Anco, Apipudin, Muhammad Arifin

Lecturer at Indraprasta PGRI University, Jakarta

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]



The object of this research is to obtain information about the effect of leadership and conflict on performance. It was quantitative research with survey method in Buton District Educational Officer. The research was conducted to all lecturer of The Buton District Educational Officer.� by using a survey method with path analysis applied in testing hypothesis. There is 73 employees are used as a sample was selected by using Slovin formula. The research conlude: (1) There is a direct positive effect of leadership on performance. (2) There is a direct negative effect of conflict on performance. (3) There is a direct negative of leadership on conflict.


Keywords: leadership; conflict; performance


Received 20 November 2021, Revised 30 November 2021, Accepted 10 December 2021



Education is essentially a human culture or humanizes humans, so that education has a strategic position to educate the nation's life and improve the quality of the nation. At this level, education is a conscious and planned effort to create a conducive learning atmosphere and learning process so that students can develop their potential well so that they have high intellectual, emotional and spiritual intelligence and have good personality and self-control.

With such a strategic position, the implementation of education in Indonesia is carried out as a systematic national education system, which functions to develop capabilities and shape the character and civilization of a dignified nation in the context of educating the nation's life, aiming to develop the potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, have noble character, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent and healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become a democratic and responsible citizen.

The Indonesian nation is a big nation. The development that has been going on so far is not only building physically, but also non-physically in the form of improving the quality of human resources. In today's global competition, the world of work really needs people who can think ahead, are smart, innovative and are able to work with high spirits in the face of the progress of the times. Not only that, in the current conditions the role of human resources themselves who have an important role in an institution, is also prioritized on mature managerial aspects in managing the organization. Various organizations, institutions and agencies are trying to improve the performance of all elements in their respective organizations. �each with the aim of achieving organizational survival.

Among all the resources owned by a government and private agency, human resources are the most decisive and most important, including the element of leadership. If the available resources are not managed properly, they will not get the planned goals, so the role of the leader is very important who can use his authority and leadership to achieve a goal.

Leadership is the style of a leader influencing his subordinates to cooperate and work effectively in accordance with his orders, with the leadership possessed by a leader who will be used to be able to direct Human Resources and use all his abilities in achieving good performance.

According to Kerlinger and Padhazur (2002) leadership factors have a very important role in improving employee performance because effective leadership provides direction to the efforts of all workers in achieving organizational goals. An effective leadership style is needed by leaders to be able to improve the performance of all employees in achieving organizational goals as a public service agency. Thus, leadership can be a good guide in improving employee performance.

Then the element that becomes an obstacle in leadership is conflict within the organization, namely differences in perceptions that occur in individuals or groups. In a work team if individuals cannot adapt and do not speak the same language in achieving organizational goals, a conflict will arise which is usually expressed through communication behaviors.

Conflicts that occur can be constructive or vice versa can reduce the quality of individual work which ultimately results in low quality. A leader must be able to avoid conflicts with negative team performance, which will have an impact on decreasing employee performance. Then conflict in an organization can occur due to various reasons, for example the existence of an ineffective leadership, unclear structure or work and problems related to the personality of each individual or different group. Conflicts that occur in an organization in general will have an influence on the work atmosphere, for example the performance of the education office of Buton Regency. If the conflict has an impact on employee performance, organizational performance will absolutely be affected.

Conflict as described above, is something that must be faced by every organization. Based on the results of interviews and discussions with one of the heads of fields at the Buton Regency Education Office, which became the case study in this study, the same thing also experienced conflicts in its development.

In the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government. The spirit of autonomy is the right, authority, and obligation of the region to manage its own household, government affairs and the interests of the local community.

Of course, the spirit of regional autonomy will provide benefits for regional progress because regions are given the authority to regulate their own households in accordance with the legislation. However, the concept of regional autonomy in addition to having a positive impact but also having a negative impact, regional heads are given legal legitimacy to rotate or place civil servants in the institutions they want.

One example of the inappropriate placement of the Head of the Buton Regency education office, the position of the head of the education office should be like someone who has a vision, mission and program to advance education in the Buton Regency, but in reality, the placement of the Head of the Buton Regency education office is not in accordance with scientific knowledge. which he has. Information obtained from explains that the majority who occupy important positions under the government of Buton Regency are civil servants who are involved in practical politics and the success team of the elected regent. will lead to conflict within the organization. When a conflict occurs, it will affect the performance of the Buton district education office employee.

