Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Vol. 03, No. 09, September 2023
e-ISSN: 2807-8691 | p-ISSN: 2807-839X
IJSSR Page 2296
This work is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
The Influence Of The Use Of Learning Media,
Interpersonal Communication, Instructional
Communication On The Level Of Emotional Intelligence
Laura Abigail Christie Boseke
, Ilona Vicenovie Oisina Situmeang
Bunda Mulia University, Indonesia
Interpersonal communication,
instructional communication,
autism, learning media, inclusive
This research aims to determine the magnitude of the
influence of learning media, interpersonal communication,
and instructional communication on student absorption
levels. This research is quantitative research with data
distribution through surveys. People with autism need proper
education with appropriate learning methods, therefore
inclusive schools are formed which are able to support
education for children with special needs. The results of this
research are that there is a significant influence between the
variables of instructional communication, interpersonal
communication, and learning media with emotional
The emergence of the Covid-19 virus that hit Indonesia has had an impact on the learning process.
Schools are emerging that implement online learning, according to Isman (Assidiqi & Sumarni, 2020).
Online learning is a teaching and learning process that uses the internet, and provides students with the
opportunity to learn at any time and anywhere.
There are several online media applications that can be used for learning activities, namely Zoom,
Google Meet, Cisco Webex, U Meet Me, and Microsoft Team. According to a survey conducted by the
Indonesian Survey Flow (El Fikri, Andika, Febrina, Pramono, & Pane, 2020), Zoom Cloud Meeting is most
widely used as a video call medium in online learning, namely 57.2%, while other online media is below
Zoom Cloud Meeting is one of the online learning media that can be used as a supporting medium
for online learning during the pandemic, so that learning material can be delivered to students well
(Kuntarto, Sofwan, & Mulyani, 2021). Using this application can create a learning atmosphere like being
in a classroom where teachers and students meet face to face via a laptop or cellphone screen and has a
chat feature that makes the process of sending messages between teachers and students easier.
The use of the zoom application is also used by schools with special needs to carry out learning
interaction processes between teachers and children with special needs (Nazirun & Sari, 2023).
However, based on the explanation from the special assistant teacher (PGK), it is difficult for children
with special needs to carry out online learning, which is because children with special needs experience
setbacks in their cognitive, social, behavioral and emotional development due to online learning .
(Hidayat & Nurfajarwati, 2021).
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When the learning process takes place, educators ask the child's parents to be able to accompany
the child so that learning can be carried out effectively, namely by helping positive relationships
between teachers, parents and children, as well as asking parents to understand the learning process
and objectives (Hidayat & Nurfajarwati, 2021).
The communication aspect is very important in implementing distance learning, so that the
implementation of distance (online) learning runs smoothly, good communication is needed between
the communicator (message sender) and the communicant (message recipient) (Littlejohn & Foss,
2010). Things that need to be considered in online learning are first, the program design during the
distance period must be conveyed to teachers and parents of students so that the program is easy to
understand; second, have a sense of caring and empathy with students, teachers and parents; third,
regularly communicate about student progress to parents; fourth, monitoring obstacles encountered
during the implementation of distance learning and finding solutions to these obstacles (Hidayat &
Nurfajarwati, 2021).
Apart from that, there are competencies that must be possessed by supporting teachers, namely
pedagogic competence (knowledge that discusses children's education), personality competence, social
competence, and professional competence (Nahampun, 2018). As a supporting teacher, you are also
required to have elements of love and authority. and responsibility in carrying out their obligations as
accompanying teachers.
The types of children with special needs are: autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD), slow learner , Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, visual impairment, hearing impairment,
mental retardation, physical impairment, and hearing impairment. Autism is a comprehensive
developmental disorder that results in obstacles in socialization, communication and behavioral
abilities (Rahayu, 2014). In general, autism symptoms ignore sounds, sights or events that involve them,
and they avoid or do not respond to social contact.
Disorders experienced by children with autism are disorders in the field of social interaction,
disorders in the field of communication (verbal - non-verbal) , disorders in the field of behavior,
disorders in the field of feelings or emotions, and disorders in the field of sensory-perception (Rahayu,
2014) .
