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Vol. 03, No. 10, Oktober 2023
e-ISSN: 2807-8691 | p-ISSN: 2807-839X
IJSSR Page 2484 10.46799/ijssr.v3i10.547
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Analysis Of The Influence Of Collaborative Skills On
Innovation Mediated By Work Ethic In West Sulawesi
Provincial Government Office Employees
Sakaria K
, Mattalatta
, Baharuddin
, Jamaluddin Bata Ilyas
STIE Amkop Makassar Doctoral Program Student
Postgraduate Program Amkop Makassar College of Economics
Collaborative Skills, Work Ethic,
The exploration is trusted can give a basic examination to working
on cooperative abilities to empower the acknowledgment of
development that is upheld by most extreme excitement and hard
working attitude, so the point of this examination are to test and to
break down corelation of cooperative abilities on advancement
through hard working attitude both straightforwardly and by
implication. The consequences of this investigation had discovered
that cooperative abilities significantly affect hard working attitude,
but cooperative abilities just tracked down an adverse consequence
however meaningfully affect development. It was likewise found
that hard working attitude affected development, as well as
cooperative abilities meaningfully affected advancement was found
when intervened by hard working attitude in the West Sulawesi
Territory Government office. To Territorial Official Associations
ought to focus on the job of cooperative abilities, especially by
empowering the improvement of development administrations
given to the local area, as well as having the option to apply the
standards of a more ideal hard working attitude so the realization
of a competent work soul will be understood and produce
magnificent help. Development is a fundamental variable to
improve so the advancement of working standards will energize
really fulfilling administration items. Subsequently, it is important
to reinforce cooperative abilities to urge more and to develop better
work advancement at West Sulawesi Region Government Office so
open administrations can be expanded.
Capital and human asset expected as development, cooperative abilities and hard working
attitude for state government employees (ASN) in West Sulawesi Commonplace Government
workplaces play a vital part in endeavors to work on the nature of public administrations and regulatory
productivity. Advancement is the way to confronting the difficulties and changes that happen in this
cutting edge period (Back, Parboteeah, & Nam, 2012). By applying development in approaches to
working, innovation and public administrations, ASN can make savvy fixes to increment administration
viability, streamline asset use and advance improvement in the area (Jaskyte, 2011).
By applying development in approaches to working, innovation and public administrations, ASN
can make savvy fixes to increment administration viability, streamline asset use and advance
improvement in the area (Berghman, Matthyssens, Streukens, & Vandenbempt, 2013). Besides,
cooperative abilities are a fundamental need since there are numerous issues that require cross-area
approaches and joint effort between offices.
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In an administration climate, ASN from different work units need to cooperate to consolidate
their mastery and understanding to track down extensive answers for complex issues. With great
cooperative abilities, ASNs can share data, assets and encounters to accomplish shared objectives (Boult
et al., 2009). Aside from that, compelling joint effort likewise helps in areas of strength for building and
shared trust between work units, in this way working with the making of an agreeable and useful
workplace. Aside from that, a positive hard working attitude is the establishment expected to make a
quality, responsive and proficient workplace. By having a decent hard working attitude, ASN will be
bound to work with commitment and uprightness, and focus on open interests above private interests.
A solid hard working attitude likewise incorporates liability, responsibility, and an energy to keep
learning and working on one's quality (Khanifah, 2019). In an administration setting, a decent hard
working attitude will guarantee that ASN in the West Sulawesi Common Government office can offer
proficient and quality types of assistance, as well as keep up with honesty in completing their obligations
and authority. This will assemble public confidence in the public authority and increment the
effectiveness of government device execution.
In view of searches did on past examinations with respect to the impact of cooperative abilities
on advancement, there were still irregularities in the revealed research results. Some express that
cooperative abilities impact development (Djamaludin, 2017), and (Siburian, 2016), however, some
express that cooperative abilities are not connected with development (Dewi, Mudakir, & Murdiyah,
2016) and (Risman, 2017). Subsequently, this study presents hard working attitude as an answer for
the exploration hole which is accepted to be a middle person in this relationship.