Then, to improve the performance of education, it must be supported by reliable human resources, one of which is employees who work in the education office, including the Buton Regency Education Office, which is planned to be the object of this research. District education office. Buton has a vision: The realization of equitable and quality education by involving stakeholders towards superior human resources and good character. �This vision is described in the Mission of the Education Office of Buton Regency which includes: (1) Increasing access to education services for the community; (2) Improving the quality of education services and reducing service gaps between education units; (3) Implement and develop the national education system; (4) Realizing the implementation and management of education that is transparent, participatory, and accountable; (5) Developing a Network of Cooperation with strategic partners in the world of education; (6) Improving the quality of the teaching and learning process (PBM) to produce students who are able to develop themselves; (7) Growing the ability of students to be able to recognize, excel and contribute to the surrounding environment; and (8) Developing activities and habits that encourage the emergence of akhakul karimah identity.

Then To realize the vision, the program is highly dependent on employees who have high skills and abilities according to specific jobs. Employees with such qualities tend to have higher performance.

With such conditions, performance issues have always been discussed among practitioners and academics. Among practitioners, one of the regional government work units that are concerned with performance issues is the Buton District Education Office. The work unit in charge of this education area has tried to improve employee performance at the maximum level. By taking into account the number of work programs that must be implemented, the position of employee performance is very strategic in supporting organizational work performance.

However, the reality on the ground shows that employee performance is not at the maximum level, even some are at a moderate to low level, so they cannot be relied on to support the achievement of organizational goals and performance.

In addition, according to the results of pre-research interviews with two leaders, information was obtained that there are still employees who are unable to complete work according to applicable procedural and work standards, arrive late or leave early, do not want to spend extra effort to complete work on time, and less loyal to the instructions of superiors.

1.    Performance

The first principle of performance management is to determine performance in a way that is appropriate to the context of the organization and its objectives. The definition of performance should also enable an organization to measure results and to compare actual results with what is required. Performance must be defined and managed in a manner that is seen as fair and appropriate by employees, as well as by other interested parties. Performance management is a major component of the psychological contract made by employers and employees. If the employer defines performance using criteria that the employee does not accept, or if the employer sets standards that the employee views as unreasonable, there will be conflict. This means that there is a need for uniformity of perception between employers and employees.

In line with the urgency of the definition of performance, performance can be defined from two perspectives, namely performance as behavior and results. Performance as behavior, among others defined by Rotundo and Sackett as quoted by Catherine as follows: "job performance is typically conceptualized as actions and behaviors that are under the control of the individual that contributes to the goals of the organization. behavior that is under the control of the individual that contributes to the goals of the organization.

In line with Campbell who is also quoted by Catherine (2011:210) states "especially important to this definition are the ideas that performance is behavior (as opposed to the results of behavior) and that this behavior can be evaluated in terms of its contribution to organizational goals. Particularly important in this definition are the ideas that performance is a behavior (as opposed to a behavioral outcome) and that this behavior can be evaluated in terms of its contribution to organizational goals.

Then Sharma (2009): 130), �job performance was defined in terms of rise in the level of output of services with the same or reduced level of input as a result of better work methods and improved technology. Performance is defined as the term increased service level by the same level or reduced from the input as a result of better work methods and technological improvements.

The same opinion was expressed by Laitinen (2002:66) that "job performance is the ability of an object to produce results in a dimension determined a priori, in relation to a target. Performance is the ability of an object to produce results in a predetermined dimension in relation to a target.

Based on the description above, it can be synthesized that performance is behavior someone in completing a task that shows job achievement and contributes to the organization, with indicators: (1) enthusiastic, (2) carrying out formal activities, (3) collaborating with other employees, (4) following organizational rules, (5) seeking organizational achievement goals.

2.    Leadership

Leadership is a central part in understanding group behavior, because it is the leader who usually provides direction towards achieving goals. Mullins (2013: 78) suggests that "There are many ways of looking at leadership and many interpretations of its meaning, leadership might be interpreted in simple terms, such as 'getting others to follow' or 'getting people to do things willingly', or interpreted more specifically, for example as 'the use of authority in decision making. Leadership can be interpreted simply and specifically. In simple terms, leadership is an attempt to gain followers or get others to do things voluntarily. More specifically, leadership is defined as the use of authority in decision making.

