Evaluation of the VVIP Security System in Cases of Terrorism in Indonesia


Christo Manafe, Sapto Priyanto, Imam Subandi

Prodi Kajian Terorisme, SKSG Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]




Evaluation, System, Security, VVIP/VIP


Acts of terrorism targeting Very Very Important Person (VVIP) have occurred several times in Indonesia. This shows that VVIP is one of the targets of terrorist attacks. So that the evaluation of the VVIP security system is mandatory, so that VVIP� do not become victims of terrorist attacks again. The human factor, namely the mistakes of VVIP security officers, became the dominant factor in the success of terrorist attacks on VVIP. Strict sanctions against security officers who violate applicable rules need to be implemented so that other security officers do not repeat them. The implementation of a strict VVIP security system SOP is a must so that no more terrorist attacks against VVIP occur. In routine activity theory, a capable guard system can prevent a person from becoming a target for crime (terrorism).









Assaults on government officials or prominent figures in a nation are not a novel problem. Attacks that result in mortality are the most catastrophic. There are numerous causes for these attacks, including conflicts of interest between individuals or organizations. Such incidents undermine a nation's reputation for protecting its territory and all of its citizens. The occurrence of events in multiple nations that target chiefs of state or other government officials signifies the commencement of targeted terrorist attacks. No longer is the emphasis on massive assaults that negatively impact the general public.


Incident Attack on VVIP Official in Indonesia

Given the numerous attacks on leaders and government officials overseas, it is conceivable that similar incidents could transpire in Indonesia. An instance of this was the terrorist assault on Matori Abdul Djalil, who was then a deputy chair of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) (Agus, 2018). His last role was as Minister of Defense for the Republic of Indonesia from 2001 to 2004, under the Mutual Assistance Cabinet, and he passed away in 2007 due to illness. The attack on M. Abdul Djalil took place in the Tanjung Mas Raya residential complex in South Jakarta. Around 08:30 WIB, Matori Abdul Djalil was surveying the progress of an extension to his house. Concurrently, two men approached carrying pamphlets and offering household goods. As one of the attackers and Matori Abdul Djalil conversed, one of the supposed salesmen unexpectedly brandished a sharp object and attacked Matori Abdul Djalil. The attackers fled the scene on a motorbike, one was killed by an angry mob, and the other was apprehended by police after four days on the run.

M. Abdul Djalil was quickly rushed to the hospital, and due to immediate medical assistance, he survived. The assault's perpetrators were Sarmo (who was killed by the mob) and Tanzul Arifin, also known as Sabar or Pipin. The attack's orchestrators were Zulfikar and Hasnullah, the Qur'anic tutors of Tanzul's family. The motive behind the assassination attempt on Matori Abdul Jalil was the assailants' perception that he had strayed from Islamic teachings, which made him seem like a figure who was unwilling to support Muslims and appeared as a leader of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) who had converted to Islam. During a peak period of terrorism in Indonesia, marked by numerous bombings and instances of Indonesian citizens affiliating with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and later wishing to return to Indonesia, assaults on government officials became a recurring event. This included the stabbing incident involving Wiranto, who was, at that moment, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs.

Wiranto, a military veteran who last held the four-star rank of General as the Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), served as the Coordinating Minister from 2016 to 2019 before becoming a member of the Presidential Advisory Council in 2019. His stabbing took place while attending the inauguration event at Mathla'ul Anwar University, a component of the Joint Lecture Building project (Devina, 2019). The event was a meticulously planned part of a series of activities by the committee, involving local TNI and Police security forces. When the Coordinating Minister's motorcade reached the Pandeglang city square, a lapse in attention from local security forces and personal security detail occurred as the minister prepared to exit his vehicle. Suddenly, a man wielding a sharp object launched an attack from his side.

The Coordinating Minister was assaulted by a married couple in the Menes village yard, a thriving economic center in that area, which is located in the Pandeglang district of Banten. The incident took place as the Minister was preparing to greet some members of the welcoming party following the conclusion of an event and the inauguration of a learning facility at Mathla'ul Anwar University. The perpetrators, identified as SA and his wife FA, attacked the Minister with a sharp weapon, resulting in injuries. Promptly, the Minister was evacuated to RSPAD in Jakarta, where they received immediate and intensive medical treatment at the hospital. Highly important figures such as VVIPs can be subjected to an array of dangers including abductions, planned killings, or assaults from anonymous individuals or terrorist factions. To counteract these threats, VVIP individuals often have bodyguard accompaniments and are under stringent observation.

