Public Complaint Services: How Designing Integrated Services for Websites, Email and Social Media Can Increase Public Trust


Yono Maulana1*, Ratih Hurriyati2, Firman Hidayat3

1*,2,3Faculty of Economics and Business, Indonesian Education University, Indonesia

*email: 1*[email protected], 2[email protected], 3[email protected]





Community Complaint Services, Integrated Services, Community Trust


Analyzing and identifying potential improvements in public complaint services in Indonesia through designing and integrating integrated Dumas Presisi services involving websites, email and social media. This research uses a quantitative and qualitative approach with case studies as the main method. Data was collected through online surveys, interviews via electronic messaging and documentation analysis used to support this research. The results of the research can be concluded that 42.30% of the public consider Dumas Presisi to be quite fast in responding to complaints with good follow-up quality, with the ease of use of the Dumas Presisi application being quite good, able to give confidence to the public that their reports will be followed up, speed, easy data transactions and the security provided makes people feel comfortable when using the Dumas Presisi application.






External monitoring function which is managed under the General Inspectorate of Police (Itwasum) which also plays the role of Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP). One form of external supervision is public complaints. National Police Chief Regulation number 8 of 2018 regulates the management of public complaints regarding the actions of members of the National Police and State Civil Apparatus (ASN) who commit violations, code of ethics, irregularities and abuse of authority.

Figure 1. Conventional flow of public complaints

Source: National Police Itwasum (2022)


The process of submitting a complaint takes a long time, to submit a complaint, the public needs to come to the Integrated Dumas Complaint Center according to the purpose of the complaint. If the member or work unit being complained about is at Headquarters then the public needs to come to SPDT Headquarters, likewise if the purpose of the complaint is at Headquarters. one of the regional police then the community needs to come to the SPDT Polda, from the SDPT the complaint will be received, verified, continued to the destination working unit, the destination working unit will then carry out clarification or investigation and investigation until the status of the report can be determined whether it is proven true or proven not true. In Perkap number 8 of 2018, the process for resolving public complaints takes a maximum of 90 working days, however, if the complaint is proven and there is a criminal process involved, it can take longer. The long settlement process carried out by the National Police often makes people feel disappointed because of the long waiting time and not being able to find out the status of their complaint.

Technological progress is increasingly rapid, especially accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic situation, all state institutions are forced to utilize technology as a tool in running government and providing services to the community. In 2020 the National Police's ITwasum has designed and built an electronic public complaint called E-Dumas Presisi in line with the increasing number of complaints regarding the performance and services of National Police members provided to the public.

Figure 2. Flow of electronic public complaints

Source: National Police Itwasum (2022)


Improvements in distribution channels and information to the public are of course necessary (Kotler & Keller, 2009). Channel design decisions must be able to address waiting times and delivery times, special convenience, product diversity and service support. By carrying out transformation improvements to the hashtags #PercumaPoliceReport, #NoViralNoJustice, #SatuhariSatuOknum, a form of public disappointment and criticism towards the National Police which is considered slow in following up on public reports (Pusparisa, 2023) can be suppressed.




Normative Foundations

The community has a role in state administration, one of which is supervision which can be channeled through the channels that have been provided, this is regulated in Government Regulation Number 68 of 1999 concerning procedures for implementing community participation in state administration, Community participation in state administration to realize Clean state administration is implemented in the form of: the right to seek, obtain and provide information regarding state administration. The right to obtain equal and fair services from State Administrators. The right to convey suggestions and opinions responsibly regarding the policies of State Administrators. The right to obtain legal protection in the case of 1) exercising his/her rights as intended in letter 2) being asked to be present in the investigation process, investigation and at the court hearing as a reporting witness, witness or expert witness, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.

PAN RI ministerial regulation Number: Per/05/M.PAN/4/2009 dated 7 April 2009 concerning general guidelines for handling public complaints for government agencies which aims to ensure that public complaints are handled properly and correctly, effectively and efficiently, so that they are more coordinated and have the same handling mechanism, encouraging good governance that is free of corruption, collusion and nepotism.

Republic of Indonesia State Police Regulation Number 9 of 2018 concerning Procedures for Handling Public Complaints within the Republic of Indonesia State Police. According to Perpol (State Police of the Republic of Indonesia, 2018), Public Complaints, hereinafter referred to as Dumas, are the application of supervision from the public, Government Agencies and other parties to the National Police in the form of contributions of thoughts, suggestions, ideas or constructive complaints/complaints. In accordance with article 3, Dumas handling is carried out with the principle of legality, namely prioritizing the basis of regulations and legislation, transparency, namely providing opportunities and rights to obtain correct, honest and non-discriminatory information based on procedures and follow-up actions. Coordination, carrying out good cooperation with the correct procedures for both government and non-government officials. Effectiveness and efficiency, namely right on target, saving energy, time and costs. Accountability, namely that all processes and follow-up actions can be accounted for. Objectivity, namely based on facts or evidence without being influenced by prejudice, interpretation, personal interests, groups or the interests of certain parties. Proportionality, namely prioritizing the interests of carrying out duties and authority while still paying attention to legitimate interests in a balanced manner.


