Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Vol. 03, No. 09, September 2023
e-ISSN: 2807-8691 | p-ISSN: 2807-839X
The Effect of Sales Growth and Corporate Governance on
Tax Avoidance with Company Size as a Moderating
Yuliana Resca
, Yanuar Ramadhan
Universitas Esa Unggul, Indonesia
*e-mail: [email protected]
Article Information
• The goals at this study is for decide impact sales growth,
independent board of commissioners, the executor of the
audit, also belongs to the institution at tax avoidance where
company size is moderated. This studies design are
quantitative. This energy uses the energy (mining) sector
through purposive sampling. Researchers used a
documentation strategy to obtain data from the 2019-2022
annual reports of industrial businesses. How to analyze data
at this studies uses descriptive statistics, classical assumption
tests also hypothesis test by utilizing the support of Microsoft
Excel software and using statistical testing tools. Trade
developments had an effect tax avoidance, while
commissioner of independence, executor of audit, also
institutional ownership have nothing impact tax avoidance.
The acquisition in this research indicate that’s company size
are able for moderate trade developments tax avoidance,
company size are not abled for moderates the impact of
independence committee, audit committee, also institutional
ownership at tax avoidance. The acquisition at this research
can serve as a basis for further study at sector of tax avoidance
and corporate governance. These findings may trigger the
development of new theories or enrich existing theories in
relation to how certain factors influence corporate behavior
regarding taxes. In this research, there are 1 figure, 5 tables
with a total number of references of 32.
Sales Growth; Tax Avoidance;
Corporate Governance; Company
Indonesia's nation's income through one source, namely taxation, where the amount obtained by
this sector is very large from the total state revenue. Therefore, the government pays full attention to
the taxation sector, where every economic and fiscal regulations have a significant effect on receipt of
state tax revenue. For companies taxation is a liability that can cut industry profits try for minimize
their tax payments. This causes dissimilarity of needs between tax policies as well taxpayers. Tax
avoidance are way for avoid taxation properly without violating applicable tax policy. Tax relief can arise
seen as a complex and the problem is typical due to being allowed on one side, as well as the other it is
undesirable (Fauzan et al., 2021).
In 2019, the Global Witnes report revealed that between 2009 and 2017 PT Adaro Energy Tbk
made tax tricks. Adaro makes a profit of the loophole through coal trading to Coaltrade Services
International, which is its subsidiary in Singapore, on a lowest prices the coals was traded to another
nations through large tariffs. Impact of, taxable income at Indonesia is lowest. Adaro arranged Coaltrade
Services International to pay taxes of $125 million or equivalent to IDR 1.75 lowest than whats they
must have pay for Indonesia (Sugianto, 2019). In 2021, the Pandora Papers report revealed that there
was a report on the tax payment behavior of a large group of companies and the richest people in the
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world. This report reveals techniques and schemes to hide wealth from the supervisory reach of the tax
authorities. The way they do it is to invest a lot of assets in shell companies, which are known in tax
havens which are currently also known as investment hubs countries (Fauzia, 2021). In 2022, a tax
evasion case was revealed in North Jakarta. The North Jakarta Region Building of DGT informed that
there were allegations of tax avoidance by a communication equipment manufacturer, PT PR. The case
that occurred was a violation of the making of fictitious tax invoices. It is estimated that the state suffered
a loss of Rp 292 billion due to this incident (Faisal, 2022).
Corporate tax avoidance affected many aspects, one of the factors is sales growth. A parameter
used to calculate trading performance in order to grow company revenue during decided year. Trade
development can be used to predict company profits. Sales growth has an impact at tax avoidance. This
proves thats the greaters the increase in sales, the greater the tax avoidance (Murkana et al., 2020). The
levels of trade development have nothing immpact on taxation avoidance, because when the industry
shows grow or shrink in sales development and industry will continue to pay taxes properly because
the company is a taxpayer who has responsibility to obey the state (Heryana et al., 2022). The next factor
is corporate governance through independents commissioner, also audit executor. Industry manager is
the supervision established to run Commissioner also the Audit Executor. The audit executor has an
impact at tax avoidance. This proves that the financial services policy is a number 55 / PJOK.04 / 2015
related the creation and guidance on the implementation of the work of the audit executor article 9 in
the implementation of its obligations and rights has been running well. So that the audit executor
through his rights can prevent wrong activities related to the industry financial information (Fadilah et
al., 2021).
