Inrernational Journal of Social Service and Research
IJSSR Page 2257
After collecting, processing, and analyzing the results of the research discussed in the previous
chapter, the following conclusions are drawn: In order for teachers to be able to carry out the noble
tasks assigned to them at school, it is necessary to receive regular guidance in the form of technical
guidance. This technical assistance is provided to teachers as part of an ongoing capacity building effort.
This assistance is in the form of school supervision provided by school principals and supervisors.
Academic monitoring is carried out to detect teachers in implementing learning activities starting from
planning, implementing and evaluating activities. School leaders can determine teacher capacity and
performance in each teacher learning activity through monitoring, monitoring and supervising learning
activities in class. The establishment of school supervision by school supervisors to improve the
performance of Kindergarten teachers fulfills the principle of establishing school supervision using
individual and collective monitoring techniques. But in reality, academic supervision is only carried out
periodically in the supervision of learning management, while class supervision or class visits are not
optimal due to the supervisor's limited time. Limited time because the supervisor's workload is too
heavy and the target area is quite large. This can be overcome by involving school principals and deputy
curriculum supervisors in carrying out school supervision. The development of learning monitoring
techniques can also help school supervisors to carry out effective learning monitoring to improve
teacher learning performance. Utilization of information and communication technology is one of the
means that can streamline the duties of supervisors in teacher development.
The conclusion of the monitoring results will be an element of the assessment which will be
communicated to the head of the service. The findings in the form of advantages and disadvantages
become a fundamental document for academic development and increasing the capacity of teachers and
school leaders. Further academic monitoring by school supervisors to improve the performance of
Kindergarten teachers is carried out by strengthening qualified teachers and training unqualified
teachers. Further school supervision also involves the principal and assistant supervisors in charge of
curriculum to train teachers on an ongoing basis. In general, academic supervision by school supervisors
is considered effective in improving teacher learning performance.
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