Integrated Marketing Theory

The services provided by the National Police are part of marketing science (Kotler et al., 2016). The marketing 4.0 concept which combines digital technology with traditional marketing strategies is to achieve higher customer engagement, so a strategy is needed that combines various marketing channels, including content marketing. , SEO, and social media marketing, to create a cohesive customer experience (Diamond, 2019). It doesn't stop there (Michael Barry, 2016): the development of "design thinking" which includes empathy for service users as the main law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia in designing integrated services so that the public feels satisfied. (Reason et al., 2015,) emphasizes the use of service design to create higher value and competitive advantage for organizations. So the concept of "service systems" combines various elements, including technology, people and processes, to create integrated and coherent services (Oliver Groth, 2012). Meanwhile, according to (Ruo-ju, 2015) the police cannot be separated from factors such as position, responsibility, loyalty, standards and evaluation. Only in this way can the police carry out law enforcement practices and reduce public complaints. Welcoming the era of marketing 5.0 (Kotler et al., 2022), the application of human-like technology aims to create, communicate, convey and increase value. The National Police continues to strive for this, of course, to improve distribution channels (Kotler et al., 2022) to the public so that faster and can monitor the progress of the complaint.



Theory of Public Trust and Community Satisfaction

Trust is a company's willingness to rely on business partners. Trust depends on a number of interpersonal and inter-organizational factors, such as company competence, integrity, honesty and kindness (Kotler & Keller, 2009). All knowledge possessed by consumers and all conclusions consumers make about objects, attributes and benefits (Mowen & Minor, 2002). Trust is generally seen as a fundamental element for the success of a relationship (Kanuk and Schiffman, 2010:30) (Schiffman et al. al., 2010, 30). There are several dimensions and indicators to find out related to customer/community trust, namely benevolence, ability, integrity, willingness to depend. (Kotler & Keller, 2016).


Review of Previous Research

From the results of previous research, it is hoped that the importance of integrated design can be used and be useful for society (Ratih Hurriyati, p. 260, 2020) and there are still problems with IT monitoring and website maintenance.

(GS et al., 2021) revealed that his research has provided reliable empirical evidence to confirm that the implementation of integrated marketing strategies such as advertising, sales promotions, social media and public relations has the potential to improve their marketing performance amidst the COVID-19 pandemic

The importance of police knowledge and skills in providing services to the community is very important (Jenkins, 2015) that police who master the "broken windows" theory (James & Kelling, 1982) and police who focus on solving problems in the community tend to be able to handle delays well in investigators' acceptance of community problem solving; and differences based on officer race/ethnicity, education, rank, and assignment.

(Huihuang, 2022) In the panoptic police supervision mode, violations committed by the police can be minimized to reduce distrust of the police as much as possible. Apart from that, if police supervision loses its fundamental principles, a consequentialist zero-tolerance policy will take the discipline of power to another extreme and result in police disobedience. By using integrated services the community can find out in real time the progress of their reports, the Dumas Presisi website can used as an electronic-based panopathic tool.

(Ernawati & Dwiarto, 2023) in their research findings show that people enjoy using JAKLAPOR and the features it contains. The response was fast and the quality of the solution was quite good. However, improvements to JAKPLAPOR services must continue to be carried out, including more intentional outreach to the public, especially regarding the existence of features in the JAKI application.

The selection of research objects at the National Police Itwasum is relevant and urgent because it has a strategic role and current issues related to National Police services. The National Police also has a complex level of complexity and organizational dynamics. The accessibility and availability of data and information that is very possible to access can be a rich source of primary or secondary data for research.

The small number of previous studies means that there may be research gaps or areas that have not been researched much before. This research can contribute to filling the gap in existing literature regarding Polri services. This research can also provide in-depth insight into the social impact of police policies and interventions. In the Indonesian context, this research could be relevant to understanding how society's culture and values interact with the function and role of the police.




In this research, a sequential explanatory mixed methods design was used (Creswell, nd). Therefore, quantitative and qualitative methods were carried out sequentially to produce a comprehensive study regarding the use of the Dumas Presisi application. Quantitative methods are used to obtain an assessment of the Dumas Presisi application. Therefore, this method then presents a numerical presentation which is a summary illustration of the research that has been carried out (Tashakkori & Teddlie, 2010). Qualitative methods tend to obtain data and information as a deepening of information obtained previously through quantitative methods.