The audits executor has nothing impact at tax avoidance. Because the availability of the audit
executor also the meetings held does nothing mean thats the higher the tax avoidance (Murkana et al.,
2020). Independents Commissioner have immpact at tax avoidance, it mean the industry independent
commissioners work optimally in supervising tax avoidance practices in the company (Fadilah et al.,
2021). The amount independent commissioners does not immpact tax avoidance, the amount of
independent commissioners has not paid attention to the complexity of the company in detail, there is
still a lack of effectiveness in its supervision in terms of company policy. Thus, the presence or absence
of independent commissioners does not necessarily hinder tax avoidance activities in the company
(Andini et al., 2021). The next factor is institutional ownershipInstitutional possessions have no effect
the avoidance of taxation, this matter is contrary to the concept of an agent which explains institutional
property plays a role in overseeing manager performance (Maharani & Baroroh 2019). Belongs to the
institution affects tax avoidance. Also, the belongs to the institution structure of a industry strongly in
touch to level of control over the industry (Fauzan et al., 2021).
Studies on tax avoidance variables, and corporate governance have been conducted previously,
different from previous research, in this research the researchers used a sample population, namely the
energy sector (mining) during the 2019-2022 period. In addition, this research corporate governance
variable emphasizes independent commissioners, audit committees, and belongs to the institution as
well adds company amount variables as moderation. According to earnings previous study, still exist
many debates that show different research results and based on the phenomena found Regarding the
problem of tax avoidance, this matter is interesting to understand reexamine, therefore the motivation
for this studies are for review the impact of trade development, independent commissioners, audit
committees, belonging to the institution on the avoidance of taxation on the mining sector with
moderation of company size.
This discussion uses quantitative discussion techniques. This discussion uses the energy
(mining) the part included at the IDX at 2019-2022 as the object of study. Researchers selected samples
through purposive sampling. Energy sector companies (mining) that publish financial reports for 2019-
2022 as of December 31. Energy sector companies (mining) that are profitable in 2019-2022. Energy
sector companies (mining) that have variable data to be studied. Researchers used a documentation
strategy to obtain data from the 2019-2022 annual reports of industrial businesses. IDX,
industry websites, literature samples, research topics in print and electronic media provide the data.
The data observation technique at this discussion uses descriptive statistics, classical assumptions
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testing also hypothesis testing by utilizing support from Microsoft Excel software and using statistical
test tools.
Normality Test
-0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10
Series: Standardized Residuals
Sample 2019 2022
Observations 52
Mea n 0.000000
Median -0.000553
Maximum 0.091003
Minimum -0.112702
Std. Dev. 0.036474
Skewness -0.041659
Kurtosis 4.119557
Jarque-Bera 2.730756
Probability 0.255284
Figure 1. Normality Test Results
From the test results, can be understood the Jarque Bera values is 2.730756 through probabilitys
0.255284 so that it is greater than α 0.05, the mean residuals is normal distribution.
Multicollinearity Test
Table 1
Multicollinearity Test Results
From the test gain,abble for understood there are nothing multicollinearity at this type of
regression. Because the correlations coefficience values among the independents variables <0.80.
Heterocedacity Test
Table 2
Heterocedacity Test Results
Std. Error
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Obtained heteroscedasticity test with the Glesjer test above have probabilitys results from each
independent variable> 0.05, means free violations of the heteroscedasticity assumption, so there is no
need to re-do regression with white weighting.