Aside from giving a top to bottom comprehension of the connection between the factors
considered, the consequences of this exploration will be a significant commitment in working on the
nature of public administrations, the viability of work groups, creating ASN HR, and creating
authoritative advancement inside the Common Government (Acar & Acar, 2012). Consequently, this
exploration will give serious areas of strength for a premise to planning more successful strategies and
projects to work on hierarchical execution and give more prominent advantages to the West Sulawesi
Commonplace Government.
The plan of this examination is a review that dissects current realities and information expected
to answer the fundamental issue, to be specific investigation of the factors of cooperative abilities, hard
working attitude and development. Research information was gathered from the aftereffects of finishing
up surveys by 341 respondents. The examination respondents were West Sulawesi Commonplace
Government workers. The examination was completed utilizing a multivariate methodtools
measurement SPSS and AMOS were created by IBM.
The development variable is estimated utilizing a Likert scale comprising of 5 response
decisions, in particular unequivocally concur (SS), concur (S), impartial/unsure (N/RG), dissent (TS)
and firmly deviate (STS). The pointers used to gauge development are embraced from the assessment
of (Prajogo, 2016) which comprises of 1. Creating novel thoughts, 2. Transmission of thoughts, 3.
Thoughts for new techniques, 4. Delivering new items and 5. New getting sorted out. Besides,
cooperative abilities are estimated with similar scale as pointers embraced from (Veriasa, Muchtar,
Indraswati, & Putri, 2021), (Triling & Fadel, 2009) in (Sulistiyawati, 2020), and (Hidayanti, Savalas, &
‘Ardhuha, 2020), which incorporates; 1. Group learning, 2. Quality work status, 3. Work adaptability, 4.
General vibe associations, and 5. Contribution. Aside from that, hard working attitude is estimated with
similar scale and answer decisions as different factors and comprises of markers embraced from
(Salamun, 1995), (Syahiruddin, 2012) and Sinamo (2011) in (Andri Hadiansyah, 2015) which
incorporate 1. Work is a gift trust, 2. Work is a call to love, 3. Work is self-completion, 4. Work is honor,
and 5. Work is the craft of serving.
International Journal of Asian Education,
Sakaria K
, Mattalatta
, Baharuddin
, Jamaluddin Bata Ilyas
IJSSR Page 2486
Classic Assumption Test
Prior to beginning the model testStructural Condition Demonstrating (SEM) utilizing AMOS
programming, there are a few exemplary expectation tests that should be completed to guarantee that
the information meets the investigation prerequisites. Testing this supposition that is vital on the
grounds that inability to satisfy this technique can influence the legitimacy and legitimacy of the SEM
investigation results. As a matter of some importance, an information ordinariness look at was
conveyed. The outcomes showed that there were 2 markers that neglected to meet the necessities so
they were excised and excluded from the following investigation stage. Besides, homoscedasticity is
guaranteed to decide varieties in remaining mistake and guarantee that the information is haphazardly
free and doesn't make some critical memories series or spatial series design. At last, test the
ordinariness of the residuals to guarantee that the residuals (the contrast between the genuine
information and the model evaluations) have a typical conveyance. By guaranteeing that all old style
suppositions are met, the SEM investigation results will be more substantial and can be deciphered all
the more precisely.
Model Test (Goodness of Fit)
Model testing in SEM (Primary Condition Demonstrating) utilizing AMOS programming is a
course of assessing a model that has been worked to perceive how far the model matches the
observational information held. The motivation behind this model test is to test the legitimacy and
legitimacy of the model that has been arranged, as well as to guarantee that the model satisfactorily
addresses the applied connection between the factors considered (Herdah, 2017). The model testing
process includes a correlation between the proposed model (hypothetical model) with the actual data
that has been collected (Bernardo, 2014). One of the primary parts of model testing is the appraisal of
the appropriateness of the model to the information estimated through different factual fit markers. A
few much of the time utilized fit pointers incorporate chi-square, Goodness Fit Record (GFI), Changed
Goodness Fit File (AGFI), Near Fit File (CFI), Exhaust Lewis File (TLI), and Root Mean Square Blunder of
Estimation (RMSEA . These fit qualities give data about the degree to which the model fits the
information. The more like zero the chi-square worth and the more like 1 the GFI, AGFI, CFI, and TLI
values, and the lower the RMSEA esteem implies the better the attack of the model to the information.