Furthermore, Schermerhorn (2009:474) defines leadership that �the process of inspiring others to work hard to accomplish important askt. Leadership is a process that inspires organizational members to work hard to complete important tasks. Yulk (2010:20) argues that �leadership has been defined in terms of traits, behaviors, influence, interaction patterns, role relationships, and occupation of an administrative position. Leadership is defined in terms of traits, behavior, influence, interaction patterns, role relationships.

Based on the description of the concept above, it can be synthesized that leadership is an influencing and motivating activity carried out by leaders to their followers in an effort to achieve organizational goals with indicators: (1) providing direction, (2) providing assistance, (3) making decisions (4) balance and success.

3.    Conflict

Conflict is a process of social interaction in which two or more people, or two or more groups, differ or contradict in their opinions or goals; Stoner and Freeman explain organizational conflict to include disagreements about goals, status, values, perceptions or personality disagreements. Robbins and Coulter (2010: 382) explain conflict as "perceived incompatible differences resulting in some form of interference or opposition. Conflict is considered to be compatible difference which results in some form of interference or opposition.

Then Schemerhorn (2009:416) defines conflict a disagreement between people on substantive or emotional issues. Conflict is a disagreement between people on substantive or emotional issues. Furthermore, Kreitner (2010:34) defines explaining that Conflict is a complex subject for several reasons. Primary among them is the reality that conflict often carries a lot of emotional luggage. Fear of losing or fear of change quickly raises the emotional stakes in a conflict. Conflicts also vary widely in magnitude. In this case, conflict is a complex subject of study for several reasons, one of which is the fact that conflict often carries a lot of emotional content. Fear of loss or fear of change immediately gives rise to emotional outbursts in a conflict. Conflicts can also vary in number. This implies that conflict is not a simple matter, but a complex and multi-dimensional matter.

According to Leonard and Hilgret (2007:341) explain that Substantive conflict is conflict between individuals because of what should be done or what should occur, (2) personalized conflict is conflict between individuals that occours because the two parties do not like one another. substantive, namely conflict between individuals because of what should be done or should happen. Second, personal conflict, namely conflict between individuals that occurs because two parties do not like each other. The existence of various forms, types or types of conflict shows the complexity of the conflict and is at the same time rich in nuances and perspectives.

From the various descriptions of conflict above, it can be synthesized that conflict is a disagreement or conflict that occurs in a group or organization when a person's behavior is hampered by the behavior of others, with indicators: (1) conflict between individuals, (2) disputes in achieving goals, (3) contradicting norms and values. (4) mutually negating behavior, (5) conflict due to creativity or new ideas in achieving goals.



This research was conducted at the Education Office of Buton Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. The research approach was carried out quantitatively, with a survey method, measured using a questionnaire instrument. Data analysis used parametric statistics with path analysis. This research was carried out to employees of the education office of Buton Regency, totaling 90 people with a sample of 73 employees. The data is used by using an instrument in the form of a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability.


Results And Discussion

1.    The Effect of Leadership on Performance

From the results of testing the first hypothesis, it is concluded that there is a direct positive influence of leadership on performance with a correlation coefficient of 0.501 and the path coefficient value of 0.404. This means that leadership has a direct positive effect on performance.

The results of this study are in line with the opinion of several experts including the opinion of Jonhn B miner (2007: 283) explaining however, the theory also deals with how these perceptions influence the outcomes of the leadership process and more directly with leadership as a determinant of performance. However, this theory is also concerned with how these perceptions affect the outcomes of the leadership process and that direct leadership determines performance.

Furthermore still in the same book John B miner (2007:295) to this point theory has been concerned with the perception of leadership by others. However, there are also effects that leadership exerts on performance. The most important concern with perceived leadership is other people. However, there is also an effect that leadership has on performance.