Additionally, all security arrangements must be attentively and accurately established to shield the VVIPs from any potential risks. Failures in VVIP protection can arise from a lack of coordination amongst all parties participating in security, like police forces, military, intelligence personnel, and other security organizations. A deficient number of security staff can reduce the effectiveness of VVIP protection, as these duties are multifaceted and call for specialized skills. Modern security technology plays a crucial role in bolstering VVIP security. Insufficient security technology can amplify the challenge of ensuring VVIP safety and leave room for criminal activity. Terrorist onslaughts and other illegal acts are usually schemed surreptitiously, so lacking or inadequate intelligence can render VVIP protection ineffectual.

Poorly executed training and readiness can lead to security lapses, particularly in emergency scenarios, which can lead to failures or even imperil the life of the VVIP themselves.Repeated attacks on state heads and top-tier government officials in Indonesia have been an ongoing incident, stretching back to the post-independence phase of the Republic of Indonesia from its first president till today. These assaults are committed by radical factions or those possessing ideologies that clash with the government's ideology, Pancasila. As a result, the government has laid down a legal framework through Indonesian legislation to provide a legal base for officers performing duties as personal bodyguards for state heads or government officials. This is done so that field officers can adhere to the established security protocols and make decisions to act without hesitation.


Head of State

High-ranking officials at both the national and regional level, such as heads of state and regional leaders, serve as potent symbols of a country's and region's authority and sovereignty. If an event occurs - such as an attack - which could inflict harm, potentially causing injury or death to these officials, the implications are far-reaching for the nation or region. This would have a significant ripple effect on all aspects of life, predominantly destabilizing the security of the region. Consequently, it could trigger a security crisis. The influence on national stability can be significant. Observers also believe that the presence and protection of VVIPs can create a sense of safety and order among citizens. This can promote social and economic stability (Agetha et al. 2022). VVIPs often become the primary targets of terrorist acts. Careful protection can prevent terrorist actions and ensure the smooth execution of public events such as public meetings, work visits, and speeches. The presence of high-level guests in a country can provide opportunities to enhance diplomatic relations between the two countries. This can boost business and policy cooperation. A country capable of providing support and protection for VVIPs can build a positive image in the international community. This can help increase the trust and legitimacy of the country in various components, which of course has a correlation with security issues and international relations in the world.

Heads of state or officials given VVIP status, this classification can be given to individuals or groups in accordance with applicable regulations, have the right to be protected, escorted, and it is the duty of the related security apparatus to provide their security. Every country has agencies or organizations to closely guard, for example, in America, the head of state and his family are protected by the Secret Service in zone ring 1 and other security assistance from the local security forces, while in Indonesia, the escort and protection for the president and his family are carried out by the presidential security forces or known as Paspampres. Meanwhile, for ministers and other high-ranking officials, it is carried out by the assistance unit from the TNI and Polri, who already have special capabilities in the field of protection and escorting VVIP and VIP guests. The types of security activities that must be carried out by the Presidential Security Forces and supported by other units or related agencies for the smooth running of security duties. It can be concluded that the most important series of security activities is personal security carried out in a continuous and attached manner for the safety of VVIP officials.

While for the duration, it is based on the end of the VVIP official's term of office and the end of the activities carried out by the official. In addition, the President and Vice President are symbols of the state, this certainly needs to receive special attention. Apart from that, the need for the President and Vice President as a VVIP classification, because it is a symbol of the people through a general election to determine a head of state in order to lead the Indonesian nation in accordance with the practice of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. After the term of the President and Vice President is over, they also need to be secured by the state. Considering several factors, one of which is to respect and honor the performance they have given during their tenure to the State. Besides, they are individuals who issue policies and confidential information related to the state directly, which must be protected from threats from external or internal parties. The President, Vice President, Former State Head Officials, families, and Heads of Government or heads of government are symbols of a sovereign state that must receive special treatment and attention, with classification as Very Very Important Person (VVIP). The implementation of Security Operations to the President, Vice President, Former State Head Officials, families, and Heads of Government or heads of government (hereinafter referred to as VVIP Opspam) is based on an organized security operation pattern that pays attention to goals, objectives, principles, principles and other provisions. expected to create maximum synergy and can produce an optimal level of VVIP security.