The model experimental outcomes show that chi square = 37.001, GFI = 0.972, AGFI = 0.930, TLI = 0.950,
CFI = 0.974, and RMSEA = 0.083. The model experimental outcomes should be visible in the
accompanying figure;
Figure 1. Final results of model testing via AMOS
Along these lines, it tends to be guaranteed that the model fabricated is as per the deliberate
information, and the aftereffects of the examination can be utilized to help exact discoveries and make
significant decisions about the calculated connection between the factors contemplated.
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Convergent Validity and Construct Reliability Testing
Testing merged legitimacy and build dependability is a significant stage in factual examination
which expects to gauge the degree to which a develop or variable in this exploration is solid and whether
the develop truly gauges what it should quantify or address. The experimental outcomes are introduced
in the accompanying table.
Table 1. Testing convergent validity and construct reliability
Constructs and Indicators
Std. Est
Source: Primary Data (processed for this research)
The significance of testing focalized legitimacy and develop dependability is to guarantee that
the factors utilized in this exploration are as per the hidden hypothesis and can be depended upon to
address the build being referred to. The estimation results show that focalized legitimacy is met (> 0.5),
this implies that the pointers utilized can appropriately address the build being estimated. In the mean
time, the consequences of develop dependability computations were likewise satisfied (>0.7), this
shows that the builds estimated are solid and give predictable outcomes.
Hypothesis Test Results
In light of the aftereffects of speculation testing, the discoveries show that every one of the
speculations proposed are genuinely adequate. This implies that all speculations gain support from the
dissected information. This intends that from the consequences of information examination, there is
lacking proof to dismiss the proposed speculation, and that the relationship portrayed in the speculation
is valid. This is demonstrated by the accomplishment of measurable qualities as CR > 1.96 at an
importance level of 0.05. Aside from that, it tends to be seen that if the p-esteem is more modest than
0.05, all speculations are announced acknowledged. The consequences of the speculation test are
introduced in the accompanying table;
Table 2. Hypothesis test results
Causality Relationship
Source: Primary Data (processed for this research)
International Journal of Asian Education,
Sakaria K
, Mattalatta
, Baharuddin
, Jamaluddin Bata Ilyas
IJSSR Page 2488
The consequences of the intervention speculation test (H4) of cooperative abilities on
development through hard working attitude intercession utilizing the Sobel Test mini-computer
likewise show a CR esteem = 2.28 (> 1.96). This implies that hard working attitude assumes a significant
part in expanding the impact of cooperative abilities on development. Hence, hard working attitude can
go about as a decent middle person for the connection between cooperative abilities and development.
The influence of collaborative skills on innovation
The test consequences of the impact of cooperative abilities on development show a critical
positive worth, truly intending that there is areas of strength for a between the cooperative abilities
moved by people or gatherings of West Sulawesi Common government workers and the degree of
advancement created (Musawwir, 2018). The huge positive experimental outcomes show that the
cooperative abilities variable affects the degree of development accomplished. In this specific
circumstance, viable cooperative abilities assume a significant part in animating the age of
groundbreaking thoughts and clever fixes. At the point when people or gatherings of representatives
can team up really, they can complete one another, share information, and join ability from different
foundations (Al‐Hakim & Hassan, 2013). This can major areas of strength for make and improve the
advancement interaction, on the grounds that alternate points of view and skill can create more one of
a kind and top notch thoughts. The review results likewise demonstrate the way that advancement can
be created all the more reliably and reasonably when great cooperative abilities are moved by people
or gatherings in the workplace. A deep rooted cooperative cycle likewise works with expanded
correspondence and understanding between representatives, making it simpler to share thoughts and
backing in confronting development challenges.
Subsequently, the consequences of this study areas of strength for offer help for the significance
of creating cooperative abilities in making a culture of development inside the hierarchical extent of the
West Sulawesi Commonplace Government (Rediyono, 2015). Giving proper preparation and support to
work on the cooperative abilities of representatives or colleagues can be an essential move toward
empowering maintainable development and expanding hierarchical seriousness in confronting future
changes (Babkin, Lipatnikov, & Muraveva, 2015)(Prajogo, 2016).