Based on the book DSM - V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder ) by (American
Psychiatric Association & Association, 2013), it is stated that children who show symptoms contained
in DSM - V must immediately undergo an assessment to create guidelines for providing therapy services,
service models education, and also learning strategies. We know successful individuals who turned out
to have autism, namely: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Lewis Carroll, Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, Nikola
Tesla. Symptoms of autism will be known when the child reaches the age of 12-24 months and autism
cannot be cured.
These conditions require teachers to be sensitive to the conditions of students. Due to ignorance,
quite a few teachers punish children for reading, spelling, writing and calculating. Not only teachers,
parents and other close people sometimes give the same sentence to children. This condition will
certainly disturb the child's psychology. Handling children with autism needs to be supported by good
communication. Communication is one of the important points in the process of handling children with
autism at school
Interpersonal communication or interpersonal communication between teachers and students
with special needs, is generally used by teachers to get closer to students who find it difficult to
communicate normally. Therefore, special educational methods are needed to develop students' mental
and self-confidence so they can blend in with their environment.
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, Ilona Vicenovie Oisina Situmeang
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Education is one of the main factors that determines the quality of a nation. According to the
regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 70 of 2009
concerning students, students with special needs have the right to receive a decent education (Ediyanto,
Mulyadi, Supriatna, & Kawai, 2018). Education is a fundamental right for every Indonesian citizen
without exception for children with special needs, but in practice to date education for children with
special needs is still not evenly distributed.
Inclusive education has been implemented in Indonesia for a long time, inclusion is educating
children with special educational needs full time in regular classes Valle & Connor (Gibbs & Miller,
2014). Inclusive schools are places where children with special needs can learn together with other
ordinary children and are accompanied by accompanying teachers during teaching and learning
activities (Jauhari, 2017).
By attending an inclusive school, children gain the advantage that children with special needs and
ordinary children can interact with each other normally in accordance with the demands of daily life in
society, and their educational needs can be met according to the potential of each child. In the teaching
and learning process teachers can use operant conditioning treatment with students. Operant
conditioning is used to reduce excessive behavior, reduce repetitive behavior and tantrums (Nolen-
Hoeksema & Girgus, 2014).
In Indonesia there are 2,250 schools for children with special needs at various levels of education
(Asrori, Mahardhani, Wahyudi, & Nurhidayah, 2023). There are several inclusion schools in the North
Jakarta area, namely the Penjaringan, Pademangan, Tanjung Priok, Koja, and Kelapa Gading areas
(Riama, Sari, Rahmayanti, Sulistya, & Nurrahmat, 2021). Teachers (communicators) and students
(communicants) both carry out psychological interactions which are expected to have an impact on
changes in knowledge, attitudes and skills on the part of the communicants (Risopani & Oktaviani, 2020)
Generally, children with special needs have limitations in communicating and interacting with the
social community due to language skills and low intelligence levels. (Khamidovna, 2020).
Communication is the main activity in the learning process, one of the communications in the learning
process is instructional communication. Instructional communication is a communication activity with
a group target that contains teaching about certain knowledge or skills (Risopani & Oktaviani, 2020).
The methods commonly used in instructional communication in the teaching and learning process are
lecture, discussion and question and answer methods Siregar & Primasari (Usman & Nafliyon, 2021).
In this research, the researcher conducted research in Cempaka Putih because the researcher was
interested in conducting this research, and in the Cempaka Putih area, Central Jakarta, there are
inclusive schools that provide learning accommodations and modification of learning media to suit the
needs of children with special needs (Sucaromana, 2012).
The type of data from this research was taken through a quantitative research approach
emphasized that the results of his research were presented in the form of descriptions using statistical
figures and the quantitative approach focused more on data in the form of numerical numbers which
were processed using statistics. So the data or research results are considered to be a representation of
the entire population. Researchers use quantitative descriptive using survey methods
The approach that researchers use in this research is a communication approach and a
psychological approach to discuss the research object. The communication approach is an approach that
assumes a basis in one of the uses & gratification theories. This approach is to make it easier for
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researchers to see what learning media are used by teachers and autistic children in implementing
instructional communication and interpersonal communication. Psychological approach, the
psychological approach emphasizes educational problems, especially those that influence the level of
emotional intelligence of students with special needs in the world of inclusive education. In this
research, researchers use a positivistic paradigm, the positivistic paradigm defines communication as a
cause-and-effect process, which reflects the sender of the message (communicator/ encoder) to change
the knowledge (attitude/behavior) of the passive recipient of the message (communicant/ decoder)
(Rahma, 2015).