Hypothesis Test
Hypothesis test are used in perform a significance test regression coefficient obtained. In making
a hypothesis decision, you can compare the probability value to α 0.05. Hypothesis testing consists of
the coefficience of determinations, f testing and t testing
The coefficience of determination in essence is to estimate the kind of abilitys for explain the
type of dependence variables. The Adjusted R-Square value which is almost one means the ability of the
independence variables at preparing close again all the information obtained estimate the dependent
type. The coefficience of determinations abble to be reviewed at table 4.9:
Table 3
Coefficient of Determination
R-square or the coefficience determination show contribution independence variables to
dependence variable. The result is 0.863902, thus indicating show contribution independence variables
to dependence variables is 86.3902%. The rest 13.6098% are influencing from another factors beside
the regression model.
Simultaneous Significance Test (F Test)
This testing goals for decide whether alls independence or dependent variables are includeds
the regression has a significant effect at the bound variable at the same time (Ghozali, 2018). If F amount
are greaters than F table so all independence variables jointly affect the dependence variable. While
testing with a probability value, namely if probabilitys amount <0.05 so the model is accept. The
following is a table the F testing:
Table 4
F Test Results
From on table 4 above, can be understood F-count value are 9.068030 with a probabilitys 0.000.
The probabilitys amount <0.05, which means there is a concurrent effect is significant.
Hypothesis Test Results (t Test)
T testing are use for decide how much of a liberating impact it is variables individually at the
dependent variable (Ghozali, 2018). The acceptable characteristics and rejected of the hypothesis if
amount t count> t table indicates a significant effect. Meanwhile, if amount t count < t table meaning
that’s nothing influence. Based on the significance value, there are criteria, namelys if the significant
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number is > 0.05 then the hypothesis are rejection which means the independence variables not have
an impact at the dependence variables, whereas if significant result is <0.05 then the hypothesis are
allowed which means the independence variables have no effect to dependence variables. Variables are
not independent.
Table 5
Hypothesis Test Results (t Test)
Std. Error
From on the statistical test acquisition at table 5 above, the hypothesis abble interpreted as
1. The first hypothesis (H1) is thats sales growth have a positively immpact on tax avoidance From
acquisition regression observation testing above, the t value is -2.711651 and the significance
level is 0.0110 (p < 0.05) with a regression coefficient value of -1.121108, so concluded thats
sales growth affects tax avoidance in a negative direction. So that the first hypothesis (H1) is
2. The second hypothesis (H2) is thats the independence committee have a negative immpact at
tax avoidance. From gain regressions analyzation testing above, the t amount 0.479381 and the
significance level is 0.6351 (p> 0.05) with a regression coefficient value of 1.657199, so conclud
that’s independence committee has no impact tax avoidance. So that this hypothesis (H2) are
3. The third hypothesis (H3) is thats the audit committee have a negative immpact at tax avoidance.
From acquisition regressions analyzation testing above, the t amount are -1.145616 and the
significance level is 0.2610 (p> 0.05) with a regression coefficient value of -6.458386, so
concluded thats the audit committee have no immpact at tax avoidance. So this hypothesis (H3)
are rejecti=ion.
4. The fourth hypothesis (H4) is thats institutionals ownership have negatively affect at tax
avoidance. From acquisition of the regression analysis testing above, the t value is -0.819804
and the significance level is 0.4188 (p> 0.05) with a regression coefficient value of -4.246277, so
conclude thats institutionals ownership have no immpact at tax avoidance. So that the fourth
hypothesis (H4) are rejected.
5. The fifth hypothesis (H5) is that company size strengthens the immpact sales growth at tax
avoidance. From acquisition regression analysis test above, the t value is -0.463083 and the
significance level is 0.0089 (p < 0.05) with a regression coefficient amount 0.038405, so
conclude that’s company size moderates (strengthens) the immpact trade developments tax
avoidance. And the fifth hypothesis (H5) are accepted.
6. The sixth hypothesis (H6) is that company size reduce the impact of the independence
committee on tax evasion. From that gain regression analysis testing above, the t value is
2.797459 and the significance level is 0.6466 (p> 0.05) with regression coefficience amount -
0.057820, it can be conclude thast industry size does nots moderated (weaken) the impact trade
developments at tax avoidance. At sixth hypothesis (H6) are accepted.
