Katharina E. P. Korohama, Andriani Paulin Nalle,
Khetye Romelya Saba, Lolang
Guidance and Counseling Study Program, Faculty of education and Teacher
Training, University of Nusa Cendana
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
This study aims to measure self-regulation and learning motivation of
university students of Guidance and Counselling (BK) Department, FKIP, Undana in third, fifth and seventh semester students
participating in online-based learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method
used was a mixed method, which combines quantitative and qualitative ways. The
data was collected by distributing questionnaires through online way and by
conducting FGD (Focused group Discussion) using the Zoom application. The results
show that there is a positive correlation between self-regulation and learning
motivation. It means that the higher the students� self-regulation, the higher
the motivation to learn in attending lectures online, and vice versa.
Furthermore, the students show high intrinsic learning motivation because they
are supported by self-regulation and high self-efficacy and good adaptability.
Therefore, it is suggested for students to maintain their self-regulating
skill, increase self-efficacy and adaptability so that they can maintain
learning motivation in online lectures, especially intrinsic learning
motivation during Covid 19 pandemic situation.
Keywords: self-regulation; learning motivation;
guidance; counseling�s students
Received 20
November 2021, Revised 30 November 2021, Accepted 10 December 2021
Self-regulation is seen as an individual's ability to regulate and
control themselves to achieve their goals. Students who are able to
self-regulate well, are predicted to be able to succeed in facing lectures, even
in the order of life in society. Self-regulation is fundamental to the
successful completion of adaptive developmental tasks at all stages of life
(McClelland, et al., 2018). Therefore, in facing the COVID-19 pandemic, people are
required to be able to adjust to changes that occur suddenly. Students are also
expected to be able to self-regulate in the face of changes following lectures.
Guidance and Counseling (BK)�s students, FKIP, Undana,
are prepared to alleviate students' problems, thus, BK�s students must have the
ability to solve problems in their own selves, one of them is by having high
self-regulation. Online (in a network) Learning changes the way of students
learn. Students are expected to be able to attend and actively participate in
online classes as if they were meeting directly in the classroom. However,
online learning, which is carried out, suddenly causes many students to not
have time to prepare themselves. This has an impact on their self-regulation. Noviyanti's research (2011) shows that the application of
e-learning in the form of online tutorials and discussions at the Open
University (UT) in South Tangerang City had not been able to run well due to
the lack of independence and participation of students (lack of motivation).
BK, FKIP, Undana students who were also
"forced" to learn online, some of them also showed the same behavior,
such as, not all students participated, they attended online classes but chose
to be passive, and did not even respond when asked to provide answers. In addition,
there were still students who were late in submitting assignments on online
forums because they did not make schedule or forget to allocate time well.
However, at meetings in the classroom, those situations rarely happened,
conversely, they were collect assignments on time and
fulfill obligations. Several other students revealed that online classes caused
students to be lazy to think when expressing opinions or questions. Some of
them did not read the material, but immediately read the questions / opinions
of other students who had posted before, then they repeated the questions to
appear active in the online classroom.
Online learning that suddenly done brings an effect on motivation and
impact on students� self-regulation. Even so, some students remain motivated to
take online lectures and complete the academic assignments given. In academic
learning, both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation allows students to learn
better, develop activities and initiatives, direct and maintain persistence in
learning (Akhirni, & Mahmudi, 2015).
This research aims to explore the relationship between
self-regulation and motivation in students of the Guidance and Counseling study
program (Prodi BK) when taking online-based learning. This is deemed necessary
to be explored considering these two things are very important for BK students
to complete the even semester of the 2019/2020 academic year with satisfying
results. In addition, it is important to develop self-regulation skills so that
students are able to adjust to changes that occur quickly and are motivated to
achieve success in life. This can be realized through high self-regulation
abilities and high academic motivation, especially in dealing with online
Self-regulation is defined as a process that occurs within
individuals to develop themselves in a better direction and organize themselves
to achieve a goal or target. Furthermore, when individual has reached the
target, it is followed by a process of reflection or self-evaluation, if the
goal or target is achieved maximally, a sense of satisfaction grows inside (Manab, A, 2016). The sspects of
self-regulation are cognitive, motivational, metacognitive, and behavioral
Then, motivation to learn arises due to the presence of a
need in individuals to develop themselves more optimally, and in the end the
individual develops in a creative and achievable direction. This motivation
gets a boost both from outside and inside, then the brain as the center of consciousness
makes the individual aware of what they see, hear or feel. The development of
this capacity will change for the better from time to time as a result of
training. Aspects of learning motivation, namely persistence in completing
assignments, persistence in facing difficulties, sharp attention and interest
in learning, having achievements, and independent learning.