Positivism is a philosophical school which states that true knowledge only comes from natural
science and is not related to metaphysics. Positivistic comes from the word positive, in philosophical
language it means an event that actually occurs, and can be experienced as a reality, which means that
positivistic is in contrast to something that is only a construction based on the creation of the ability to
think from the human mind. This paradigm has an approach that is able to explain social relations with
rational thinking, and this paradigm measures objectively through experiments in the form of surveys
which are usually carried out with a quantitative approach
Research variables are everything determined by the researcher to be researched or studied in
order to obtain information about it. In this research there are two types of variables, namely
independent variables and dependent variables. The dependent variable of this research is
interpersonal communication, learning media, instructional communication, then the independent
variable of this research is the level of emotional intelligence (Brackett & Katulak, 2013). This research
uses a Likert scale type measurement scale where respondents choose one answer (strongly agree,
agree, disagree, or strongly disagree) that describes themselves in accordance with the statement
The researcher will measure the validity test using Pearson correlation and measure the reliability
test using the Cronbach Alpha test to test the feasibility of the consistency of all scales used in this
research. The researcher will use measurements with the help of the SPSS statistics 22 program, so as
to obtain accurate question items or statements and trustworthy. Researchers will use hypothesis
testing (t-test), this test is used to test the significance of the influence between variable X1 and variable
Y1, the influence between variable X2 and variable Y1, the influence between variable X3 and variable
Y1 and the influence between variables X1, and variable Y1. Instrument validity concerns the extent to
which a measurement can measure what it wants to measure, and reliability concerns the extent to
which a measurement can be trusted (Mohajan, 2017).
There are several data collection techniques, including: first, questionnaire, this method uses a list
of statements or questions to be answered by a number of respondents, this method can be done with
the researcher present to distribute it or absent and collected at a later date; second, interviews, this
method is carried out by asking several questions that have been prepared by the researcher according
to the topic to be researched and asking them or exploring them when conducting interviews with
sources; third, observation, this method uses the ability to observe sources collected in notes or
recording devices Sugiyono (Cindy, Sugiyono, & Usman, 2022)
Primary data is a data source that directly provides data to data collectors. (Cahyadi,
2022)According to Sugiyono, a questionnaire is a data collection technique which is carried out by giving
several questions or written statements to respondents to obtain data. The measurement scale used in
this research is the Likert scale, including: Strongly Agree (SS) given a score of 4, Agree (S) given a score
of 3, Disagree (TS) given a score of 2, Strongly Disagree (STS) given a score of 1. Secondary data is
documentation data or primary data that has been further processed. (Cahyadi, 2022) In this research,
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, Ilona Vicenovie Oisina Situmeang
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secondary data was obtained by researchers by studying and reading everything from journals, articles
to theses which had keywords that were appropriate to the research topic.
The sampling technique used was non-probability sampling, with several considerations regarding
the efficiency and ease of researchers in obtaining data. Therefore, researchers will distribute it to
inclusive schools located in Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta because the Cempaka Putih area has
inclusive schools that provide learning accommodations and modification of learning media to suit the
needs of children with special needs.
Researchers will research at an inclusive school called Saraswati Learning Center (SLC) which
is located in Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta. The SLC inclusive school was founded in July 2016. The SLC
school was founded with the motto “when you come to the end of the rope, tie a knot and hang on" which
means "when you come to the end of the rope, tie a knot and hang on".
Table 1
Simple Correlation Test
nal Media
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
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Table 2
Multiple Correlation Test
Multiple correlation is a statistical method used to evaluate the relationship between more than
two variables, and to gain a more comprehensive understanding of variable relationships.
