
not have a tasteOverconfidence which is high when you know the risks in investing, thus causing it to
be lowRisk Tolerance toInvestment Decisions. FeelOverconfidence students are pressured to assess
investment risks, resulting in low levels of investmentrisk tolerance toInvestment Decisions, so that
students tend to think too much about the impact of risks and investment decisions, thus creating low
biasoverconfidence toinvestment decisions throughrisk tolerance.
This is in line with (Wulandari & Iramani, 2014) who found that resultoverconvidence does not
have a significant effect oninvestment decisions throughrisk tolerance. This is because someone has
itOverconfidence high will consider lowRisk Tolerance so that when making investment decisions it
tends to be detrimental to resultsInvestment Decisions the. The results of investment decisions tend to
appear non-objective becauseOverconfidence which is excessive and does not judge wellRisk Tolerance
the chosen.
Risk Tolerance has a direct positive and significant effect onInvestment Decisions
The results of this research show that the high and lowRisk Tolerance will increase
valueInvestment Decisions, and vice versa.Risk Tolerance high levels can have a positive impact
onInvestment Decisions, This is due toRisk Tolerance has been found to substantially influence
investment decision making in various financial markets (Hassan, Shahzeb, Shaheen, Abbas, & Hameed,
2013). In this research, students who understand investment risks and haveRisk Tolerance those who
are high will be easy and ready to decide to invest because the student already understands the risks of
investing.Risk Tolerance The high level will direct students to be brave in learningInvestment Decisions
because they are sure of the levelreturn what will be obtained from this decision. In this study, it was
found that students had levelsRisk Tolerance those who are high will tend to have clear, efficient and
wise investment goalsInvestment Decisions.
This is in line with research, (Kasoga, 2021) which shows that investors who are ready to take
risks are ready to buy shares, it was found thatRisk Tolerance influenceInvestment Decisions positively.
It can be concluded that the levelRisk Tolerance an investor plays an important role in
decidingInvestment Decisions.
Financial Literacy has a positive and significant effect on Risk Tolerance in National University
Master of Management study program students. The greater the Financial Literacy carried out, the
greater the investment Risk Tolerance will increase. Investment Experience has a positive and
significant effect on Risk Tolerance in National University Master of Management study program
students. The longer the investment experience, the more investment risk tolerance will increase.
Overconfidence has a positive and significant effect on Risk Tolerance in National University Master of
Management study program students. The greater the Overconfidence, the greater the investment Risk
Tolerance. Financial Literacy has a positive and insignificant effect on Investment Decisions among
National University Master of Management study program students. High and low Financial Literacy is
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not a benchmark for high and low Investment Decisions. Investment Experience has a positive and
significant influence on Investment Decisions in students of the Master of Management study program
at National University. The greater the Investment Experience, the greater the Investment Decisions will
be. Overconfidence has a positive and significant effect on Investment Decisions in National University
Master of Management study program students.
The greater the Overconfidence, the greater the Investment Decisions. Financial Literacy
indirectly has a positive and significant effect on Investment Decisions through Risk Tolerance in
students of the Master of Management study program at National University. The greater it is Financial
Literacy, Investment Decisions will increase through Risk Tolerance as an intervening variable.
Investment Experience indirectly has a positive and significant effect on Investment Decisions through
Risk Tolerance in students of the Master of Management study program at National University. The
greater the Investment Experience, the more Investment Decisions will increase through Risk Tolerance
as an intervening variable. Overconfidence indirectly has a positive and insignificant effect on
Investment Decisions through Risk Tolerance in National University Master of Management study
program students. High or low Overconfidence is not a benchmark for high and low Investment
Decisions through Risk Tolerance as an intervening variable. Risk Tolerance has a positive and
significant effect on Investment Decisions among students in the Master of Management study program
at National University. The greater the Risk Tolerance, the greater the Investment Decisions.
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