The location of the research was at the General Supervision Inspectorate of the National Police Headquarters, DKI Jakarta. Questionnaires, interviews, and literature reviews were used to collect data. Questionnaires are used to collect data for quantitative analysis. Data collection was carried out in January 2022 so that the complete questionnaire distributed in 2022 could be obtained from all communities spread throughout Indonesia. The questionnaire distributed attached to the public complaint application is in a separate menu, so that the public can freely fill it out after receiving the electronic complaint service. From the period January 2022 to December 2022, 2570 people made complaints via the Dumas Presisi Application which were categorized as monitoring or complaints that met the requirements for follow-up, and 331 (12.9%) provided feedback via the survey menu. Of 331 respondents with an average age of 23 years to 70 years spread across 34 provinces with 40% female and 60% male. In terms of occupation, the majority of respondents were students at 26%, private employees at 25%, self-employed at 24%, ASN employees at BUMN, police, military at 19%, and the remaining undefined at 9%. Interviews and literature reviews were used to obtain qualitative data using WhatsApp tools to convey a series of questions to the selected group of respondents. Data collected from books, journals and other research results with similar discussions are included in this research literature review.

After collecting data for this research, the next stage is processing, analyzing, discussing the findings, and drawing conclusions from the data. The central tendency method is used to evaluate quantitative data, while the interactive model (Miles et al., 2013) is used to examine qualitative data, including condensing, presenting and compiling conclusion data.




The questionnaire collected 331 respondents spread across 34 provinces in Indonesia, 5 provinces with the largest respondents being DKI Jakarta with 57 respondents (17.1%), second place East Java with 51 respondents (15.4%), Central Java with 41 respondents (12.5%), Banten with 24 respondents (7.4%) and North Sumatra with 21 respondents (6.2%), then the rest were distributed to 29 provinces in Indonesia, namely 137 respondents or approximately (41.4%).

Of the total number of people who submitted complaints via the Dumas Presisi application, there were 331 respondents, 42.30% of the respondents' assessment of the Dumas Presisi application was very knowledgeable and 27.49% were quite aware of the existence of online complaints. In terms of the quality of online complaint follow-up, only 32.93% of respondents stated that they strongly agreed and 44.11% agreed, while for confidence in the follow-up to complaints, 33.23% of them strongly agreed and 24.47% agreed.


Table 1

Results of respondents' assessment of the Dumas Presisi Application


Number of Respondents


Strongly Disagree









Strongly Agree







Table 2

Results of respondents' assessment of the quality of follow-up

Complaints via the Dumas Presisi Application


Number of Respondents


Strongly Disagree









Strongly Agree







Table 3

Respondent Assessment Results

Confirmation of the follow-up to the complaint


Number of Respondents


Strongly Disagree









Strongly Agree







Table 4

Results of Respondents' Assessment of

Convenience of using the Dumas Presisi Application


Number of Respondents


Strongly Disagree









Strongly Agree







Table 5

The results of the respondents' assessment of

data processing speed in the Dumas Presisi Application


Number of Respondents


Strongly Disagree









Strongly Agree







Table 6

Results of respondents' assessment of convenience

in the complaint process using the Dumas Presisi application


Number of Respondents


Strongly Disagree









Strongly Agree







Regarding the respondents' assessment regarding the comfort of using the Dumas Presisi Application, 32.02% said they Strongly Agree and 39.58% said they agreed. and as many as 32.02% of respondents agreed with the speed of data processing in the Dumas Presisi application, while regarding the ease of use of the application, 30.51% Strongly Agree and 34.44% agreed. Data from the respondents' evaluation results are presented in Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

In order to avoid bias in the results obtained, researchers conducted further research on 20 respondents who had used the Dumas Presisi application through in-depth interviews via WhatsApp message communication media and the chat consultation feature in the Dumas Presisi application. Of the 20 researchers grouped based on complaint categories.

The first group works as private employees, students, ASN who come from several locations such as West Java, DKI Jakarta and Banten, complained regarding the follow-up to the police report which the informant considered to be dragging on, giving the impression of playing around and lacking in intention in communicating, then he made a complaint via the Dumas Presisi application, shortly after sending the dumas, he received notification that his report was received and followed up and he could be given a final answer that his complaint was proven to be true and not true, from the results of the clarification carried out before 90 working days. That people who complain via the Dumas Presisi Application are in accordance with Perkap no. 09 of 2018 (State Police of the Republic of Indonesia, 2018) concerning public complaints that the Dumas Polri only accepts complaints that have a supervisory level such as violations of the code of ethics, negligence and violations of the law committed by Polri members and Polri ASN outside of that will be deemed not to have a supervisory level and complaints will be will not automatically be followed up, however, the complainant will still receive information regarding the status of the complaint and the reasons for not following up on the report. In general, the first group of informants felt that they already knew about the existence of the Dumas Presisi application and felt that it was helpful and faster and provided certainty regarding the status of the complaint they made.