In the context of correlation, correlation values range from -1 to 1:
1. If the correlation value is close to -1, then the relationship between the two variables is very
strong and in the opposite direction (negative).
2. If the correlation value is close to 1, then the relationship between the two variables is very
strong and in the same direction (positive).
3. If the correlation value is close to 0, then the relationship between the two variables is very low
or there is no significant relationship.
Based on the table above, the coefficient (R) value obtained is .691. The correlation coefficient has
a positive relationship with the level of relationship which is included in the strong correlation, because
it is in the interval 0.60-0.799. It can be concluded that there is a strong positive relationship between
instructional communication (X1), interpersonal communication (X2), learning media (X3), and the
emotional intelligence (Y) of students who attend inclusive schools will also experience an increase.
Table 3
Multiple Regression Test
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Laura Abigail Christie Boseke
, Ilona Vicenovie Oisina Situmeang
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Table 4
T test
Ŷ = 35,550 + 0.734 X1+ 1.604X2 + 0.848X3
The results of the multiple regression test between the variables instructional communication (X1),
interpersonal communication (X2), learning media (X3), and emotional intelligence (Y), can be
described as follows:
1. It can be seen that if the emotional intelligence variable is considered constant, then the value
of the instructional communication, interpersonal communication, learning media variables is
35,550 units.
2. If the emotional intelligence value ties together the units and the interpersonal communication
value will increase by 1.604 units.
3. If the emotional intelligence value ties together the units and the value of instructional
communication, interpersonal communication, learning media will increase by 0.848 units.
Table 5
T test
Std. Error
Instructional Media
a. Dependent Variable: Emotional Intelligence
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Based on the results of the data processing above, it can be seen that the significance value of the
first variable, namely the instructional communication variable (X1), is 0.782, which means the
hypothesis is accepted and there is an influence of instructional communication (X1) on emotional
intelligence (Y); The results for the second variable, namely the interpersonal communication variable
(X2), is 0.061, which means the hypothesis is accepted and there is an influence of interpersonal
communication (X2) on emotional intelligence (Y); the results for the third variable, namely the learning
media variable (X3) is 0.627, which means the hypothesis is accepted and there is an influence of
learning media (X3) on emotional intelligence (Y),
Table 6
T test
Sum of
a. Dependent Variable: Emotional Intelligence
b. Predictors: (Constant), Learning Media, Instructional Communication,
Interpersonal Communication
So, the degree of freedom (df) value is 26 in the t test for this regression research. With this df
value, researchers can use the t distribution table to determine the critical value required in the t test.
This critical value will be used to decide whether the t test results are significant or not based on the
previously determined significance level.
Based on the results of the data processing above, it is known that the T value that can be seen
in the unstandardized column, column B, is -0.734 with a standard error of 2.632. If the two values are
divided then -0.734: 2.632 = -0.2788 and the number is close to the calculated T value of - 2,056.
Through the comprehensive analysis of the collected questionnaire data, this study has
addressed the research inquiries and hypotheses concerning "The Influence of Using Learning Media,
Interpersonal Communication, and Instructional Communication on the Level of Student Absorption of
Emotional Intelligence.” The results reveal several key findings: firstly, there exists a robust positive
relationship between interpersonal communication, instructional communication, learning media, and
the emotional intelligence of students with special needs, particularly those with autism, enrolled in
inclusive schools, as indicated by a strong multiple correlation coefficient (R) of 0.691, falling within the
interval of 0.60 0.79 (Pearson Correlation). Secondly, instructional communication significantly
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, Ilona Vicenovie Oisina Situmeang
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impacts students' emotional intelligence with a coefficient of 0.782, confirming its substantial
contribution to explaining variations in emotional intelligence. Thirdly, despite a slightly lower
coefficient of 0.061, interpersonal communication still wields a significant influence on emotional
intelligence, reinforcing its role in this context. Finally, the use of learning media also significantly
enhances students' emotional intelligence, as evidenced by a coefficient of 0.627. In summary, this
research underscores the significance of instructional communication, interpersonal communication,
and learning media in positively shaping the emotional intelligence of students with special needs in
inclusive educational settings, offering valuable insights for the advancement of inclusive education and
the emotional development of these students.
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