This study used data collection techniques in the form of
questionnaires (learning motivation questionnaire and self-regulation questionnaire)
and FGD (Focused Group Discussion). The population in this study were students
of the Guidance and Counseling (BK) study program, Faculty of Teacher Training
and Education (FKIP), University of Nusa Cendana (Undana). The sample determination used Stratified Sampling
Technique, they were BK students in semesters III, V, VII who have taken online
lectures from March 2020 until the data was collected in August 2020.
Table 1
Population and Sample of BK�s
students of FKIP Undana
No |
Semester Students |
Total |
Population |
Sample |
1. |
120 |
39 |
2. |
V |
90 |
29 |
3. |
80 |
26 |
Total |
290 |
94 |
population is known to be 290 and the sample was taken as much as 94 people or
as much as 32%. The sample size balance uses the formula (Winarsunu,
����������������� JST
JSB = ������������������� X JPB
JSB������ = Number of Sample Parts
JST������ = Total Number of Samples
JPB������ = Total Population Section
JPT������ = Total
Population Amount
a. Validity
Test Self-regulation questionnaire consisting of 15 items, there is 1 item that
failed with the validity coefficient (rbt) of 0.150
below 0.202 for a significance level of 5% (p <0.05). Then 14 items were
declared valid with the validity coefficient (rbt)
which moved between 0.383 to 0.698 with p <0.05.
b. The
validity test of the learning motivation questionnaire consisting of 20 items,
no items were failed. The validity coefficient (rbt)
was moving between 0.346 to 0.609 with p <0.05.
The reliability of Self
Regulation questionnaires and Learning Motivation questionnaires were
tested using SPSS Version 24.0 for windows. The reliability test technique used
was the Alpha Cronbach technique. The results of the calculation of the
questionnaire for self-regulation and learning motivation show that both
questionnaires are reliable.
The results of the calculation of the
self-regulation questionnaire showed that the questionnaire was reliable where
the rtt was 0.771. Meanwhile, the calculation results
of the learning motivation questionnaire showed that the questionnaire was
reliable with an rtt of
The data analysis process in this
research is descriptive analysis to obtain an overview of learning motivation
and self-regulation. Data obtained from distributed questionnaires were
analyzed using descriptive analysis. Meanwhile, the results of the FGD are
summarized and conclusions are drawn as additional data to support this
The results of this study consisted of 4 aspects,
Description of BK�s Students
Self-Regulations, FKIP UNDANA.
By the 15 items used as a measure of
self-regulation, it is known that 14 items are valid with the lowest score is
14 (14 x 1) and the highest score is 56 (14 x 4) with 4 categories, namely:
very low, low, high, and very high. Based on the class length, the self-regulation
interval is 10.5.
Table 2
Score |
Criteria |
N |
Percentage (%) |
14 ≤� X� ≤ 24,5 |
Very low |
- |
- |
25 ≤ X ≤ 35,5 |
Low |
10 |
10,64% |
36 ≤ X
≤� 46.5 |
High |
55 |
58,51% |
47 ≤ X ≤ 56 |
Very High |
29 |
30,85% |
Total |
94 |
100 |
Based on the table above, it can be seen that none
of the FKIP Undana BK students have very low
self-regulation, 10.64% are in the low category, 58.51% are in the high
category, and 30.85% are in the very high category. The minimum value obtained
is 14 and the maximum value is 56, so the BK students self-regulation variable
is in the high category. Therefore, it can be seen that the self-regulation of
BK FKIP Undana students in semester III, V, and VII
in implementing online learning is high
Description of BK�s Student
Learning Motivation, FKIP UNDANA.