7. The sixth hypothesis (H7) is that company size reduce the impact of audit commissions on tax
avoidance. From that gain regression analysis test above, the t values are 1.149127 also the
significant level are 0.25966 (p> 0.05) with a regression coefficience amount -0.217226, it can
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be conclude that’s industry size does not moderated (weaken) the immpact the audit executor
at tax avoidance. So that the seventh hypothesis (H7) is accepted.
8. The eighth hypothesis (H8) is that company size weakens the impact the institution has on tax
avoidance, obtained a t amount 0.823440 also a significance level of 0.4168 (p <0.05) with a
regressions coefficience amount 0.151070, it can be concludeds that’s industry size does not
moderated (weaken) the immpact institutional ownership at tax avoidance. At the eighth
hypothesis (H8) are accepted.
Effect of Sales Growth on Tax Avoidance
The partial testing gain (t test) at this study showing thats the t value is -2.711651 and the
significance level is 0.0110 (p < 0.05) with a regression coefficient value of -1.121108, so concluded
thats trade developments affects tax avoidance in a negative direction. So that the first hypothesis (H1)
are rejection. The gain is in line by studies (Sabita & Mildawati, 2018; Irawati et al., 2020; Isnaini &
Wahyuningtyas, 2022; Hidayat, 2018; Rahmah, 2023). The negative direction means that it shows the
opposite direction between the value of trade developments and tax avoidance, abble to interpreted
thats an increase in sales growth will decrease tax avoidance activities. This is due to several things.
Good sales growth can attract more attention from the authorities and the media. Industry included at
IDX tend to be more under the spotlight, so they tend to avoid the risks associated with violating tax
regulations. When companies experience significant sales growth, they have a greater focus on core
business activities and managing complex operations. In situations like this, tax avoidance may not be a
top priority, and companies are more likely to comply with applicable tax rules.
The Effect of Independent Board of Commissioners on Tax Avoidance
The partial test results (t test) in this studies showing that the t amount is 0.479381 and the
significant stage is 0.6351 (p> 0.05) with a regression coefficient value of 1.657199, so the independence
board commite have no immpact at tax avoidance. So that the second hypothesis (H2) are rejection. This
gain in line with studies (Stefani & Paramita, 2022; Purbowati, 2021; Hilmi et al., 2022; Rospitasari &
Oktaviani, 2021; Utami, 2023; Doho & Santoso, 2020). The independence board commite have no impact
at tax avoidance. This is because the independence board commite has a supervisory and advisory role,
but has limitations in accessing information and influencing company decisions related to taxation. Tax
avoidance practices often involve complex corporate structures and technical issues that may only be
known by executive management.
Effect of Audit Committee on Tax Avoidance
The partial test gain (t test) at this studies showing the t value is -1.145616 and the significance
level is 0.2610 (p> 0.05) by a regression coefficient amount -6.458386, so concluded thats the audit
committee have no immpact at tax avoidance. So this hypothesis (H3) are rejection. This gain same with
studies (Purbowati, 2021; Suryani, 2020; Utami, 2023; Pratomo & Rana, 2021; Dewi, 2019; Ardianti,
2019). Thus the results of this study indicate thats the tendention of industry to carry out aggressive tax
avoidance are not from the number audit commition but of quality and independence of the audit
committee itself to analyze whether the company is doing tax avoidance. This conclud, in fact, the
number of audit commition are not have immpact in making decisions relateds at corporate tax policy
at Indonesia.
The Effect of Institutional Ownership on Tax Avoidance
The partial test gain (t test) in this study indicate that the t value is -0.819804 and the
significance level is 0.4188 (p> 0.05) with a regression coefficient value of -4.246277, it can be concluded
that institutional ownership has no effect on tax avoidance. So that the fourth hypothesis (H4) is
rejected. These results are in line with research conducted by (Su'un, 2018; Siregar et al., 2022; Ashari
et al., 2020; Sari et al., 2020; Utami, 2023; Alya, 2021; Fitria, 2018). Although it has previously been
explained that if you have a high level of institutional ownership, the tendency of an institution to control
the company will be large, but in fact after testing, this cannot guarantee that an institution can influence
the company to carry out tax avoidance, because the control of the company's operational activities is
largely held by management. The size of the institutional ownership structure has no impact on the size
of corporate tax avoidance.