VVIP Security to Its Protected Objects

The methods and mechanisms of ensuring the security of VVIPs vary among countries and security agencies, and they continuously evolve in response to advancements in technology and the escalating threats posed by potential attackers. However, the fundamental principles remain constant: the safety and well-being of VVIPs must always be prioritized. Any minor obstacles or problems that result in injury or harm to VVIPs are considered failures, even if security measures were implemented to the fullest extent. In the implementation of special operations for the security of Presidents, Vice Presidents, and other individuals classified as VVIPs, the focus should always be on preventive actions rather than repressive measures. This means that the security agency or team responsible for VVIP protection should follow a four-stage approach: planning, preparation, implementation, and termination. Each stage requires careful coordination and consideration of potential threats, challenges, disruptions, and obstacles that may arise at any given time. By adhering to this approach, security teams can proactively address security concerns and mitigate risks to ensure the safety and comfort of VVIPs. It is essential to stay vigilant and adapt security strategies to counter evolving threats, maintaining a high level of professionalism and expertise in VVIP security operations.VVIP security is an important part of a preparation stage for an event or visit involving important figures and categorized as VVIP. Or as people who have high influence and interest, VVIPs must certainly get maximum protection and security to ensure their safety and security during the process of series of activities or the process of serving an important position in a country or government. VVIP security involves a number of procedures and policies designed to ensure their safety and security.

Route management for VVIPs involves coordination with numerous agencies and security entities in the region. Familiarity with the local area's typology that will be used as a VVIP route aids in executing this task efficiently and effectively. The foremost priority in route management is to manage congestion-prone areas. Security officials are expected to redirect public traffic to alternate routes or implement a system of road openings and closures, thereby minimizing disruptions to local community activities and ensuring the safe and smooth passage of the VVIP convoy. The second priority is to manage bends, junctions, and crossroads that could potentially pose threats and hindrances to the VVIP convoy. The third concern involves bridges and flyovers that carry a high potential for threats, such as bridge bombs or disruptive banners that might impede the VVIP convoy.

The final focus is on routes perceived as vulnerable to terror attacks or possible accidents for the VVIP convoy, such as steep inclines, declines, or areas with rugged roads. When it comes to route management, the personnel in charge should already be positioned and ready to carry out the tasks defined by the leaders or commanders responsible for the VVIP convoy route, well ahead of the convoy's passage. This allows for preparatory steps such as inspecting the area, evaluating route and weather conditions, and identifying situations that could compromise the security of the VVIP convoy. If any disruptions arise that local security elements cannot manage or resolve, the leader or commander responsible for the route can report to their superiors or the leader/commander overseeing the VVIP security operation. This enables contingency planning, such as switching to an alternate route, to ensure the smoothness, comfort, and safety of the VVIP's journey.

Route Management necessitates meticulous preparation stages that include coordination meetings with all related security elements to gain insight and make decisions regarding route utilization. The routes chosen must satisfy the necessary standards in line with established regulations or security procedures. Not only should the selection of routes be carefully prepared, but it also requires preparation of regular, alternative, and emergency routes. This planning ensures that if the main route becomes obstructed or impassable for the VVIP convoy, backup routes are readily available. Both outbound and return routes for the VVIP convoy should be covered under this process. Such stringent route management on the ground is crucial and must be intensely monitored since the route employed for the convoy is among the factors posing significant potential vulnerabilities and threats. The five security functions are mandatory elements to be executed by the security units assigned to and selected for the task. Specifically in Indonesia, the Presidential Security Force (Paspampres) is the agency responsible for safeguarding the head of state, their family, and those of equivalent status, including VVIP guests. Paspampres's primary function involves conducting a security operation that includes direct physical protection. It remains closely associated with the protected entity at all times, catering to personnel categorized as VVIP, and managing state protocol duties.


