Amanda Ruziana Putri Duanta
Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
The results of culture and civilization need to be preserved in accordance with the current situation and conditions as well as changing circumstances. Wayang topeng Malangan is one of the folk arts of the Malang area which is very famous for its local elements. This research was conducted in Dusun Kedungmonggo, Karangpandan Village, Pakisaji, Malang. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with data obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. The type of research used is phenomenology.
Keywords: Preservation; Art; Local Culture; Puppet Mask
Received 20 November 2021, Revised 30 November 2021, Accepted 10 December 2021
The results of culture and civilization need to be preserved in accordance with the current situation and conditions as well as changing circumstances. Preservation of culture and civilization will bring benefits to society. Preservation of local culture or old norms is to maintain artistic and cultural values, traditional values by developing dynamic, flexible, and selective embodiments, and adapting to situations and conditions that are always changing and developing.
Malangan mask puppets are one of the folk arts of the Malang area which is very famous for its local elements. Wayang masks also reflect the lifestyle of the people of Malang, which until now is believed to have historical ties to the growth of the oldest culture in Malang, namely the Kanjuruhan Kingdom.
The Asmarabangun Mask Art Padepokan was founded by Mbah Karimun in 1982 to preserve the Malangan Kedungmonggo mask puppets. The Malangan Mask Art Padepokan has been fostered from generation to generation in order to continue to maintain the existence of the Malangan masked puppets.
This research was conducted in Kedungmonggo Hamlet, Karangpandan Village, Pakisaji District, Malang Regency. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with data obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. The type of research used is phenomenology.
Results And Discussion
1. Preservation of Local Cultural Arts
Preservation itself can be interpreted as an activity or activity that is carried out continuously, directed and integrated in order to realize certain goals that reflect the existence of something that is permanent and eternal, dynamic, flexible, and selective (AW Widjaja, 1986).
Art is an expression of one's soul that occurs through the process of work and initiative. In the perspective of Anthropology, art is not seen as an autonomous region which is purely intraaesthetic, but art is placed within the framework of culture as a system.
Local culture is local values resulting from the cultivation of a certain area community that is formed naturally and obtained through a process from time to time. Local culture can be in the form of art, tradition, mindset, or customary law.
The results of culture and civilization need to be preserved in accordance with the current situation and conditions as well as changing circumstances. Preservation of culture and civilization will bring benefits to society. Preservation of local culture or old norms is to maintain artistic and cultural values, traditional values by developing dynamic, flexible, and selective embodiments, and adapting to situations and conditions that are always changing and developing.
2. Malangan Mask Puppet
The Malangan mask puppet is one of the folk arts of the Malang area which is very thick with local elements. The Malangan mask puppet show is a masked performance that depicts various characters in Panji's story, the characteristic of which lies in the fashion style of the current Panji Jabung and Kedungmonggo performances.
Wayang masks also reflect the lifestyle of the people of Malang, which until now is believed to have historical ties to the growth of the oldest culture in Malang, namely the Kanjuruhan Kingdom.
The presentation of the Malangan masked puppet show is generally presented in a patterned order. Based on the structure of the play, the Malangan masked puppets are presented in interrelated parts.
The supporting equipment for the Malangan masked puppet show consists of gamelan, stage, masks, and dance costumes. The characteristics of the Malangan masked puppet dance movement are centered on the characteristics of the wayang characters.
3. The Asmarabangun Mask Art Padepokan
The Asmarabangun Mask Art Depot was founded by Mbah Karimun in 1982 to preserve the Malangan Kedungmonggo masked puppets. This Padepokan also fosters various other traditional arts, such as karawitan, Malangan mask crafts, and creative mask dances. Members of the hermitage are not only the surrounding community, many people outside Kedungmonggo also become members of the hermitage.
The Asmarabangun Mask Art Padepokan has been fostered from generation to generation in order to continue to maintain the existence of the Malangan masked puppets. This Padepokan has complete facilities, such as various kinds of gamelan, stage, and a practice area. The existence of this can facilitate the holding of regular exercises every week and stabilization if there are performances or traditional art festivals.
This hermitage does not make art as the main source of income, but as a place of culture.�
4. Efforts to Preserve the Malangan Topeng
Wayang Masquerade The existence of the Malangan masked puppet in the Asmarabangun Padepokan of mask art has experienced a lack of attention caused by the lack of attention from the community and government. Several things were done to maintain the existence of wayang masks, one of which was by continuing to make adjustments and developments without leaving the external frame. The diversity in Malangan wayang mask performances is one of the attractions to be appreciated. This causes the Malangan masked puppet to rise again.
The Malangan mask puppet show is still active today at the Asmarabangun Mask Art Pedepokan, this activity is marked by routine activities carried out by the hermitage. Every Monday night, Legi hermitage holds regular performances every month, complete with washing masks accompanied by making offerings as a form of respect for all. In addition, the mask procession is held once a year as a reminder of the founder of the Asmarabangun Padepokan for the art of masking. Padepokan also held a Malangan masked puppet show during Clean Village and Bulan Suro (Suroan) as a form of community service.
Efforts to preserve Malangan masked puppets as one of the identities of the people of Malang Regency are still running at the Asmarabangun Padepokan for mask art. Preservation is a form of cultural transmission by strengthening the roots of local cultural values, so that art is believed to be not just a spectacle but also a demand for the next generation.
The results of culture and civilization need to be preserved in accordance with the current situation and conditions as well as changing circumstances. Preservation of culture and civilization will bring benefits to society. Preservation of local culture or old norms is to maintain artistic and cultural values, traditional values by developing dynamic, flexible, and selective embodiments, and adapting to situations and conditions that are always changing and developing.
The Asmarabangun Mask Art Padepokan was founded by Mbah Karimun in 1982 to preserve the Malangan Kedungmonggo mask puppets. The Malangan Mask Art Padepokan has been fostered from generation to generation in order to continue to maintain the existence of the Malangan masked puppets. Efforts to preserve the Malangan masked puppets as one of the identities of the people of Malang Regency are still running.
This preservation is marked by routine activities carried out by the hermitage. Every Monday night, Legi hermitage holds routine performances every month, complete with washing masks accompanied by the giving of offerings as a form of respect for all. In addition, the mask procession is held once a year as a reminder of the founder of the Asmarabangun Padepokan for the art of masking. Padepokan also held a Malangan masked puppet show during the Clean Village and Month Suro (Suroan) as a form of community service. Malangan mask during the Clean Village and Month of Suro (Suroan) as a form of community service.
Preserving local cultural arts is not only the task of an artist, but also the task of the community and government. So that future generations can enjoy and continue to preserve local cultural arts.
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� 2020 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access publication under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license (