By the 20 items used as measure of learning
motivation, it is known that all valid items with the lowest score are 20 (20 x
1) and the highest score is 80 (20 x 4) with 4 categories, namely: very low,
low high, and very high. Based on the class length, the learning motivation�s
interval is 15.
Score |
Criteria |
N |
Percentage (%) |
20 ≤� X� ≤ 35 |
Very low |
- |
- |
36 ≤ X ≤ 50 |
Low |
27 |
28,72% |
51 ≤ X
≤� 65 |
High |
53 |
56,38% |
66 ≤ X ≤ 80 |
Very High |
14 |
14,89 % |
Total |
94 |
100 |
on the table above, it can be seen that there are no BK�s students of FKIP Undana at the very low level of motivation to learn, there
are 28.72% in the low category, 56.38% are in the high category, and 14.89%
are in the very high category. The minimum value obtained is 20 and the
maximum value is 80, so the learning motivation variable is in the high
category. Therefore, it can be seen that the learning motivation of BK�s
students of FKIP Undana semesters III, V, VII in
taking online learning is high.
testing whether there is a correlation / relationship between self-regulation
and learning motivation, it is necessary to do some tests:
The normality test used is the One Sample-Kolmogorov
Smirnov test. Based on the normality test of self-regulation and learning
motivation of FKIP Undana BK students in online-based
learning, it was stated that the self-regulation scores and learning motivation
were normally distributed. This can be seen from the results of the normality
test for both variables, both self-regulation and learning motivation, which is
0.200 with a significance level of> 0.05, which means that the data is
normally distributed. Both results are greater than 0.05. This means that the
two variables are normally distributed.
The results of the linearity test showed that the
learning motivation variable was linearly correlated with self-regulation. The
F difference value is 0.896 with a significance level of 0.614 with p> 0.05.
Correlation Test
Correlation test on the two variables using the
product moment correlation obtained results: rxy =
0.733 with a significance level of <0.05, which means that there is a very
significant positive relationship between learning motivation and
self-regulation of BK FKIP Undana students in
participating in online-based learning. This means that the higher the
self-regulation, the higher the student's learning motivation in doing online
learning, and conversely, the lower the self-regulation, the lower the learning
motivation in implementing online learning.
The correlation value (R) between the
self-regulation variable and learning motivation is 0.733 and it explains the
percentage of the independent variable on the dependent variable called the
coefficient of determination which is the result of the R square of 0.537. This
means that the contribution of the independent variable (self-regulation) to
the dependent variable (learning motivation) in the implementation of online
learning is 53.7%, the remaining 46.3% is influenced by other factors outside
the self-regulation variable.
FGD analysis
Based on the results of the FGD for students of BK
FKIP Undana semesters III, V, VII, it was found that
the preparation for online lectures was better prepared. In the previous
semester, students conducted online lectures "forced", causing
student motivation to decrease, disturbed concentration, and did not get
anything. This was triggered by the media / platform used by lecturers for
learning to take place. 8 out of 10 students who took part in the FGD were not
comfortable with learning via WA (WhatsApp) because of the difficulty of typing
fastly, hardly looking for important information in
WA because the information was often covered by other chats.
However, this new semester is more adaptable because
the zoom, e-learning and Google Meet platforms are used to facilitate students
when they want to ask questions that are not understood or face to face with
lecturers. In addition, the motivation that is instilled in themselves is
internal and external. Internal, namely self-discipline in following the
schedule, the desire to find additional sources from the internet / seniors,
ask lecturers / fellow students about material that is not understood, adapt
and enjoy online lectures, and try to understand the uses of various platforms.
While external factors are seeing friends who can and are able to adapt so that
they are motivated to adapt also, parents support infrastructure (WiFi at home, laptop / cellphone, regular eating and
sleeping habits), availability of e-books and easy online information sources
that accessed to support lectures.
The inhibiting factors for motivation and
self-regulation of conducting online lectures are networking, distracted
concentration when studying with friends, annoying incoming message
notifications on cellphones while listening to material from lecturers, the
platform used for material delivery. After attending courses for approximately
3 weeks, the students realized that studying online requires independence and
high self-control, thus, BK�s students confidence
(self-efficacy) to pass this semester well are high.