The second group is people who have used the Dumas Presisi Application and utilized the consultation features available on the Dumas Presisi application. On average, the informants said that having a chat menu for consultations felt helpful, so they didn't send the wrong thing and knew what the correct complaint process was like, and if something went wrong, their supervision was directed to continue processing in accordance with the provisions of the rules and regulations. - valid invitation. The informants in this group felt it was helped and increased their insight into the laws they faced.

The third group is informants who are asked about the trustworthiness and security of their data when making a complaint. To make a complaint, the public must follow the steps that have been determined, namely starting from downloading the application or via the Dumas Presisi website, followed by having to fill in the identity number of the identity card. Next, the system will check on the Dukcapil server whether or not the number matches the one in the database. If so, the report can be continued by filling in the complaint information completely and correctly. The registration process is simple, just by inputting your NIK number you can make a complaint. This was certainly welcomed by the public. The informants also said that they were confident in the security of their data stored in the National Police's application so there was no worry about data misuse.

Public services based on Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Regulation (Permenpan RB) No. 16 of 2020 is a series of activities to meet the service needs of the community carried out by public service providers with the principles of effectiveness, efficiency, transparency, measurability, affordability and fairness.

Dumas Presisi is an example of e-government, namely e-gov which is defined by the World Bank as the widespread use of information technology and internet networks. As one of the state institutions that has the obligation to maintain security and public order, it is required to be able to adapt and collaborate to face the digital era with the main aim being service to the community.

The Dumas Presisi application as a social innovation is an effective solution for solving social and environmental problems in all regions in Indonesia.

It is hoped that people in big cities spread across several regions in Indonesia can make good and optimal use of the Dumas Presisi Application to convey complaints about the behavior of Polri members and Polri ASN.

Even though the Dumas Presisi Application received a positive response from the public, there are still many people who do not understand the definition of public complaints in accordance with Perkap no. 9 of 2018, so the public still thinks that all types of complaints and reports can be submitted via the Dumas Presisi Application.

Next, there are still many people who don't fully understand and don't know the service features available on the Dumas Presisi Application. Therefore, it would be a shame if the National Police super application was not utilized optimally. Socialization related to the use of the Dumas Presisi Application needs to be intensified by the National Police Headquarters. The process of maintenance and improvement needs to continue to be carried out whoever the leader is in the future.

The quality of public services provided by the National Police Itwasum, in this case the Dumas Presisi Application, can be measured through 5 aspects according to Zeithaml et al. (1990) which includes tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. Based on the research that has been carried out, and seen from the first aspect, which is real, the Dumas Presisi application which is part of the Polri Superapp has easy access, just by downloading via Playstore and Appstore. Through the National Police Super App application, the Indonesian people can take advantage of one of its features, namely Public Complaints. With the Dumas Presisi Application, the public will find it easy to determine reports and complaints, in addition to being able to carry out personal consultations regarding legal issues and the like.

The second aspect is reliability, which refers to the ability of Polri members to provide timely services in accordance with policy and provide satisfaction to the community. In this scenario, members follow up on complaints by verifying each incoming report, then conducting a review regarding the contents of the complaint in accordance with Perkap number 9 of 2018, Concerning Procedures for Handling Public Complaints within the Indonesian National Police.

The third aspect is the responsiveness or response of National Police members in following up on incoming complaints. The research shows that the first group of informants were satisfied with the speed of handling the follow-up to their complaints.

The fourth aspect is the guarantee given by the Government to the public in providing public services, namely by responding to reports from the public in a timely manner and not taking a long time. This is in accordance with what was conveyed by the informant group, where their complaints could be handled immediately before the 90 day dumas follow-up period.

The fifth aspect is empathy, this is proven by the chat feature to provide consultation, direction and education to the public so that they can get more detailed explanations. Provide consultation services politely, courteously and without discrimination. This has been proven by interview findings and facts in the field stored in digital communication archives provided to the public.




Based on the results of the research and discussion above, it can be concluded that 42.30% of the public considers Dumas Presisi to be quite fast in responding to complaints with good follow-up quality, with the ease of use of the Dumas Presisi application being quite good in providing confidence to the public that their reports will be followed up, speed, light data transactions and the security provided make people feel comfortable when using the Dumas Presisi application.




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