Jennifer M. George and Gareth. R Jones explain (2005:363) leadership is the exercise of influence by one member of a group organization achieve its goal. Leadership influences group members in the organization and helps organizational members to achieve goals. Schemerhon explained (2010:341) Achievement oriented leadership is predicted to encourage subordinates to strive for higher performance standards and to have more confidence in their ability to meet challenging goals. For subordinates in ambiguous, nonreptitive job, achievement oriented leadership should increase their expectations that effort loads to desired performance. Achievement-oriented leadership can be expected to encourage subordinates to achieve higher standards of performance and have more confidence that their abilities can achieve future goals. For subordinates who do not understand, work that is not repetitive, performance-based leadership should increase their expectations that their efforts will lead to the desired performance.

Based on the description above, it is clear that leadership has a direct positive effect on performance.

2.    The Effect of Conflict on Performance

From the results of hypothesis testing, it can be concluded that there is a direct negative effect on performance with a correlation coefficient value of -0.419 and a path coefficient value of -0.279. This means that conflict has a direct negative effect on performance.

The results of this study are in line with the opinion of several experts including Khan, Wolfe, Quinn, Snoek, & Rosenhal explaining that "role ambiguity and role conflict are conceptualized as stressors that impede performance. Ambiguous attitudes and conceptualized conflict generate stress and hinder performance. Fred Luthans (2008:344) says that the is recent research evidence that such conflict can have a negative impact on well-being and performance and may be affective bay culture differences. What follows is recent research evidence that such conflict can have a negative impact on cultural well-being and is influenced by cultural differences.

Next, Harold Kerzner (2008:473) explains that �When conflict becomes dyfunctional, it often results in poor program decision-making, lengthy delays over issues, and a disruption of the team's efforts, all negative influences to program performance. When there is a functional conflict, this will often result in thinning decisions in shaping a program, a long delay in the problem, and an attempt to disrupt a team, all of which will take place negatively in the work program.

Based on the description above, it is clear that conflict has a direct negative impact on performance.

3.    The Effect of Leadership on Conflict

From the results of hypothesis testing, it can be concluded that there is a direct negative influence on leadership and conflict with a correlation coefficient value of - 0.436 and the path coefficient value of -0.346 means that leadership has a direct negative effect on conflict.

The results of this study are in line with the opinion of experts including Muhamad Afzalur Rahim (2006:153) explaining that "leadership can influence other variables, such as task structure, group position, size, and so on, which affect amount of intragroup conflict and the styles of handling conflict by the group members. Leadership can influence other variables, such as task structure, group position, size, and so on, which affect the amount of conflict within the group and the style of handling by group members. Furthermore, Richard L. Morril (2010: 276) explains that �our explorations bring to light some of the conditions that must be met in order for a process of strategic leadership to deal affectively with structural conflict. We provide ideas about some of the conditions that must be met, in order to effectively deal with the strategic leadership process in accordance with the Conflict structure.

In the same book, Richard L. Morril (2010: 280) explains that �we have described leadership as an integrative process of sense making, choice, and action that influences groups and individuals to purse shared goals in the context of change and conflict.�

Based on the description above, it is clear that leadership has a direct negative effect on conflict.





Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that (1) Leadership has a direct positive effect on performance. This means that effective leadership causes an increase in the performance of the Buton Regency education office. (2) Koflik has a direct negative effect on performance. That is, the reduction in conflict leads to an increase in the performance of the education office in Buton Regency. (3) Leadership has a direct negative effect on conflict. This means that effective leadership causes a decrease in employee conflicts at the education office in Buton Regency.

Based on the conclusions above, the suggestions that need to be followed up include: (1) The existence of employees has a very strategic role in educational organizations, so they are required to continue to improve their performance. (2) In improving employee performance, it cannot be separated from the active role of the head of the education office as the leader. This means that the existence of the head of the department is expected to be a guide for improving employee performance. In an effort to improve the performance, there are several things that are done by the head of the service, including: (a) It is further improved in terms of the monitoring process of the work carried out by employees, so that if there are obstacles or obstacles, the best solution is immediately found. (b) Creating a conducive work climate (c) giving the slightest appreciation to the work process of employees in completing work to advance the quality of the education office of Buton Regency (d) trying and trying to be fair and not giving favor to certain employees. (e) trying to position oneself according to the time, place and situation needed (f) instilling confidence in every employee, there is no work that cannot be completed � suggestions for further research include:

a.     It is necessary to conduct a more in-depth study to consider the factors that are thought to have an effect on improving employee performance.

b.     To expand the generalization of the research, it is necessary to conduct similar research wider in terms of population reach.



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