VVIP Security Challenges Against Terrorism

VVIP security is a special security operation that has a very high risk level and a significant impact on the country. Therefore, the security team must face various challenges and obstacles. To overcome these obstacles, the security team must accurately and carefully plan, supported by various analysis components, information, and other supporting factors. They must have a clear and structured security plan, and carry out training and simulations to improve abilities and readiness. Also, it's crucial to work with local security agencies and communities to minimize risk and strengthen security for VVIPs.



The methods and mechanisms of ensuring the security of VVIPs vary among countries and security agencies, and they continuously evolve in response to advancements in technology and the escalating threats posed by potential attackers. However, the fundamental principles remain constant: the safety and well-being of VVIPs must always be prioritized. Any minor obstacles or problems that result in injury or harm to VVIPs are considered failures, even if security measures were implemented to the fullest extent.



Intelligence Theory

The Theory of Intelligence is a crucial concept that finds its application and necessity in various sectors, including security. The importance of this theory lies in the ability of specific agencies, especially those that handle information, to receive reliable data. As such, government intelligence agencies, ranging from security apparatus to relevant bodies, are required to carry out intelligence activities with utmost professionalism and discretion, always keeping the national interest in mind. The accurate information gathered by field intelligence agents gives officials of the intelligence agency a predictive edge about potential disturbances, threats, challenges, and obstacles. This underscores the indispensable role of the Intelligence Agency in maintaining national security (John M. Echols and Hassan Shadlily, 1996).

The three classifications of intelligence agencies in conducting intelligence activities are:

a.       Organization

Intelligence activities worldwide are characterized by secrecy and confidentiality. These operations are conducted covertly and remain undisclosed to the public. All intelligence activities are under the strict control and supervision of a country's designated intelligence agency. The findings and outcomes of these activities are exclusively shared with the leadership of the respective agency and are not disseminated to other government entities. The intelligence agency is officially recognized by the government and operates within a well-defined organizational structure. It is supported by legal frameworks, allocated budgets, and staffed with members possessing specialized skills relevant to the intelligence field.

b.       Activity

An Intelligence Agency, along with its intelligence agents, conducts pre-determined activities aimed at safeguarding the national interest and addressing various threats and disruptions that may arise within a country's territory or from external sources, such as aggressor nations. These activities are crucial for gathering intelligence, analyzing potential risks, and formulating strategies to mitigate and counteract these threats. The primary objective is to protect and promote the security, stability, and well-being of the country and its citizens by proactively addressing internal and external challenges.

c.       Analysis

The Intelligence Agency's responsibility extends beyond merely collecting and acquiring data. It also plays a pivotal role in interpreting and presenting the acquired information to the nation's leadership. The reliability of the information supplied by the agency is paramount, as it equips leaders with the knowledge required to make strategically sound decisions that are in sync with the nation's key components and interests. The data interpreted by the agency forms the basis for framing national policies and holds significant consequences for the wider public.

The outcomes of data analysis and interpretation are consolidated into what's known as intelligence products, which are strictly confidential and classified. Access to these products is strictly controlled and granted only upon the approval of top-tier leaders or agencies in a hierarchical manner, thus ensuring the prioritization of national interests. The head of the agency bears the burden of maintaining the secrecy of these products, protecting them from any unauthorized exposure that could potentially harm public interests. One of the areas that heavily relies on these intelligence products for ensuring effective protection and security measures is VVIP security.


Strategy Theory

The Strategy Theory, as proposed by Arthur F. Lykke in 1981, is a security approach that implements a hierarchy of protective measures to shield a target or zone from threats. When applied to VVIP security in the context of terrorist threats, this theory proposes three essential elements. Firstly, the 'means' element suggests that for a strategic theory to be effective, there must be an objective guiding the selection and usage of tools or methods. This encompasses resources, capabilities, and any other tools required to effectuate the strategy. Secondly, the 'ways' or 'methods' element relates to the course of actions, tactics, or procedures undertaken to accomplish these objectives. It involves a carefully planned roadmap to guide the implementation of the selected means towards achieving the intended ends. Lastly, the 'ends' refer to the goals or outcomes that the strategy aims to achieve. In the context of VVIP security, this could include ensuring the safety and well-being of the protected individuals, preventing terrorist attacks, or maintaining the stability of a region. Thus, Lykke's Strategy Theory provides a systematic framework to design and implement effective security measures in various contexts, including VVIP protection against potential terrorist threats. Strategic phenomena such as the rise of democracy, human rights enforcement, and terrorism have significantly complicated the threat landscape and reshaped security concepts.

