Inrernational Journal of Social Service and Research
IJSSR Page 2137
The gestational age has reached 1.5 months or 6 weeks. In order for the baby born in the future
to be a legitimate child, both parents of the man and woman agree to marry by applying for a marriage
dispensation. In this case, the request for dispensation was made by the child's parents at the Rembang
Religious Court (Indonesia, 1990).
Based on the decision of the Rembang Religious Court, the judge granted the petition and
decided to give a marriage dispensation permit to the applicant's child to marry the applicant's child's
future wife (Sustiono, Marzuki, & Ibrahim, 2022). And also ordered the Religious Affairs Office (KUA) of
Rembang District, Rembang District to marry the applicant's child to his future wife.
Several things that were taken into consideration by the Panel of Judges at the Rembang
Religious Court in granting the marriage dispensation request include:
1. Future husband and future wife
2. The applicant's son as future husband stated that he really loved his future wife and did not want
to be separated
3. There is readiness to become a husband and has worked so he is able to support his wife
4. The future wife loves her and does not want to be separated from her future husband because she
is already 1.5 months pregnant
5. The prospective wife will marry on the basis of mutual consent and without coercionn
The existence of a marriage dispensation in the Marriage Law, when viewed from the
perspective of child protection law, revealed that the issue of marriage dispensations for minors has
received widespread public attention and controversy, and this does not seem to touch on the material
aspects of marriage (violations in marriage such as violations of age or violation of requirements), but
places more emphasis on the aspect of deprivation of human rights, especially children's rights to
freedom (Ulwan, 2000).
Marriage at the age of children, seen from the perspective of child protection, is considered an
unlawful act because this act is considered a deprivation of the child's rights. In fact, marriage at the age
of children will have a criminal impact if it contains elements of discrimination, economic and sexual
exploitation, neglect, cruelty, violence and abuse, injustice, and other wrongful treatment, which must
be proven in accordance with applicable laws and regulations (Sufri, Said, & Rauf, 2020). In Islamic law
and customary law, there are no provisions regarding age limits for marriage (Imron, 2015). As soon as
someone enters puberty, he is actually ready to get married. The age of puberty is related to the
fulfillment of the biological duties of a husband and wife. Likewise, in customary law, there is no age
limit for marriage (Nuruddin Amir, 2004).
This age limit for marriage is reaffirmed by the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) in Article 15
paragraph (1), namely, for the benefit of the family and household, marriage may only be carried out by
prospective brides and grooms who have reached the age specified in Article 7 of Law Number 1 of 1974,
namely that the prospective husband must be at least 19 years old and the prospective wife must be at
least 16 years old. Article 7 of Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, in paragraph (1), reads
"Marriage is only permitted if the man has reached the age of 19 (nineteen) years and the woman has
reached the age of 16 (sixteen) years".When there is a deviation from Article 7 paragraph (1), then what
is used is Article 7 paragraph (2), which reads: "In the event of a deviation from paragraph (1) of this
article, you can ask for dispensation from the court or other official appointed by both the parents of the
man and the woman (Sustiono et al., 2022).
Underage marriages can be prevented and annulled. Article 60 of the KHI and also Articles 13 to
28 of the Marriage Law state that prevention of marriage can be carried out if the prospective husband
or prospective wife does not fulfill the requirements for carrying out a marriage according to Islamic
law and legislation (Sugiarto, 2021). Meanwhile, among the conditions for marriage according to Islamic
law is that the prospective bride and groom have reached puberty and are mentally and physically
healthy (Mardani, 2011)(Hatari, 2021).