The influence of collaborative skills on work ethic
In view of the test aftereffects of the impact of cooperative abilities on hard working attitude, it
shows positive outcomes and high importance. This implies that common representatives at work have
had the option to consolidate all their cooperative abilities in order to encourage excitement and a solid
hard working attitude so the help gave is excellent and can fulfill the local area. who is served. Aside
from that, cooperative abilities can impact a high hard working attitude which affects expanding worker
efficiency, and will try and support the usage of all provincial hierarchical assets to accomplish the
objectives set by the association. For sure, in acknowledging upgrades openly administrations to
additionally work on the way of life of a decent hard working attitude, particularly in government
associations, greatest exertion and backing from representatives is required as cooperative abilities
from groups inside the association and that is the primary undertaking and fundamental capability
(Patulak, Thoyib, & Setiawan, 2013).
One of the principal errands in completing the assistance capability for the State common
assistance work group is to give fulfillment to the clients it serves, including to address the issues of
individuals who come to public help units in government workplaces, however it should be recalled that
in satisfying the planned goals obviously ASNs are expected to have a sufficient degree of abilities,
specifically cooperative abilities which are supposed to add to a high hard working attitude which affects
further developing better execution where representatives support every other which will lead to
expanded participation that is more reduced and centered, in the event that their cooperative abilities
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The better it will obviously assist in accomplishing endeavors to do work as per the hard working
attitude of the workers.
The influence of work ethic on innovation
The test consequences of the impact of hard working attitude on development show a critical
positive worth, this really intends that there is serious areas of strength for a between the hard working
attitude of every individual or gathering of West Sulawesi Common government representatives and the
degree of advancement delivered. Hard working attitude adds to making better assistance advancement
by representatives to their clients. The connection between hard working attitude and development is
vital in light of the fact that hard working attitude can be an indicator of expanding development and
work efficiency among state government employees who are entrusted with offering public types of
assistance in no place. -in the public arena.
Work ethic can be the key to success in carrying out new organizations for efforts to improve
service innovation products for an organization. Every organization, whether private or government
institution, is required to always be able to optimize the use of its human resources, in this case the work
ethic of its employees is expected to be able to be achieved every day. increasing in order to achieve the
goals of the organization where the employee works, both as an individual and as a group of work teams.
The mediating effect of work ethic in the relationship between collaborative skills and
Apart from testing the direct influence, this study also analyzes the indirect influence by
exploring the role of work ethic as a mediator in the relationship between collaborative skills and
innovation (Alshammari, Rasli, Alnajem, & Arshad, 2014). The significant positive hypothesis test
results focus on how work ethic can act as a bridge connecting collaborative skills with the level of
innovation achieved. These results begin with a test showing that collaborative skills have a positive
effect on the level of innovation. This means that when individuals or groups have good collaborative
skills, they tend to produce higher levels of innovation in the work environment. However, what is
interesting in these results is that collaborative skills influence the level of innovation through a stronger
role of work ethic. In other words, good collaborative skills not only directly increase the level of
innovation, but also influence innovation through its influence on a positive work ethic.
A strong work ethic includes values such as discipline, responsibility, work enthusiasm, and
dedication to achieving common goals. When individuals have a positive work ethic, they will be more
motivated to use their collaborative skills productively in an effort to achieve better innovation. A
positive work ethic can also encourage individuals to seek creative solutions and innovate more actively,
because they feel a responsibility to make a meaningful contribution to their work environment. Thus,
this study provides important insight into the important role of work ethic as a mediator in the
relationship between collaborative skills and innovation. These results can be used by the West Sulawesi
Provincial Government to design more holistic training and development programs to strengthen
collaborative skills and foster a positive work ethic among employees so that organizations can create
a work environment that is conducive to sustainable innovation and improving performance.
This study confirms that the better the collaborative skills, the better the innovation and work
ethic. Furthermore, a good work ethic also contributes to increasing innovation. In addition, work ethic
can act as a good mediator in the relationship between collaborative skills and innovation. This study
also suggests cultivating a positive work ethic as an important human capital in realizing better public
service innovations in the future.
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Copyright holder:
Sakaria K, Mattalatta, Baharuddin, Jamaluddin Bata Ilyas (2023)
First publication right:
International Journal of Social and Service (IJSSR)
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