Threats are no longer confined to the military domain but also encompass non-military dangers. A more modern understanding of security highlights the need to safeguard non-state actors. This shift in focus arose from a decline in threats to state sovereignty through military aggression and an increase in threats to human security in other areas, including infectious diseases, natural disasters, environmental degradation, and more. As defined by Christopher S. (2015), "national security," particularly in the context of the United States, involves "protecting the United States from major threats to its territorial, political, or economic well-being."The national security concept pertains to the protection of a country as an entity, rather than as a totality. In a traditional approach, security is viewed simply as the defense of a state against threats from other states' military powers, defended through the state's own military capabilities. This perspective ties all political phenomena and international relations to the state, highlighting the state's central role in ensuring national security. VVIP and VIP Security in Facing Threats from the Intelligence Perspective In the context of VVIP and VIP security, it is important to understand the threats that arise from an intelligence perspective. Throughout the history of the Republic of Indonesia, there have been instances of attacks targeting heads of state and high-ranking government officials. These attacks have been carried out by various groups, driven by dissatisfaction with the government's actions or due to ideological differences with the Pancasila ideology. To address these security challenges, legislation has been established to provide a legal framework for the personnel responsible for protecting heads of state and government officials.



In light of the aforementioned conditions, risk mitigation can be carried out through the following ways: (1) Use of Intelligence Data: The use of intelligence data is crucial in securing VVIPs. Intelligence data is utilized to gather information on potential threats to VVIPs, including monitoring and analyzing terrorist groups, criminal syndicates, or individuals planning to carry out attacks or crimes against VVIPs. This data provides insights into the background and relationships of individuals seeking to meet with VVIPs. Intelligence data is used to monitor the activities and movements of VVIPs. It is also employed to conduct risk analysis and security evaluations for VVIPs. By analyzing information about political situations, regional security, and potential threats, preventive actions and security measures can be designed and implemented more effectively. Intelligence data is also used to identify cyber threats against VVIPs. (2) National Intelligence Agency and intelligence implementers in the region must always provide up-to-date information by following the intelligence rotation mechanism, starting from studying activities, collecting information, data processing or analysis, and presenting the data to the leadership. This is done to ensure that the leadership and their staff make informed decisions and develop security strategies to address all possible threats that may impact VVIPs. (3) Security Perimeter: In VVIP security operations, a security perimeter refers to the approach that involves establishing a strictly secured zone or area around the VVIP. The security perimeter aims to protect and monitor the physical environment surrounding the VVIP object. It often involves several components, including the installation of fences, barricades, and signage to restrict access around the activity area where the VVIP is present. This is done to control entry and exit in the area, reducing threats and disruptions during the event. Security personnel can be deployed around the perimeter to conduct regular surveillance and patrols. They are responsible for monitoring who enters and exits the area and responding to any emergent situations or threats. Additionally, technology such as CCTV can be used for continuous monitoring of the perimeter area. Electronic security systems may also include motion sensors, sound sensors, and other detection systems to identify suspicious activities. (4) Regulating Access to the VVIP Area: Access to the VVIP area should be controlled using access cards, facial recognition, or other identification technologies. Only individuals with special authorization should be allowed to enter the security perimeter. Strict security checks should be conducted on vehicles and individuals entering the perimeter area. This may involve checking belongings, verifying identities, and performing other security screenings to ensure no threats enter. An effective security perimeter provides an additional layer of protection against potential threats or attacks on VVIPs. It enables the security team to quickly and efficiently detect, prevent, or respond to dangerous situations, ensuring the security and integrity of the VVIP and their surroundings.



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