Based on the results of the analysis using the
product moment correlation technique, the value of rxy
= 0.733 with a significance level of <0.05, which means that there is a very
significant positive relationship between learning motivation and self-regulation
of BK FKIP Undana students in participating in
online-based learning. These results indicate that self-regulation the aspects
in it have a positive and significant relationship with learning motivation.
This also indicates that the higher self-regulation, the higher the student's
motivation to learn online during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Motivation to learn has a close relationship with
individual needs for learning (Badaruddin, 2015). In
addition, high motivation to learn also needs to be supported by one's own
ability to regulate these learning needs, both physical, psychological, and
infrastructure. Based on the results of the FGD interviews with students of BK
FKIP Undana semesters III, V and VII, it was found
that the main preparation in online learning was self-discipline which was
shown in reading and understanding the study schedule, preparing the device
(cellphone / laptop) used, checking the data package, books to take notes,
source books, even the appearance / clothes used when they will meet face to
face via Zoom or Google Meet media.
(in Badaruddin, 2015) states that high learning
motivation is shown in preparation for learning, and has a strong desire to
follow up on assignments given by the teacher. This is in line with the results
of research which showed that 56.38% or 53 of 94 respondents were in the high
category in facing online learning. At first the students realized that
studying online decreased motivation due to low self-regulation, but when faced
with the change of semester, the students were able to better adjust to
learning online and better understand the materials and technology used. This
is because it is supported by a good schedule, regular eating, sleep pattern
and initial preparation. The results of the study proved that the ability to
self-regulate the students of BK FKIP Undana in
participating in online learning was in the high category (58.51%).
The results of data analysis showed that
self-regulation and student learning motivation had a very significant / strong
positive relationship (rxy = 0.733, p <0.05). This
means that the attitudes, actions, and beliefs of students involve goal
setting, strategic planning, and several motivational beliefs, such as
self-efficacy, set goal orientation, intrinsic motives, and outcome
expectations (Cleary & Zimmerman, 2012) were covered. Individuals who have
high self-efficacy beliefs tend to act with good self-preparation, strong
self-motivation and try to overcome learning disorders, both external and
internal (Zimmerman & Schunk, 2001).
The results of the discussion in the FGD were
conveyed by KP students (female, semester VII) that individuals apply
independent learning in order to prevent disturbances that come from outside
the individual, such as disturbances from loud noises or friends around the
environment where KP is studying. KP tries to find additional references, reads
the material first before the online lecture starts and chooses to study in the
room instead of being outside the room so that it can help KP master the
material and concentrate.
The stepwise results show that there is a
contribution of independent variables (self-regulation) to the dependent
variable (learning motivation) in the implementation of online learning
amounting to 53.7%, the remaining 46.3% is influenced by other factors outside
the self-regulation variable. among them are internet networks, data packages,
devices that support online learning, use of platforms, and the ability to use
IT (Information Technology) or other intrinsic factors that can be further
studied by further researchers.
From the results of the research that has been carried
out, the following conclusions can be drawn:
There is a very significant relationship between
self-regulation and learning motivation among students of BK FKIP Undana semeter III, V and VII in
attending lectures / studying online. Correlation test on the two variables
using product moment correlation obtained the results: rxy
= 0.733 with p <0.05, which means that there is a very significant positive
relationship between self-regulation and learning motivation of BK FKIP Undana students in participating in online-based learning.
This means that the higher the self-regulation, the higher the student's
learning motivation in doing online learning, and conversely, the lower the
self-regulation, the lower the learning motivation in implementing online
2. Self-regulation and learning motivation in BK students
are classified as high in participating in online learning.
3. The contribution of self-regulation to learning
motivation is 53.7%, which means there are still 46.3% other factors outside
the self-regulation variable that can be investigated by further researchers.
For further researchers, there are several things that
need to be considered from the results of this study, such as
a. Apart
from self-regulation, there are other supporting factors as mentioned above
that need to be studied further with scientific evidence.
b. To
enrich the theory of self-regulation and learning motivation, further research
can be carried out on different characteristics and a wider scope.
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