Company Size Is Able to Moderate Sales Growth on Tax Avoidance
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The results of the Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) test in this study indicate that the
interaction between company size and sales growth has a probability value of 0.0089 < α 0.05, so H0 is
accepted and means that company size is able to moderate (strengthen) sales growth on tax avoidance.
These results are in line with research conducted by (Ananto, 2021). The existence of company size can
be seen from the company's total assets owned, stock market value, average sales level, and total sales.
The bigger the company, the higher the level of sales so that sales growth increases which causes the tax
burden paid to be greater, giving rise to tax avoidance practices.
Company Size Able to Moderate the Independent Board of Commissioners on Tax Avoidance
The results of the Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) test in this study indicate that the
interaction between company size and the independent board of commissioners has a probability value
of 0.6466> α 0.05, so H0 is rejected and means that company size is unable to moderate (weaken) the
effect of the independent board of commissioners on tax avoidance. These results are in line with
research conducted by (Andini et al., 2021; Ratnawati et al., 2019). Large companies have greater
resources, so independent directors need to monitor operating performance more effectively and
closely so that management can make more careful decisions and avoid tax avoidance. In the end, the
more effective the performance of the independent commission, the easier it is to find out whether
management decisions are in accordance with existing regulations, especially on tax payments.
Company Size Is Able to Moderate the Audit Committee on Tax Avoidance
The results of the Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) test in this study indicate that the
interaction between company size and the audit committee has a probability value of 0.2596> α 0.05, so
H0 is rejected and means that company size is unable to moderate (weaken) the effect of the audit
committee on tax avoidance. These results are in line with research conducted by (Hanifah, 2022;
Damayanty & Putri, 2021). The audit committee can control or reduce corporate tax avoidance.
Company size is one aspect of tax avoidance policy. Large companies usually have more audit
committees than smaller companies to help management avoid tax avoidance.
Company Size Is Able to Moderate Institutional Ownership on Tax Avoidance
The results of the Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) test in this study indicate that the
interaction between company size and institutional ownership has a probability value of 0.4168> α 0.05,
so H0 is rejected and means that company size is unable to moderate (weaken) the effect of institutional
ownership on tax avoidance. These results are in line with research conducted by (Andini et al., 2022;
Ratnawati et al., 2019). The bigger the company, the more capital invested and the faster the company's
own money circulates and the rules that must be obeyed, especially regarding tax payments that are
fulfilled to maintain the company's image and reputation. Companies that tend to be large, increasingly
attract the attention of the government and tax authorities in order to conduct audits related to tax
payments by corporations. As a result, the agency will tighten its control over the performance of
managers in order to comply with relevant tax regulations and reduce the possibility of corporate risk.
Sales growth affects tax avoidance, independent board of commissioners has no effect on tax
avoidance, audit committee has no effect on tax avoidance, and institutional ownership has no effect on
tax avoidance. The results in this study indicate that the interaction between company size and sales
growth means that company size is able to moderate (strengthen) sales growth on tax avoidance, the
interaction between company size and the independent board of commissioners means that company
size is unable to moderate (weaken) the effect of the independent board of commissioners on tax
avoidance, the interaction between company size and audit committee means that company size is
unable to moderate (weaken) the effect of the audit committee on tax avoidance, the interaction
between company size and ownership means that company size is unable to moderate (weaken) the
effect of institutional ownership on tax avoidance.
Sales growth affects tax avoidance, independent board of commissioners has no effect on tax
avoidance, audit committee has no effect on tax avoidance, and institutional ownership has no effect on
tax avoidance. The results in this study indicate that the interaction between company size and sales
growth means that company size is able to moderate (strengthen) sales growth on tax avoidance, the
interaction between company size and the independent board of commissioners means that company
IJSSR Page 2248
size is unable to moderate (weaken) the effect of the independent board of commissioners on tax
avoidance, the interaction between company size and audit committee means that company size is
unable to moderate (weaken) the effect of the audit committee on tax avoidance, the interaction
between company size and ownership means that company size is unable to moderate (weaken) the
effect of institutional ownership on tax avoidance.
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